Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 // Functions for the Node/Data/SolidNode classes
28 #include <algorithm>
30 // oomph-lib headers
31 #include "nodes.h"
32 #include "timesteppers.h"
35 namespace oomph
36 {
37  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39  // Functions for the Data class
40  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43  //=================================================================
44  /// Private function to check that the arguments are within
45  /// the range of the stored data values and timesteps.
46  //=================================================================
47  void Data::range_check(const unsigned& t, const unsigned& i) const
48  {
49  // If either the value or the time history value are out of range
50  if ((i >= Nvalue) || (t >= ntstorage()))
51  {
52  std::ostringstream error_message;
53  // Value range check
54  if (i >= Nvalue)
55  {
56  error_message << "Range Error: Value " << i
57  << " is not in the range (0," << Nvalue - 1 << ")";
58  }
59  // Time range check
60  if (t >= ntstorage())
61  {
62  error_message << "Range Error: Time Value " << t
63  << " is not in the range (0," << ntstorage() - 1 << ")";
64  }
65  // Throw the error
66  throw OomphLibError(
68  }
69  }
72  //====================================================================
73  /// Add the pointer data_pt to the internal storage used to keep track
74  /// of copies of the Data object.
75  //====================================================================
76  void Data::add_copy(Data* const& data_pt)
77  {
78  // Find the current number of copies
79  const unsigned n_copies = Ncopies;
80  // Allocate storage for the pointers to the new number of copies
81  Data** new_copy_of_data_pt = new Data*[n_copies + 1];
82  // Copy over the exisiting pointers
83  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_copies; i++)
84  {
85  new_copy_of_data_pt[i] = Copy_of_data_pt[i];
86  }
87  // Add the new pointer to the end
88  new_copy_of_data_pt[n_copies] = data_pt;
90  // Delete the old storage
91  delete[] Copy_of_data_pt;
92  // Allocate the new storage
93  Copy_of_data_pt = new_copy_of_data_pt;
94  // Increase the number of copies
95  ++Ncopies;
96  }
98  //=====================================================================
99  /// Remove the pointer data_pt from the internal storage used to keep
100  /// track of copies
101  //=====================================================================
102  void Data::remove_copy(Data* const& data_pt)
103  {
104  // Find the current number of copies
105  const unsigned n_copies = Ncopies;
106  // Index of the copy
107  unsigned data_index = n_copies;
108  // Check that the existing data is actually a copy
109  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_copies; i++)
110  {
111  if (Copy_of_data_pt[i] == data_pt)
112  {
113  data_index = i;
114  break;
115  }
116  }
118  // If we have not found an index throw an error
119  if (data_index == n_copies)
120  {
121  std::ostringstream error_stream;
122  error_stream << "Data pointer " << data_pt
123  << " is not stored as a copy of the data object " << this
124  << std::endl;
125  throw OomphLibError(
127  }
129  // If we still here remove the data
130  // Allocate storage for the pointers to the new number of copies
131  Data** new_copy_of_data_pt = new Data*[n_copies - 1];
133  unsigned index = 0;
134  // Copy over the exisiting pointers
135  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_copies; i++)
136  {
137  // If we are not at the copied index
138  if (i != data_index)
139  {
140  // Copy the data across
141  new_copy_of_data_pt[index] = Copy_of_data_pt[i];
142  // Increase the index
143  ++index;
144  }
145  }
147  // Delete the old storage
148  delete[] Copy_of_data_pt;
149  // Allocate the new storage
150  Copy_of_data_pt = new_copy_of_data_pt;
151  // Set the new number of copies
152  --Ncopies;
153  }
155  //================================================================
156  /// Helper function that should be overloaded in classes
157  /// that contain copies of Data. The function must
158  /// reset the internal pointers to the copied data. This is used
159  /// when resizing data to ensure that all the pointers remain valid.
160  /// The base Data class cannot be a copy, so throw an error
161  //==================================================================
163  {
164  throw OomphLibError("Data can never be a copy",
167  }
169  //=======================================================================
170  /// Helper function that should be overloaded classes
171  /// that contain copies of data. The function must
172  /// unset (NULL out) the internal pointers to the copied data.
173  /// This is used when destructing data to ensure that all pointers remain
174  /// valid.
