Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 // A generic problem class to keep MH happy
28 // Include guards to prevent multiple inclusion of this header
33 // Config header generated by autoconfig
34 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
35 #include <oomph-lib-config.h>
36 #endif
38 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
39 #include "mpi.h"
40 #endif
42 // OOMPH-LIB headers
43 #include "Vector.h"
44 #include "matrices.h"
46 #include "explicit_timesteppers.h"
48 #include <complex>
49 #include <map>
52 namespace oomph
53 {
54  // Forward definition for Data class
55  class Data;
57  // Forward definition for Time class
58  class Time;
60  // Forward definition for TimeStepper class
61  class TimeStepper;
63  // Forward definition for Mesh class
64  class Mesh;
66  // Forward definition for RefineableElement class
67  class RefineableElement;
69  // Forward definition for PRefineableElement class
70  class PRefineableElement;
72  // Forward definition for FiniteElement class
73  class FiniteElement;
75  // Forward definition for the GeneralisedElement class
76  class GeneralisedElement;
78  // Forward definition for the Linearsolver class
79  class LinearSolver;
81  // Forward definition for the Eigensolver class
82  class EigenSolver;
84  // Forward definition for the assembly handler
85  class AssemblyHandler;
87  // Forward definition for sum of matrices class
88  class SumOfMatrices;
90  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
91  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95  //=======================================================================
96  /// The Problem class
97  ///
98  /// The main components of a Problem are:
99  /// - a pointer to the (global) Mesh (which provides ordered
100  /// access to the nodes, elements, etc of all submeshes in the problem --
101  /// if there are any)
102  /// - pointers to the submeshes (if there are any)
103  /// - pointers to any global Data
104  /// - a pointer to the global Time
105  /// - pointers to the Timestepper used in the problem
106  /// - a pointer to the linear solver that will be used in Newton's method
107  /// - pointers to all DOFs in the problem.
108  ///
109  /// Obviously, at this level in the code hierarchy, many things become
110  /// very problem-dependent but when setting up a specific problem
111  /// (as a class that inherits from Problem), the problem constructor
112  /// will/should typically have a structure similar to this:
113  /// \code
114  /// // Set up a timestepper
115  /// TimeStepper* time_stepper_pt=new Steady;
116  ///
117  /// // Add timestepper to problem
118  /// add_time_stepper_pt(time_stepper_pt);
119  ///
120  /// // Build and assign mesh
121  /// Problem::mesh_pt() = new
122  /// SomeMesh<ELEMENT_TYPE>(Nelement,time_stepper_pt);
123  ///
124  /// // Set the boundary conditions for this problem: All nodes are
125  /// // free by default -- just pin the ones that have Dirichlet conditions
126  /// // here (boundary 0 in this example)
127  /// unsigned i_bound = 0
128  /// unsigned num_nod= mesh_pt()->nboundary_node(ibound);
129  /// for (unsigned inod=0;inod<num_nod;inod++)
130  /// {
131  /// mesh_pt()->boundary_node_pt(ibound,inod)->pin(0);
132  /// }
133  ///
134  /// // Complete the build of all elements so they are fully functional
135  ///
136  /// // Setup equation numbering scheme
137  /// oomph_info <<"Number of equations: " << assign_eqn_numbers() <<
138  /// std::endl;
139  /// \endcode
140  /// For time-dependent problems, we can then use
141  /// \code assign_initial_values_impulsive (); \endcode
142  /// to generate an initial guess (for an impulsive start) and
143  /// the problem can then be solved, e.g. using the steady
144  /// or unsteady Newton solvers
145  /// \code newton_solve() \endcode
146  /// or
147  /// \code unsteady_newton_solve(...) \endcode
148  ///
149  //=======================================================================
151  {
152  // The handler classes need to be friend
153  friend class FoldHandler;
154  friend class PitchForkHandler;
155  friend class HopfHandler;
156  template<unsigned NNODE_1D>
158  friend class BlockFoldLinearSolver;
162  friend class BlockHopfLinearSolver;
165  private:
166  /// The mesh pointer
169  /// Vector of pointers to submeshes
172  /// Pointer to the linear solver for the problem
175  /// Pointer to the linear solver used for explicit time steps (this is
176  /// likely to be different to the linear solver for newton solves because
177  /// explicit time steps only involve inverting a mass matrix. This can be
178  /// done very efficiently by, e.g. CG with a diagonal predconditioner).
181  /// Pointer to the eigen solver for the problem
184  // Pointer to handler
187  /// Pointer to the default linear solver
190  /// Pointer to the default eigensolver
193  /// Pointer to the default assembly handler
196  /// Pointer to global time for the problem
199  /// The Vector of time steppers (there could be many
200  /// different ones in multiphysics problems)
203  /// Pointer to a single explicit timestepper
206  /// Pointer to vector for backup of dofs
209  /// Has default set_initial_condition function been called?
210  /// Default: false
213  /// Use the globally convergent newton method
216  /// Boolean to indicate that empty
217  /// actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes() function has been called.
220  /// Boolean to indicate that empty
221  /// actions_after_read_unstructured_meshes() function has been called.
224  /// Boolean to indicate whether local dof pointers should be
225  /// stored in the elements
228  /// Use values from the time stepper predictor as an initial guess
231  protected:
232  /// Vector of pointers to copies of the problem used in adaptive
233  /// bifurcation tracking problems (ALH: TEMPORARY HACK, WILL BE FIXED)
236  /// Map used to determine whether the derivatives with respect to
237  /// a parameter should be finite differenced. The default is that
238  /// finite differences should be used
239  std::map<double*, bool> Calculate_dparameter_analytic;
241  /// Map used to determine whether the hessian products should be
242  /// computed using finite differences. The default is that finite
243  /// differences will be used
246  public:
247  /// Hook for debugging. Can be overloaded in driver code; argument
248  /// allows identification of where we're coming from
249  virtual void debug_hook_fct(const unsigned& i)
250  {
251  oomph_info << "Called empty hook fct with i=" << i << std::endl;
252  }
254  /// Function to turn on analytic calculation of the parameter
255  /// derivatives in continuation and bifurcation detection problems
256  inline void set_analytic_dparameter(double* const& parameter_pt)
257  {
258  Calculate_dparameter_analytic[parameter_pt] = true;
259  }
261  /// Function to turn off analytic calculation of the parameter
262  /// derivatives in continuation and bifurcation detection problems
263  inline void unset_analytic_dparameter(double* const& parameter_pt)
264  {
265  // Find the iterator to the parameter
266  std::map<double*, bool>::iterator it =
267  Calculate_dparameter_analytic.find(parameter_pt);
268  // If the parameter has been found, erase it
269  if (it != Calculate_dparameter_analytic.end())
270  {
272  }
273  }
275  /// Function to determine whether the parameter derivatives
276  /// are calculated analytically
278  double* const& parameter_pt)
279  {
280  // If the entry is found then the iterator returned from the find
281  // command will NOT be equal to the end and the expression will
282  // return true, otherwise it will return false
283  return (Calculate_dparameter_analytic.find(parameter_pt) !=
285  }
287  /// Function to turn on analytic calculation of the parameter
288  /// derivatives in continuation and bifurcation detection problems
290  {
292  }
294  /// Function to turn off analytic calculation of the parameter
295  /// derivatives in continuation and bifurcation detection problems
297  {
299  }
301  /// Function to determine whether the hessian products
302  /// are calculated analytically
304  {
306  }
308  /// Set all pinned values to zero.
309  /// Used to set boundary conditions to be homogeneous in the copy
310  /// of the problem used in adaptive bifurcation tracking
315  /// Flag to allow suppression of warning messages re reading in
316  /// unstructured meshes during restart.
320  private:
321  /// Private helper function that actually performs the unsteady
322  /// "doubly" adaptive Newton solve. See actual (non-helper) functions
323  /// for description of parameters.
325  const double& dt,
326  const double& epsilon,
327  const unsigned& max_adapt,
328  const unsigned& suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt,
329  const bool& first,
330  const bool& shift = true);
333  /// Helper function to do compund refinement of (all) refineable
334  /// (sub)mesh(es) uniformly as many times as specified in vector and
335  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process. Set boolean argument
336  /// to true if you want to prune immediately after refining the meshes
337  /// individually.
338  void refine_uniformly_aux(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
339  DocInfo& doc_info,
340  const bool& prune);
342  /// Helper function to do compund p-refinement of (all) p-refineable
343  /// (sub)mesh(es) uniformly as many times as specified in vector and
344  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process. Set boolean argument
345  /// to true if you want to prune immediately after refining the meshes
346  /// individually.
347  void p_refine_uniformly_aux(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
348  DocInfo& doc_info,
349  const bool& prune);
351  /// Helper function to re-setup the Base_mesh enumeration
352  /// (used during load balancing) after pruning
355  /// Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
356  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
357  /// The boolean Flag indicates
358  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
359  /// This version uses vectors of pairs.
361  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
362  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
363  Vector<double*>& value,
364  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
365  Vector<double*>& residual,
366  bool compressed_row_flag);
368  /// Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
369  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
370  /// The boolean Flag indicates
371  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
372  /// This version uses two vectors.
374  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
375  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
376  Vector<double*>& value,
377  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
378  Vector<double*>& residual,
379  bool compressed_row_flag);
381  /// Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
382  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
383  /// The boolean Flag indicates
384  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
385  /// This version uses maps
387  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
388  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
389  Vector<double*>& value,
390  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
391  Vector<double*>& residual,
392  bool compressed_row_flag);
394  /// Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
395  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
396  /// The boolean Flag indicates
397  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
398  /// This version uses lists
400  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
401  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
402  Vector<double*>& value,
403  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
404  Vector<double*>& residual,
405  bool compressed_row_flag);
407  /// Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
408  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
409  /// The boolean Flag indicates
410  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
411  /// This version uses lists
413  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
414  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
415  Vector<double*>& value,
416  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
417  Vector<double*>& residual,
418  bool compressed_row_flag);
420  /// Vector of global data: "Nobody" (i.e. none of the elements etc.)
421  /// is "in charge" of this Data so it would be overlooked when it
422  /// comes to equation-numbering, timestepping etc. Including
423  /// (pointers) to such Data in here, puts the Problem itself
424  /// "in charge" of these tasks.
427  /// A function that performs the guts of the continuation
428  /// derivative calculation in arc length continuation problems.
431  /// A function that performs the guts of the continuation
432  /// derivative calculation in arc-length continuation problems using
433  /// finite differences
435  double* const& parameter_pt);
437  /// A function that is used to adapt a bifurcation-tracking
438  /// problem, which requires separate interpolation of the
439  /// associated eigenfunction. The error measure is chosen to be
440  /// a suitable combination of the errors in the base flow and the
441  /// eigenfunction
442  void bifurcation_adapt_helper(unsigned& n_refined,
443  unsigned& n_unrefined,
444  const unsigned& bifurcation_type,
445  const bool& actually_adapt = true);
447  /// A function that is used to document the errors used
448  /// in the adaptive solution of bifurcation problems.
449  void bifurcation_adapt_doc_errors(const unsigned& bifurcation_type);
452  protected:
453  /// The distribution of the DOFs in this problem.
454  /// This object is created in the Problem constructor and setup
455  /// when assign_eqn_numbers(...) is called.
456  /// If this problem is distributed then this distribution will match
457  /// the distribution of the equation numbers.
458  /// If this problem is not distributed then this distribution will
459  /// be uniform over all processors.
462  private:
463 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
465  /// Helper method that returns the (unique) global equations to which
466  /// the elements in the range el_lo to el_hi contribute on this
467  /// processor using the given assembly_handler
469  const unsigned& el_lo,
470  const unsigned& el_hi,
471  Vector<unsigned>& my_eqns);
473  /// Helper method to assemble CRDoubleMatrices from distributed
474  /// on multiple processors.
476  const LinearAlgebraDistribution* const& dist_pt,
477  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
478  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
479  Vector<double*>& value,
480  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
481  Vector<double*>& residuals);
483  /// A private helper function to
484  /// copy the haloed equation numbers into the halo equation numbers,
485  /// either for the problem's one and only mesh or for all of its
486  /// submeshes. Bools control if we deal with data associated with
487  /// external halo/ed elements/nodes or the "normal" halo/ed ones.
488  void copy_haloed_eqn_numbers_helper(const bool& do_halos,
489  const bool& do_external_halos);
491  /// Private helper function to remove repeated data
492  /// in external haloed elements in specified mesh. Bool is true if some data
493  /// was removed -- this usually requires re-running through certain
494  /// parts of the equation numbering procedure.
495  void remove_duplicate_data(Mesh* const& mesh_pt,
496  bool& actually_removed_some_data);
499  /// Consolidate external halo node storage by removing nulled out
500  /// pointers in external halo and haloed schemes for all meshes.
503  /// Helper function to re-assign the first and last elements to be
504  /// assembled by each processor during parallel assembly for
505  /// non-distributed problem.
508  /// Boolean to switch on assessment of load imbalance in parallel
509  /// assembly of distributed problem
512  /// Flag to use "default partition" during load balance.
513  /// Should only be set to true when run in validation mode.
516  /// First element to be assembled by given processor for
517  /// non-distributed problem (only kept up to date when default assignment
518  /// is used)
521  /// Last element (plus one) to be assembled by given processor
522  /// for non-distributed problem (only kept up to date when default
523  /// assignment is used)
526  /// Boolean indicating that the division of elements over processors
527  /// during the assembly process must be re-load-balanced.
528  /// (only used for non-distributed problems)
531  /// Map which stores the correspondence between a root element and
532  /// its element number (plus one) within the global mesh at the point
533  /// when it is distributed. NB a root element in this instance is one
534  /// of the elements in the uniformly-refined mesh at the point when
535  /// Problem::distribute() is called, since these elements become roots
536  /// on each of the processors involved in the distribution. Null when
537  /// element doesn't exist following the adjustment of this when pruning.
538  std::map<GeneralisedElement*, unsigned> Base_mesh_element_number_plus_one;
541  /// Vector to store the correspondence between a root element and
542  /// its element number within the global mesh at the point when it is
543  /// distributed. NB a root element in this instance is one of the elements
544  /// in the uniformly-refined mesh at the point when Problem::distribute()
545  /// is called, since these elements become roots on each of the processors
546  /// involved in the distribution. Null when element doesn't exist
547  /// following the adjustment of this when pruning.
550 #endif
552  protected:
553  /// Vector of pointers to dofs
556  /// Counter that records how many elements contribute to each dof.
557  /// Used to determine the (discrete) arc-length automatically.
558  /// It really should be an integer, but is a double so that the
559  /// distribution information can be used for distributed problems
562  /// Function that populates the Element_counter_per_dof vector
563  /// with the number of elements that contribute to each dof. For example,
564  /// with linear elements in 1D each dof contains contributions from two
565  /// elements apart from those on the boundary. Returns the total number
566  /// of elements in the problem
567  unsigned setup_element_count_per_dof();
570 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
572  /// Storage for assembly times (used for load balancing)
575  /// Pointer to the halo scheme for any global vectors
576  /// that have the Dof_distribution
579  /// Storage for the halo degrees of freedom (only required)
580  /// when accessing via the global equation number in distributed problems
583  /// Function that is used to setup the halo scheme
584  void setup_dof_halo_scheme();
586 #endif
588  //--------------------- Newton solver parameters
590  /// Relaxation fator for Newton method (only a fractional Newton
591  /// correction is applied if this is less than 1; default 1).
594  /// The Tolerance below which the Newton Method is deemed to have
595  /// converged
598  /// Maximum number of Newton iterations
601  /// Actual number of Newton iterations taken during the most recent
602  /// iteration
605  /// Maximum residuals at start and after each newton iteration
608  /// Maximum desired residual:
609  /// if the maximum residual exceeds this value, the program will exit
612  /// Bool to specify what to do if a Newton solve fails within a
613  /// time adaptive solve. Default (false) is to half the step and try
614  /// again. If true then crash instead.
617  /// Is re-use of Jacobian in Newton iteration enabled? Default: false
620  /// Has a Jacobian been computed (and can therefore be re-used
621  /// if required)? Default: false
624  /// Boolean flag indicating if we're dealing with a linear or
625  /// nonlinear Problem -- if set to false the Newton solver will not check
626  /// the residual before or after the linear solve. Set to true by default;
627  /// can be over-written in specific Problem class.
630  /// Protected boolean flag to halt program execution
631  /// during sparse assemble process to assess peak memory
632  /// usage. Initialised to false (obviously!)
635  /// Protected boolean flag to provide comprehensive timimings
636  /// during problem distribution. Initialised to false.
639  /// Flag to determine which sparse assembly method to use
640  /// By default we use assembly by vectors of pairs.
643  /// Enumerated flags to determine which sparse assembly method is used
645  {
651  };
653  /// the number of elements to initially allocate for a matrix row
654  /// within the sparse_assembly_with_two_arrays(...) method (if a matrix
655  /// of this size has not been assembled already). If a matrix of this size
656  /// has been assembled then the number of elements in each row in that
657  /// matrix is used as the initial allocation
660  /// the number of elements to add to a matrix row when the initial
661  /// allocation is exceeded within the sparse_assemble_with_two_arrays(...)
662  /// method.
665  /// the number of elements in each row of a compressed matrix
666  /// in the previous matrix assembly.
669  /// A tolerance used to determine whether the entry in a sparse
670  /// matrix is zero. If it is then storage need not be allocated.
673  /// Protected helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian
674  /// matrix in the case when the storage is row or column compressed.
675  /// The boolean Flag indicates
676  /// if we want compressed row format (true) or compressed column.
678  Vector<int*>& column_or_row_index,
679  Vector<int*>& row_or_column_start,
680  Vector<double*>& value,
681  Vector<unsigned>& nnz,
682  Vector<double*>& residual,
683  bool compressed_row_flag);
687  //---------------------Explicit time-stepping parameters
689  /// Is re-use of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping enabled
690  /// Default:false
693  /// Has the mass matrix been computed (and can therefore be reused)
694  /// Default: false
697  //---------------------Discontinuous control flags
698  /// Is the problem a discontinuous one, i.e. can the
699  /// elemental contributions be treated independently. Default: false
703  //--------------------- Adaptive time-stepping parameters
705  /// Minimum desired dt: if dt falls below this value, exit
706  double Minimum_dt;
708  /// Maximum desired dt
709  double Maximum_dt;
711  /// Maximum possible increase of dt between time-steps in adaptive
712  /// schemes
715  /// Minimum allowed decrease of dt between time-steps in adaptive
716  /// schemes. Lower scaling values will reject the time-step (and retry
717  /// with a smaller dt).
