Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at http://www.oomph-lib.org.
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at oomph-lib@maths.man.ac.uk.
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 // This header contains classes and function prototypes for the Time,
27 // TimeStepper and derived objects
29 // Include guard to prevent multiple inclusions of the header
33 // Config header generated by autoconfig
34 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
35 #include <oomph-lib-config.h>
36 #endif
38 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
39 #include "mpi.h"
40 #endif
42 // oomph-lib headers
43 #include "Vector.h"
44 #include "nodes.h"
45 #include "matrices.h"
47 namespace oomph
48 {
49  class Problem;
50  class ExplicitTimeStepper;
52  //====================================================================
53  /// Class to keep track of discrete/continous time. It is essential
54  /// to have a single Time object when using multiple time-stepping schemes;
55  /// e.g., in fluid-structure interaction problems, it is common to use
56  /// different schemes for the fluid and solid domains.
57  /// Storage is allocated for the current value
58  /// of the (continuous) time and a limited history of previous timesteps.
59  /// The number of previous timesteps must be equal to the number required
60  /// by the "highest order" scheme.
61  //====================================================================
62  class Time
63  {
64  private:
65  /// Pointer to the value of the continuous time.
68  /// Vector that stores the values of the current and previous timesteps.
71  public:
72  /// Constructor: Do not allocate any storage for previous timesteps,
73  /// but set the initial value of the time to zero
74  Time() : Continuous_time(0.0) {}
76  /// Constructor: Pass the number of timesteps to be stored
77  /// and set the initial value of time to zero.
78  Time(const unsigned& ndt) : Continuous_time(0.0)
79  {
80  // Allocate memory for the timestep storage and initialise values to one
81  // to avoid division by zero.
82  Dt.resize(ndt, 1.0);
83  }
85  /// Broken copy constructor
86  Time(const Time&) = delete;
88  /// Broken assignment operator
89  void operator=(const Time&) = delete;
91  /// Resize the vector holding the number of previous timesteps
92  /// and initialise the new values to zero.
93  void resize(const unsigned& n_dt)
94  {
95  Dt.resize(n_dt, 0.0);
96  }
98  /// Set all timesteps to the same value, dt.
99  void initialise_dt(const double& dt_)
100  {
101  unsigned ndt = Dt.size();
102  Dt.assign(ndt, dt_);
103  }
105  /// Set the value of the timesteps to be equal to the values passed
106  /// in a vector
107  void initialise_dt(const Vector<double>& dt_)
108  {
109  // Assign the values from the vector dt_, but preserve the size of Dt and
110  // any Dt[i] s.t. i > dt_.size() (which is why we can't just use
111  // assignment operator).
112  unsigned n_dt = dt_.size();
113  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dt; i++)
114  {
115  Dt[i] = dt_[i];
116  }
117  }
119  /// Destructor: empty
120  ~Time() {}
122  /// Return the current value of the continuous time
123  double& time()
124  {
125  return Continuous_time;
126  }
128  /// Return the number of timesteps stored
129  unsigned ndt() const
130  {
131  return Dt.size();
132  }
134  /// Return the value of the t-th stored timestep (t=0: present; t>0:
135  /// previous).
136  double& dt(const unsigned& t = 0)
137  {
138  return Dt[t];
139  }
141  /// Return the value of the t-th stored timestep (t=0: present; t>0:
142  /// previous), const version.
143  double dt(const unsigned& t = 0) const
144  {
145  return Dt[t];
146  }
148  /// Return the value of the continuous time at the t-th previous
149  /// time level (t=0: current; t>0 previous).
150  double time(const unsigned& t = 0) const
151  {
152 #ifdef PARANOID
153  if (t > ndt())
154  {
155  using namespace StringConversion;
156  std::string error_msg = "Timestep " + to_string(t) + " out of range!";
157  throw OomphLibError(
159  }
160 #endif
161  // Load the current value of the time
162  double time_local = Continuous_time;
163  // Loop over the t previous timesteps and subtract each dt
164  for (unsigned i = 0; i < t; i++)
165  {
166  time_local -= Dt[i];
167  }
168  return time_local;
169  }
171  /// Update all stored values of dt by shifting each value along
172  /// the array. This function must be called before starting to solve at a
173  /// new time level.
174  void shift_dt()
175  {
176  unsigned n_dt = Dt.size();
177  // Return straight away if there are no stored timesteps
178  if (n_dt == 0)
179  {
180  return;
181  }
182  // Start from the end of the array and shift every entry back by one
183  for (unsigned i = (n_dt - 1); i > 0; i--)
184  {
185  Dt[i] = Dt[i - 1];
186  }
187  }
188  };
191  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
196  //====================================================================
197  /// Base class for time-stepping schemes.
198  /// Timestepper provides an approximation of the temporal derivatives of
199  /// Data such that the i-th derivative of the j-th value in Data is
200  /// represented as
201  /// \code
202  /// unsigned n_value=data_pt->nvalue();
203  /// Vector<double> time_derivative(n_value);
204  /// for (unsigned j=0;j<n_value;j++)
205  /// {
206  /// time_derivative[j]=0.0;
207  /// for (unsigned t=0;t<ntstorage();t++)
208  /// {
209  /// time_derivative[j] += data_pt->value(t,j)*weight(i,t);
210  /// }
211  /// }
212  /// \endcode
213  /// where the time index \c t is such that
214  /// - \c t \c = \c 0 refers to the current value of the Data
215  /// - \c t \c > \c 0 refers to the `history' values, i.e. the doubles that
216  /// are stored in Data to represent the value's time derivatives. For BDF
217  /// schemes these doubles are the values at previous times;
218  /// for other timestepping schemes they can represent quantities
219  /// such as previous first and second derivatives, etc.
220  ///
221  /// TimeSteppers can evaluate all derivatives up to their \c order().
222  ///
223  /// The first \c nprev_values() `history values' represent the
224  /// values at the previous timesteps. For BDF schemes,
225  /// \c nprev_values() \c = \c ntstorage()-1 , i.e. all `history values'
226  /// represent previous values. For \c Newmark<NSTEPS>, only the first
227  /// NSTEPS `history values' represent previous values (NSTEPS=1
228  /// gives the normal Newmark scheme).
229  //====================================================================
231  {
232  protected:
233  /// Pointer to discrete time storage scheme
236  /// Storage for the weights associated with the timestepper
239  /// String that indicates the type of the timestepper
240  /// (e.g. "BDF", "Newmark", etc.)
243  /// Boolean variable to indicate whether the timestepping scheme can
244  /// be adaptive
247  /// Bool to indicate if the timestepper is steady, i.e. its
248  /// time-derivatives evaluate to zero. This status may be achieved
249  /// temporarily by calling make_steady(). It can be reset to the
250  /// appropriate default by the function undo_make_steady().
251  bool Is_steady;
253  /// Boolean to indicate if the timestepper will output warnings when
254  /// setting possibly an incorrect number of initial data values from
255  /// function pointers
258  /// Flag: is adaptivity done by taking a separate step using an
259  /// ExplicitTimeStepper object?
262  /// Pointer to explicit time stepper to use as predictor if
263  /// Predict_by_explicit_step is set.
264  /// ??ds merge the two? predict by explicit if pointer is set?
267  /// Store the time that the predicted values currently stored are at, to
268  /// compare for paranoid checks.
271  /// The time-index in each Data object where predicted values are
272  /// stored. -1 if not set.