175  //======================================================================
177  {
178  throw OomphLibError("Data can never be a copy",
181  }
183  //================================================================
184  /// Delete all the storage allocated by the Data object and
185  /// set its pointers to NULL
186  //================================================================
188  {
189  // If we have nulled out the storage already return immediately
190  if ((Value == 0) && (Eqn_number == 0))
191  {
192  return;
193  }
195  // Delete the double storage arrays at once (they were allocated at once)
196  delete[] Value[0];
197  // Delete the pointers to the arrays.
198  delete[] Value;
199  delete[] Eqn_number;
200  // Null out the pointers
201  Value = 0;
202  Eqn_number = 0;
203  }
205  //================================================================
206  /// Default (steady) timestepper for steady Data
207  //================================================================
210  //================================================================
211  /// Static "Magic number" to indicate pinned values
212  //================================================================
213  long Data::Is_pinned = -1;
215  //================================================================
216  /// Static "Magic number" to indicate values that haven't
217  /// been classified as pinned or free
218  //================================================================
219  long Data::Is_unclassified = -10;
221  //================================================================
222  /// Static "Magic number" to indicate that the value is constrained,
223  /// usually because is it associated with non-conforming data,
224  /// otherwise known as hanging nodes
225  //================================================================
226  long Data::Is_constrained = -2;
228  /// Static "Magic number" used in place of the equation number to
229  /// indicate that the value is pinned, but only for the duration of a
230  /// segregated solve.
234  //================================================================
235  /// Default constructor.
236  //================================================================
238  : Value(0),
239  Eqn_number(0),
240  Time_stepper_pt(Data::Default_static_time_stepper_pt),
241  Copy_of_data_pt(0),
242  Ncopies(0),
243  Nvalue(0)
244 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
245  ,
246  Non_halo_proc_ID(-1)
247 #endif
249  {
250  }
252  //================================================================
253  /// Default constructor for steady problems. Memory is assigned for a given
254  /// number of values, which are assumed to be free (not pinned)
255  //================================================================
256  Data::Data(const unsigned& initial_n_value)
257  : Value(0),
258  Eqn_number(0),
259  Time_stepper_pt(Data::Default_static_time_stepper_pt),
260  Copy_of_data_pt(0),
261  Ncopies(0),
262  Nvalue(initial_n_value)
263 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
264  ,
265  Non_halo_proc_ID(-1)
266 #endif
267  {
268  // Only bother to do something if there are values
269  if (initial_n_value > 0)
270  {
271  // Allocate initial_n_value values in the value and equation number
272  // storage schemes.
273  Value = new double*[initial_n_value];
274  Eqn_number = new long[initial_n_value];
276  // Allocate contiguous arrays of doubles and longs to
277  // hold the data values.
278  double* values = new double[initial_n_value];
280  // Set the pointers to the data values and equation numbers
281  // and initialise the actual values.
282  for (unsigned i = 0; i < initial_n_value; i++)
283  {
284  // Set the pointer from the address in the contiguous array
285  Value[i] = &values[i];
286  // Initialise the value to zero
287  Value[i][0] = 0.0;
288  // Initialise the equation number to Is_unclassified
290  }
291  }
292  }
294  //================================================================
295  /// Constructor for unsteady problems. Memory is assigned for a given
296  /// number of values; and the additional storage required by the Timestepper.
297  /// The values are assumed to be free (not pinned).
298  //================================================================
299  Data::Data(TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt_,
300  const unsigned& initial_n_value,
301  const bool& allocate_storage)
302  : Value(0),
303  Eqn_number(0),
304  Time_stepper_pt(time_stepper_pt_),
305  Copy_of_data_pt(0),
306  Ncopies(0),
307  Nvalue(initial_n_value)
308 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
309  ,
310  Non_halo_proc_ID(-1)
311 #endif
312  {
313  // If we are in charge of allocating the storage,
314  // and there are data to allocate, do so
315  if ((allocate_storage) && (initial_n_value > 0))
316  {
317  // Allocate storage for initial_n_value equation numbers
318  Eqn_number = new long[initial_n_value];
320  // Locally cache the number of time history values
321  const unsigned n_tstorage = ntstorage();
323  // There will be initial_n_value pointers each addressing and array
324  // of n_tstorage doubles.
325  Value = new double*[initial_n_value];
327  // Allocate all the data values in one big array for data locality.
328  double* values = new double[initial_n_value * n_tstorage];
330  // Set the pointers to the data values and equation numbers
331  for (unsigned i = 0; i < initial_n_value; i++)
332  {
333  // Set the pointers to the start of the time history values
334  // allocated for each value.