720  /// If Minimum_dt_but_still_proceed positive, then dt will not be
721  /// reduced below this value during adaptive timestepping and the
722  /// computation will continue with this value, accepting the larger
723  /// errors that this will incur). Note: This option is disabled by default
724  /// as this value is initialised to -1.0.
728  //--------------------- Arc-length continuation paramaters
730  /// Boolean to control whether arc-length should be scaled
733  /// Proportion of the arc-length to taken by the parameter
736  /// Value of the scaling parameter required so that the parameter
737  /// occupies the desired proportion of the arc length. NOTE: If you wish
738  /// to change this then make sure to set the value of Scale_arc_length
739  /// to false to ensure the value of this isn't overwritten during the
740  /// arc-length process. Instead of changing this variable, it's better
741  /// to actually update the Desired_proportion_of_arc_length value.
744  /// Storage for the sign of the global Jacobian
747  /// The direction of the change in parameter that will ensure that
748  /// a branch is followed in one direction only
751  /// Storage for the derivative of the global parameter wrt arc-length
754  /// Storage for the present value of the global parameter
757  /// Boolean to control original or new storage of dof stuff
760  /// Storage for the single static continuation timestorage object
763  /// Storage for the offset for the continuation derivatives from the
764  /// original dofs (default is 1, but this will be differnet when continuing
765  /// bifurcations and periodic orbits)
768  /// Storage for the offset for the current values of dofs from the
769  /// original dofs (default is 2, but this will be differnet when continuing
770  /// bifurcations and periodic orbits)
773  /// Storage for the derivative of the problem variables wrt arc-length
776  /// Storage for the present values of the variables
779  /// Storage for the current step value
780  double Ds_current;
782  /// The desired number of Newton Steps to reach convergence at each
783  /// step along the arc
786  /// Minimum desired value of arc-length
787  double Minimum_ds;
789  /// Boolean to control bifurcation detection via determinant of Jacobian
792  /// Boolean to control wheter bisection is used to located bifurcation
795  /// Boolean to indicate whether a sign change has occured in the Jacobian
798  /// Boolean to indicate whether an arc-length step has been taken
801  /// Boolean to specify which scheme to use to calculate the continuation
802  /// derivatievs
805  public:
806  /// If we have MPI return the "problem has been distributed" flag,
807  /// otherwise it can't be distributed so return false.
808  bool distributed() const
809  {
810 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
812 #else
813  return false;
814 #endif
815  }
817 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
820  /// enum for distribution of distributed jacobians.
821  /// 1 - Automatic - the Problem distribution is employed, unless any
822  /// processor has number of rows equal to 110% of N/P, in which case
823  /// uniform distribution is employed.
824  /// 2 - Problem - the jacobian on processor p only contains rows that
825  /// correspond to equations that are on this processor. (minimises
826  /// communication)
827  /// 3 - Uniform - each processor holds as close to N/P matrix rows as
828  /// possible. (very well load balanced)
833  /// accesss function to the distributed matrix distribution method
834  /// 1 - Automatic - the Problem distribution is employed, unless any
835  /// processor has number of rows equal to 110% of N/P, in which case
836  /// uniform distribution is employed.
837  /// 2 - Problem - the jacobian on processor p only contains rows that
838  /// correspond to equations that are on this processor. (minimises
839  /// communication)
840  /// 3 - Uniform - each processor holds as close to N/P matrix rows as
841  /// possible. (very well load balanced)
843  {
845  }
847  /// Enable doc of load imbalance in parallel
848  /// assembly of distributed problem
850  {
852  }
854  /// Disable doc of load imbalance in parallel
855  /// assembly of distributed problem
857  {
859  }
861  /// Return vector of most-recent elemental assembly times
862  /// (used for load balancing). Zero sized if no Jacobian has been
863  /// computed since last re-assignment of equation numbers
865  {
867  }
869  /// Clear storage of most-recent elemental assembly times
870  /// (used for load balancing). Next load balancing operation
871  /// will be based on the number of elements associated with a tree root.
873  {
875  Elemental_assembly_time.clear();
876  }
878  private:
879  /// Load balance helper routine: Get data to be sent to other
880  /// processors during load balancing and other information about
881  /// re-distribution.
882  /// - target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element: Input, generated by METIS.
883  /// target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element[e] contains the number
884  /// of the domain [0,1,...,nproc-1] to which non-halo element e on THE
885  /// CURRENT PROCESSOR ONLY has been assigned. The order of the non-halo
886  /// elements is the same as in the Problem's mesh, with the halo
887  /// elements being skipped.
888  /// - send_n: Output, number of data to be sent to each processor
889  /// - send_data: Output, storage for all values to be sent to all processors
890  /// - send_displacement: Output, start location within send_data for data to
891  /// be sent to each processor
892  /// - max_refinement_level_overall: Output, max. refinement level of any
893  /// element
895  const Vector<unsigned>& element_domain_on_this_proc,
896  Vector<int>& send_n,
897  Vector<double>& send_data,
898  Vector<int>& send_displacement,
899  Vector<unsigned>& old_domain_for_base_element,
900  Vector<unsigned>& new_domain_for_base_element,
901  unsigned& max_refinement_level_overall);
903  /// Get flat-packed refinement pattern for each root element in
904  /// current mesh (labeled by unique number of root element in unrefined base
905  /// mesh). The vector stored for each root element contains the following
906  /// information:
907  /// - First entry: Number of tree nodes (not just leaves!) in refinement
908  /// tree emanating from this root [Zero if root element is not refineable]
909  /// - Loop over all refinement levels
910  /// - Loop over all tree nodes (not just leaves!)
911  /// - If associated element exists when the mesh has been refined to
912  /// this level (either because it has been refined to this level or
913  /// because it's less refined): 1
914  /// - If the element is to be refined: 1; else: 0
915  /// - else (element doesn't exist when mesh is refined to this level
916  /// (because it's more refined): 0
917  /// .
918  /// .
919  /// .
921  const Vector<unsigned>& old_domain_for_base_element,
922  const Vector<unsigned>& new_domain_for_base_element,
923  const unsigned& max_refinement_level_overall,
924  std::map<unsigned, Vector<unsigned>>&
925  flat_packed_refinement_info_for_root);
928  /// Load balance helper routine: Send data to other
929  /// processors during load balancing.
930  /// - send_n: Input, number of data to be sent to each processor
931  /// - send_data: Input, storage for all values to be sent to all processors
932  /// - send_displacement: Input, start location within send_data for data to
933  /// be sent to each processor
935  Vector<int>& send_n,
936  Vector<double>& send_data,
937  Vector<int>& send_displacement);
939  /// Send refinement information between processors
941  Vector<unsigned>& old_domain_for_base_element,
942  Vector<unsigned>& new_domain_for_base_element,
943  const unsigned& max_refinement_level_overall,
944  std::map<unsigned, Vector<unsigned>>& refinement_info_for_root_local,
945  Vector<Vector<Vector<unsigned>>>& refinement_info_for_root_elements);
947  /// The distributed matrix distribution method
948  /// 1 - Automatic - the Problem distribution is employed, unless any
949  /// processor has number of rows equal to 110% of N/P, in which case
950  /// uniform distribution is employed.
951  /// 2 - Problem - the jacobian on processor p only contains rows that
952  /// correspond to equations that are on this processor. (minimises
953  /// communication)
954  /// 3 - Uniform - each processor holds as close to N/P matrix rows as
955  /// possible. (very well load balanced)
958  /// The amount of data allocated during the previous parallel sparse
959  /// assemble. Used to optimise the next call to parallel_sparse_assemble()
962  protected:
963  /// Has the problem been distributed amongst multiple processors?
966  /// Boolean to bypass check of increase in dofs during pruning
969  public:
970  /// Enable problem distributed
972  {
974  }
976  /// Disable problem distributed
978  {
980  }
982  /// Set default first and last elements for parallel assembly
983  /// of non-distributed problem.
986  /// Manually set first and last elements for parallel assembly
987  /// of non-distributed problem.
989  Vector<unsigned>& first_el_for_assembly,
990  Vector<unsigned>& last_el_for_assembly)
991  {
992  First_el_for_assembly = first_el_for_assembly;
993  Last_el_plus_one_for_assembly = last_el_for_assembly;
994  unsigned n = last_el_for_assembly.size();
995  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
996  {
998  }
999  }
1002  /// Get first and last elements for parallel assembly
1003  /// of non-distributed problem.
1005  Vector<unsigned>& first_el_for_assembly,
1006  Vector<unsigned>& last_el_for_assembly) const
1007  {
1008  first_el_for_assembly = First_el_for_assembly;
1009  last_el_for_assembly = Last_el_plus_one_for_assembly;
1010  unsigned n = last_el_for_assembly.size();
1011  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
1012  {
1013  last_el_for_assembly[i] -= 1;
1014  }
1015  }
1017 #endif
1019  /// Actions that are to be performed before a mesh adaptation.
1020  /// These might include removing any additional elements, such as traction
1021  /// boundary elements before the adaptation.
1022  virtual void actions_before_adapt() {}
1024  /// Actions that are to be performed after a mesh adaptation.
1025  virtual void actions_after_adapt() {}
1027  protected:
1028  /// Any actions that are to be performed before a complete
1029  /// Newton solve (e.g. adjust boundary conditions). CAREFUL: This
1030  /// step should (and if the FD-based LinearSolver FD_LU is used, must)
1031  /// only update values that are pinned!
1034  /// Any actions that are to be performed after a complete Newton
1035  /// solve, e.g. post processing. CAREFUL: This step should (and if the
1036  /// FD-based LinearSolver FD_LU is used, must) only update values that are
1037  /// pinned!
1038  virtual void actions_after_newton_solve() {}
1040  /// Any actions that are to be performed before
1041  /// the residual is checked in the Newton method, e.g. update
1042  /// any boundary conditions that depend upon
1043  /// variables of the problem; update any `dependent' variables; or
1044  /// perform an update of the nodal positions in SpineMeshes etc.
1045  /// CAREFUL: This
1046  /// step should (and if the FD-based LinearSolver FD_LU is used, must)
1047  /// only update values that are pinned!
1050  /// Any actions that are to be performed before each individual
1051  /// Newton step. Most likely to be used for diagnostic purposes
1052  /// to doc the solution during a non-converging iteration, say.
1053  virtual void actions_before_newton_step() {}
1055  /// Any actions that are to be performed after each individual
1056  /// Newton step. Most likely to be used for diagnostic purposes
1057  /// to doc the solution during a non-converging iteration, say.
1058  virtual void actions_after_newton_step() {}
1060  /// Actions that should be performed before each implicit time step.
1061  /// This is needed when one wants
1062  /// to solve a steady problem before timestepping and needs to distinguish
1063  /// between the two cases
1066  /// Actions that should be performed after each implicit time step.
1067  /// This is needed when one wants
1068  /// to solve a steady problem before timestepping and needs to distinguish
1069  /// between the two cases
1072  /// Actions that should be performed after each implicit time step.
1073  /// This is needed if your actions_after_implicit_timestep() modify the
1074  /// solution in a way that affects the error estimate.
1077  /// Actions that should be performed before each explicit time step.
1080  /// Actions that should be performed after each explicit time step.
1083  /// Actions that are to be performed before reading in
1084  /// restart data for problems involving unstructured bulk meshes.
1085  /// If the problem contains such meshes we need
1086  /// to strip out any face elements that are attached to them
1087  /// because restart of unstructured meshes re-creates their elements
1088  /// and nodes from scratch, leading to dangling pointers from the
1089  /// face elements to the old elements and nodes. This function is
1090  /// virtual and (practically) empty
1091  /// but toggles a flag to indicate that it has been called. This is used to
1092  /// issue a warning, prompting the user to consider overloading it
1093  /// if the problem is found to contain unstructured bulk meshes during
1094  /// restarts.
1096  {
1098  }
1100  /// Actions that are to be performed before reading in
1101  /// restart data for problems involving unstructured bulk meshes.
1102  /// Typically used to re-attach FaceElements, say, that were stripped
1103  /// out in actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes(). This function is
1104  /// virtual and (practically) empty
1105  /// but toggles a flag to indicate that it has been called. This is used to
1106  /// issue a warning, prompting the user to consider overloading it
1107  /// if the problem is found to contain unstructured bulk meshes during
1108  /// restarts.
1110  {
1112  }
1114 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1115  /// Actions to be performed before a (mesh) distribution
1116  virtual void actions_before_distribute() {}
1118  /// Actions to be performed after a (mesh) distribution
1119  virtual void actions_after_distribute() {}
1121 #endif
1123  /// Actions that are to be performed when the global parameter
1124  /// addressed by parameter_pt
1125  /// has been changed in the function get_derivative_wrt_global_parameter()
1126  /// The default is to call actions_before_newton_solve(),
1127  /// actions_before_newton_convergence_check() and
1128  /// actions_after_newton_solve().
1129  /// This could be amazingly inefficient in certain problems and should
1130  /// be overloaded in such cases. An example would be when a remesh is
1131  /// required in general, but the global parameter does not affect the mesh
1132  /// directly.
1134  double* const& parameter_pt)
1135  {
1136  // Default action should cover all possibilities
1140  }
1142  /// Actions that are to be performed after a change in the parameter
1143  /// that is being varied as part of the solution of a bifurcation detection
1144  /// problem. The default is to call actions_before_newton_solve(),
1145  /// actions_before_newton_convergence_check() and
1146  /// actions_after_newton_solve().
1147  /// This could be amazingly inefficient in certain problems and should
1148  /// be overloaded in such cases. An example would be when a remesh is
1149  /// required in general, but the global parameter does not affect the mesh
1150  /// directly.
1152  {
1153  // Default action should cover all possibilities
1157  }
1159  /// Empty virtual function; provides hook to perform actions after
1160  /// the increase in the arclength parameter (during continuation)
1161  virtual void actions_after_parameter_increase(double* const& parameter_pt)
1162  {
1163  }
1165  /// Access function to the derivative of the i-th (local)
1166  /// dof with respect to
1167  /// the arc length, used in continuation
1168  inline double& dof_derivative(const unsigned& i)
1169  {
1171  {
1172  return Dof_derivative[i];
1173  }
1174  else
1175  {
1176  return (*(Dof_pt[i] + Dof_derivative_offset));
1177  }
1178  }
1180  /// Access function to the current value of the i-th (local)
1181  /// dof at the start of a continuation step
1182  inline double& dof_current(const unsigned& i)
1183  {
1185  {
1186  return Dof_current[i];
1187  }
1188  else
1189  {
1190  return (*(Dof_pt[i] + Dof_current_offset));
1191  }
1192  }
1194  /// Set initial condition (incl previous timesteps).
1195  /// We need to establish this interface
1196  /// because I.C. needs to be reset when problem is adapted during
1197  /// the first timestep.
1198  virtual void set_initial_condition()
1199  {
1200  std::ostringstream warn_message;
1201  warn_message
1202  << "Warning: We're using the default (empty) set_initial_condition().\n"
1203  << "If the initial conditions isn't re-assigned after a mesh adaption "
1204  "\n"
1205  << "the initial conditions will represent the interpolation of the \n"
1206  << "initial conditions that were assigned on the original coarse "
1207  "mesh.\n";
1208  OomphLibWarning(warn_message.str(),
1209  "Problem::set_initial_condition()",
1212  // Indicate that this function has been called. This flag is set so
1213  // that the unsteady_newton_solve routine can be instructed whether
1214  // or not to shift the history values. If set_initial_condition() has
1215  // been overloaded than this (default) function won't be called, and
1216  // so this flag will remain false (its default value). If
1217  // set_initial_condition() has not been overloaded then this function
1218  // will be called and the flag set to true.
1220  }
1222  /// Function to calculate a global error norm, used in adaptive
1223  /// timestepping to control the change in timestep. Individual errors for
1224  /// each data object can be obtained via the data timestepper's
1225  /// temporal_error_in_value or temporal_error_in_position functions and
1226  /// should be combined to construct a global norm. For example, in fluids
1227  /// problems a suitable norm is usually the weighted sum of the errors in
1228  /// the velocities; for moving mesh problems is it usually better to use the
1229  /// weighted sum of the errors in position.
1231  {
1232  std::string error_message =
1233  "The global_temporal_error_norm function will be problem-specific:\n";
1234  error_message += "Please write your own in your Problem class";
1236  throw OomphLibError(
1238  return 0.0;
1239  }
1241  /// The communicator for this problem
1244  public:
1245  /// access function to the oomph-lib communicator
1247  {
1248  return Communicator_pt;
1249  }
1251  /// access function to the oomph-lib communicator, const version
1253  {
1254  return Communicator_pt;
1255  }
1257  /// Function pointer for spatial error estimator
1259  Vector<double>& elemental_error);
1261  /// Function pointer for spatial error estimator with doc
1263  Mesh*& mesh_pt, Vector<double>& elemental_error, DocInfo& doc_info);
1265  /// Constructor: Allocate space for one time stepper
1266  /// and set all pointers to NULL and set defaults for all
1267  /// parameters.
1268  Problem();
1270  /// Broken copy constructor
1271  Problem(const Problem& dummy) = delete;
1273  /// Broken assignment operator
1274  void operator=(const Problem&) = delete;
1276  /// Virtual destructor to clean up memory
1277  virtual ~Problem();
1279  /// Return a pointer to the global mesh
1281  {
1282  return Mesh_pt;
1283  }
1285  /// Return a pointer to the global mesh (const version)
1286  Mesh* const& mesh_pt() const
1287  {
1288  return Mesh_pt;
1289  }
1291  /// Return a pointer to the i-th submesh. If there are
1292  /// no submeshes, the 0-th submesh is the global mesh itself.