275  public:
276  /// Constructor. Pass the amount of storage required by
277  /// timestepper (present value + history values) and the
278  /// order of highest time-derivative.
279  TimeStepper(const unsigned& tstorage, const unsigned& max_deriv)
280  : Time_pt(0),
281  Adaptive_Flag(false),
282  Is_steady(false),
283  Shut_up_in_assign_initial_data_values(false),
284  Predict_by_explicit_step(false)
285  {
286  // Resize Weights matrix and initialise each weight to zero
287  Weight.resize(max_deriv + 1, tstorage, 0.0);
289  // Set the weight for zero-th derivative, which is always 1.0
290  Weight(0, 0) = 1.0;
292  // Set predictor storage index to negative value so that we can catch
293  // cases where it has not been set to a correct value by the inheriting
294  // constructor.
295  Predictor_storage_index = -1;
297  Explicit_predictor_pt = 0;
298  }
300  /// Broken empty constructor
302  {
303  throw OomphLibError("Don't call default constructor for TimeStepper!",
306  }
308  /// Broken copy constructor
309  TimeStepper(const TimeStepper&) = delete;
311  /// Broken assignment operator
312  void operator=(const TimeStepper&) = delete;
314  /// virtual destructor
315  virtual ~TimeStepper();
317  /// Highest order derivative that the scheme can compute
318  unsigned highest_derivative() const
319  {
320  return Weight.nrow() - 1;
321  }
323  /// Actual order (accuracy) of the scheme
324  virtual unsigned order() const
325  {
326  return 0;
327  }
329  /// Return current value of continous time
330  // (can't have a paranoid test for null pointers because this could be
331  // used as a set function)
332  double& time()
333  {
334  return Time_pt->time();
335  }
337  /// Return current value of continous time.
338  double time() const
339  {
340 #ifdef PARANOID
341  if (Time_pt == 0)
342  {
343  std::string error_msg = "Time pointer is null!";
344  throw OomphLibError(
346  }
347 #endif
348  return Time_pt->time();
349  }
351  /// Number of timestep increments that are required by the scheme
352  virtual unsigned ndt() const = 0;
354  /// Number of previous values needed to calculate the value at the
355  /// current time. i.e. how many previous values must we loop over to
356  /// calculate the values at the evaluation time. For most methods this is
357  /// 1, i.e. just use the value at t_{n+1}. See midpoint method for a
358  /// counter-example.
360  {
361  return 1;
362  }
364  /// Number of previous values available: 0 for static, 1 for BDF<1>,...
365  virtual unsigned nprev_values() const = 0;
367  /// Function to set the weights for present timestep (don't
368  /// need to pass present timestep or previous timesteps as they
369  /// are available via Time_pt)
370  virtual void set_weights() = 0;
372  /// Function to make the time stepper temporarily steady. This
373  /// is trivially achieved by setting all the weights to zero
374  void make_steady()
375  {
376  // Zero the matrix
377  Weight.initialise(0);
379  // Weight of current step in calculation of current step is always 1 in
380  // steady state. All other entries left at zero.
381  Weight(0, 0) = 1.0;
383  // Update flag
384  Is_steady = true;
385  }
387  /// Flag to indicate if a timestepper has been made steady (possibly
388  /// temporarily to switch off time-dependence)
389  bool is_steady() const
390  {
391  return Is_steady;
392  }
394  /// Flag: is adaptivity done by taking a separate step using an
395  /// ExplicitTimeStepper object?
397  {
398  return Predict_by_explicit_step;
399  }
401  /// Get the pointer to the explicit timestepper to use as a predictor in
402  /// adaptivity if Predict_by_explicit_step is set.
404  {
405  return Explicit_predictor_pt;
406  }
408  /// Set the pointer to the explicit timestepper to use as a predictor in
409  /// adaptivity if Predict_by_explicit_step is set.
411  {
412  Explicit_predictor_pt = _pred_pt;
413  }
415  /// Set the time that the current predictions apply for, only needed for
416  /// paranoid checks when doing Predict_by_explicit_step.
417  void update_predicted_time(const double& new_time)
418  {
419  Predicted_time = new_time;
420  }
422  /// Check that the predicted values are the ones we want.
424  {
425 #ifdef PARANOID
426  if (std::abs(time_pt()->time() - Predicted_time) > 1e-15)
427  {
428  throw OomphLibError(
429  "Predicted values are not from the correct time step",
432  }
433 #endif
434  }
436  /// Return the time-index in each Data where predicted values are
437  /// stored if the timestepper is adaptive.
438  unsigned predictor_storage_index() const
439  {
440  // Error if time stepper is non-adaptive (because then the index doesn't
441  // exist so using it would give a potentially difficult to find
442  // segault).
443 #ifdef PARANOID
444  if (Predictor_storage_index > 0)
445  {
446  return unsigned(Predictor_storage_index);
447  }
448  else
449  {
450  std::string err = "Predictor storage index is negative, this probably";
451  err += " means it hasn't been set for this timestepper.";
452  throw OomphLibError(
454  }
455 #else
456  return unsigned(Predictor_storage_index);
457 #endif
458  }
460  /// Enable the output of warnings due to possible fct pointer vector
461  /// size mismatch in assign_initial_data_values (Default)
463  {
464  Shut_up_in_assign_initial_data_values = false;
465  }
467  /// Disable the output of warnings due to possible fct pointer vector
468  /// size mismatch in assign_initial_data_values
470  {
471  Shut_up_in_assign_initial_data_values = true;
472  }
474  /// Get a (const) pointer to the weights.
476  {
477  return &Weight;
478  }
480  /// Reset the is_steady status of a specific TimeStepper to its
481  /// default and re-assign the weights.
482  virtual void undo_make_steady()
483  {
484  Is_steady = false;
485  set_weights();
486  }
488  /// Return string that indicates the type of the timestepper
489  /// (e.g. "BDF", "Newmark", etc.)
491  {
492  return Type;
493  }
495  //??ds I think that the Data and Node cases below couldp robably be
496  // handled with a template argument. However they can't be handled by
497  // normal polymorphism because data.value is different to node.value and
498  // value is not a virtual function.
500  /// Evaluate i-th derivative of all values in Data and return in
501  /// Vector deriv[].
502  void time_derivative(const unsigned& i,
503  Data* const& data_pt,
504  Vector<double>& deriv)
505  {
506  // Number of values stored in the Data object
507  unsigned nvalue = data_pt->nvalue();
508  deriv.assign(nvalue, 0.0);
510  // Loop over all values
511  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nvalue; j++)
512  {
513  deriv[j] = time_derivative(i, data_pt, j);
514  }
515  }
517  /// Evaluate i-th derivative of j-th value in Data.
518  double time_derivative(const unsigned& i,
519  Data* const& data_pt,
520  const unsigned& j)
521  {
522  double deriv = 0.0;
523  unsigned n_tstorage = ntstorage();
524  // Loop over all history data and add the appropriate contribution
525  // to the derivative
526  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
527  {
528  deriv += Weight(i, t) * data_pt->value(t, j);
529  }
530  return deriv;
531  }
533  /// Evaluate i-th derivative of all values in Node and return in
534  /// Vector deriv[] (this can't be simply combined with time_derivative(..,
535  /// Data, ...) because of differences with haning nodes).