335  Value[i] = &values[i * n_tstorage];
336  // Initialise all values to zero
337  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
338  {
339  Value[i][t] = 0.0;
340  }
341  // Initialise the equation number to be unclassified.
343  }
344  }
345  }
347  /// Data output operator: output equation numbers and values at all times,
348  /// along with any extra information stored for the timestepper.
349  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Data& d)
350  {
351  const unsigned nvalue = d.nvalue();
352  const unsigned nt = d.ntstorage();
354  out << "Data: [" << std::endl;
356  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nvalue; j++)
357  {
358  out << "global eq " << d.eqn_number(j) << ": [";
359  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nt - 1; t++)
360  {
361  out << d.value(t, j) << ", ";
362  }
363  out << d.value(nt - 1, j) << "]" << std::endl;
364  }
365  out << "]" << std::endl;
368  return out;
369  }
371  /// Node output operator: output equation numbers and values at all times,
372  /// along with any extra information stored for the timestepper.
373  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Node& nd)
374  {
375  const unsigned nt = nd.ntstorage();
376  const unsigned dim = nd.ndim();
378  // Output position, only doing current value for now but add position
379  // history if you need it - David.
380  out << "Position: [";
381  for (unsigned j = 0; j < dim; j++)
382  {
383  out << "dimension " << dim << ": [";
384  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nt - 1; t++)
385  {
386  out << nd.x(t, j) << ", ";
387  }
388  out << nd.x(nt - 1, j) << "]" << std::endl;
389  }
390  out << "]" << std::endl;
392  // Use the function for data to output the data (we can't use overloading
393  // here because operator<< is not a class function, so instead we
394  // typecast the node to a data).
395  out << dynamic_cast<const Data&>(nd);
396  return out;
397  }
400  //================================================================
401  /// Set a new TimeStepper be resizing the appropriate storage.
402  /// Equation numbering (if already performed) will be unaffected.
403  /// The current (zero) values will be unaffected, but all other entries
404  /// will be set to zero.
405  //================================================================
406  void Data::set_time_stepper(TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt,
407  const bool& preserve_existing_data)
408  {
409  // If the timestepper is unchanged do nothing
411  {
412  return;
413  }
415  // Find the amount of data to be preserved
416  // Default is just the current values
417  unsigned n_preserved_tstorage = 1;
418  if (preserve_existing_data)
419  {
420  n_preserved_tstorage = this->ntstorage();
421  }
423  // Set the new time stepper
426  // If the data is a copy don't mess with it
427  if (this->is_a_copy())
428  {
429  return;
430  }
432  // Find the current number of values
433  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
435  // IF there are data to allocate, do so
436  if (n_value > 0)
437  {
438  // Locally cache the new number of time storage values
439  const unsigned n_tstorage = time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
441  // Allocate all the data values in one big array for data locality.
442  double* values = new double[n_value * n_tstorage];
444  // Copy the old "preserved" values into the new storage scheme
445  // Make sure that we limit the values to the level of storage
446  if (n_tstorage < n_preserved_tstorage)
447  {
448  n_preserved_tstorage = n_tstorage;
449  }
450  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
451  {
452  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_preserved_tstorage; t++)
453  {
454  values[i * n_tstorage + t] = Value[i][t];
455  }
456  }
458  // Now delete the old value storage
459  delete[] Value[0];
461  // Reset the pointers to the new data values
462  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
463  {
464  Value[i] = &values[i * n_tstorage];
465  // Initialise all new time storage values to zero
466  for (unsigned t = n_preserved_tstorage; t < n_tstorage; t++)
467  {
468  Value[i][t] = 0.0;
469  }
470  }
472  // Update any pointers in any copies of this data
473  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ncopies; i++)
474  {
476  }
477  }
478  }
480  //================================================================
481  /// Virtual destructor, deallocates memory assigned for data
482  //================================================================
484  {
485  // If we have any copies clear their pointers
486  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ncopies; i++)
487  {
489  }
491  // Now delete the storage allocated for pointers to the copies
492  delete[] Copy_of_data_pt;
493  Copy_of_data_pt = 0;
495  // Clean up the allocated storage
497  }
500  //==================================================================
501  /// Compute Vector of values (dofs or pinned) at this Data object
502  //==================================================================
503  void Data::value(Vector<double>& values) const
504  {
505  // Loop over all the values and set the appropriate value
506  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
507  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
508  {
509  values[i] = value(i);
510  }
511  }
513  //==================================================================
514  /// Compute Vector of values (dofs or pinned) at this node
515  /// at time level t (t=0: present; t>0: previous)
516  //==================================================================
517  void Data::value(const unsigned& t, Vector<double>& values) const
518  {
519  // Loop over all the values and set the value at time level t
520  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
521  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
522  {
523  values[i] = value(t, i);
524  }
525  }
528  //================================================================
529  /// Assign (global) equation number. Overloaded version for nodes.