1293  Mesh*& mesh_pt(const unsigned& imesh)
1294  {
1295  // If there are no submeshes then the zero-th submesh is the
1296  // mesh itself
1297  if ((Sub_mesh_pt.size() == 0) && (imesh == 0))
1298  {
1299  return Mesh_pt;
1300  }
1301  else
1302  {
1303  return Sub_mesh_pt[imesh];
1304  }
1305  }
1307  /// Return a pointer to the i-th submesh (const version)
1308  Mesh* const& mesh_pt(const unsigned& imesh) const
1309  {
1310  // If there are no submeshes then the zero-th submesh is the
1311  // mesh itself
1312  if ((Sub_mesh_pt.size() == 0) && (imesh == 0))
1313  {
1314  return Mesh_pt;
1315  }
1316  else
1317  {
1318  return Sub_mesh_pt[imesh];
1319  }
1320  }
1322  /// Return number of submeshes
1323  unsigned nsub_mesh() const
1324  {
1325  return Sub_mesh_pt.size();
1326  }
1328  /// Add a submesh to the problem and return its number, i, by which
1329  /// it can be accessed via mesh_pt(i).
1330  unsigned add_sub_mesh(Mesh* const& mesh_pt)
1331  {
1332  Sub_mesh_pt.push_back(mesh_pt);
1333  return Sub_mesh_pt.size() - 1;
1334  }
1337  /// Flush the problem's collection of sub-meshes. Must be followed
1338  /// by call to rebuild_global_mesh().
1340  {
1341  Sub_mesh_pt.clear();
1342  }
1344  /// Build the global mesh by combining the all the submeshes.
1345  /// \b Note: The nodes boundary information refers to the boundary numbers
1346  /// within the submesh!
1347  void build_global_mesh();
1349  /// If one of the submeshes has changed (e.g. by
1350  /// mesh adaptation) we need to update the global mesh.
1351  /// \b Note: The nodes boundary information refers to the
1352  /// boundary numbers within the submesh!
1353  void rebuild_global_mesh();
1355 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1357  /// Function to build the Problem's base mesh; this must be supplied
1358  /// by the user if they wish to use the load_balance() functionality,
1359  /// which is only available to problems that have already been distributed.
1360  /// If the problem has multiple meshes, each mesh must be built, added as
1361  /// as a submesh, and a call to build_global_mesh() must be made
1362  /// in this function. On return from this function all meshes must
1363  /// have been refined to the same level that they were in the when
1364  /// Problem::distribute() was first called.
1365  virtual void build_mesh()
1366  {
1367  std::string error_message = "You are likely to have reached this error "
1368  "from Problem::load_balance()\n";
1369  error_message +=
1370  "The build_mesh() function is problem-specific and must be supplied:\n";
1371  error_message +=
1372  "Please write your own in your Problem class, ensuring that\n";
1373  error_message += "any (sub)meshes are built before calling "
1374  "Problem::build_global_mesh().\n";
1375  throw OomphLibError(
1377  }
1379  /// Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem
1380  /// that has already been distributed, by re-distributing elements over
1381  /// processors.
1383  {
1384  // Dummy DocInfo
1385  DocInfo doc_info;
1386  doc_info.disable_doc();
1388  // Don't report stats
1389  bool report_stats = false;
1391  // Dummy imposed partioning vector
1392  Vector<unsigned> input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element;
1394  // Do it!
1395  load_balance(
1396  doc_info, report_stats, input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element);
1397  }
1399  /// Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem
1400  /// that has already been distributed, by re-distributing elements over
1401  /// processors. Produce explicit stats of load balancing process if
1402  /// boolean, report_stats, is set to true.
1403  void load_balance(const bool& report_stats)
1404  {
1405  // Dummy DocInfo
1406  DocInfo doc_info;
1407  doc_info.disable_doc();
1409  // Dummy imposed partioning vector
1410  Vector<unsigned> input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element;
1412  // Do it
1413  load_balance(
1414  doc_info, report_stats, input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element);
1415  }
1418  /// Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem
1419  /// that has already been distributed, by re-distributing elements over
1420  /// processors. Produce explicit stats of load balancing process if
1421  /// boolean, report_stats, is set to true.
1422  void load_balance(DocInfo& doc_info, const bool& report_stats)
1423  {
1424  // Dummy imposed partioning vector
1425  Vector<unsigned> input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element;
1427  // Do it
1428  load_balance(
1429  doc_info, report_stats, input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element);
1430  }
1432  /// Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem
1433  /// that has already been distributed, by re-distributing elements over
1434  /// processors. Produce explicit stats of load balancing process if
1435  /// boolean, report_stats, is set to true and doc various bits of
1436  /// data (mainly for debugging) in directory specified by DocInfo object.
1437  /// If final input vector is non-zero-sized it provides an imposed
1438  /// partitioning.
1439  void load_balance(
1440  DocInfo& doc_info,
1441  const bool& report_stats,
1442  const Vector<unsigned>& input_target_domain_for_local_non_halo_element);
1444  /// Set the use of the default partition in the load balance
1446  {
1448  }
1450  /// Do not use the default partition in the load balance
1452  {
1454  }
1456  /// Load balance helper routine: refine each new base (sub)mesh
1457  /// based upon the elements to be refined within each tree at each root
1458  /// on the current processor
1460  Vector<Vector<Vector<unsigned>>>& to_be_refined_on_each_root,
1461  const unsigned& max_level_overall);
1463 #endif
1465  /// Return a pointer to the linear solver object
1467  {
1468  return Linear_solver_pt;
1469  }
1471  /// Return a pointer to the linear solver object (const version)
1473  {
1474  return Linear_solver_pt;
1475  }
1477  /// Return a pointer to the linear solver object used for explicit time
1478  /// stepping.
1480  {
1482  }
1484  /// Return a pointer to the linear solver object used for explicit time
1485  /// stepping (const version).
1487  {
1489  }
1491  /// Return a pointer to the eigen solver object
1493  {
1494  return Eigen_solver_pt;
1495  }
1497  /// Return a pointer to the eigen solver object (const version)
1499  {
1500  return Eigen_solver_pt;
1501  }
1503  /// Return a pointer to the global time object
1505  {
1506  return Time_pt;
1507  }
1509  /// Return a pointer to the global time object (const version).
1510  Time* time_pt() const
1511  {
1512  return Time_pt;
1513  }
1515  /// Return the current value of continuous time
1516  double& time();
1518  /// Return the current value of continuous time (const version)
1519  double time() const;
1522  /// Access function for the pointer to the first (presumably only)
1523  /// timestepper
1525  {
1526  if (Time_stepper_pt.size() == 0)
1527  {
1528  throw OomphLibError("No timestepper allocated yet\n",
1531  }
1532  return Time_stepper_pt[0];
1533  }
1535  /// Access function for the pointer to the first (presumably only)
1536  /// timestepper
1538  {
1539  if (Time_stepper_pt.size() == 0)
1540  {
1541  throw OomphLibError("No timestepper allocated yet\n",
1544  }
1545  return Time_stepper_pt[0];
1546  }
1548  /// Return a pointer to the i-th timestepper
1549  TimeStepper*& time_stepper_pt(const unsigned& i)
1550  {
1551  return Time_stepper_pt[i];
1552  }
1554  /// Return a pointer to the explicit timestepper
1556  {
1557  return Explicit_time_stepper_pt;
1558  }
1560  /// Set all problem data to have the same timestepper
1561  /// (timestepper_pt) Return the new number of dofs in the problem
1562  unsigned long set_timestepper_for_all_data(
1563  TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt,
1564  const bool& preserve_existing_data = false);
1566  /// Shift all values along to prepare for next timestep
1567  virtual void shift_time_values();
1569  /// Return a pointer to the assembly handler object
1571  {
1572  return Assembly_handler_pt;
1573  }
1575  /// Return a pointer to the assembly handler object (const version)
1577  {
1578  return Assembly_handler_pt;
1579  }
1581  /// Access function to min timestep in adaptive timestepping
1582  double& minimum_dt()
1583  {
1584  return Minimum_dt;
1585  }
1587  /// Access function to max timestep in adaptive timestepping
1588  double& maximum_dt()
1589  {
1590  return Maximum_dt;
1591  }
1593  /// Access function to max Newton iterations before giving up.
1595  {
1596  return Max_newton_iterations;
1597  }
1599  /// Access function to Problem_is_nonlinear.
1600  void problem_is_nonlinear(const bool& prob_lin)
1601  {
1602  Problem_is_nonlinear = prob_lin;
1603  }
1606  /// Access function to max residuals in Newton iterations before
1607  /// giving up.
1608  double& max_residuals()
1609  {
1610  return Max_residuals;
1611  }
1613  /// Access function for Time_adaptive_newton_crash_on_solve_fail.
1615  {
1617  }
1619  /// Access function to tolererance of the Newton solver, i.e. the
1620  /// maximum value of the residuals that will be accepted.
1622  {
1623  return Newton_solver_tolerance;
1624  }
1626  /// Add a timestepper to the problem. The function will automatically
1627  /// create or resize the Time object so that it contains the appropriate
1628  /// number of levels of storage.
1631  /// Set the explicit timestepper for the problem. The function
1632  /// will automatically create or resize the Time object so that it contains
1633  /// the appropriate number of levels of storage
1638  /// Set all timesteps to the same value, dt, and assign
1639  /// weights for all timesteppers in the problem
1640  void initialise_dt(const double& dt);
1642  /// Set the value of the timesteps to be equal to the values passed
1643  /// in a vector and assign weights for all timesteppers in the problem
1644  void initialise_dt(const Vector<double>& dt);
1646  /// Return a pointer to the the i-th global data object
1647  Data*& global_data_pt(const unsigned& i)
1648  {
1649  return Global_data_pt[i];
1650  }
1652  /// Add Data to the Problem's global data -- the Problem will
1653  /// perform equation numbering etc. for such Data
1655  {
1656  Global_data_pt.push_back(global_data_pt);
1657  }
1660  /// Flush the Problem's global data -- resizes container to zero.
1661  /// Data objects are not deleted!
1663  {
1664  Global_data_pt.resize(0);
1665  }
1667  /// Get new linear algebra distribution (you're in charge of deleting it!)
1669  LinearAlgebraDistribution*& dist_pt);
1671  /// Return the pointer to the dof distribution (read-only)
1673  {
1674  return Dof_distribution_pt;
1675  }
1677  /// Return the number of dofs
1678  unsigned long ndof() const
1679  {
1680  return Dof_distribution_pt->nrow();
1681  }
1683  /// Return the number of time steppers
1684  unsigned ntime_stepper() const
1685  {
1686  return Time_stepper_pt.size();
1687  }
1689  /// Return the number of global data values
1690  unsigned nglobal_data() const
1691  {
1692  return Global_data_pt.size();
1693  }
1695  /// Self-test: Check meshes and global data. Return 0 for OK
1696  unsigned self_test();
1698  /// Insist that local dof pointers are set up in each element
1699  /// when equation numbering takes place
1701  {
1703  }
1705  /// Insist that local dof pointers are NOT set up in each element
1706  /// when equation numbering takes place (the default)
1708  {
1710  }
1712  /// Assign all equation numbers for problem: Deals with global
1713  /// data (= data that isn't attached to any elements) and then
1714  /// does the equation numbering for the elements. Virtual so it
1715  /// can be overloaded in MPI problems. Bool argument can be set to false
1716  /// to ignore assigning local equation numbers (found to be necessary in
1717  /// the parallel implementation of locate_zeta between multiple meshes).
1718  unsigned long assign_eqn_numbers(
1719  const bool& assign_local_eqn_numbers = true);
1721  /// Function to describe the dofs in terms of the global
1722  /// equation number, i.e. what type of value (nodal value of
1723  /// a Node; value in a Data object; value of internal Data in an
1724  /// element; etc) is the unknown with a certain global equation number.
1725  /// Output stream defaults to oomph_info.
1726  void describe_dofs(std::ostream& out = *(oomph_info.stream_pt())) const;
1728  /// Indicate that the problem involves discontinuous elements
1729  /// This allows for a more efficiently assembly and inversion of the
1730  /// mass matrix
1732  {
1734  }
1736  /// Disable the use of a discontinuous-element formulation.
1737  /// Note that the methods will all still work even if the elements are
1738  /// discontinuous, we will just be assembling a larger system matrix than
1739  /// necessary.
1741  {
1743  }
1745  /// Return the vector of dofs, i.e. a vector containing the current
1746  /// values of all unknowns.
1747  void get_dofs(DoubleVector& dofs) const;
1749  /// Return vector of the t'th history value of all dofs.
1750  void get_dofs(const unsigned& t, DoubleVector& dofs) const;
1752  /// Set the values of the dofs
1753  void set_dofs(const DoubleVector& dofs);
1755  /// Set the history values of the dofs
1756  void set_dofs(const unsigned& t, DoubleVector& dofs);
1758  /// Set history values of dofs from the type of vector stored in
1759  /// problem::Dof_pt.
1760  void set_dofs(const unsigned& t, Vector<double*>& dof_pt);
1762  /// Add lambda x incremenet_dofs[l] to the l-th dof
1763  void add_to_dofs(const double& lambda, const DoubleVector& increment_dofs);
1765  /// Return a pointer to the dof, indexed by global equation number
1766  /// which may be haloed or stored locally. If it is haloed, a local copy
1767  /// must have been requested on this processor in the Halo_scheme_pt.
1768  inline double* global_dof_pt(const unsigned& i)
1769  {
1770 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1771  // If the problem is distributed I have to do something different
1773  {
1774 #ifdef PARANOID
1775  if (Halo_scheme_pt == 0)
1776  {
1777  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1778  error_stream
1779  << "Direct access to global dofs in a distributed problem is only\n"
1780  << "possible if the function setup_dof_halo_scheme() has been "
1781  "called.\n"
1782  << "You can access local dofs via Problem::dof(i).\n";
1783  throw OomphLibError(error_stream.str(),
1786  }
1787 #endif
1789  // Work out the local coordinate of the dof
1790  // based on the original distribution stored in the Halo_scheme
1791  const unsigned first_row_local =
1793  const unsigned n_row_local =
1796  // If we are in range then just call the local value
1797  if ((i >= first_row_local) && (i < first_row_local + n_row_local))
1798  {
1799  return this->Dof_pt[i - first_row_local];
1800  }
1801  // Otherwise the entry is not stored in the local processor
1802  // and we must have haloed it
1803  else
1804  {
1806  }
1807  }
1808  // Otherwise just return the dof
1809  else
1810 #endif
1811  {
1812  return this->Dof_pt[i];
1813  }
1814  }
1816  /// i-th dof in the problem
1817  double& dof(const unsigned& i)
1818  {
1819  return *(Dof_pt[i]);
1820  }
1822  /// i-th dof in the problem (const version)
1823  double dof(const unsigned& i) const
1824  {
1825  return *(Dof_pt[i]);
1826  }
1828  /// Pointer to i-th dof in the problem
1829  double*& dof_pt(const unsigned& i)
1830  {
1831  return Dof_pt[i];
1832  }
1834  /// Pointer to i-th dof in the problem (const version)
1835  double* dof_pt(const unsigned& i) const
1836  {
1837  return Dof_pt[i];
1838  }
1840  /// Return the residual vector multiplied by the inverse mass matrix
1841  /// Virtual so that it can be overloaded for mpi problems
1844  /// Get the time derivative of all values (using
1845  /// get_inverse_mass_matrix_times_residuals(..) with all time steppers set
1846  /// to steady) e.g. for use in explicit time steps. The approach used is
1847  /// slighty hacky, beware if you have a residual which is non-linear or
1848  /// implicit in the derivative or if you have overloaded
1849  /// get_jacobian(...).
1850  virtual void get_dvaluesdt(DoubleVector& f);
1852  /// Return the fully-assembled residuals Vector for the problem:
1853  /// Virtual so it can be overloaded in for mpi problems
1854  virtual void get_residuals(DoubleVector& residuals);
1856  /// Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals for the problem
1857  /// Interface for the case when the Jacobian matrix is dense.
1858  /// This is virtual so, if we feel like it (e.g. for testing iterative
1859  /// solvers with specific test matrices, we can bypass the default
1860  /// assembly procedure for the Jacobian and the residual vector.
1861  virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector& residuals,
1862  DenseDoubleMatrix& jacobian);
1864  /// Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals for the
1865  /// problem. Interface for the case when the Jacobian is in row-compressed
1866  /// storage format. This is virtual so, if we feel like it (e.g. for testing
1867  /// iterative solvers with specific test matrices), we can bypass the
1868  /// default assembly procedure for the Jacobian and the residual vector.
1869  virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector& residuals,
1870  CRDoubleMatrix& jacobian);
1872  /// Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals for the
1873  /// problem. Interface for the case when the Jacobian is in
1874  /// column-compressed storage format. This is virtual so, if we feel like it
1875  /// (e.g. for testing iterative solvers with specific test matrices), we can
1876  /// bypass the default assembly procedure for the Jacobian and the residual
1877  /// vector.
1878  virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector& residuals,
1879  CCDoubleMatrix& jacobian);
1881  /// Dummy virtual function that must be overloaded by the problem to
1882  /// specify which matrices should be summed to give the final Jacobian.
1883  virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector& residuals, SumOfMatrices& jacobian)
1884  {
1885  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1886  error_stream
1887  << "You must overload this function in your problem class to specify\n"
1888  << "which matrices should be summed to give the final Jacobian.";
1889  throw OomphLibError(
1891  }
1893  /// Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals, generated by
1894  /// finite differences
1895  void get_fd_jacobian(DoubleVector& residuals,
1896  DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian);
1898  /// Get the derivative of the entire residuals vector wrt a
1899  /// global parameter, used in continuation problems
1900  void get_derivative_wrt_global_parameter(double* const& parameter_pt,
1901  DoubleVector& result);
1903  /// Return the product of the global hessian (derivative of Jacobian
1904  /// matrix with respect to all variables) with
1905  /// an eigenvector, Y, and any number of other specified vectors C
1906  /// (d(J_{ij})/d u_{k}) Y_{j} C_{k}.
1907  /// This function is used in assembling and solving the augmented systems
1908  /// associated with bifurcation tracking.
1909  /// The default implementation is to use finite differences at the global
1910  /// level.