536  void time_derivative(const unsigned& i,
537  Node* const& node_pt,
538  Vector<double>& deriv)
539  {
540  // Number of values stored in the Data object
541  unsigned nvalue = node_pt->nvalue();
542  deriv.assign(nvalue, 0.0);
544  // Loop over all values
545  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nvalue; j++)
546  {
547  deriv[j] = time_derivative(i, node_pt, j);
548  }
549  }
551  /// Evaluate i-th derivative of j-th value in Node. Note the use of
552  /// the node's value() function so that hanging nodes are taken into
553  /// account (this is why the functions for Data and Node cannot be
554  /// combined through simple polymorphism: value is not virtual).
555  double time_derivative(const unsigned& i,
556  Node* const& node_pt,
557  const unsigned& j)
558  {
559  double deriv = 0.0;
560  unsigned n_tstorage = ntstorage();
561  // Loop over all history data and add the appropriate contribution
562  // to the derivative
563  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
564  {
565  deriv += weight(i, t) * node_pt->value(t, j);
566  }
567  return deriv;
568  }
571  /// Access function for the pointer to time (const version)
572  Time* const& time_pt() const
573  {
574 #ifdef PARANOID
575  if (Time_pt == 0)
576  {
577  std::string error_msg(
578  "Time_pt is null, probably because it is a steady time stepper.");
579  throw OomphLibError(
581  }
582 #endif
583  return Time_pt;
584  }
586  /// Access function for the pointer to time (can't have a paranoid test
587  /// for null pointers because this is used as a set function).
589  {
590  return Time_pt;
591  }
593  /// Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative
594  virtual double weight(const unsigned& i, const unsigned& j) const
595  {
596  return Weight(i, j);
597  }
599  /// Return the number of doubles required to represent history
600  /// (one for steady)
601  unsigned ntstorage() const
602  {
603  return (Weight.ncol());
604  }
606  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values
607  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
608  virtual void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data* const& data_pt) = 0;
610  /// Initialiset the positions for the node corresponding to
611  /// an impulsive start
612  virtual void assign_initial_positions_impulsive(Node* const& node_pt) = 0;
614  /// This function advances the Data's time history so that
615  /// we can move on to the next timestep
616  virtual void shift_time_values(Data* const& data_pt) = 0;
618  /// This function advances the time history of the positions
619  /// at a node. The default should be OK, but would need to be overloaded
620  virtual void shift_time_positions(Node* const& node_pt) = 0;
622  /// Function to indicate whether the scheme is adaptive (false by default)
623  bool adaptive_flag() const
624  {
625  return Adaptive_Flag;
626  }
628  /// Set the weights for the predictor
629  /// previous timestep (currently empty -- overwrite for specific scheme)
630  virtual void set_predictor_weights() {}
632  /// Do the predictor step for data stored in a Data object
633  /// (currently empty -- overwrite for specific scheme)
634  virtual void calculate_predicted_values(Data* const& data_pt) {}
636  /// Do the predictor step for the positions at a node
637  /// (currently empty --- overwrite for a specific scheme)
638  virtual void calculate_predicted_positions(Node* const& node_pt) {}
640  /// Set the weights for the error computation,
641  /// (currently empty -- overwrite for specific scheme)
642  virtual void set_error_weights() {}
644  /// Compute the error in the position i at a node
645  /// zero here -- overwrite for specific scheme.
646  virtual double temporal_error_in_position(Node* const& node_pt,
647  const unsigned& i)
648  {
649  return 0.0;
650  }
652  /// Compute the error in the value i in a Data structure
653  /// zero here -- overwrite for specific scheme.
654  virtual double temporal_error_in_value(Data* const& data_pt,
655  const unsigned& i)
656  {
657  return 0.0;
658  }
660  /// Interface for any actions that need to be performed before a time
661  /// step.
662  virtual void actions_before_timestep(Problem* problem_pt) {}
664  /// Interface for any actions that need to be performed after a time
665  /// step.
666  virtual void actions_after_timestep(Problem* problem_pt) {}
667  };
670  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
671  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
672  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
675  //====================================================================
676  /// Faux time-stepper for steady problems. Allows storage
677  /// for NSTEPS previous values.
678  //====================================================================
679  template<unsigned NSTEPS>
680  class Steady : virtual public TimeStepper
681  {
682  public:
683  /// Constructor: Creates storage for NSTEPS previous timesteps
684  /// and can evaluate up to 2nd derivatives (though it doesn't
685  /// actually do anything -- all time-derivatives
686  /// evaluate to zero)
687  Steady() : TimeStepper(NSTEPS + 1, 2)
688  {
689  Type = "Steady";
690  Time_pt = &Dummy_time;
692  // Overwrite default assignment in base constructor -- this TimeStepper
693  // actually is steady all the time.
694  Is_steady = true;
695  }
698  /// Broken copy constructor
699  Steady(const Steady&) = delete;
701  /// Broken assignment operator
702  void operator=(const Steady&) = delete;
704  /// Return the actual order of the scheme. Returning zero here --
705  /// doesn't make much sense, though
706  unsigned order() const
707  {
708  return 0;
709  }
711  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values,
712  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
713  void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data* const& data_pt)
714  {
715  // Find number of values stored
716  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
717  // Loop over values
718  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
719  {
720  // Set previous values to the initial value, if not a copy
721  if (data_pt->is_a_copy(j) == false)
722  {
723  for (unsigned t = 1; t <= NSTEPS; t++)
724  {
725  data_pt->set_value(t, j, data_pt->value(j));
726  }
727  }
728  }
729  }
731  /// Initialise the time-history for the nodal positions
732  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
734  {
735  // Find the number of coordinates
736  unsigned n_dim = node_pt->ndim();
737  // Find the number of positoin types
738  unsigned n_position_type = node_pt->nposition_type();
740  // Loop over values
741  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
742  {
743  // Set previous values to the initial value, if not a copy
744  if (node_pt->position_is_a_copy(i) == false)
745  {
746  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_position_type; k++)
747  {
748  for (unsigned t = 1; t <= NSTEPS; t++)
749  {
750  node_pt->x_gen(t, k, i) = node_pt->x_gen(k, i);
751  }
752  }
753  }
754  }
755  }
758  /// Typedef for function that returns the (scalar) initial
759  /// value at a given value of the continuous time t.
760  typedef double (*InitialConditionFctPt)(const double& t);
762  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values,
763  /// corresponding to given time history, specified by
764  /// Vector of function pointers.
766  Data* const& data_pt, Vector<InitialConditionFctPt> initial_value_fct)
767  {
768  // The time history stores the previous function values
769  unsigned n_time_value = ntstorage();
771  // Find number of values stored
772  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
774  // Loop over current and stored timesteps
775  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time_value; t++)
776  {
777  // Get corresponding continous time
778  double time_local = Time_pt->time(t);
780  // Loop over values
781  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
782  {
783  data_pt->set_value(t, j, initial_value_fct[j](time_local));
784  }
785  }
786  }
788  /// This function updates the Data's time history so that
789  /// we can advance to the next timestep. As for BDF schemes,
790  /// we simply push the values backwards...
791  void shift_time_values(Data* const& data_pt)
792  {
793  // Find number of values stored
794  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
796  // Loop over the values
797  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
798  {
799  // Set previous values to the previous value, if not a copy
800  if (data_pt->is_a_copy(j) == false)
801  {
802  // Loop over times, in reverse order
803  for (unsigned t = NSTEPS; t > 0; t--)
804  {
805  data_pt->set_value(t, j, data_pt->value(t - 1, j));
806  }
807  }
808  }
809  }
811  /// This function advances the time history of the positions
812  /// at a node.