530  /// Checks if a hanging value has a non-negative equation number
531  /// and if so shouts and then sets it to Is_constrained. Then drops
532  /// down to Data version which does the actual work
533  //================================================================
534  void Node::assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long& global_number,
535  Vector<double*>& dof_pt)
536  {
537  // Loop over the number of values
538  const unsigned eqn_number_range = nvalue();
539  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eqn_number_range; i++)
540  {
541  // Is it hanging and not constrained or pinned? If so shout and constrain
542  // it
543  if ((is_hanging(i)) && (!is_constrained(i)) && (!is_pinned(i)))
544  {
545 #ifdef PARANOID
546  std::ostringstream warn_message;
547  warn_message
548  << "Node::assign_eqn_numbers(...) noticed that " << i
549  << " -th value\n"
550  << "is hanging but not constrained. This shouldn't happen and is\n"
551  << "probably because a hanging value was unpinned manually\n"
552  << "Rectifying this now...\n";
555 #endif
556  constrain(i);
557  }
558  }
559  // Now descend
560  Data::assign_eqn_numbers(global_number, dof_pt);
561  }
564  //=====================================================================
565  /// If pointer parameter_pt addresses internal data values then return
566  /// return true, otherwise return false
567  //======================================================================
568  bool Data::does_pointer_correspond_to_value(double* const& parameter_pt)
569  {
570  // If there is no value data then return false
571  if (Value == 0)
572  {
573  return false;
574  }
576  // Find the amount of data stored
577  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
578  const unsigned n_time = ntstorage();
579  const unsigned n_storage = n_value * n_time;
581  // Pointer to the local data
582  double* local_value_pt = Value[0];
584  // Loop over data and if we find the pointer then return true
585  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_storage; ++i)
586  {
587  if (parameter_pt == (local_value_pt + i))
588  {
589  return true;
590  }
591  }
593  // If we get to here we haven't found the data
594  return false;
595  }
598  //================================================================
599  /// Copy Data values from specified Data object
600  //================================================================
601  void Data::copy(Data* orig_data_pt)
602  {
603  // Find the amount of data stored
604  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
605  const unsigned n_time = ntstorage();
607  // Check # of values:
608  const unsigned long n_value_orig = orig_data_pt->nvalue();
609  if (n_value != n_value_orig)
610  {
611  std::ostringstream error_stream;
612  error_stream << "The number of values, " << n_value
613  << " is not the same of those in the original data "
614  << n_value_orig << std::endl;
616  throw OomphLibError(
618  }
619  const unsigned long n_time_orig = orig_data_pt->ntstorage();
620  if (n_time != n_time_orig)
621  {
622  std::ostringstream error_stream;
623  error_stream << "The number of time history values, " << n_time
624  << " is not the same of those in the original data "
625  << n_time_orig << std::endl;
627  throw OomphLibError(
629  }
631  // Read data
632  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
633  {
634  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_value; j++)
635  {
636  set_value(t, j, orig_data_pt->value(t, j));
637  }
638  }
639  }
642  //================================================================
643  /// Dump data object to a file
644  //================================================================
645  void Data::dump(std::ostream& dump_file) const
646  {
647  // Find the amount of storage used
648  const unsigned value_pt_range = nvalue();
649  const unsigned time_steps_range = ntstorage();
651  // Only write data if there is some stored
652  if (value_pt_range * time_steps_range > 0)
653  {
654  dump_file << value_pt_range << " # number of data values" << std::endl;
655  dump_file << time_steps_range << " # number of doubles for time history"
656  << std::endl;
658  // Write data
659  for (unsigned t = 0; t < time_steps_range; t++)
660  {
661  for (unsigned j = 0; j < value_pt_range; j++)
662  {
663  dump_file << value(t, j) << std::endl;
664  }
665  }
666  }
667  }
669  //================================================================
670  /// Read data object from file
671  //================================================================