1912  DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries const& Y,
1917  /// Get derivative of an element in the problem wrt a global
1918  /// parameter, used in continuation problems
1919  // void get_derivative_wrt_global_parameter(double* const &parameter_pt,
1920  // GeneralisedElement* const
1921  // &elem_pt, Vector<double>
1922  // &result);
1924  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
1925  /// elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval eigenvalues and return the
1926  /// corresponding eigenvectors. The boolean flag (default true) specifies
1927  /// whether the steady jacobian should be assembled. If the flag is false
1928  /// then the weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepper will
1929  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
1930  /// wanted. Legacy version that returns real vectors which are
1931  /// related in some solver-specific way to the real and imaginary parts
1932  /// of the actual, usually complex eigenvalues.
1933  void solve_eigenproblem_legacy(const unsigned& n_eval,
1934  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
1935  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector,
1936  const bool& steady = true);
1938  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
1939  /// elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval eigenvalues.
1940  /// The boolean flag (default true) specifies
1941  /// whether the steady jacobian should be assembled. If the flag is false
1942  /// then the weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepper will
1943  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
1944  /// wanted. Legacy version.
1945  void solve_eigenproblem_legacy(const unsigned& n_eval,
1946  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
1947  const bool& steady = true)
1948  {
1949  // Create temporary storage for the eigenvectors (potentially wasteful)
1950  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector;
1951  solve_eigenproblem_legacy(n_eval, eigenvalue, eigenvector, steady);
1952  }
1954  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
1955  /// elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval eigenvalues and return the
1956  /// corresponding eigenvectors. The boolean flag (default true) specifies
1957  /// whether the steady jacobian should be assembled. If the flag is false
1958  /// then the weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepper will
1959  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
1960  /// wanted. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are, in general, complex.
1961  /// Eigenvalues may be infinite and are therefore returned as
1962  /// \f$ \lambda_i = \alpha_i / \beta_i \f$ where \f$ \alpha_i \f$ is complex
1963  /// while \f$ \beta_i \f$ is real. The actual eigenvalues may then be
1964  /// computed by doing the division, checking for zero betas to avoid NaNs.
1965  /// There's a convenience wrapper to this function that simply computes
1966  /// these eigenvalues regardless. That version may die in NaN checking is
1967  /// enabled (via the fenv.h header and the associated feenable function).
1968  void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
1969  Vector<std::complex<double>>& alpha,
1970  Vector<double>& beta,
1971  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_real,
1972  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_imag,
1973  const bool& steady = true);
1975  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
1976  /// elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval eigenvalues and return the
1977  /// corresponding eigenvectors. The boolean flag (default true) specifies
1978  /// whether the steady jacobian should be assembled. If the flag is false
1979  /// then the weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepper will
1980  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
1981  /// wanted. Note that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are,
1982  /// in general, complex and the eigenvalues may be infinite. In this
1983  /// case it's safer to use the other version of this function which
1984  /// returns the eigenvalues in terms of a fractional representation.
1985  void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
1986  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
1987  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_real,
1988  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_imag,
1989  const bool& steady = true);
1991  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
1992  /// elements but only return the eigenvalues, not the eigenvectors.
1993  /// At least n_eval eigenvalues are computed.
1994  /// The boolean flag (default true) is used to specify whether the
1995  /// weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepping scheme should
1996  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
1997  /// wanted. Note that the eigenvalues may be infinite. In this
1998  /// case it's safer to use the other version of this function which
1999  /// returns the eigenvalues in terms of a fractional representation.
2000  void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
2001  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
2002  const bool& make_timesteppers_steady = true)
2003  {
2004  // Create temporary storage for the eigenvectors (potentially wasteful)
2005  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_real;
2006  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_imag;
2007  solve_eigenproblem(n_eval,
2008  eigenvalue,
2009  eigenvector_real,
2010  eigenvector_imag,
2011  make_timesteppers_steady);
2012  }
2014  /// Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent
2015  /// elements but only return the eigenvalues, not the eigenvectors.
2016  /// At least n_eval eigenvalues are computed.
2017  /// The boolean flag (default true) is used to specify whether the
2018  /// weighted mass-matrix terms from the timestepping scheme should
2019  /// be included in the jacobian --- this is almost certainly never
2020  /// wanted. Note that the eigenvalues may be infinite
2021  /// and are therefore returned as
2022  /// \f$ \lambda_i = \alpha_i / \beta_i \f$ where \f$ \alpha_i \f$ is complex
2023  /// while \f$ \beta_i \f$ is real. The actual eigenvalues may then be
2024  /// computed by doing the division, checking for zero betas to avoid NaNs.
2025  void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
2026  Vector<std::complex<double>>& alpha,
2027  Vector<double>& beta,
2028  const bool& steady = true)
2029  {
2030  // Create temporary storage for the eigenvectors (potentially wasteful)
2031  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_real;
2032  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_imag;
2034  n_eval, alpha, beta, eigenvector_real, eigenvector_imag, steady);
2035  }
2037  /// Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as
2038  /// solve_eigenproblem. See the documentation on that function for more
2039  /// details.
2040  /// Note: this is a legacy version of this function that stores re & imag
2041  /// parts of eigenvectors in some solver-specific collection of real
2042  /// vectors.
2044  const unsigned& n_eval,
2045  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
2046  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector,
2047  const bool& make_timesteppers_steady = true);
2050  /// Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as
2051  /// solve_eigenproblem. See the documentation on that function for more
2052  /// details.
2053  void solve_adjoint_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
2054  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
2055  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_real,
2056  Vector<DoubleVector>& eigenvector_imag,
2057  const bool& steady = true);
2059  /// Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as
2060  /// solve_eigenproblem but only return the eigenvalues, not the
2061  /// eigenvectors. At least n_eval eigenvalues are computed. See the
2062  /// documentation on that function for more details.
2063  void solve_adjoint_eigenproblem(const unsigned& n_eval,
2064  Vector<std::complex<double>>& eigenvalue,
2065  const bool& steady = true)
2066  {
2067  // Create temporary storage for the eigenvectors (potentially wasteful)
2068  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_real;
2069  Vector<DoubleVector> eigenvector_imag;
2071  n_eval, eigenvalue, eigenvector_real, eigenvector_imag, steady);
2072  }
2075  /// \short Get the matrices required by a eigensolver. If the
2076  /// shift parameter is non-zero the second matrix will be shifted
2077  virtual void get_eigenproblem_matrices(CRDoubleMatrix& mass_matrix,
2078  CRDoubleMatrix& main_matrix,
2079  const double& shift = 0.0);
2081  /// Assign the eigenvector passed to the function
2082  /// to the dofs in the problem so that it can be output by
2083  /// the usual routines.
2084  void assign_eigenvector_to_dofs(DoubleVector& eigenvector);
2086  /// Add the eigenvector passed to the function scaled by
2087  /// the constat epsilon to the dofs in the problem so that
2088  /// it can be output by the usual routines
2089  void add_eigenvector_to_dofs(const double& epsilon,
2090  const DoubleVector& eigenvector);
2093  /// Store the current values of the degrees of freedom
2094  void store_current_dof_values();
2096  /// Restore the stored values of the degrees of freedom
2097  void restore_dof_values();
2099  /// Enable recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration
2100  /// (if the linear solver allows it).
2101  /// Useful for linear problems with constant Jacobians or nonlinear
2102  /// problems where you're willing to risk the trade-off between
2103  /// faster solve times and degraded Newton convergence rate
2105  {
2108  }
2110  /// Disable recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration
2112  {
2113  Jacobian_reuse_is_enabled = false;
2115  }
2117  /// Is recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration enabled?
2119  {
2121  }
2124  {
2126  }
2128  /// Use Newton method to solve the problem
2129  void newton_solve();
2131  /// enable globally convergent Newton method
2133  {
2135  }
2137  /// disable globally convergent Newton method
2139  {
2141  }
2143  private:
2144  /// Line search helper for globally convergent Newton method
2146  const Vector<double>& x_old,
2147  const double& half_residual_squared_old,
2148  DoubleVector& gradient,
2149  DoubleVector& newton_dir,
2150  double& half_residual_squared,
2151  const double& stpmax);
2153  public:
2154  /// Adaptive Newton solve: up to max_adapt adaptations of all
2155  /// refineable submeshes are performed to achieve the
2156  /// the error targets specified in the refineable submeshes.
2157  void newton_solve(unsigned const& max_adapt);
2159  /// Solve a steady problem using adaptive Newton's method,
2160  /// but in the context of an overall unstady problem, perhaps to
2161  /// determine an initial condition.
2162  /// This is achieved by setting the weights in the timesteppers to be zero
2163  /// which has the effect of rendering them steady timesteppers.
2164  /// The optional argument max_adapt specifies the max. number of
2165  /// adaptations of all refineable submeshes are performed to
2166  /// achieve the the error targets specified in the refineable submeshes.
2167  void steady_newton_solve(unsigned const& max_adapt = 0);
2169  /// Copy Data values, nodal positions etc from specified problem.
2170  /// Note: This is not a copy constructor. We assume that the current
2171  /// and the "original" problem have both been created by calling
2172  /// the same problem constructor so that all Data objects,
2173  /// time steppers etc. in the two problems are completely independent.
2174  /// This function copies the nodal, internal and global values,
2175  /// and the time parameters from the original problem into
2176  /// "this" one. This functionality is required, e.g. for
2177  /// multigrid computations.
2178  void copy(Problem* orig_problem_pt);
2180  /// Make and return a pointer to the copy of the problem. A virtual
2181  /// function that must be filled in by the user is they wish to perform
2182  /// adaptive refinement in bifurcation tracking or in multigrid problems.
2184  virtual Problem* make_copy();
2186  /// Read refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and refine them
2187  /// accordingly, then read all Data and nodal position info from
2188  /// file for restart. Return flag to indicate if the restart was from
2189  /// steady or unsteady solution
2190  virtual void read(std::ifstream& restart_file, bool& unsteady_restart);
2192  /// Read refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and refine them
2193  /// accordingly, then read all Data and nodal position info from
2194  /// file for restart.
2195  virtual void read(std::ifstream& restart_file)
2196  {
2197  bool unsteady_restart;
2198  read(restart_file, unsteady_restart);
2199  }
2201  /// Dump refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and all generic
2202  /// Problem data to file for restart.
2203  virtual void dump(std::ofstream& dump_file) const;
2205  /// Dump refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and all generic
2206  /// Problem data to file for restart.
2207  void dump(const std::string& dump_file_name) const
2208  {
2209  std::ofstream dump_stream(dump_file_name.c_str());
2210 #ifdef PARANOID
2211  if (!dump_stream.is_open())
2212  {
2213  std::string err = "Couldn't open file " + dump_file_name;
2214  throw OomphLibError(
2216  }
2217 #endif
2218  dump(dump_stream);
2219  }
2221 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
2223  /// Get pointers to all possible halo data indexed by global
2224  /// equation number in a map.
2225  void get_all_halo_data(std::map<unsigned, double*>& map_of_halo_data);
2227  /// Classify any non-classified nodes into halo/haloed and
2228  /// synchronise equation numbers. Return the total
2229  /// number of degrees of freedom in the overall problem
2230  long synchronise_eqn_numbers(const bool& assign_local_eqn_numbers = true);
2232  /// Synchronise the degrees of freedom by overwriting
2233  /// the haloed values with their non-halo counterparts held
2234  /// on other processors. Bools control if we deal with data associated with
2235  /// external halo/ed elements/nodes or the "normal" halo/ed ones.
2236  void synchronise_dofs(const bool& do_halos, const bool& do_external_halos);
2238  /// Perform all required synchronisation in solvers
2239  void synchronise_all_dofs();
2241  /// Check the halo/haloed node/element schemes
2242  void check_halo_schemes(DocInfo& doc_info);
2244  /// Check the halo/haloed node/element schemes
2246  {
2247  DocInfo tmp_doc_info;
2248  tmp_doc_info.disable_doc();
2249  check_halo_schemes(tmp_doc_info);
2250  }
2252  /// Distribute the problem and doc, using the specified partition;
2253  /// returns a vector which details the partitioning
2254  Vector<unsigned> distribute(const Vector<unsigned>& element_partition,
2255  DocInfo& doc_info,
2256  const bool& report_stats = false);
2258  /// Distribute the problem; returns a vector which
2259  /// details the partitioning
2261  const bool& report_stats = false);
2263  /// Distribute the problem using the specified partition;
2264  /// returns a vector which details the partitioning
2265  Vector<unsigned> distribute(const Vector<unsigned>& element_partition,
2266  const bool& report_stats = false);
2268  /// Distribute the problem; returns a vector which
2269  /// details the partitioning
2270  Vector<unsigned> distribute(const bool& report_stats = false);
2272  /// Partition the global mesh, return vector specifying the processor
2273  /// number for each element. Virtual so that it can be overloaded by
2274  /// any user; the default is to use METIS to perform the partitioning
2275  /// (with a bit of cleaning up afterwards to sort out "special cases").
2276  virtual void partition_global_mesh(Mesh*& global_mesh_pt,
2277  DocInfo& doc_info,
2278  Vector<unsigned>& element_domain,
2279  const bool& report_stats = false);
2281  /// (Irreversibly) prune halo(ed) elements and nodes, usually
2282  /// after another round of refinement, to get rid of
2283  /// excessively wide halo layers. Note that the current
2284  /// mesh will be now regarded as the base mesh and no unrefinement
2285  /// relative to it will be possible once this function
2286  /// has been called.
2287  void prune_halo_elements_and_nodes(DocInfo& doc_info,
2288  const bool& report_stats);
2290  /// (Irreversibly) prune halo(ed) elements and nodes, usually
2291  /// after another round of refinement, to get rid of
2292  /// excessively wide halo layers. Note that the current
2293  /// mesh will be now regarded as the base mesh and no unrefinement
2294  /// relative to it will be possible once this function
2295  /// has been called.
2296  void prune_halo_elements_and_nodes(const bool& report_stats = false)
2297  {
2298  DocInfo doc_info;
2299  doc_info.disable_doc();
2300  prune_halo_elements_and_nodes(doc_info, report_stats);
2301  }
2303  /// Threshold for error throwing in Problem::check_halo_schemes()
2306  /// Access to Problem_has_been_distributed flag
2308  {
2310  }
2312 #endif
2314  /// Wrapper function to delete external storage for
2315  /// each submesh of the problem
2318  /// Boolean to indicate if all output is suppressed in
2319  /// Problem::newton_solve(). Defaults to false.
2323  protected:
2324  /// Boolean to indicate whether a Newton step should be taken
2325  /// even if the initial residuals are below the required tolerance
2328  /// What it says: If temporally adaptive Newton solver fails to
2329  /// to converge, reduce timestep by this factor and try again; defaults
2330  /// to 1/2; can be over-written by user in derived problem.
2334  /// Boolean to decide if a timestep is to be rejected if the
2335  /// error estimate post-solve (computed by global_temporal_error_norm())
2336  /// exceeds the tolerance required in the call to
2337  /// adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(...). Defaults to true.
2340  /// Perform a basic arc-length continuation step using Newton's
2341  /// method. Returns number of Newton steps taken.
2342  unsigned newton_solve_continuation(double* const& parameter_pt);
2344  /// This function performs a basic continuation step using the Newton
2345  /// method. The number of Newton steps taken is returned, to be used in any
2346  /// external step-size control routines.
2347  /// The governing parameter of the problem is passed as a pointer to the
2348  /// routine, as is a vector in which
2349  /// to store the derivatives wrt the parameter, if required.
2350  unsigned newton_solve_continuation(double* const& parameter_pt,
2351  DoubleVector& z);
2353  /// A function to calculate the derivatives wrt the arc-length. This
2354  /// version of the function actually does a linear solve so that the
2355  /// derivatives
2356  /// are calculated "exactly" rather than using the values at the Newton
2357  /// step just before convergence. This is necessary in spatially adaptive
2358  /// problems, in which the number of degrees of freedom changes and so
2359  /// the appropriate derivatives must be calculated for the new variables.
2360  /// This function is called if no Newton steps were taken in the
2361  /// continuation routine ... i.e. the initial residuals were sufficiently
2362  /// small.
2363  void calculate_continuation_derivatives(double* const& parameter_pt);
2365  /// A function to calculate the derivatives with respect to the
2366  /// arc-length required for continuation. The arguments is the solution
2367  /// of the linear system,
2368  /// Jz = dR/dparameter, that gives du/dparameter and the direction
2369  /// output from the newton_solve_continuation function. The derivatives
2370  /// are stored in the ContinuationParameters namespace.
2373  /// A function to calculate the derivatives with respect to the
2374  /// arc-length required for continuation by finite differences, using
2375  /// the previous values of the solution. The derivatives are stored in
2376  /// the ContinuationParameters namespace.
2377  void calculate_continuation_derivatives_fd(double* const& parameter_pt);
2379  /// Return a boolean flag to indicate whether the pointer
2380  /// parameter_pt refers to values stored in a Data object that
2381  /// is contained within the problem
2382  bool does_pointer_correspond_to_problem_data(double* const& parameter_pt);
2384  public:
2385  /// Virtual function that is used to symmetrise the problem so that
2386  /// the current solution exactly satisfies any symmetries within the system.
2387  /// Used when adpativly solving pitchfork detection problems when small
2388  /// asymmetries in the coarse solution can be magnified
2389  /// leading to very inaccurate answers on the fine mesh.
2390  /// This is always problem-specific and must be filled in by the user
2391  /// The default issues a warning
2394  /// Return pointer to the parameter that is used in the
2395  /// bifurcation detection. If we are not tracking a bifurcation then
2396  /// an error will be thrown by the AssemblyHandler
2397  double* bifurcation_parameter_pt() const;
2400  /// Return the eigenfunction calculated as part of a
2401  /// bifurcation tracking process. If we are not tracking a bifurcation
2402  /// then an error will be thrown by the AssemblyHandler
2406  /// Turn on fold tracking using the augmented system specified
2407  /// in the FoldHandler class. After a call to this function subsequent calls
2408  /// of the standard solution methods will converge to a fold (limit) point
2409  /// at a particular value of the variable addressed by parameter_pt.
2410  /// The system may not converge if the initial guess is sufficiently poor
2411  /// or, alternatively, if finite differencing is used to calculate the
2412  /// jacobian matrix in the elements. If the boolean flag block_solver is
2413  /// true (the default) then a block factorisation is used to solve the
2414  /// augmented system which is both faster and uses less memory.