813  void shift_time_positions(Node* const& node_pt)
814  {
815  // Find the number of coordinates
816  unsigned n_dim = node_pt->ndim();
817  // Find the number of position types
818  unsigned n_position_type = node_pt->nposition_type();
820  // Loop over the positions
821  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
822  {
823  // If the position is not a copy
824  if (node_pt->position_is_a_copy(i) == false)
825  {
826  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_position_type; k++)
827  {
828  // Loop over stored times, and set values to previous values
829  for (unsigned t = NSTEPS; t > 0; t--)
830  {
831  node_pt->x_gen(t, k, i) = node_pt->x_gen(t - 1, k, i);
832  }
833  }
834  }
835  }
836  }
838  /// Set weights
839  void set_weights()
840  {
841  // Loop over higher derivatives
842  unsigned max_deriv = highest_derivative();
843  for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_deriv; i++)
844  {
845  for (unsigned j = 0; j < NSTEPS; j++)
846  {
847  Weight(i, j) = 0.0;
848  }
849  }
851  // Zeroth derivative must return the value itself:
852  Weight(0, 0) = 1.0;
853  }
855  /// Number of previous values available.
856  unsigned nprev_values() const
857  {
858  return NSTEPS;
859  }
861  /// Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme
862  unsigned ndt() const
863  {
864  return NSTEPS;
865  }
867  /// Dummy: Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative
868  double weight(const unsigned& i, const unsigned& j) const
869  {
870  if ((i == 0) && (j == 0))
871  {
872  return One;
873  }
874  else
875  {
876  return Zero;
877  }
878  }
880  private:
881  /// Static variable to hold the value 1.0
882  static double One;
884  /// Static variable to hold the value 0.0
885  static double Zero;
887  // Default Time object
888  static Time Dummy_time;
889  };
892  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
893  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
894  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
897  //====================================================================
898  /// Newmark scheme for second time deriv. Stored data represents
899  /// - t=0: value at at present time, Time_pt->time()
900  /// - t=1: value at previous time, Time_pt->time()-dt
901  /// - ...
902  /// - t=NSTEPS: value at previous time, Time_pt->time()-NSTEPS*dt
903  /// - t=NSTEPS+1: 1st time deriv (= "velocity") at previous time,
904  /// Time_pt->time()-dt
905  /// - t=NSTEPS+2: 2nd time deriv (= "acceleration") at previous time,
906  /// Time_pt->time()-dt
907  ///
908  /// NSTEPS=1 gives normal Newmark.
909  //====================================================================
910  template<unsigned NSTEPS>
911  class Newmark : public TimeStepper
912  {
913  public:
914  /// Constructor: Pass pointer to global time. We set up a
915  /// timestepping scheme with NSTEPS+2 doubles to represent the history and
916  /// the highest deriv is 2.
917  Newmark() : TimeStepper(NSTEPS + 3, 2)
918  {
919  Type = "Newmark";
921  // Standard Newmark parameters
922  Beta1 = 0.5;
923  Beta2 = 0.5;
924  }
926  /// Broken copy constructor
927  Newmark(const Newmark&) = delete;
929  /// Broken assignment operator
930  void operator=(const Newmark&) = delete;
933  /// The actual order (accuracy of the scheme)
934  unsigned order() const
935  {
936  std::string error_message =
937  "Can't remember the order of the Newmark scheme";
938  error_message += " -- I think it's 2nd order...\n";
941  error_message, "Newmark::order()", OOMPH_EXCEPTION_LOCATION);
942  return 2;
943  }
945  /// Initialise the time-history for the values,
946  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
947  void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data* const& data_pt);
949  /// Initialise the time-history for the values,
950  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
951  void assign_initial_positions_impulsive(Node* const& node_pt);
953  /// Typedef for function that returns the (scalar) initial
954  /// value at a given value of the continuous time t.
955  typedef double (*InitialConditionFctPt)(const double& t);
957  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values,
958  /// so that the Newmark representations for current veloc and
959  /// acceleration are exact.
960  void assign_initial_data_values(
961  Data* const& data_pt,
962  Vector<InitialConditionFctPt> initial_value_fct,
963  Vector<InitialConditionFctPt> initial_veloc_fct,
964  Vector<InitialConditionFctPt> initial_accel_fct);
967  /// Typedef for function that returns the (scalar) initial
968  /// value at a given value of the continuous time t and the spatial
969  /// coordinate -- appropriate for assignement of initial conditions for
970  /// nodes
971  typedef double (*NodeInitialConditionFctPt)(const double& t,
972  const Vector<double>& x);
974  /// Initialise the time-history for the nodal values,
975  /// so that the Newmark representations for current veloc and
976  /// acceleration are exact.
977  void assign_initial_data_values(
978  Node* const& node_pt,
979  Vector<NodeInitialConditionFctPt> initial_value_fct,
980  Vector<NodeInitialConditionFctPt> initial_veloc_fct,
981  Vector<NodeInitialConditionFctPt> initial_accel_fct);
983  /// First step in a two-stage procedure to assign
984  /// the history values for the Newmark scheme so
985  /// that the veloc and accel that are computed by the scheme
986  /// are correct at the current time.
987  ///
988  /// Call this function for t_deriv=0,1,2,3.
989  /// When calling with
990  /// - t_deriv=0 : data_pt(0,*) should contain the values at the
991  /// previous timestep
992  /// - t_deriv=1 : data_pt(0,*) should contain the current values;
993  /// they get stored (temporarily) in data_pt(1,*).
994  /// - t_deriv=2 : data_pt(0,*) should contain the current velocities
995  /// (first time derivs); they get stored (temporarily)
996  /// in data_pt(NSTEPS+1,*).
997  /// - t_deriv=3 : data_pt(0,*) should contain the current accelerations
998  /// (second time derivs); they get stored (temporarily)
999  /// in data_pt(NSTEPS+2,*).
1000  /// .
1001  /// Follow this by calls to
1002  /// \code
1003  /// assign_initial_data_values_stage2(...)
1004  /// \endcode
1005  void assign_initial_data_values_stage1(const unsigned t_deriv,
1006  Data* const& data_pt);
1008  /// Second step in a two-stage procedure to assign
1009  /// the history values for the Newmark scheme so
1010  /// that the veloc and accel that are computed by the scheme
1011  /// are correct at the current time.
1012  ///
1013  /// This assigns appropriate values for the "previous
1014  /// velocities and accelerations" so that their current
1015  /// values, which were defined in assign_initial_data_values_stage1(...),
1016  /// are represented exactly by the Newmark scheme.
1017  void assign_initial_data_values_stage2(Data* const& data_pt);
1020  /// This function updates the Data's time history so that
1021  /// we can advance to the next timestep.
1022  void shift_time_values(Data* const& data_pt);
1024  /// This function updates a nodal time history so that
1025  /// we can advance to the next timestep.
1026  void shift_time_positions(Node* const& node_pt);
1028  /// Set weights
1029  void set_weights();
1031  /// Number of previous values available.