672  void Data::read(std::ifstream& restart_file)
673  {
674  std::string input_string;
675  std::ostringstream error_stream;
677  // Find the amount of data stored
678  const unsigned value_pt_range = nvalue();
679  const unsigned time_steps_range = ntstorage();
681  // Only read in data if there is some storage available
682  if (value_pt_range * time_steps_range > 0)
683  {
684  // Read line up to termination sign
685  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
686  // Ignore rest of line
687  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
688  // Check # of values:
689  const unsigned long check_nvalues = atoi(input_string.c_str());
690  if (check_nvalues != value_pt_range)
691  {
692  error_stream
693  << "Number of values stored in dump file is not equal to the amount "
694  << "of storage allocated in Data object " << check_nvalues << " "
695  << value_pt_range;
696  if (check_nvalues > value_pt_range)
697  {
698  error_stream << " [ignoring extra entries]";
699  }
700  error_stream << std::endl;
701  Node* nod_pt = dynamic_cast<Node*>(this);
702  if (nod_pt != 0)
703  {
704  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
705  error_stream << "Node coordinates: ";
706  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
707  {
708  error_stream << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
709  }
710  error_stream << nod_pt << " ";
711 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
712  if (nod_pt->is_halo())
713  {
714  error_stream << " (halo)\n";
715  }
716  else
717  {
718  error_stream << " (not halo)\n";
719  }
720 #endif
721  }
722  if (check_nvalues < value_pt_range)
723  {
724  throw OomphLibError(error_stream.str(),
727  }
728  }
730  // Read line up to termination sign
731  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
733  // Ignore rest of line
734  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
736  // Check # of values:
737  const unsigned check_ntvalues = atoi(input_string.c_str());
739  // Dynamic run restarted from steady run
740  if (check_ntvalues < time_steps_range)
741  {
742  std::ostringstream warning_stream;
743  warning_stream << "Number of time history values in dump file is less "
744  << "than the storage allocated in Data object: "
745  << check_ntvalues << " " << time_steps_range
746  << std::endl;
747  warning_stream
748  << "We're using steady data as initial data for unsteady \n"
749  << "run. I'll fill in the remaining history values with zeroes. \n"
750  << "If you don't like this \n"
751  << "you'll have to overwrite this yourself with whatever is \n "
752  << "appropriate for your timestepping scheme. \n";
753  // Issue the warning
755  warning_stream.str(), "Data::read()", OOMPH_EXCEPTION_LOCATION);
757  // Read data
758  for (unsigned t = 0; t < time_steps_range; t++)
759  {
760  for (unsigned j = 0; j < check_nvalues; j++)
761  {
762  if (t == 0)
763  {
764  // Read line
765  getline(restart_file, input_string);
767  // Transform to double
768  if (j < value_pt_range)
769  {
770  set_value(t, j, atof(input_string.c_str()));
771  }
772  else
773  {
774  error_stream << "Not setting j=" << j
775  << " -th history restart value [t = " << t
776  << " ] to " << atof(input_string.c_str())
777  << " because Data "
778  << " hasn't been sufficiently resized\n";
779  }
780  }
781  else
782  {
783  if (j < value_pt_range)
784  {
785  set_value(t, j, 0.0);
786  }
787  else
788  {
789  error_stream << "Not setting j=" << j
790  << " -th restart history value [t = " << t
791  << " ] to " << 0.0 << " because Data "
792  << " hasn't been sufficiently resized\n";
793  }
794  }
795  }
796  }
797  }
798  // Static run restarted from unsteady run
799  else if (check_ntvalues > time_steps_range)
800  {
801  std::ostringstream warning_stream;
802  warning_stream
803  << "Warning: number of time history values in dump file is greater "
804  << "than the storage allocated in Data object: " << check_ntvalues
805  << " " << time_steps_range << std::endl;
806  warning_stream << "We're using the current values from an unsteady \n"
807  << "restart file to initialise a static run. \n";
808  // Issue the warning
810  warning_stream.str(), "Data::read()", OOMPH_EXCEPTION_LOCATION);
812  // Read data
813  for (unsigned t = 0; t < check_ntvalues; t++)
814  {
815  for (unsigned j = 0; j < check_nvalues; j++)
816  {
817  // Read line
818  getline(restart_file, input_string);
819  if (t == 0)
820  {
821  // Transform to double
822  if (j < value_pt_range)
823  {
824  set_value(t, j, atof(input_string.c_str()));
825  }
826  else
827  {