2415  void activate_fold_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2416  const bool& block_solve = true);
2418  /// Activate generic bifurcation tracking for a single (real)
2419  /// eigenvalue where the initial guess for the eigenvector can be specified.
2420  void activate_bifurcation_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2421  const DoubleVector& eigenvector,
2422  const bool& block_solve = true);
2424  /// Activate generic bifurcation tracking for a single (real)
2425  /// eigenvalue where the initial guess for the eigenvector can be specified
2426  /// and the normalisation condition can also be specified.
2427  void activate_bifurcation_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2428  const DoubleVector& eigenvector,
2429  const DoubleVector& normalisation,
2430  const bool& block_solve = true);
2433  /// Turn on pitchfork tracking using the augmented system specified
2434  /// in the PitchForkHandler class.
2435  /// After a call to this function subsequent calls
2436  /// of the standard solution methods will converge to a pitchfork
2437  /// bifurcation
2438  /// at a particular value of the variable addressed by parameter_pt.
2439  /// The symmetry that is to be broken must be specified by supplying
2440  /// a symmetry_vector(ndof). The easiest way to determine such a vector
2441  /// is to solve the associated eigenproblem \f$ Jx = \lambda M x\f$
2442  /// and pass in the eigenvector. This is not always necessary however,
2443  /// if the symmetry is easy to construct.
2444  /// The system may not converge if the initial guess is sufficiently poor
2445  /// or, alternatively, if finite differencing is used to calculate the
2446  /// jacobian matrix in the elements. If the boolean flag block_solver is
2447  /// true (the default) then a block factorisation is used to solve the
2448  /// augmented system which is both faster and requires less memory.
2449  void activate_pitchfork_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2450  const DoubleVector& symmetry_vector,
2451  const bool& block_solve = true);
2453  /// Turn on Hopf bifurcation
2454  /// tracking using the augmented system specified
2455  /// in the HopfHandler class. After a call to this function subsequent calls
2456  /// of the standard solution methods will converge to a Hopf bifuraction
2457  /// at a particular value of the variable addressed by parameter_pt.
2458  /// The system may not converge if the initial guess is sufficiently poor
2459  /// or, alternatively, if finite differencing is used to calculate the
2460  /// jacobian matrix in the elements.
2461  void activate_hopf_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2462  const bool& block_solve = true);
2464  /// Turn on Hopf bifurcation
2465  /// tracking using the augmented system specified
2466  /// in the HopfHandler class. After a call to this function subsequent calls
2467  /// of the standard solution methods will converge to a Hopf bifuraction
2468  /// at a particular value of the variable addressed by parameter_pt.
2469  /// The system may not converge if the initial guess is sufficiently poor
2470  /// or, alternatively, if finite differencing is used to calculate the
2471  /// jacobian matrix in the elements. This interface allows specification
2472  /// of an inital guess for the frequency and real and imaginary parts
2473  /// of the null vector, such as might be obtained from an eigensolve
2474  void activate_hopf_tracking(double* const& parameter_pt,
2475  const double& omega,
2476  const DoubleVector& null_real,
2477  const DoubleVector& null_imag,
2478  const bool& block_solve = true);
2480  /// Deactivate all bifuraction tracking, by reseting
2481  /// the assembly handler to the default
2483  {
2485  }
2487  /// Reset the system to the standard non-augemented state
2490  private:
2491  /// Private helper function that actually contains the guts
2492  /// of the arc-length stepping, parameter_pt is a pointer to the
2493  /// parameter that is traded for the arc-length constraint, ds is
2494  /// the desired arc length and max_adapt is the maximum number of
2495  /// spatial adaptations. The pointer to the parameter may be changed
2496  /// if this is called from the Data-based interface
2497  double arc_length_step_solve_helper(double* const& parameter_pt,
2498  const double& ds,
2499  const unsigned& max_adapt);
2502  // ALH_DEVELOP
2503  protected:
2504  /// Private helper function that is used to set the appropriate
2505  /// pinned values for continuation.
2508  public:
2509  /// Solve a steady problem using arc-length continuation, when the
2510  /// parameter that becomes a variable corresponding to the arc-length
2511  /// constraint equation is an external double:
2512  /// parameter_pt is a pointer to that double,
2513  /// ds is the desired arc_length and max_adapt is the maximum
2514  /// number of spatial adaptations (default zero, no adaptation).
2515  double arc_length_step_solve(double* const& parameter_pt,
2516  const double& ds,
2517  const unsigned& max_adapt = 0);
2519  /// Solve a steady problem using arc-length continuation, when the
2520  /// variable corresponding to the arc-length
2521  /// constraint equation is already stored in data used in the problem:
2522  /// data_pt is a pointer to the appropriate data object,
2523  /// data_index is the index of the value that will be traded for the
2524  /// constriant,
2525  /// ds is the desired arc_length and max_adapt is the maximum
2526  /// number of spatial adaptations (default zero, no adaptation).
2527  /// Note that the value must be pinned in order for this formulation to work
2528  double arc_length_step_solve(Data* const& data_pt,
2529  const unsigned& data_index,
2530  const double& ds,
2531  const unsigned& max_adapt = 0);
2534  /// Reset the "internal" arc-length continuation parameters, so as
2535  /// to allow continuation in another parameter. N.B. The parameters that
2536  /// are reset are the "minimum" that are required, others should perhaps
2537  /// be reset, depending upon the application.
2539  {
2540  Theta_squared = 1.0;
2541  Sign_of_jacobian = 0;
2542  Continuation_direction = 1.0;
2543  Parameter_derivative = 1.0;
2545  Arc_length_step_taken = false;
2546  Dof_derivative.resize(0);
2547  }
2549  /// Access function for the sign of the global jacobian matrix.
2550  /// This will be set by the linear solver, if possible (direct solver).
2551  /// If not alternative methods must be used to detect bifurcations
2552  /// (solving the associated eigenproblem).
2554  {
2555  return Sign_of_jacobian;
2556  }
2558  /// Take an explicit timestep of size dt and optionally shift
2559  /// any stored values of the time history
2560  void explicit_timestep(const double& dt, const bool& shift_values = true);
2562  /// Advance time by dt and solve by Newton's method.
2563  /// This version always shifts time values
2564  void unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt);
2566  /// Advance time by dt and solve the system,
2567  /// using Newton's method. The boolean flag is used to control
2568  /// whether the time
2569  /// values should be shifted. If it is true the current data values will
2570  /// be shifted (copied to the locations where there are stored as
2571  /// previous timesteps) before solution.
2572  void unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt, const bool& shift_values);
2574  /// Unsteady adaptive Newton solve: up to max_adapt adaptations of
2575  /// all refineable submeshes are performed to achieve the the error targets
2576  /// specified in the refineable submeshes. If first==true, the initial
2577  /// conditions are re-assigned after the mesh adaptations. Shifting of time
2578  /// can be suppressed by overwriting the default value of shift (true).
2579  /// [Shifting must be done if first_timestep==true because we're constantly
2580  /// re-assigning the initial conditions; if first_timestep==true and
2581  /// shift==false shifting is performed anyway and a warning is issued.
2582  void unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt,
2583  const unsigned& max_adapt,
2584  const bool& first,
2585  const bool& shift = true);
2588  /// Unsteady "doubly" adaptive Newton solve: Does temporal
2589  /// adaptation first, i.e. we try to do a timestep with an increment
2590  /// of dt, and adjusting dt until the solution on the given mesh satisfies
2591  /// the temporal error measure with tolerance epsilon. Following
2592  /// this, we do up to max_adapt spatial adaptions (without
2593  /// re-examining the temporal error). If first==true, the initial conditions
2594  /// are re-assigned after the mesh adaptations.
2595  /// Shifting of time can be suppressed by overwriting the
2596  /// default value of shift (true). [Shifting must be done
2597  /// if first_timestep==true because we're constantly re-assigning
2598  /// the initial conditions; if first_timestep==true and shift==false
2599  /// shifting is performed anyway and a warning is issued.
2600  double doubly_adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt,
2601  const double& epsilon,
2602  const unsigned& max_adapt,
2603  const bool& first,
2604  const bool& shift = true)
2605  {
2606  // Call helper function with default setting (do re-solve after
2607  // spatial adaptation)
2608  unsigned suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt_flag = 0;
2610  dt,
2611  epsilon,
2612  max_adapt,
2613  suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt_flag,
2614  first,
2615  shift);
2616  }
2619  /// Unsteady "doubly" adaptive Newton solve: Does temporal
2620  /// adaptation first, i.e. we try to do a timestep with an increment
2621  /// of dt, and adjusting dt until the solution on the given mesh satisfies
2622  /// the temporal error measure with tolerance epsilon. Following
2623  /// this, we do up to max_adapt spatial adaptions (without
2624  /// re-examining the temporal error). If first==true, the initial conditions
2625  /// are re-assigned after the mesh adaptations.
2626  /// Shifting of time can be suppressed by overwriting the
2627  /// default value of shift (true). [Shifting must be done
2628  /// if first_timestep==true because we're constantly re-assigning
2629  /// the initial conditions; if first_timestep==true and shift==false
2630  /// shifting is performed anyway and a warning is issued.
2631  /// Pseudo-Boolean flag suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt [0: false;
2632  /// 1: true] does what it says.]
2634  const double& dt,
2635  const double& epsilon,
2636  const unsigned& max_adapt,
2637  const unsigned& suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt_flag,
2638  const bool& first,
2639  const bool& shift = true)
2640  {
2641  // Call helper function
2643  dt,
2644  epsilon,
2645  max_adapt,
2646  suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt_flag,
2647  first,
2648  shift);
2649  }
2652  /// Attempt to advance timestep by dt_desired. If the solution fails
2653  /// the timestep will be halved until convergence is achieved, or the
2654  /// timestep falls below NewtonSolverParameters::Minimum_time_step. The
2655  /// error control parameter epsilon represents the (approximate) desired
2656  /// magnitude of the global error at each timestep. The routine returns a
2657  /// double that is the suggested next timestep and should be passed as
2658  /// dt_desired the next time the routine is called. This version always
2659  /// shifts the time values.
2660  double adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt_desired,
2661  const double& epsilon);
2663  /// Attempt to advance timestep by dt_desired. If the solution fails
2664  /// the timestep will be halved until convergence is achieved, or the
2665  /// timestep falls below NewtonSolverParameters::Minimum_time_step. The
2666  /// error control parameter epsilon represents the (approximate) desired
2667  /// magnitude of the global error at each timestep. The routine returns a
2668  /// double that is the suggested next timestep and should be passed as
2669  /// dt_desired the next time the routine is called.
2670  /// Once again the boolean flag, shift_values, is used to control whether
2671  /// the time values are shifted.
2672  double adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double& dt_desired,
2673  const double& epsilon,
2674  const bool& shift_values);
2676  /// Initialise data and nodal positions to simulate impulsive
2677  /// start from initial configuration/solution
2680  /// Initialise data and nodal positions to simulate an impulsive
2681  /// start and also set the initial and previous values of dt
2682  void assign_initial_values_impulsive(const double& dt);
2684  /// Calculate predictions
2685  void calculate_predictions();
2687  /// Enable recycling of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping
2688  /// schemes. Useful for timestepping on fixed meshes when you want
2689  /// to avoid the linear solve phase.
2690  void enable_mass_matrix_reuse();
2692  /// Turn off recyling of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping
2693  /// schemes
2696  /// Return whether the mass matrix is being reused
2698  {
2700  }
2702  /// Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2703  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem
2704  void refine_uniformly(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh)
2705  {
2706  DocInfo doc_info;
2707  doc_info.disable_doc();
2708  bool prune = false;
2709  refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2710  }
2712  /// Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2713  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc refinement process
2714  void refine_uniformly(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
2715  DocInfo& doc_info)
2716  {
2717  bool prune = false;
2718  refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2719  }
2721  /// Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2722  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem. Prune after
2723  /// refinements
2724  void refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh)
2725  {
2726  DocInfo doc_info;
2727  doc_info.disable_doc();
2728  bool prune = true;
2729  refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2730  }
2732  /// Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2733  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc refinement process
2734  void refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
2735  DocInfo& doc_info)
2736  {
2737  bool prune = true;
2738  refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2739  }
2741  /// Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2742  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
2743  void refine_uniformly(DocInfo& doc_info)
2744  {
2745  // Number of (sub)meshes
2746  unsigned nmesh = std::max(unsigned(1), nsub_mesh());
2748  // Refine each mesh once
2749  Vector<unsigned> nrefine_for_mesh(nmesh, 1);
2750  refine_uniformly(nrefine_for_mesh);
2751  }
2754  /// Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2755  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
2757  {
2758  // Number of (sub)meshes
2759  unsigned nmesh = std::max(unsigned(1), nsub_mesh());
2761  // Refine each mesh once
2762  Vector<unsigned> nrefine_for_mesh(nmesh, 1);
2763  refine_uniformly_and_prune(nrefine_for_mesh);
2764  }
2767  /// Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2768  /// rebuild problem
2770  {
2771  DocInfo doc_info;
2772  doc_info.disable_doc();
2773  refine_uniformly(doc_info);
2774  }
2776  /// Do uniform refinement for submesh i_mesh with documentation
2777  void refine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh, DocInfo& doc_info);
2779  /// Do uniform refinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation
2780  void refine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh)
2781  {
2782  DocInfo doc_info;
2783  doc_info.disable_doc();
2784  refine_uniformly(i_mesh, doc_info);
2785  }
2787  /// p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2788  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem
2789  void p_refine_uniformly(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh)
2790  {
2791  DocInfo doc_info;
2792  doc_info.disable_doc();
2793  bool prune = false;
2794  p_refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2795  }
2797  /// p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2798  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc refinement process
2799  void p_refine_uniformly(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
2800  DocInfo& doc_info)
2801  {
2802  bool prune = false;
2803  p_refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2804  }
2806  /// p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2807  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem. Prune after
2808  /// refinements
2809  void p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh)
2810  {
2811  // Not tested:
2812  throw OomphLibWarning("This functionality has not yet been tested.",
2813  "Problem::p_refine_uniformly_and_prune()",
2815  DocInfo doc_info;
2816  doc_info.disable_doc();
2817  bool prune = true;
2818  p_refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2819  }
2821  /// p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as
2822  /// specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc refinement process
2823  void p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector<unsigned>& nrefine_for_mesh,
2824  DocInfo& doc_info)
2825  {
2826  // Not tested:
2827  throw OomphLibWarning("This functionality has not yet been tested.",
2828  "Problem::p_refine_uniformly_and_prune()",
2830  bool prune = true;
2831  p_refine_uniformly_aux(nrefine_for_mesh, doc_info, prune);
2832  }
2834  /// p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2835  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
2836  void p_refine_uniformly(DocInfo& doc_info)
2837  {
2838  // Number of (sub)meshes
2839  unsigned nmesh = std::max(unsigned(1), nsub_mesh());
2841  // Refine each mesh once
2842  Vector<unsigned> nrefine_for_mesh(nmesh, 1);
2843  p_refine_uniformly(nrefine_for_mesh);
2844  }
2847  /// p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2848  /// rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
2850  {
2851  // Not tested:
2852  throw OomphLibWarning("This functionality has not yet been tested.",
2853  "Problem::p_refine_uniformly_and_prune()",
2855  // Number of (sub)meshes
2856  unsigned nmesh = std::max(unsigned(1), nsub_mesh());
2858  // Refine each mesh once
2859  Vector<unsigned> nrefine_for_mesh(nmesh, 1);
2860  p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(nrefine_for_mesh);
2861  }
2864  /// p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2865  /// rebuild problem
2867  {
2868  DocInfo doc_info;
2869  doc_info.disable_doc();
2870  p_refine_uniformly(doc_info);
2871  }
2873  /// Do uniform p-refinement for submesh i_mesh with documentation
2874  void p_refine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh, DocInfo& doc_info);
2876  /// Do uniform p-refinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation
2877  void p_refine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh)
2878  {
2879  DocInfo doc_info;
2880  doc_info.disable_doc();
2881  p_refine_uniformly(i_mesh, doc_info);
2882  }
2884  /// Refine (one and only!) mesh by splitting the elements identified
2885  /// by their numbers relative to the problems' only mesh, then rebuild
2886  /// the problem.
2888  const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined);
2891  /// Refine (one and only!) mesh by splitting the elements identified
2892  /// by their pointers, then rebuild the problem.
2894  const Vector<RefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2896  /// Refine specified submesh by splitting the elements identified
2897  /// by their numbers relative to the submesh, then rebuild the problem.
2899  const unsigned& i_mesh, const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined);
2901  /// Refine specified submesh by splitting the elements identified
2902  /// by their pointers, then rebuild the problem.
2904  const unsigned& i_mesh,
2905  const Vector<RefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2907  /// Refine all submeshes by splitting the elements identified
2908  /// by their numbers relative to each submesh in a Vector of Vectors,
2909  /// then rebuild the problem.
2911  const Vector<Vector<unsigned>>& elements_to_be_refined);
2913  /// Refine all submeshes by splitting the elements identified
2914  /// by their pointers within each submesh in a Vector of Vectors,
2915  /// then rebuild the problem.
2917  const Vector<Vector<RefineableElement*>>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2919  /// p-refine (one and only!) mesh by refining the elements identified
2920  /// by their numbers relative to the problems' only mesh, then rebuild
2921  /// the problem.
2923  const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined);
2926  /// p-refine (one and only!) mesh by refining the elements identified
2927  /// by their pointers, then rebuild the problem.
2929  const Vector<PRefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2931  /// p-refine specified submesh by refining the elements identified
2932  /// by their numbers relative to the submesh, then rebuild the problem.
2934  const unsigned& i_mesh, const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined);
2936  /// p-refine specified submesh by refining the elements identified
2937  /// by their pointers, then rebuild the problem.
2939  const unsigned& i_mesh,
2940  const Vector<PRefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2942  /// p-refine all submeshes by refining the elements identified
2943  /// by their numbers relative to each submesh in a Vector of Vectors,
2944  /// then rebuild the problem.
2946  const Vector<Vector<unsigned>>& elements_to_be_refined);
2948  /// p-refine all submeshes by refining the elements identified
2949  /// by their pointers within each submesh in a Vector of Vectors,
2950  /// then rebuild the problem.