1032  unsigned nprev_values() const
1033  {
1034  return NSTEPS;
1035  }
1037  /// Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme
1038  unsigned ndt() const
1039  {
1040  return NSTEPS;
1041  }
1044  protected:
1045  /// First Newmark parameter (usually 0.5)
1046  double Beta1;
1048  /// Second Newmark parameter (usually 0.5)
1049  double Beta2;
1050  };
1053  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1054  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1055  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1058  //====================================================================
1059  /// Newmark scheme for second time deriv with first derivatives
1060  /// calculated using BDF. . Stored data represents
1061  /// - t=0: value at at present time, Time_pt->time()
1062  /// - t=1: value at previous time, Time_pt->time()-dt
1063  /// - ...
1064  /// - t=NSTEPS: value at previous time, Time_pt->time()-NSTEPS*dt
1065  /// - t=NSTEPS+1: 1st time deriv (= "velocity") at previous time,
1066  /// Time_pt->time()-dt
1067  /// - t=NSTEPS+2: 2nd time deriv (= "acceleration") at previous time,
1068  /// Time_pt->time()-dt
1069  ///
1070  /// NSTEPS=1 gives normal Newmark.
1071  //====================================================================
1072  template<unsigned NSTEPS>
1073  class NewmarkBDF : public Newmark<NSTEPS>
1074  {
1075  public:
1076  /// Constructor: Pass pointer to global time. We set up a
1077  /// timestepping scheme with NSTEPS+2 doubles to represent the history and
1078  /// the highest deriv is 2.
1080  {
1081  this->Type = "NewmarkBDF";
1082  Degrade_to_bdf1_for_first_derivs = false;
1083  Newmark_veloc_weight.resize(NSTEPS + 3);
1084  }
1086  /// Broken copy constructor
1087  NewmarkBDF(const NewmarkBDF&) = delete;
1089  /// Broken assignment operator
1090  void operator=(const NewmarkBDF&) = delete;
1092  /// Set weights
1093  void set_weights();
1095  /// This function updates the Data's time history so that
1096  /// we can advance to the next timestep.
1097  void shift_time_values(Data* const& data_pt);
1099  /// This function updates a nodal time history so that
1100  /// we can advance to the next timestep.
1101  void shift_time_positions(Node* const& node_pt);
1103  /// Degrade scheme to first order BDF (for first derivs/veloc);
1104  /// usually for start-up.
1106  {
1107  Degrade_to_bdf1_for_first_derivs = true;
1108  }
1111  /// Disable degradation to first order BDF.
1113  {
1114  Degrade_to_bdf1_for_first_derivs = false;
1115  }
1117  private:
1118  /// Set original Newmark weights for velocities (needed when
1119  /// shifting history values -- they're used when updating the
1120  /// previous accelerations and doing this with bdf can make the
1121  /// scheme unstable...
1122  void set_newmark_veloc_weights(const double& dt)
1123  {
1124  Newmark_veloc_weight[0] = this->Beta1 * dt * this->Weight(2, 0);
1125  Newmark_veloc_weight[1] = this->Beta1 * dt * this->Weight(2, 1);
1126  for (unsigned t = 2; t <= NSTEPS; t++)
1127  {
1128  Newmark_veloc_weight[t] = 0.0;
1129  }
1130  Newmark_veloc_weight[NSTEPS + 1] =
1131  1.0 + this->Beta1 * dt * this->Weight(2, NSTEPS + 1);
1132  Newmark_veloc_weight[NSTEPS + 2] =
1133  dt * (1.0 - this->Beta1) +
1134  this->Beta1 * dt * this->Weight(2, NSTEPS + 2);
1135  }
1137  /// Boolean flag to indicate degradation of scheme to first
1138  /// order BDF (for first derivs/veloc); usually for start-up.
1141  /// Original Newmark weights for velocities (needed when
1142  /// shifting history values -- they're used when updating the
1143  /// previous accelerations and doing this with bdf can make the
1144  /// scheme unstable...
1146  };
1149  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1150  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1151  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1154  //====================================================================
1155  /// Templated class for BDF-type time-steppers with fixed or
1156  /// variable timestep.
1157  /// 1st time derivative recovered directly from the previous function
1158  /// values. Template parameter represents the number of previous timesteps
1159  /// stored, so that BDF<1> is the classical first order
1160  /// backward Euler scheme.
1161  /// Need to reset weights after every change in timestep.
1162  //====================================================================
1163  template<unsigned NSTEPS>
1164  class BDF : public TimeStepper
1165  {
1166  // A BDF<1> time data set consists of:
1167  // [y_np1, y_n, dy_n, y^P_np1]
1168  // Or in english:
1169  // * y-value at time being/just been solved for
1170  // * y-value at previous time
1171  // * approximation to y derivative at previous time (also refered to as
1172  // velocity in some places, presumably it corresponds to velocity in
1173  // solid mechanics).
1174  // * predicted y-value at time n+1
1176  // A BDF<2> time data set consists of:
1177  // [y_np1, y_n, y_nm1, dy_n, y^P_np1]
1178  // i.e. the same thing but with one more previous time value. Also the
1179  // derivative approximation will be more accurate.
1181  // If the adaptive flag is set to false then the final two pieces of data
1182  // in each are not stored (derivative and predictor value).
1184  private:
1185  /// Private data for the predictor weights
1188  /// Private data for the error weight
1191  public:
1192  /// Constructor for the case when we allow adaptive timestepping
1193  BDF(const bool& adaptive = false) : TimeStepper(NSTEPS + 1, 1)
1194  {
1195  Type = "BDF";
1197  // If it's adaptive, we need to allocate additional space to
1198  // carry along a prediction and an acceleration
1199  if (adaptive)
1200  {
1201  // Set the adaptive flag to be true
1202  Adaptive_Flag = true;
1204  // Set the size of the Predictor_Weights Vector N.B. The size is
1205  // correct for BDF1 and 2, but may be wrong for others.
1206  Predictor_weight.resize(NSTEPS + 2);
1208  // Resize the weights to the appropriate size
1209  Weight.resize(2, NSTEPS + 3, 0.0);
1211  // Storing predicted values in slot after other information
1212  Predictor_storage_index = NSTEPS + 2;
1213  }
1215  // Set the weight for the zero-th derivative
1216  Weight(0, 0) = 1.0;
1217  }
1220  /// Broken copy constructor
1221  BDF(const BDF&) = delete;
1223  /// Broken assignment operator
1224  void operator=(const BDF&) = delete;
1226  /// Return the actual order of the scheme
1227  unsigned order() const
1228  {
1229  return NSTEPS;
1230  }
1232  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values,
1233  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
1235  {
1236  // Find number of values stored
1237  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
1238  // Loop over values
1239  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
1240  {
1241  // Set previous values to the initial value, if not a copy
1242  if (data_pt->is_a_copy(j) == false)
1243  {
1244  for (unsigned t = 1; t <= NSTEPS; t++)
1245  {
1246  data_pt->set_value(t, j, data_pt->value(j));
1247  }
1249  // If it's adaptive
1250  if (adaptive_flag())
1251  {
1252  // Initial velocity is zero
1253  data_pt->set_value(NSTEPS + 1, j, 0.0);
1254  // Initial prediction is the value
1255  data_pt->set_value(NSTEPS + 2, j, data_pt->value(j));
1256  }
1257  }
1258  }
1259  }
1261  /// Initialise the time-history for the nodal positions
1262  /// corresponding to an impulsive start.