828  error_stream << "Not setting j=" << j
829  << " -th restart history value [t = " << t
830  << " ] to " << atof(input_string.c_str())
831  << " because Data "
832  << " hasn't been sufficiently resized\n";
833  }
834  }
835  }
836  }
837  }
838  // Proper dynamic restart
839  else
840  {
841  // Read data
842  for (unsigned t = 0; t < time_steps_range; t++)
843  {
844  for (unsigned j = 0; j < check_nvalues; j++)
845  {
846  // Read line
847  getline(restart_file, input_string);
849  // Transform to double
850  if (j < value_pt_range)
851  {
852  set_value(t, j, atof(input_string.c_str()));
853  }
854  else
855  {
856  error_stream << "Not setting j=" << j
857  << " -th restart history value [t = " << t
858  << " ] to " << atof(input_string.c_str())
859  << " because Data "
860  << " hasn't been sufficiently resized\n";
861  }
862  }
863  }
864  }
865  if (check_nvalues > value_pt_range)
866  {
868  error_stream.str(), "Data::read()", OOMPH_EXCEPTION_LOCATION);
869  }
870  }
871  }
874  //===================================================================
875  /// Return the total number of doubles stored per value to record
876  /// the time history of ecah value. The information is read from the
877  /// time stepper
878  //===================================================================
879  unsigned Data::ntstorage() const
880  {
881  return Time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
882  }
884  //================================================================
885  /// Assign (global) equation number.
886  /// This function does NOT initialise the value because
887  /// if we're using things like node position as variables in the problem
888  /// they will have been set before the call to assign equation numbers
889  /// and setting it to zero will wipe it out :(.
890  ///
891  /// Pass:
892  /// - current number of global dofs global_number (which gets incremented)
893  /// - the Vector of pointers to global dofs (to which new dofs
894  /// get added)
895  //================================================================
896  void Data::assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long& global_number,
897  Vector<double*>& dof_pt)
898  {
899  // Loop over the number of variables
900  // Set temporary to hold range
901  const unsigned eqn_number_range = Nvalue;
902  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eqn_number_range; i++)
903  {
904 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
905  // Is the node a halo? If so, treat it as pinned for now
906  // This will be overwritten with the actual equation number
907  // during the synchronisation phase.
908  if (is_halo())
909  {
911  }
912  else
913 #endif
914  {
915  // Boundary conditions test: if it's not a pinned or constrained
916  // variable, The assign a new global equation number
917  if ((!is_pinned(i)) && (!is_constrained(i)) &&
919  {
920  // Assign the equation number and increment global equation number
921  Eqn_number[i] = global_number++;
922  // Add pointer to global dof vector
923  dof_pt.push_back(value_pt(i));
924  }
925  }
926  }
927  }
929  //================================================================
930  /// Function to describe the dofs of the Data. The ostream
931  /// specifies the output stream to which the description
932  /// is written; the string stores the currently
933  /// assembled output that is ultimately written to the
934  /// output stream by Data::describe_dofs(...); it is typically
935  /// built up incrementally as we descend through the
936  /// call hierarchy of this function when called from
937  /// Problem::describe_dofs(...)
938  //================================================================
939  void Data::describe_dofs(std::ostream& out,
940  const std::string& current_string) const
941  {
942  // Loop over the number of variables
943  const unsigned eqn_number_range = Nvalue;
944  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eqn_number_range; i++)
945  {
946  int eqn_number = Eqn_number[i];
947  if (eqn_number >= 0)
948  {
949  // Note: The spacing around equation number is deliberate.
950  // It allows for searching more easily as Eqn:<space>5<space> would
951  // return a unique dof, whereas Eqn:<space>5 would also return those
952  // starting with 5, such as 500.
953  out << "Eqn: " << eqn_number << " | Value " << i << current_string
954  << std::endl;
955  }
956  }
957  }
960  //================================================================
961  /// Self-test: Have all values been classified as pinned/unpinned?
962  /// Return 0 if OK.