2952  const Vector<Vector<PRefineableElement*>>& elements_to_be_refined_pt);
2954  /// Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2955  /// rebuild problem. Return 0 for success,
2956  /// 1 for failure (if unrefinement has reached the coarsest permitted
2957  /// level)
2958  unsigned unrefine_uniformly();
2960  /// Do uniform refinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation.
2961  /// Return 0 for success, 1 for failure (if unrefinement has reached
2962  /// the coarsest permitted level)
2963  unsigned unrefine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh);
2965  /// p-unrefine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and
2966  /// rebuild problem.
2967  void p_unrefine_uniformly(DocInfo& doc_info);
2969  /// Do uniform p-unrefinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation.
2970  void p_unrefine_uniformly(const unsigned& i_mesh, DocInfo& doc_info);
2972  /// Adapt problem:
2973  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
2974  /// based on their own error estimates and the target errors specified
2975  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
2976  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
2977  /// Return # of refined/unrefined elements. On return from this
2978  /// function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
2979  void adapt(unsigned& n_refined, unsigned& n_unrefined);
2981  /// Adapt problem:
2982  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
2983  /// based on their own error estimates and the target errors specified
2984  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
2985  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
2986  /// On return from this function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
2987  /// [Argument-free wrapper]
2988  void adapt()
2989  {
2990  unsigned n_refined, n_unrefined;
2991  adapt(n_refined, n_unrefined);
2992  }
2994  /// p-adapt problem:
2995  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
2996  /// based on their own error estimates and the target errors specified
2997  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
2998  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
2999  /// Return # of refined/unrefined elements. On return from this
3000  /// function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
3001  void p_adapt(unsigned& n_refined, unsigned& n_unrefined);
3003  /// p-adapt problem:
3004  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
3005  /// based on their own error estimates and the target errors specified
3006  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
3007  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
3008  /// On return from this function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
3009  /// [Argument-free wrapper]
3010  void p_adapt()
3011  {
3012  unsigned n_refined, n_unrefined;
3013  p_adapt(n_refined, n_unrefined);
3014  }
3017  /// Adapt problem:
3018  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
3019  /// based on the error estimates in elemental_error
3020  /// and the target errors specified
3021  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
3022  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
3023  /// Return # of refined/unrefined elements. On return from this
3024  /// function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
3026  unsigned& n_refined,
3027  unsigned& n_unrefined,
3028  Vector<Vector<double>>& elemental_error);
3030  /// Adapt problem:
3031  /// Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es),
3032  /// based on the error estimates in elemental_error
3033  /// and the target errors specified
3034  /// in the mesh(es). Following mesh adaptation,
3035  /// update global mesh, and re-assign equation numbers.
3036  /// Return # of refined/unrefined elements. On return from this
3037  /// function, Problem can immediately be solved again.
3038  /// [Wrapper without n_refined and n_unrefined arguments]
3040  {
3041  unsigned n_refined, n_unrefined;
3042  adapt_based_on_error_estimates(n_refined, n_unrefined, elemental_error);
3043  }
3046  /// Return the error estimates computed by (all) refineable
3047  /// (sub)mesh(es) in the elemental_error structure, which consists of
3048  /// a vector of vectors of elemental errors, one vector for each (sub)mesh.
3049  void get_all_error_estimates(Vector<Vector<double>>& elemental_error);
3051  /// Get max and min error for all elements in submeshes
3052  void doc_errors(DocInfo& doc_info);
3054  /// Get max and min error for all elements in submeshes
3055  void doc_errors()
3056  {
3057  DocInfo tmp_doc_info;
3058  tmp_doc_info.disable_doc();
3059  doc_errors(tmp_doc_info);
3060  }
3062  /// Enable the output of information when in the newton solver
3063  /// (Default)
3065  {
3066  Shut_up_in_newton_solve = false;
3067  }
3069  /// Disable the output of information when in the newton solver
3071  {
3072  Shut_up_in_newton_solve = true;
3073  }
3074  };
3077  //=======================================================================
3078  /// A class to handle errors in the Newton solver
3079  //=======================================================================
3081  {
3082  public:
3083  /// Error in the linear solver
3086  /// Max. # of iterations performed when the Newton solver died
3087  unsigned iterations;
3089  /// Max. residual when Newton solver died
3090  double maxres;
3092  /// Default constructor, does nothing
3094  {
3095  }
3097  /// Constructor that passes a failure of the linear solver
3098  NewtonSolverError(const bool& Passed_linear_failure)
3099  : linear_solver_error(Passed_linear_failure), iterations(0), maxres(0.0)
3100  {
3101  }
3103  /// Constructor that passes number of iterations and residuals
3104  NewtonSolverError(unsigned Passed_iterations, double Passed_maxres)
3105  : linear_solver_error(false),
3106  iterations(Passed_iterations),
3107  maxres(Passed_maxres)
3108  {
3109  }
3110  };
3113 } // namespace oomph
3116 #endif
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
A class that is used to define the functions used to assemble the elemental contributions to the resi...
A custom linear solver class that is used to solve a block-factorised version of the Fold bifurcation...
A custom linear solver class that is used to solve a block-factorised version of the PitchFork bifurc...
A custom linear solver class that is used to solve a block-factorised version of the Hopf bifurcation...
A custom linear solver class that is used to solve a block-factorised version of the PitchFork bifurc...
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////...
Definition: matrices.h:2791
A class for compressed row matrices. This is a distributable object.
Definition: matrices.h:888
GeneralisedTimestepper used to store the arclength derivatives and pervious solutions required in con...
A class that represents a collection of data; each Data object may contain many different individual ...
Definition: nodes.h:86
Class of matrices containing doubles, and stored as a DenseMatrix<double>, but with solving functiona...
Definition: matrices.h:1271
Information for documentation of results: Directory and file number to enable output in the form RESL...
void disable_doc()
Disable documentation.
A class that stores the halo/haloed entries required when using a DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries....
LinearAlgebraDistribution *& distribution_pt()
Return the pointer to the distirbution used to setup the halo information.
unsigned local_index(const unsigned &global_eqn)
Return the local index associated with the global equation.
===================================================================== An extension of DoubleVector th...
A vector in the mathematical sense, initially developed for linear algebra type applications....
Definition: double_vector.h:58
Base class for all EigenProblem solves. This simply defines standard interfaces so that different sol...
Definition: eigen_solver.h:61
Class for objects than can be advanced in time by an Explicit Timestepper. WARNING: For explicit time...
A Base class for explicit timesteppers.
A class that is used to assemble the augmented system that defines a fold (saddle-node) or limit poin...
A class that is used to assemble the augmented system that defines a Hopf bifurcation....
Describes the distribution of a distributable linear algebra type object. Typically this is a contain...
unsigned first_row() const
access function for the first row on this processor. If not distributed then this is just zero.
unsigned nrow() const
access function to the number of global rows.
unsigned nrow_local() const
access function for the num of local rows on this processor. If no MPI then Nrow is returned.
Base class for all linear solvers. This merely defines standard interfaces for linear solvers,...
Definition: linear_solver.h:68
A general mesh class.
Definition: mesh.h:67
A class to handle errors in the Newton solver.
Definition: problem.h:3081
NewtonSolverError(unsigned Passed_iterations, double Passed_maxres)
Constructor that passes number of iterations and residuals.
Definition: problem.h:3104
bool linear_solver_error
Error in the linear solver.
Definition: problem.h:3084
Default constructor, does nothing.
Definition: problem.h:3093
unsigned iterations
Max. # of iterations performed when the Newton solver died.
Definition: problem.h:3087
NewtonSolverError(const bool &Passed_linear_failure)
Constructor that passes a failure of the linear solver.
Definition: problem.h:3098
double maxres
Max. residual when Newton solver died.
Definition: problem.h:3090
An oomph-lib wrapper to the MPI_Comm communicator object. Just contains an MPI_Comm object (which is ...
Definition: communicator.h:54
std::ostream *& stream_pt()
Access function for the stream pointer.
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
A class that is used to assemble and solve the augmented system of equations associated with calculat...
A class that is used to assemble the augmented system that defines a pitchfork (symmetry-breaking) bi...
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////...
Definition: problem.h:151
EigenSolver *& eigen_solver_pt()
Return a pointer to the eigen solver object.
Definition: problem.h:1492
virtual void actions_after_implicit_timestep()
Actions that should be performed after each implicit time step. This is needed when one wants to solv...
Definition: problem.h:1070
bool Always_take_one_newton_step
Boolean to indicate whether a Newton step should be taken even if the initial residuals are below the...
Definition: problem.h:2326
bool Jacobian_reuse_is_enabled
Is re-use of Jacobian in Newton iteration enabled? Default: false.
Definition: problem.h:618
void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, const bool &make_timesteppers_steady=true)
Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent elements but only return the eigenval...
Definition: problem.h:2000
double *& dof_pt(const unsigned &i)
Pointer to i-th dof in the problem.
Definition: problem.h:1829
virtual void actions_after_newton_solve()
Any actions that are to be performed after a complete Newton solve, e.g. post processing....
Definition: problem.h:1038
void parallel_sparse_assemble(const LinearAlgebraDistribution *const &dist_pt, Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residuals)
Helper method to assemble CRDoubleMatrices from distributed on multiple processors.
void describe_dofs(std::ostream &out= *(oomph_info.stream_pt())) const
Function to describe the dofs in terms of the global equation number, i.e. what type of value (nodal ...
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Protected helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage i...
bool Store_local_dof_pt_in_elements
Boolean to indicate whether local dof pointers should be stored in the elements.
Definition: problem.h:226
void clear_elemental_assembly_time()
Clear storage of most-recent elemental assembly times (used for load balancing). Next load balancing ...
Definition: problem.h:872
virtual void actions_before_newton_step()
Any actions that are to be performed before each individual Newton step. Most likely to be used for d...
Definition: problem.h:1053
void remove_duplicate_data(Mesh *const &mesh_pt, bool &actually_removed_some_data)
Private helper function to remove repeated data in external haloed elements in specified mesh....
bool Bifurcation_detection
Boolean to control bifurcation detection via determinant of Jacobian.
Definition: problem.h:790
void solve_adjoint_eigenproblem_legacy(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector, const bool &make_timesteppers_steady=true)
Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as solve_eigenproblem....
void p_refine_uniformly(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info)
p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem; ...
Definition: problem.h:2799
void adapt()
Adapt problem: Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es), based on their own error e...
Definition: problem.h:2988
virtual void actions_before_newton_solve()
Any actions that are to be performed before a complete Newton solve (e.g. adjust boundary conditions)...
Definition: problem.h:1032
Vector< unsigned > First_el_for_assembly
First element to be assembled by given processor for non-distributed problem (only kept up to date wh...
Definition: problem.h:519
unsigned add_sub_mesh(Mesh *const &mesh_pt)
Add a submesh to the problem and return its number, i, by which it can be accessed via mesh_pt(i).
Definition: problem.h:1330
virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector &residuals, SumOfMatrices &jacobian)
Dummy virtual function that must be overloaded by the problem to specify which matrices should be sum...
Definition: problem.h:1883
unsigned long assign_eqn_numbers(const bool &assign_local_eqn_numbers=true)
Assign all equation numbers for problem: Deals with global data (= data that isn't attached to any el...
void refine_uniformly_aux(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &prune)
Helper function to do compund refinement of (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly as many times as...
void build_global_mesh()
Build the global mesh by combining the all the submeshes. Note: The nodes boundary information refers...
unsigned unrefine_uniformly()
Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem. Return 0 for success,...
void assign_initial_values_impulsive()
Initialise data and nodal positions to simulate impulsive start from initial configuration/solution.
double & dof_current(const unsigned &i)
Access function to the current value of the i-th (local) dof at the start of a continuation step.
Definition: problem.h:1182
LinearSolver * mass_matrix_solver_for_explicit_timestepper_pt() const
Return a pointer to the linear solver object used for explicit time stepping (const version).
Definition: problem.h:1486
void unset_default_partition_in_load_balance()
Do not use the default partition in the load balance.
Definition: problem.h:1451
double Theta_squared
Value of the scaling parameter required so that the parameter occupies the desired proportion of the ...
Definition: problem.h:742
void refine_uniformly(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info)
Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc ...
Definition: problem.h:2714
EigenSolver *const & eigen_solver_pt() const
Return a pointer to the eigen solver object (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1498
LinearAlgebraDistribution *const & dof_distribution_pt() const
Return the pointer to the dof distribution (read-only)
Definition: problem.h:1672
virtual void get_eigenproblem_matrices(CRDoubleMatrix &mass_matrix, CRDoubleMatrix &main_matrix, const double &shift=0.0)
Get the matrices required by a eigensolver. If the shift parameter is non-zero the second matrix will...
void refine_uniformly(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh)
Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem.
Definition: problem.h:2704
Vector< double > Dof_derivative
Storage for the derivative of the problem variables wrt arc-length.
Definition: problem.h:774
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed_with_lists(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage is ...
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed_with_two_arrays(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage is ...
void synchronise_dofs(const bool &do_halos, const bool &do_external_halos)
Synchronise the degrees of freedom by overwriting the haloed values with their non-halo counterparts ...
virtual void actions_before_distribute()
Actions to be performed before a (mesh) distribution.
Definition: problem.h:1116
void load_balance(const bool &report_stats)
Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem that has already been distributed,...
Definition: problem.h:1403
Distributed_problem_matrix_distribution Dist_problem_matrix_distribution
The distributed matrix distribution method 1 - Automatic - the Problem distribution is employed,...
Definition: problem.h:956
DoubleVectorHaloScheme * Halo_scheme_pt
Pointer to the halo scheme for any global vectors that have the Dof_distribution.
Definition: problem.h:577
virtual void actions_after_change_in_global_parameter(double *const &parameter_pt)
Actions that are to be performed when the global parameter addressed by parameter_pt has been changed...
Definition: problem.h:1133
double dof(const unsigned &i) const
i-th dof in the problem (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1823
void p_refine_selected_elements(const Vector< unsigned > &elements_to_be_refined)
p-refine (one and only!) mesh by refining the elements identified by their numbers relative to the pr...
void setup_dof_halo_scheme()
Function that is used to setup the halo scheme.
unsigned long ndof() const
Return the number of dofs.
Definition: problem.h:1678
void p_unrefine_uniformly(DocInfo &doc_info)
p-unrefine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem.
virtual void build_mesh()
Function to build the Problem's base mesh; this must be supplied by the user if they wish to use the ...
Definition: problem.h:1365
void(* SpatialErrorEstimatorWithDocFctPt)(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error, DocInfo &doc_info)
Function pointer for spatial error estimator with doc.
Definition: problem.h:1262
static bool Suppress_warning_about_actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes
Flag to allow suppression of warning messages re reading in unstructured meshes during restart.
Definition: problem.h:317
void get_first_and_last_element_for_assembly(Vector< unsigned > &first_el_for_assembly, Vector< unsigned > &last_el_for_assembly) const
Get first and last elements for parallel assembly of non-distributed problem.
Definition: problem.h:1004
void solve_adjoint_eigenproblem(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector_real, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector_imag, const bool &steady=true)
Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as solve_eigenproblem....
void set_default_partition_in_load_balance()
Set the use of the default partition in the load balance.
Definition: problem.h:1445
bool Use_default_partition_in_load_balance
Flag to use "default partition" during load balance. Should only be set to true when run in validatio...
Definition: problem.h:514
void bifurcation_adapt_helper(unsigned &n_refined, unsigned &n_unrefined, const unsigned &bifurcation_type, const bool &actually_adapt=true)
A function that is used to adapt a bifurcation-tracking problem, which requires separate interpolatio...
double & max_residuals()
Access function to max residuals in Newton iterations before giving up.
Definition: problem.h:1608
Vector< double > Elemental_assembly_time
Storage for assembly times (used for load balancing)
Definition: problem.h:573
bool Jacobian_has_been_computed
Has a Jacobian been computed (and can therefore be re-used if required)? Default: false.
Definition: problem.h:622
bool Bypass_increase_in_dof_check_during_pruning
Boolean to bypass check of increase in dofs during pruning.
Definition: problem.h:967
virtual void get_dvaluesdt(DoubleVector &f)
Get the time derivative of all values (using get_inverse_mass_matrix_times_residuals(....
void enable_store_local_dof_pt_in_elements()
Insist that local dof pointers are set up in each element when equation numbering takes place.
Definition: problem.h:1700
void enable_info_in_newton_solve()
Enable the output of information when in the newton solver (Default)
Definition: problem.h:3064
friend class BlockFoldLinearSolver
Definition: problem.h:158
Problem(const Problem &dummy)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void p_refine_uniformly(const unsigned &i_mesh)
Do uniform p-refinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation.
Definition: problem.h:2877
void initialise_dt(const double &dt)
Set all timesteps to the same value, dt, and assign weights for all timesteppers in the problem.
void add_to_dofs(const double &lambda, const DoubleVector &increment_dofs)
Add lambda x incremenet_dofs[l] to the l-th dof.
void p_refine_uniformly(DocInfo &doc_info)
p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
Definition: problem.h:2836
double Timestep_reduction_factor_after_nonconvergence
What it says: If temporally adaptive Newton solver fails to to converge, reduce timestep by this fact...
Definition: problem.h:2331
Mesh *const & mesh_pt(const unsigned &imesh) const
Return a pointer to the i-th submesh (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1308
Vector< double > Dof_current
Storage for the present values of the variables.
Definition: problem.h:777
virtual void debug_hook_fct(const unsigned &i)
Hook for debugging. Can be overloaded in driver code; argument allows identification of where we're c...
Definition: problem.h:249
double Desired_proportion_of_arc_length
Proportion of the arc-length to taken by the parameter.
Definition: problem.h:734
void adapt_based_on_error_estimates(Vector< Vector< double >> &elemental_error)
Adapt problem: Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es), based on the error estimat...
Definition: problem.h:3039
AssemblyHandler *& assembly_handler_pt()
Return a pointer to the assembly handler object.
Definition: problem.h:1570
virtual void actions_after_implicit_timestep_and_error_estimation()
Actions that should be performed after each implicit time step. This is needed if your actions_after_...
Definition: problem.h:1075
void refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh)
Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem....