1264  {
1265  // Find the dimension of the node
1266  unsigned n_dim = node_pt->ndim();
1267  // Find the number of position types at the node
1268  unsigned n_position_type = node_pt->nposition_type();
1270  // Loop over the position variables
1271  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1272  {
1273  // If the position is not copied
1274  // We copy entire coordinates at once
1275  if (node_pt->position_is_a_copy(i) == false)
1276  {
1277  // Loop over the position types
1278  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_position_type; k++)
1279  {
1280  // Set previous values to the initial value, if not a copy
1281  for (unsigned t = 1; t <= NSTEPS; t++)
1282  {
1283  node_pt->x_gen(t, k, i) = node_pt->x_gen(k, i);
1284  }
1286  // If it's adaptive
1287  if (adaptive_flag())
1288  {
1289  // Initial mesh velocity is zero
1290  node_pt->x_gen(NSTEPS + 1, k, i) = 0.0;
1291  // Initial prediction is the value
1292  node_pt->x_gen(NSTEPS + 2, k, i) = node_pt->x_gen(k, i);
1293  }
1294  }
1295  }
1296  }
1297  }
1300  /// Typedef for function that returns the (scalar) initial
1301  /// value at a given value of the continuous time t.
1302  typedef double (*InitialConditionFctPt)(const double& t);
1304  /// Initialise the time-history for the Data values,
1305  /// corresponding to given time history, specified by
1306  /// Vector of function pointers.
1308  Data* const& data_pt, Vector<InitialConditionFctPt> initial_value_fct)
1309  {
1310  // The time history stores the previous function values
1311  unsigned n_time_value = ntstorage();
1313  // Find number of values stored
1314  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
1316  // Loop over current and stored timesteps
1317  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time_value; t++)
1318  {
1319  // Get corresponding continous time
1320  double time_local = Time_pt->time(t);
1322  // Loop over values
1323  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
1324  {
1325  data_pt->set_value(t, j, initial_value_fct[j](time_local));
1326  }
1327  }
1328  }
1330  /// This function updates the Data's time history so that
1331  /// we can advance to the next timestep. For BDF schemes,
1332  /// we simply push the values backwards...
1333  void shift_time_values(Data* const& data_pt)
1334  {
1335  // Find number of values stored
1336  unsigned n_value = data_pt->nvalue();
1337  // Storage for velocity need to be here to be in scope
1338  Vector<double> velocity(n_value);
1340  // Find the number of history values that are stored
1341  const unsigned nt_value = nprev_values();
1343  // If adaptive, find the velocities
1344  if (adaptive_flag())
1345  {
1346  time_derivative(1, data_pt, velocity);
1347  }
1349  // Loop over the values
1350  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
1351  {
1352  // Set previous values to the previous value, if not a copy
1353  if (data_pt->is_a_copy(j) == false)
1354  {
1355  // Loop over times, in reverse order
1356  for (unsigned t = nt_value; t > 0; t--)
1357  {
1358  data_pt->set_value(t, j, data_pt->value(t - 1, j));
1359  }
1361  // If we are using the adaptive scheme
1362  if (adaptive_flag())
1363  {
1364  // Set the velocity
1365  data_pt->set_value(nt_value + 1, j, velocity[j]);
1366  }
1367  }
1368  }
1369  }
1371  /// This function advances the time history of the positions
1372  /// at a node.
1373  void shift_time_positions(Node* const& node_pt)
1374  {
1375  // Find the number of coordinates
1376  unsigned n_dim = node_pt->ndim();
1377  // Find the number of position types
1378  unsigned n_position_type = node_pt->nposition_type();
1380  // Find number of stored timesteps
1381  unsigned n_tstorage = ntstorage();
1383  // Storage for the velocity
1384  double velocity[n_position_type][n_dim];
1386  // If adaptive, find the velocities
1387  if (adaptive_flag())
1388  {
1389  // Loop over the variables
1390  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1391  {
1392  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_position_type; k++)
1393  {
1394  // Initialise velocity to zero
1395  velocity[k][i] = 0.0;
1396  // Loop over all history data
1397  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
1398  {
1399  velocity[k][i] += Weight(1, t) * node_pt->x_gen(t, k, i);
1400  }
1401  }
1402  }
1403  }
1405  // Loop over the positions
1406  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1407  {
1408  // If the position is not a copy
1409  if (node_pt->position_is_a_copy(i) == false)
1410  {
1411  // Loop over the position types
1412  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_position_type; k++)
1413  {
1414  // Loop over stored times, and set values to previous values
1415  for (unsigned t = NSTEPS; t > 0; t--)
1416  {
1417  node_pt->x_gen(t, k, i) = node_pt->x_gen(t - 1, k, i);
1418  }
1420  // If we are using the adaptive scheme, set the velocity
1421  if (adaptive_flag())
1422  {
1423  node_pt->x_gen(NSTEPS + 1, k, i) = velocity[k][i];
1424  }
1425  }
1426  }
1427  }
1428  }
1430  /// Set the weights
1431  void set_weights();
1433  /// Number of previous values available.
1434  unsigned nprev_values() const
1435  {
1436  return NSTEPS;
1437  }
1439  /// Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme
1440  unsigned ndt() const
1441  {
1442  return NSTEPS;
1443  }
1445  /// Function to set the predictor weights
1448  /// Function to calculate predicted positions at a node
1449  void calculate_predicted_positions(Node* const& node_pt);
1451  /// Function to calculate predicted data values in a Data object
1452  void calculate_predicted_values(Data* const& data_pt);
1454  /// Function to set the error weights
1457  /// Compute the error in the position i at a node
1458  double temporal_error_in_position(Node* const& node_pt, const unsigned& i);
1460  /// Compute the error in the value i in a Data structure
1461  double temporal_error_in_value(Data* const& data_pt, const unsigned& i);
1462  };
1464 } // namespace oomph
1466 #endif
Definition: cfortran.h:571
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
void shift_time_values(Data *const &data_pt)
This function updates the Data's time history so that we can advance to the next timestep....
void calculate_predicted_positions(Node *const &node_pt)
Function to calculate predicted positions at a node.
void assign_initial_positions_impulsive(Node *const &node_pt)
Initialise the time-history for the nodal positions corresponding to an impulsive start.
void calculate_predicted_values(Data *const &data_pt)
Function to calculate predicted data values in a Data object.
BDF(const bool &adaptive=false)
Constructor for the case when we allow adaptive timestepping.
void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data *const &data_pt)
Initialise the time-history for the Data values, corresponding to an impulsive start.
void set_weights()
Set the weights.
double Error_weight
Private data for the error weight.
unsigned ndt() const
Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme.
unsigned order() const
Return the actual order of the scheme.
void operator=(const BDF &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
Vector< double > Predictor_weight
Private data for the predictor weights.
void set_predictor_weights()
Function to set the predictor weights.
double temporal_error_in_value(Data *const &data_pt, const unsigned &i)
Compute the error in the value i in a Data structure.
void shift_time_positions(Node *const &node_pt)
This function advances the time history of the positions at a node.
BDF(const BDF &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void assign_initial_data_values(Data *const &data_pt, Vector< InitialConditionFctPt > initial_value_fct)
Initialise the time-history for the Data values, corresponding to given time history,...
double temporal_error_in_position(Node *const &node_pt, const unsigned &i)
Compute the error in the position i at a node.
unsigned nprev_values() const
Number of previous values available.
void set_error_weights()
Function to set the error weights.
A class that represents a collection of data; each Data object may contain many different individual ...
Definition: nodes.h:86
void set_value(const unsigned &i, const double &value_)
Set the i-th stored data value to specified value. The only reason that we require an explicit set fu...
Definition: nodes.h:271
virtual bool is_a_copy() const
Return a boolean to indicate whether the Data objact contains any copied values. A base Data object c...
Definition: nodes.h:253
unsigned nvalue() const
Return number of values stored in data object (incl pinned ones).
Definition: nodes.h:483
double value(const unsigned &i) const
Return i-th stored value. This function is not virtual so that it can be inlined. This means that if ...
Definition: nodes.h:293
unsigned long nrow() const
Return the number of rows of the matrix.
Definition: matrices.h:485
unsigned long ncol() const
Return the number of columns of the matrix.
Definition: matrices.h:491
void initialise(const T &val)
Initialize all values in the matrix to val.
Definition: matrices.h:514
void resize(const unsigned long &n)
Resize to a square nxn matrix; any values already present will be transfered.
Definition: matrices.h:498
A Base class for explicit timesteppers.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
void set_weights()
Set weights.
void disable_degrade_first_derivatives_to_bdf1()
Disable degradation to first order BDF.
NewmarkBDF(const NewmarkBDF &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
bool Degrade_to_bdf1_for_first_derivs
Boolean flag to indicate degradation of scheme to first order BDF (for first derivs/veloc); usually f...
Constructor: Pass pointer to global time. We set up a timestepping scheme with NSTEPS+2 doubles to re...
void operator=(const NewmarkBDF &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
Vector< double > Newmark_veloc_weight
Original Newmark weights for velocities (needed when shifting history values – they're used when upda...
void set_newmark_veloc_weights(const double &dt)
Set original Newmark weights for velocities (needed when shifting history values – they're used when ...
void enable_degrade_first_derivatives_to_bdf1()
Degrade scheme to first order BDF (for first derivs/veloc); usually for start-up.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:912
double Beta2
Second Newmark parameter (usually 0.5)
Constructor: Pass pointer to global time. We set up a timestepping scheme with NSTEPS+2 doubles to re...
Definition: timesteppers.h:917
unsigned nprev_values() const
Number of previous values available.
unsigned ndt() const
Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme.
double Beta1
First Newmark parameter (usually 0.5)
unsigned order() const
The actual order (accuracy of the scheme)
Definition: timesteppers.h:934
void operator=(const Newmark &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
Newmark(const Newmark &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
Nodes are derived from Data, but, in addition, have a definite (Eulerian) position in a space of a gi...
Definition: nodes.h:906
double & x_gen(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i)
Reference to the generalised position x(k,i). ‘Type’: k; Coordinate direction: i.
Definition: nodes.h:1126
unsigned ndim() const
Return (Eulerian) spatial dimension of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:1054
virtual bool position_is_a_copy() const
Return whether any position coordinate has been copied (always false)
Definition: nodes.h:1113
unsigned nposition_type() const
Number of coordinate types needed in the mapping between local and global coordinates.
Definition: nodes.h:1016
double value(const unsigned &i) const
Return i-th value (dofs or pinned) at this node either directly or via hanging node representation....
Definition: nodes.cc:2408
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////...
Definition: problem.h:151
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:681
void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data *const &data_pt)
Initialise the time-history for the Data values, corresponding to an impulsive start.
Definition: timesteppers.h:713
void set_weights()
Set weights.
Definition: timesteppers.h:839
double weight(const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j) const
Dummy: Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative.
Definition: timesteppers.h:868
void operator=(const Steady &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
void shift_time_positions(Node *const &node_pt)
This function advances the time history of the positions at a node.
Definition: timesteppers.h:813
static double One
Static variable to hold the value 1.0.
Definition: timesteppers.h:882
static Time Dummy_time
Definition: timesteppers.h:888
Steady(const Steady &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
Constructor: Creates storage for NSTEPS previous timesteps and can evaluate up to 2nd derivatives (th...
Definition: timesteppers.h:687
void assign_initial_data_values(Data *const &data_pt, Vector< InitialConditionFctPt > initial_value_fct)
Initialise the time-history for the Data values, corresponding to given time history,...
Definition: timesteppers.h:765
void shift_time_values(Data *const &data_pt)
This function updates the Data's time history so that we can advance to the next timestep....
Definition: timesteppers.h:791
static double Zero
Static variable to hold the value 0.0.
Definition: timesteppers.h:885
unsigned order() const
Return the actual order of the scheme. Returning zero here – doesn't make much sense,...
Definition: timesteppers.h:706
unsigned nprev_values() const
Number of previous values available.
Definition: timesteppers.h:856
void assign_initial_positions_impulsive(Node *const &node_pt)
Initialise the time-history for the nodal positions corresponding to an impulsive start.
Definition: timesteppers.h:733
unsigned ndt() const
Number of timestep increments that need to be stored by the scheme.
Definition: timesteppers.h:862
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:231
virtual unsigned ndt() const =0
Number of timestep increments that are required by the scheme.
virtual void shift_time_values(Data *const &data_pt)=0
This function advances the Data's time history so that we can move on to the next timestep.
virtual void set_weights()=0
Function to set the weights for present timestep (don't need to pass present timestep or previous tim...
TimeStepper(const TimeStepper &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
DenseMatrix< double > Weight
Storage for the weights associated with the timestepper.
Definition: timesteppers.h:237
virtual unsigned nprev_values() const =0
Number of previous values available: 0 for static, 1 for BDF<1>,...
virtual void calculate_predicted_values(Data *const &data_pt)
Do the predictor step for data stored in a Data object (currently empty – overwrite for specific sche...
Definition: timesteppers.h:634
bool Shut_up_in_assign_initial_data_values
Boolean to indicate if the timestepper will output warnings when setting possibly an incorrect number...
Definition: timesteppers.h:256
virtual unsigned order() const
Actual order (accuracy) of the scheme.
Definition: timesteppers.h:324
virtual double temporal_error_in_value(Data *const &data_pt, const unsigned &i)
Compute the error in the value i in a Data structure zero here – overwrite for specific scheme.
Definition: timesteppers.h:654
virtual void set_predictor_weights()
Set the weights for the predictor previous timestep (currently empty – overwrite for specific scheme)
Definition: timesteppers.h:630
virtual void calculate_predicted_positions(Node *const &node_pt)
Do the predictor step for the positions at a node (currently empty — overwrite for a specific scheme)
Definition: timesteppers.h:638
bool Predict_by_explicit_step
Flag: is adaptivity done by taking a separate step using an ExplicitTimeStepper object?
Definition: timesteppers.h:260
unsigned predictor_storage_index() const
Return the time-index in each Data where predicted values are stored if the timestepper is adaptive.
Definition: timesteppers.h:438
Time *& time_pt()
Access function for the pointer to time (can't have a paranoid test for null pointers because this is...
Definition: timesteppers.h:588
void enable_warning_in_assign_initial_data_values()
Enable the output of warnings due to possible fct pointer vector size mismatch in assign_initial_data...
Definition: timesteppers.h:462
virtual void actions_before_timestep(Problem *problem_pt)
Interface for any actions that need to be performed before a time step.
Definition: timesteppers.h:662
void check_predicted_values_up_to_date() const
Check that the predicted values are the ones we want.
Definition: timesteppers.h:423
Time * Time_pt
Pointer to discrete time storage scheme.