Definition: problem.h:2724
void disable_mass_matrix_reuse()
Turn off recyling of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping schemes.
EigenSolver * Default_eigen_solver_pt
Pointer to the default eigensolver.
Definition: problem.h:191
Mesh *const & mesh_pt() const
Return a pointer to the global mesh (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1286
void p_refine_uniformly(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh)
p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem
Definition: problem.h:2789
unsigned Nnewton_iter_taken
Actual number of Newton iterations taken during the most recent iteration.
Definition: problem.h:603
double * bifurcation_parameter_pt() const
Return pointer to the parameter that is used in the bifurcation detection. If we are not tracking a b...
void copy_haloed_eqn_numbers_helper(const bool &do_halos, const bool &do_external_halos)
A private helper function to copy the haloed equation numbers into the halo equation numbers,...
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed_with_vectors_of_pairs(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage is ...
void send_data_to_be_sent_during_load_balancing(Vector< int > &send_n, Vector< double > &send_data, Vector< int > &send_displacement)
Load balance helper routine: Send data to other processors during load balancing.
bool Time_adaptive_newton_crash_on_solve_fail
Bool to specify what to do if a Newton solve fails within a time adaptive solve. Default (false) is t...
Definition: problem.h:615
Constructor: Allocate space for one time stepper and set all pointers to NULL and set defaults for al...
const TimeStepper * time_stepper_pt() const
Access function for the pointer to the first (presumably only) timestepper.
Definition: problem.h:1537
void enable_problem_distributed()
Enable problem distributed.
Definition: problem.h:971
bool is_dparameter_calculated_analytically(double *const &parameter_pt)
Function to determine whether the parameter derivatives are calculated analytically.
Definition: problem.h:277
void flush_sub_meshes()
Flush the problem's collection of sub-meshes. Must be followed by call to rebuild_global_mesh().
Definition: problem.h:1339
bool & use_predictor_values_as_initial_guess()
Definition: problem.h:2123
unsigned Sparse_assembly_method
Flag to determine which sparse assembly method to use By default we use assembly by vectors of pairs.
Definition: problem.h:641
void set_analytic_hessian_products()
Function to turn on analytic calculation of the parameter derivatives in continuation and bifurcation...
Definition: problem.h:289
Time *& time_pt()
Return a pointer to the global time object.
Definition: problem.h:1504
void calculate_predictions()
Calculate predictions.
Vector< unsigned > Last_el_plus_one_for_assembly
Last element (plus one) to be assembled by given processor for non-distributed problem (only kept up ...
Definition: problem.h:524
AssemblyHandler *const & assembly_handler_pt() const
Return a pointer to the assembly handler object (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1576
double * global_dof_pt(const unsigned &i)
Return a pointer to the dof, indexed by global equation number which may be haloed or stored locally....
Definition: problem.h:1768
virtual void actions_after_read_unstructured_meshes()
Actions that are to be performed before reading in restart data for problems involving unstructured b...
Definition: problem.h:1109
void copy(Problem *orig_problem_pt)
Copy Data values, nodal positions etc from specified problem. Note: This is not a copy constructor....
virtual void get_jacobian(DoubleVector &residuals, DenseDoubleMatrix &jacobian)
Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals for the problem Interface for the case when the Jac...
void set_explicit_time_stepper_pt(ExplicitTimeStepper *const &explicit_time_stepper_pt)
Set the explicit timestepper for the problem. The function will automatically create or resize the Ti...
Distributed_problem_matrix_distribution & distributed_problem_matrix_distribution()
accesss function to the distributed matrix distribution method 1 - Automatic - the Problem distributi...
Definition: problem.h:842
virtual void actions_after_distribute()
Actions to be performed after a (mesh) distribution.
Definition: problem.h:1119
virtual void actions_before_implicit_timestep()
Actions that should be performed before each implicit time step. This is needed when one wants to sol...
Definition: problem.h:1064
LinearSolver *const & linear_solver_pt() const
Return a pointer to the linear solver object (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1472
void p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh)
p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem....
Definition: problem.h:2809
LinearSolver * Linear_solver_pt
Pointer to the linear solver for the problem.
Definition: problem.h:173
virtual void actions_after_explicit_timestep()
Actions that should be performed after each explicit time step.
Definition: problem.h:1081
void disable_jacobian_reuse()
Disable recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration.
Definition: problem.h:2111
bool Doc_time_in_distribute
Protected boolean flag to provide comprehensive timimings during problem distribution....
Definition: problem.h:637
unsigned Max_newton_iterations
Maximum number of Newton iterations.
Definition: problem.h:599
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > Sparse_assemble_with_arrays_previous_allocation
the number of elements in each row of a compressed matrix in the previous matrix assembly.
Definition: problem.h:667
virtual void actions_after_parameter_increase(double *const &parameter_pt)
Empty virtual function; provides hook to perform actions after the increase in the arclength paramete...
Definition: problem.h:1161
virtual void read(std::ifstream &restart_file)
Read refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and refine them accordingly, then read all Data and ...
Definition: problem.h:2195
void enable_doc_imbalance_in_parallel_assembly()
Enable doc of load imbalance in parallel assembly of distributed problem.
Definition: problem.h:849
unsigned Dof_current_offset
Storage for the offset for the current values of dofs from the original dofs (default is 2,...
Definition: problem.h:771
void calculate_continuation_derivatives(double *const &parameter_pt)
A function to calculate the derivatives wrt the arc-length. This version of the function actually doe...
void store_current_dof_values()
Store the current values of the degrees of freedom.
bool Problem_has_been_distributed
Has the problem been distributed amongst multiple processors?
Definition: problem.h:964
bool jacobian_reuse_is_enabled()
Is recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration enabled?
Definition: problem.h:2118
void synchronise_all_dofs()
Perform all required synchronisation in solvers.
virtual void actions_after_change_in_bifurcation_parameter()
Actions that are to be performed after a change in the parameter that is being varied as part of the ...
Definition: problem.h:1151
bool Empty_actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes_has_been_called
Boolean to indicate that empty actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes() function has been called.
Definition: problem.h:218
OomphCommunicator * communicator_pt()
access function to the oomph-lib communicator
Definition: problem.h:1246
bool Mass_matrix_has_been_computed
Has the mass matrix been computed (and can therefore be reused) Default: false.
Definition: problem.h:695
unsigned nglobal_data() const
Return the number of global data values.
Definition: problem.h:1690
virtual void actions_before_adapt()
Actions that are to be performed before a mesh adaptation. These might include removing any additiona...
Definition: problem.h:1022
void newton_solve()
Use Newton method to solve the problem.
void(* SpatialErrorEstimatorFctPt)(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error)
Function pointer for spatial error estimator.
Definition: problem.h:1258
bool First_jacobian_sign_change
Boolean to indicate whether a sign change has occured in the Jacobian.
Definition: problem.h:796
void reset_arc_length_parameters()
Reset the "internal" arc-length continuation parameters, so as to allow continuation in another param...
Definition: problem.h:2538
void refine_distributed_base_mesh(Vector< Vector< Vector< unsigned >>> &to_be_refined_on_each_root, const unsigned &max_level_overall)
Load balance helper routine: refine each new base (sub)mesh based upon the elements to be refined wit...
void calculate_continuation_derivatives_fd_helper(double *const &parameter_pt)
A function that performs the guts of the continuation derivative calculation in arc-length continuati...
LinearSolver *& linear_solver_pt()
Return a pointer to the linear solver object.
Definition: problem.h:1466
double Continuation_direction
The direction of the change in parameter that will ensure that a branch is followed in one direction ...
Definition: problem.h:749
unsigned Parallel_sparse_assemble_previous_allocation
The amount of data allocated during the previous parallel sparse assemble. Used to optimise the next ...
Definition: problem.h:960
void enable_mass_matrix_reuse()
Enable recycling of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping schemes. Useful for timestepping on fixe...
virtual void actions_before_explicit_timestep()
Actions that should be performed before each explicit time step.
Definition: problem.h:1078
void steady_newton_solve(unsigned const &max_adapt=0)
Solve a steady problem using adaptive Newton's method, but in the context of an overall unstady probl...
void add_global_data(Data *const &global_data_pt)
Add Data to the Problem's global data – the Problem will perform equation numbering etc....
Definition: problem.h:1654
bool Scale_arc_length
Boolean to control whether arc-length should be scaled.
Definition: problem.h:731
double doubly_adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve_helper(const double &dt, const double &epsilon, const unsigned &max_adapt, const unsigned &suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt, const bool &first, const bool &shift=true)
Private helper function that actually performs the unsteady "doubly" adaptive Newton solve....
bool Empty_actions_after_read_unstructured_meshes_has_been_called
Boolean to indicate that empty actions_after_read_unstructured_meshes() function has been called.
Definition: problem.h:222
virtual void get_residuals(DoubleVector &residuals)
Return the fully-assembled residuals Vector for the problem: Virtual so it can be overloaded in for m...
Vector< GeneralisedElement * > Base_mesh_element_pt
Vector to store the correspondence between a root element and its element number within the global me...
Definition: problem.h:548
double & dof(const unsigned &i)
i-th dof in the problem
Definition: problem.h:1817
void get_fd_jacobian(DoubleVector &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian)
Return the fully-assembled Jacobian and residuals, generated by finite differences.
double doubly_adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double &dt, const double &epsilon, const unsigned &max_adapt, const bool &first, const bool &shift=true)
Unsteady "doubly" adaptive Newton solve: Does temporal adaptation first, i.e. we try to do a timestep...
Definition: problem.h:2600
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed_with_two_vectors(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage is ...
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt(const unsigned &i)
Return a pointer to the i-th timestepper.
Definition: problem.h:1549
virtual Problem * make_copy()
Make and return a pointer to the copy of the problem. A virtual function that must be filled in by th...
void disable_problem_distributed()
Disable problem distributed.
Definition: problem.h:977
int & sign_of_jacobian()
Access function for the sign of the global jacobian matrix. This will be set by the linear solver,...
Definition: problem.h:2553
bool & time_adaptive_newton_crash_on_solve_fail()
Access function for Time_adaptive_newton_crash_on_solve_fail.
Definition: problem.h:1614
double Maximum_dt
Maximum desired dt.
Definition: problem.h:709
unsigned long set_timestepper_for_all_data(TimeStepper *const &time_stepper_pt, const bool &preserve_existing_data=false)
Set all problem data to have the same timestepper (timestepper_pt) Return the new number of dofs in t...
void activate_pitchfork_tracking(double *const &parameter_pt, const DoubleVector &symmetry_vector, const bool &block_solve=true)
Turn on pitchfork tracking using the augmented system specified in the PitchForkHandler class....
virtual void dump(std::ofstream &dump_file) const
Dump refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and all generic Problem data to file for restart.
bool Use_finite_differences_for_continuation_derivatives
Boolean to specify which scheme to use to calculate the continuation derivatievs.
Definition: problem.h:803
void p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(DocInfo &doc_info)
p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
Definition: problem.h:2849
bool Arc_length_step_taken
Boolean to indicate whether an arc-length step has been taken.
Definition: problem.h:799
void set_pinned_values_to_zero()
Set all pinned values to zero. Used to set boundary conditions to be homogeneous in the copy of the p...
bool Default_set_initial_condition_called
Has default set_initial_condition function been called? Default: false.
Definition: problem.h:211
void get_bifurcation_eigenfunction(Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenfunction)
Return the eigenfunction calculated as part of a bifurcation tracking process. If we are not tracking...
double Relaxation_factor
Relaxation fator for Newton method (only a fractional Newton correction is applied if this is less th...
Definition: problem.h:592
void add_time_stepper_pt(TimeStepper *const &time_stepper_pt)
Add a timestepper to the problem. The function will automatically create or resize the Time object so...
void refine_selected_elements(const Vector< unsigned > &elements_to_be_refined)
Refine (one and only!) mesh by splitting the elements identified by their numbers relative to the pro...
void prune_halo_elements_and_nodes(DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &report_stats)
(Irreversibly) prune halo(ed) elements and nodes, usually after another round of refinement,...
void solve_eigenproblem_legacy(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector, const bool &steady=true)
Get derivative of an element in the problem wrt a global parameter, used in continuation problems.
virtual void get_inverse_mass_matrix_times_residuals(DoubleVector &Mres)
Return the residual vector multiplied by the inverse mass matrix Virtual so that it can be overloaded...
void check_halo_schemes()
Check the halo/haloed node/element schemes.
Definition: problem.h:2245
double Parameter_current
Storage for the present value of the global parameter.
Definition: problem.h:755
void enable_jacobian_reuse()
Enable recycling of Jacobian in Newton iteration (if the linear solver allows it)....
Definition: problem.h:2104
void assign_eigenvector_to_dofs(DoubleVector &eigenvector)
Assign the eigenvector passed to the function to the dofs in the problem so that it can be output by ...
enum for distribution of distributed jacobians. 1 - Automatic - the Problem distribution is employed,...
Definition: problem.h:829
@ Uniform_matrix_distribution
Definition: problem.h:831
@ Default_matrix_distribution
Definition: problem.h:829
@ Problem_matrix_distribution
Definition: problem.h:830
unsigned setup_element_count_per_dof()
Function that populates the Element_counter_per_dof vector with the number of elements that contribut...
void disable_globally_convergent_newton_method()
disable globally convergent Newton method
Definition: problem.h:2138
void problem_is_nonlinear(const bool &prob_lin)
Access function to Problem_is_nonlinear.
Definition: problem.h:1600
LinearSolver *& mass_matrix_solver_for_explicit_timestepper_pt()
Return a pointer to the linear solver object used for explicit time stepping.
Definition: problem.h:1479
void disable_doc_imbalance_in_parallel_assembly()
Disable doc of load imbalance in parallel assembly of distributed problem.
Definition: problem.h:856
OomphCommunicator * Communicator_pt
The communicator for this problem.
Definition: problem.h:1242
double Newton_solver_tolerance
The Tolerance below which the Newton Method is deemed to have converged.
Definition: problem.h:596
void get_flat_packed_refinement_pattern_for_load_balancing(const Vector< unsigned > &old_domain_for_base_element, const Vector< unsigned > &new_domain_for_base_element, const unsigned &max_refinement_level_overall, std::map< unsigned, Vector< unsigned >> &flat_packed_refinement_info_for_root)
Get flat-packed refinement pattern for each root element in current mesh (labeled by unique number of...
void set_consistent_pinned_values_for_continuation()
Private helper function that is used to set the appropriate pinned values for continuation.
void activate_bifurcation_tracking(double *const &parameter_pt, const DoubleVector &eigenvector, const bool &block_solve=true)
Activate generic bifurcation tracking for a single (real) eigenvalue where the initial guess for the ...
void prune_halo_elements_and_nodes(const bool &report_stats=false)
(Irreversibly) prune halo(ed) elements and nodes, usually after another round of refinement,...
Definition: problem.h:2296
bool Discontinuous_element_formulation
Is the problem a discontinuous one, i.e. can the elemental contributions be treated independently....
Definition: problem.h:700
bool Doc_imbalance_in_parallel_assembly
Boolean to switch on assessment of load imbalance in parallel assembly of distributed problem.
Definition: problem.h:510
long synchronise_eqn_numbers(const bool &assign_local_eqn_numbers=true)
Classify any non-classified nodes into halo/haloed and synchronise equation numbers....
void create_new_linear_algebra_distribution(LinearAlgebraDistribution *&dist_pt)
Get new linear algebra distribution (you're in charge of deleting it!)
void p_refine_uniformly_aux(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &prune)
Helper function to do compund p-refinement of (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly as many time...
void calculate_continuation_derivatives_helper(const DoubleVector &z)
A function that performs the guts of the continuation derivative calculation in arc length continuati...
Vector< Problem * > Copy_of_problem_pt
Vector of pointers to copies of the problem used in adaptive bifurcation tracking problems (ALH: TEMP...
Definition: problem.h:234
unsigned & max_newton_iterations()
Access function to max Newton iterations before giving up.
Definition: problem.h:1594
Vector< unsigned > distribute(const Vector< unsigned > &element_partition, DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &report_stats=false)
Distribute the problem and doc, using the specified partition; returns a vector which details the par...
double & newton_solver_tolerance()
Access function to tolererance of the Newton solver, i.e. the maximum value of the residuals that wil...
Definition: problem.h:1621
bool problem_has_been_distributed()
Access to Problem_has_been_distributed flag.
Definition: problem.h:2307
Mesh * Mesh_pt
The mesh pointer.
Definition: problem.h:167
void solve_eigenproblem_legacy(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, const bool &steady=true)
Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval...
Definition: problem.h:1945
double Parameter_derivative
Storage for the derivative of the global parameter wrt arc-length.
Definition: problem.h:752
void add_eigenvector_to_dofs(const double &epsilon, const DoubleVector &eigenvector)
Add the eigenvector passed to the function scaled by the constat epsilon to the dofs in the problem s...
Time * time_pt() const
Return a pointer to the global time object (const version).
Definition: problem.h:1510
Vector< double > elemental_assembly_time()
Return vector of most-recent elemental assembly times (used for load balancing). Zero sized if no Jac...
Definition: problem.h:864
void flush_global_data()
Flush the Problem's global data – resizes container to zero. Data objects are not deleted!
Definition: problem.h:1662
Vector< Data * > Global_data_pt
Vector of global data: "Nobody" (i.e. none of the elements etc.) is "in charge" of this Data so it wo...
Definition: problem.h:425
void recompute_load_balanced_assembly()
Helper function to re-assign the first and last elements to be assembled by each processor during par...
Vector< double * > Dof_pt
Vector of pointers to dofs.
Definition: problem.h:554
void p_adapt()
p-adapt problem: Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es), based on their own error...
Definition: problem.h:3010
double DTSF_max_increase
Maximum possible increase of dt between time-steps in adaptive schemes.
Definition: problem.h:713
bool Must_recompute_load_balance_for_assembly
Boolean indicating that the division of elements over processors during the assembly process must be ...
Definition: problem.h:529
virtual void shift_time_values()
Shift all values along to prepare for next timestep.
void p_refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info)
p-refine p-refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem; ...
Definition: problem.h:2823
Mesh *& mesh_pt()
Return a pointer to the global mesh.