Definition: timesteppers.h:234
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return the number of doubles required to represent history (one for steady)
Definition: timesteppers.h:601
std::string Type
String that indicates the type of the timestepper (e.g. "BDF", "Newmark", etc.)
Definition: timesteppers.h:241
virtual void actions_after_timestep(Problem *problem_pt)
Interface for any actions that need to be performed after a time step.
Definition: timesteppers.h:666
void time_derivative(const unsigned &i, Node *const &node_pt, Vector< double > &deriv)
Evaluate i-th derivative of all values in Node and return in Vector deriv[] (this can't be simply com...
Definition: timesteppers.h:536
ExplicitTimeStepper * Explicit_predictor_pt
Pointer to explicit time stepper to use as predictor if Predict_by_explicit_step is set....
Definition: timesteppers.h:265
virtual double weight(const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j) const
Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative.
Definition: timesteppers.h:594
virtual void shift_time_positions(Node *const &node_pt)=0
This function advances the time history of the positions at a node. The default should be OK,...
bool Is_steady
Bool to indicate if the timestepper is steady, i.e. its time-derivatives evaluate to zero....
Definition: timesteppers.h:251
virtual unsigned nprev_values_for_value_at_evaluation_time() const
Number of previous values needed to calculate the value at the current time. i.e. how many previous v...
Definition: timesteppers.h:359
bool adaptive_flag() const
Function to indicate whether the scheme is adaptive (false by default)
Definition: timesteppers.h:623
Broken empty constructor.
Definition: timesteppers.h:301
void operator=(const TimeStepper &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
virtual void assign_initial_values_impulsive(Data *const &data_pt)=0
Initialise the time-history for the Data values corresponding to an impulsive start.
void disable_warning_in_assign_initial_data_values()
Disable the output of warnings due to possible fct pointer vector size mismatch in assign_initial_dat...
Definition: timesteppers.h:469
void time_derivative(const unsigned &i, Data *const &data_pt, Vector< double > &deriv)
Evaluate i-th derivative of all values in Data and return in Vector deriv[].
Definition: timesteppers.h:502
void make_steady()
Function to make the time stepper temporarily steady. This is trivially achieved by setting all the w...
Definition: timesteppers.h:374
TimeStepper(const unsigned &tstorage, const unsigned &max_deriv)
Constructor. Pass the amount of storage required by timestepper (present value + history values) and ...
Definition: timesteppers.h:279
unsigned highest_derivative() const
Highest order derivative that the scheme can compute.
Definition: timesteppers.h:318
virtual void undo_make_steady()
Reset the is_steady status of a specific TimeStepper to its default and re-assign the weights.
Definition: timesteppers.h:482
double time() const
Return current value of continous time.
Definition: timesteppers.h:338
ExplicitTimeStepper * explicit_predictor_pt()
Get the pointer to the explicit timestepper to use as a predictor in adaptivity if Predict_by_explici...
Definition: timesteppers.h:403
virtual void assign_initial_positions_impulsive(Node *const &node_pt)=0
Initialiset the positions for the node corresponding to an impulsive start.
double time_derivative(const unsigned &i, Data *const &data_pt, const unsigned &j)
Evaluate i-th derivative of j-th value in Data.
Definition: timesteppers.h:518
double & time()
Return current value of continous time.
Definition: timesteppers.h:332
void update_predicted_time(const double &new_time)
Set the time that the current predictions apply for, only needed for paranoid checks when doing Predi...
Definition: timesteppers.h:417
bool predict_by_explicit_step() const
Flag: is adaptivity done by taking a separate step using an ExplicitTimeStepper object?
Definition: timesteppers.h:396
virtual double temporal_error_in_position(Node *const &node_pt, const unsigned &i)
Compute the error in the position i at a node zero here – overwrite for specific scheme.
Definition: timesteppers.h:646
const DenseMatrix< double > * weights_pt() const
Get a (const) pointer to the weights.
Definition: timesteppers.h:475
std::string type() const
Return string that indicates the type of the timestepper (e.g. "BDF", "Newmark", etc....
Definition: timesteppers.h:490
bool is_steady() const
Flag to indicate if a timestepper has been made steady (possibly temporarily to switch off time-depen...
Definition: timesteppers.h:389
virtual void set_error_weights()
Set the weights for the error computation, (currently empty – overwrite for specific scheme)
Definition: timesteppers.h:642
double time_derivative(const unsigned &i, Node *const &node_pt, const unsigned &j)
Evaluate i-th derivative of j-th value in Node. Note the use of the node's value() function so that h...
Definition: timesteppers.h:555
double Predicted_time
Store the time that the predicted values currently stored are at, to compare for paranoid checks.
Definition: timesteppers.h:269
Time *const & time_pt() const
Access function for the pointer to time (const version)
Definition: timesteppers.h:572
int Predictor_storage_index
The time-index in each Data object where predicted values are stored. -1 if not set.
Definition: timesteppers.h:273
bool Adaptive_Flag
Boolean variable to indicate whether the timestepping scheme can be adaptive.
Definition: timesteppers.h:245
void set_predictor_pt(ExplicitTimeStepper *_pred_pt)
Set the pointer to the explicit timestepper to use as a predictor in adaptivity if Predict_by_explici...
Definition: timesteppers.h:410
Class to keep track of discrete/continous time. It is essential to have a single Time object when usi...
Definition: timesteppers.h:63
double Continuous_time
Pointer to the value of the continuous time.
Definition: timesteppers.h:66
double & dt(const unsigned &t=0)
Return the value of the t-th stored timestep (t=0: present; t>0: previous).
Definition: timesteppers.h:136
Time(const Time &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void operator=(const Time &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
Vector< double > Dt
Vector that stores the values of the current and previous timesteps.
Definition: timesteppers.h:69
double time(const unsigned &t=0) const
Return the value of the continuous time at the t-th previous time level (t=0: current; t>0 previous).
Definition: timesteppers.h:150
double dt(const unsigned &t=0) const
Return the value of the t-th stored timestep (t=0: present; t>0: previous), const version.
Definition: timesteppers.h:143
double & time()
Return the current value of the continuous time.
Definition: timesteppers.h:123
void initialise_dt(const Vector< double > &dt_)
Set the value of the timesteps to be equal to the values passed in a vector.
Definition: timesteppers.h:107
void shift_dt()
Update all stored values of dt by shifting each value along the array. This function must be called b...
Definition: timesteppers.h:174
void initialise_dt(const double &dt_)
Set all timesteps to the same value, dt.
Definition: timesteppers.h:99
unsigned ndt() const
Return the number of timesteps stored.
Definition: timesteppers.h:129
void resize(const unsigned &n_dt)
Resize the vector holding the number of previous timesteps and initialise the new values to zero.
Definition: timesteppers.h:93
Constructor: Do not allocate any storage for previous timesteps, but set the initial value of the tim...
Definition: timesteppers.h:74
Destructor: empty.
Definition: timesteppers.h:120
Time(const unsigned &ndt)
Constructor: Pass the number of timesteps to be stored and set the initial value of time to zero.
Definition: timesteppers.h:78
std::string string(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th string or "" if the relevant string hasn't been defined.
double Zero
Static variable to hold the default value for the pseudo-solid's inertia parameter Lambda^2.
std::string to_string(T object, unsigned float_precision=8)
Conversion function that should work for anything with operator<< defined (at least all basic types).
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