Definition: problem.h:1280
void set_default_first_and_last_element_for_assembly()
Set default first and last elements for parallel assembly of non-distributed problem.
bool Keep_temporal_error_below_tolerance
Boolean to decide if a timestep is to be rejected if the error estimate post-solve (computed by globa...
Definition: problem.h:2338
bool Shut_up_in_newton_solve
Boolean to indicate if all output is suppressed in Problem::newton_solve(). Defaults to false.
Definition: problem.h:2320
void set_dofs(const DoubleVector &dofs)
Set the values of the dofs.
void setup_base_mesh_info_after_pruning()
Helper function to re-setup the Base_mesh enumeration (used during load balancing) after pruning.
Vector< Mesh * > Sub_mesh_pt
Vector of pointers to submeshes.
Definition: problem.h:170
Vector< double > Max_res
Maximum residuals at start and after each newton iteration.
Definition: problem.h:606
EigenSolver * Eigen_solver_pt
Pointer to the eigen solver for the problem.
Definition: problem.h:182
bool Bisect_to_find_bifurcation
Boolean to control wheter bisection is used to located bifurcation.
Definition: problem.h:793
void explicit_timestep(const double &dt, const bool &shift_values=true)
Take an explicit timestep of size dt and optionally shift any stored values of the time history.
void delete_all_external_storage()
Wrapper function to delete external storage for each submesh of the problem.
double DTSF_min_decrease
Minimum allowed decrease of dt between time-steps in adaptive schemes. Lower scaling values will reje...
Definition: problem.h:718
virtual void symmetrise_eigenfunction_for_adaptive_pitchfork_tracking()
Virtual function that is used to symmetrise the problem so that the current solution exactly satisfie...
void load_balance(DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &report_stats)
Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem that has already been distributed,...
Definition: problem.h:1422
void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &alpha, Vector< double > &beta, const bool &steady=true)
Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent elements but only return the eigenval...
Definition: problem.h:2025
double Minimum_dt_but_still_proceed
If Minimum_dt_but_still_proceed positive, then dt will not be reduced below this value during adaptiv...
Definition: problem.h:725
double adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double &dt_desired, const double &epsilon)
Attempt to advance timestep by dt_desired. If the solution fails the timestep will be halved until co...
unsigned Desired_newton_iterations_ds
The desired number of Newton Steps to reach convergence at each step along the arc.
Definition: problem.h:784
void refine_uniformly_and_prune(DocInfo &doc_info)
Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
Definition: problem.h:2756
void rebuild_global_mesh()
If one of the submeshes has changed (e.g. by mesh adaptation) we need to update the global mesh....
void disable_store_local_dof_pt_in_elements()
Insist that local dof pointers are NOT set up in each element when equation numbering takes place (th...
Definition: problem.h:1707
ExplicitTimeStepper *& explicit_time_stepper_pt()
Return a pointer to the explicit timestepper.
Definition: problem.h:1555
bool Calculate_hessian_products_analytic
Map used to determine whether the hessian products should be computed using finite differences....
Definition: problem.h:244
void set_first_and_last_element_for_assembly(Vector< unsigned > &first_el_for_assembly, Vector< unsigned > &last_el_for_assembly)
Manually set first and last elements for parallel assembly of non-distributed problem.
Definition: problem.h:988
double & maximum_dt()
Access function to max timestep in adaptive timestepping.
Definition: problem.h:1588
void activate_hopf_tracking(double *const &parameter_pt, const bool &block_solve=true)
Turn on Hopf bifurcation tracking using the augmented system specified in the HopfHandler class....
Vector< double * > Halo_dof_pt
Storage for the halo degrees of freedom (only required) when accessing via the global equation number...
Definition: problem.h:581
void deactivate_bifurcation_tracking()
Deactivate all bifuraction tracking, by reseting the assembly handler to the default.
Definition: problem.h:2482
void globally_convergent_line_search(const Vector< double > &x_old, const double &half_residual_squared_old, DoubleVector &gradient, DoubleVector &newton_dir, double &half_residual_squared, const double &stpmax)
Line search helper for globally convergent Newton method.
void get_hessian_vector_products(DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries const &Y, Vector< DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries > const &C, Vector< DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries > &product)
Return the product of the global hessian (derivative of Jacobian matrix with respect to all variables...
virtual double global_temporal_error_norm()
Function to calculate a global error norm, used in adaptive timestepping to control the change in tim...
Definition: problem.h:1230
Enumerated flags to determine which sparse assembly method is used.
Definition: problem.h:645
@ Perform_assembly_using_two_arrays
Definition: problem.h:650
@ Perform_assembly_using_maps
Definition: problem.h:648
@ Perform_assembly_using_two_vectors
Definition: problem.h:647
@ Perform_assembly_using_vectors_of_pairs
Definition: problem.h:646
@ Perform_assembly_using_lists
Definition: problem.h:649
void enable_globally_convergent_newton_method()
enable globally convergent Newton method
Definition: problem.h:2132
Mesh *& mesh_pt(const unsigned &imesh)
Return a pointer to the i-th submesh. If there are no submeshes, the 0-th submesh is the global mesh ...
Definition: problem.h:1293
int Sign_of_jacobian
Storage for the sign of the global Jacobian.
Definition: problem.h:745
std::map< GeneralisedElement *, unsigned > Base_mesh_element_number_plus_one
Map which stores the correspondence between a root element and its element number (plus one) within t...
Definition: problem.h:538
double Max_residuals
Maximum desired residual: if the maximum residual exceeds this value, the program will exit.
Definition: problem.h:610
unsigned nsub_mesh() const
Return number of submeshes.
Definition: problem.h:1323
void unset_analytic_hessian_products()
Function to turn off analytic calculation of the parameter derivatives in continuation and bifurcatio...
Definition: problem.h:296
double & time()
Return the current value of continuous time.
unsigned self_test()
Self-test: Check meshes and global data. Return 0 for OK.
unsigned ntime_stepper() const
Return the number of time steppers.
Definition: problem.h:1684
void activate_fold_tracking(double *const &parameter_pt, const bool &block_solve=true)
Turn on fold tracking using the augmented system specified in the FoldHandler class....
double * dof_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Pointer to i-th dof in the problem (const version)
Definition: problem.h:1835
bool Use_globally_convergent_newton_method
Use the globally convergent newton method.
Definition: problem.h:214
LinearSolver * Default_linear_solver_pt
Pointer to the default linear solver.
Definition: problem.h:188
double Minimum_ds
Minimum desired value of arc-length.
Definition: problem.h:787
void get_data_to_be_sent_during_load_balancing(const Vector< unsigned > &element_domain_on_this_proc, Vector< int > &send_n, Vector< double > &send_data, Vector< int > &send_displacement, Vector< unsigned > &old_domain_for_base_element, Vector< unsigned > &new_domain_for_base_element, unsigned &max_refinement_level_overall)
Load balance helper routine: Get data to be sent to other processors during load balancing and other ...
void restore_dof_values()
Restore the stored values of the degrees of freedom.
double Numerical_zero_for_sparse_assembly
A tolerance used to determine whether the entry in a sparse matrix is zero. If it is then storage nee...
Definition: problem.h:671
double FD_step_used_in_get_hessian_vector_products
Definition: problem.h:685
virtual void partition_global_mesh(Mesh *&global_mesh_pt, DocInfo &doc_info, Vector< unsigned > &element_domain, const bool &report_stats=false)
Partition the global mesh, return vector specifying the processor number for each element....
unsigned Sparse_assemble_with_arrays_initial_allocation
the number of elements to initially allocate for a matrix row within the sparse_assembly_with_two_arr...
Definition: problem.h:658
void bifurcation_adapt_doc_errors(const unsigned &bifurcation_type)
A function that is used to document the errors used in the adaptive solution of bifurcation problems.
double Ds_current
Storage for the current step value.
Definition: problem.h:780
virtual void set_initial_condition()
Set initial condition (incl previous timesteps). We need to establish this interface because I....
Definition: problem.h:1198
LinearSolver * Mass_matrix_solver_for_explicit_timestepper_pt
Pointer to the linear solver used for explicit time steps (this is likely to be different to the line...
Definition: problem.h:179
void get_all_halo_data(std::map< unsigned, double * > &map_of_halo_data)
Get pointers to all possible halo data indexed by global equation number in a map.
void load_balance()
Balance the load of a (possibly non-uniformly refined) problem that has already been distributed,...
Definition: problem.h:1382
double & dof_derivative(const unsigned &i)
Access function to the derivative of the i-th (local) dof with respect to the arc length,...
Definition: problem.h:1168
double Minimum_dt
Minimum desired dt: if dt falls below this value, exit.
Definition: problem.h:706
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Access function for the pointer to the first (presumably only) timestepper.
Definition: problem.h:1524
double arc_length_step_solve(double *const &parameter_pt, const double &ds, const unsigned &max_adapt=0)
Solve a steady problem using arc-length continuation, when the parameter that becomes a variable corr...
virtual void actions_after_adapt()
Actions that are to be performed after a mesh adaptation.
Definition: problem.h:1025
void p_refine_uniformly()
p-refine (all) p-refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem
Definition: problem.h:2866
bool Use_continuation_timestepper
Boolean to control original or new storage of dof stuff.
Definition: problem.h:758
void calculate_continuation_derivatives_fd(double *const &parameter_pt)
A function to calculate the derivatives with respect to the arc-length required for continuation by f...
LinearAlgebraDistribution * Dof_distribution_pt
The distribution of the DOFs in this problem. This object is created in the Problem constructor and s...
Definition: problem.h:460
void refine_uniformly()
Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem.
Definition: problem.h:2769
static ContinuationStorageScheme Continuation_time_stepper
Storage for the single static continuation timestorage object.
Definition: problem.h:761
bool Problem_is_nonlinear
Boolean flag indicating if we're dealing with a linear or nonlinear Problem – if set to false the New...
Definition: problem.h:628
virtual void sparse_assemble_row_or_column_compressed_with_maps(Vector< int * > &column_or_row_index, Vector< int * > &row_or_column_start, Vector< double * > &value, Vector< unsigned > &nnz, Vector< double * > &residual, bool compressed_row_flag)
Private helper function that is used to assemble the Jacobian matrix in the case when the storage is ...
void refine_uniformly_and_prune(const Vector< unsigned > &nrefine_for_mesh, DocInfo &doc_info)
Refine refineable sub-meshes, each as many times as specified in the vector and rebuild problem; doc ...
Definition: problem.h:2734
void send_refinement_info_helper(Vector< unsigned > &old_domain_for_base_element, Vector< unsigned > &new_domain_for_base_element, const unsigned &max_refinement_level_overall, std::map< unsigned, Vector< unsigned >> &refinement_info_for_root_local, Vector< Vector< Vector< unsigned >>> &refinement_info_for_root_elements)
Send refinement information between processors.
double & minimum_dt()
Access function to min timestep in adaptive timestepping.
Definition: problem.h:1582
void operator=(const Problem &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
AssemblyHandler * Default_assembly_handler_pt
Pointer to the default assembly handler.
Definition: problem.h:194
void get_my_eqns(AssemblyHandler *const &assembly_handler_pt, const unsigned &el_lo, const unsigned &el_hi, Vector< unsigned > &my_eqns)
Helper method that returns the (unique) global equations to which the elements in the range el_lo to ...
std::map< double *, bool > Calculate_dparameter_analytic
Map used to determine whether the derivatives with respect to a parameter should be finite difference...
Definition: problem.h:239
virtual void read(std::ifstream &restart_file, bool &unsteady_restart)
Read refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and refine them accordingly, then read all Data and ...
virtual ~Problem()
Virtual destructor to clean up memory.
void get_dofs(DoubleVector &dofs) const
Return the vector of dofs, i.e. a vector containing the current values of all unknowns.
Time * Time_pt
Pointer to global time for the problem.
Definition: problem.h:197
DoubleVectorWithHaloEntries Element_count_per_dof
Counter that records how many elements contribute to each dof. Used to determine the (discrete) arc-l...
Definition: problem.h:560
void solve_adjoint_eigenproblem(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &eigenvalue, const bool &steady=true)
Solve an adjoint eigenvalue problem using the same procedure as solve_eigenproblem but only return th...
Definition: problem.h:2063
void refine_uniformly(DocInfo &doc_info)
Refine (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) uniformly and rebuild problem; doc refinement process.
Definition: problem.h:2743
Data *& global_data_pt(const unsigned &i)
Return a pointer to the the i-th global data object.
Definition: problem.h:1647
virtual void actions_before_newton_convergence_check()
Any actions that are to be performed before the residual is checked in the Newton method,...
Definition: problem.h:1048
double doubly_adaptive_unsteady_newton_solve(const double &dt, const double &epsilon, const unsigned &max_adapt, const unsigned &suppress_resolve_after_spatial_adapt_flag, const bool &first, const bool &shift=true)
Unsteady "doubly" adaptive Newton solve: Does temporal adaptation first, i.e. we try to do a timestep...
Definition: problem.h:2633
unsigned newton_solve_continuation(double *const &parameter_pt)
Perform a basic arc-length continuation step using Newton's method. Returns number of Newton steps ta...
double Max_permitted_error_for_halo_check
Threshold for error throwing in Problem::check_halo_schemes()
Definition: problem.h:2304
unsigned Sparse_assemble_with_arrays_allocation_increment
the number of elements to add to a matrix row when the initial allocation is exceeded within the spar...
Definition: problem.h:663
void reset_assembly_handler_to_default()
Reset the system to the standard non-augemented state.
void set_analytic_dparameter(double *const &parameter_pt)
Function to turn on analytic calculation of the parameter derivatives in continuation and bifurcation...
Definition: problem.h:256
virtual void actions_after_newton_step()
Any actions that are to be performed after each individual Newton step. Most likely to be used for di...
Definition: problem.h:1058
bool Pause_at_end_of_sparse_assembly
Protected boolean flag to halt program execution during sparse assemble process to assess peak memory...
Definition: problem.h:633
void remove_null_pointers_from_external_halo_node_storage()
Consolidate external halo node storage by removing nulled out pointers in external halo and haloed sc...
Vector< double > * Saved_dof_pt
Pointer to vector for backup of dofs.
Definition: problem.h:207
void unsteady_newton_solve(const double &dt)
Advance time by dt and solve by Newton's method. This version always shifts time values.
AssemblyHandler * Assembly_handler_pt
Definition: problem.h:185
void disable_info_in_newton_solve()
Disable the output of information when in the newton solver.
Definition: problem.h:3070
unsigned Dof_derivative_offset
Storage for the offset for the continuation derivatives from the original dofs (default is 1,...
Definition: problem.h:766
void get_all_error_estimates(Vector< Vector< double >> &elemental_error)
Return the error estimates computed by (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es) in the elemental_error structur...
virtual void actions_before_read_unstructured_meshes()
Actions that are to be performed before reading in restart data for problems involving unstructured b...
Definition: problem.h:1095
const OomphCommunicator * communicator_pt() const
access function to the oomph-lib communicator, const version
Definition: problem.h:1252
Vector< TimeStepper * > Time_stepper_pt
The Vector of time steppers (there could be many different ones in multiphysics problems)
Definition: problem.h:201
void doc_errors()
Get max and min error for all elements in submeshes.
Definition: problem.h:3055
bool Mass_matrix_reuse_is_enabled
Is re-use of the mass matrix in explicit timestepping enabled Default:false.
Definition: problem.h:691
void get_derivative_wrt_global_parameter(double *const &parameter_pt, DoubleVector &result)
Get the derivative of the entire residuals vector wrt a global parameter, used in continuation proble...
void enable_discontinuous_formulation()
Indicate that the problem involves discontinuous elements This allows for a more efficiently assembly...
Definition: problem.h:1731
void adapt_based_on_error_estimates(unsigned &n_refined, unsigned &n_unrefined, Vector< Vector< double >> &elemental_error)
Adapt problem: Perform mesh adaptation for (all) refineable (sub)mesh(es), based on the error estimat...
bool distributed() const
If we have MPI return the "problem has been distributed" flag, otherwise it can't be distributed so r...
Definition: problem.h:808
bool are_hessian_products_calculated_analytically()
Function to determine whether the hessian products are calculated analytically.
Definition: problem.h:303
bool does_pointer_correspond_to_problem_data(double *const &parameter_pt)
Return a boolean flag to indicate whether the pointer parameter_pt refers to values stored in a Data ...
ExplicitTimeStepper * Explicit_time_stepper_pt
Pointer to a single explicit timestepper.
Definition: problem.h:204
void dump(const std::string &dump_file_name) const
Dump refinement pattern of all refineable meshes and all generic Problem data to file for restart.
Definition: problem.h:2207
bool mass_matrix_reuse_is_enabled()
Return whether the mass matrix is being reused.
Definition: problem.h:2697
void disable_discontinuous_formulation()
Disable the use of a discontinuous-element formulation. Note that the methods will all still work eve...
Definition: problem.h:1740
double arc_length_step_solve_helper(double *const &parameter_pt, const double &ds, const unsigned &max_adapt)
Private helper function that actually contains the guts of the arc-length stepping,...
void refine_uniformly(const unsigned &i_mesh)
Do uniform refinement for submesh i_mesh without documentation.
Definition: problem.h:2780
void solve_eigenproblem(const unsigned &n_eval, Vector< std::complex< double >> &alpha, Vector< double > &beta, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector_real, Vector< DoubleVector > &eigenvector_imag, const bool &steady=true)
Solve an eigenproblem as assembled by the Problem's constituent elements. Calculate (at least) n_eval...
bool Use_predictor_values_as_initial_guess
Use values from the time stepper predictor as an initial guess.
Definition: problem.h:229
void unset_analytic_dparameter(double *const &parameter_pt)
Function to turn off analytic calculation of the parameter derivatives in continuation and bifurcatio...
Definition: problem.h:263
Class for a matrix of the form M = S + G + H + ... where S is the main matrix and G,...
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:231
Class to keep track of discrete/continous time. It is essential to have a single Time object when usi...
Definition: timesteppers.h:63
A slight extension to the standard template vector class so that we can include "graceful" array rang...
Definition: Vector.h:58
std::string string(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th string or "" if the relevant string hasn't been defined.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
OomphInfo oomph_info
Single (global) instantiation of the OomphInfo object – this is used throughout the library as a "rep...