964  //================================================================
965  unsigned Data::self_test()
966  {
967  // Initialise test flag
968  bool passed = true;
970  // Loop over all equation numbers
971  const unsigned eqn_number_range = Nvalue;
972  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eqn_number_range; i++)
973  {
974  // If the equation number has not been assigned, issue an error
975  if (Eqn_number[i] == Is_unclassified)
976  {
977  passed = false;
978  oomph_info << "\n ERROR: Failed Data::self_test() for i=" << i
979  << std::endl;
980  oomph_info << " (Value is not classified as pinned or free)"
981  << std::endl;
982  }
983  }
985  // Return verdict
986  if (passed)
987  {
988  return 0;
989  }
990  else
991  {
992  return 1;
993  }
994  }
996  //================================================================
997  /// Increase the number of data values stored, useful when adding
998  /// additional data at a node, almost always Lagrange multipliers.
999  /// Note if any of the unresized data is copied, then we assume all the
1000  /// resized data is copied from the same node as the unresized data.
1001  //================================================================
1002  void Data::resize(const unsigned& n_value)
1003  {
1004  // Find current number of values
1005  const unsigned n_value_old = nvalue();
1006  // Set the desired number of values
1007  const unsigned n_value_new = n_value;
1009  // If the number of values hasn't changed, do nothing
1010  if (n_value_new == n_value_old)
1011  {
1012  return;
1013  }
1015  // Put in a little safely check here
1016 #ifdef PARANOID
1017  if (n_value_new < n_value_old)
1018  {
1019  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1020  error_stream << "Warning : Data cannot be resized to a smaller value!"
1021  << std::endl;
1022  throw OomphLibError(
1024  }
1025 #endif
1027  // Find amount of additional time storage required
1028  // N.B. We can't change timesteppers in this process
1029  const unsigned t_storage = ntstorage();
1031  // Create new sets of pointers of the appropriate (new) size
1032  double** value_new_pt = new double*[n_value_new];
1033  long* eqn_number_new = new long[n_value_new];
1035  // Create new array of values that is contiguous in memory
1036  double* values = new double[n_value_new * t_storage];
1038  // Copy the old values over into the new storage scheme
1039  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value_old; i++)
1040  {
1041  // Set pointer for the new values
1042  value_new_pt[i] = &values[i * t_storage];
1043  // Copy value
1044  for (unsigned t = 0; t < t_storage; t++)
1045  {
1046  value_new_pt[i][t] = Value[i][t];
1047  }
1049  // Copy equation number
1050  eqn_number_new[i] = Eqn_number[i];
1051  }
1053  // Loop over the new entries, set pointers and initialise data
1054  for (unsigned i = n_value_old; i < n_value_new; i++)
1055  {
1056  // Set the pointer
1057  value_new_pt[i] = &values[i * t_storage];
1058  // Initialise the new data values to zero
1059  for (unsigned t = 0; t < t_storage; t++)
1060  {
1061  value_new_pt[i][t] = 0.0;
1062  }
1064  // Initialise the equation number to Is_unclassified
1065  eqn_number_new[i] = Is_unclassified;
1066  }
1068  // Set the number of new values
1069  Nvalue = n_value_new;
1071  // Now delete the old storage and set the new pointers
1072  if (n_value_old != 0) delete[] Value[0];
1073  delete[] Value;
1074  Value = value_new_pt;
1075  delete[] Eqn_number;
1076  Eqn_number = eqn_number_new;
1078  // Now update pointers in any copies of this data
1079  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ncopies; i++)
1080  {
1082  }
1083  }
1085  //=======================================================================
1086  /// Add pointers to all unpinned and unconstrained data to a map
1087  /// indexed by (global) equation number
1088  //=======================================================================
1089  void Data::add_value_pt_to_map(std::map<unsigned, double*>& map_of_value_pt)
1090  {
1091  // How many values does it have
1092  const unsigned n_value = this->nvalue();
1093  // Find the global equation number
1094  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1095  {
1096  int global_eqn = this->eqn_number(i);
1097  // If it is a degree of freedom, add it to the map
1098  if (global_eqn >= 0)
1099  {
1100  map_of_value_pt[static_cast<unsigned>(global_eqn)] = this->value_pt(i);
1101  }
1102  }
1103  }
1105 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1106  //==================================================================
1107  /// Add all data and time history values to a vector that will be
1108  /// used when communicating data between processors. The function is
1109  /// virtual so that it can be overloaded by Nodes and SolidNodes to
1110  /// add the additional data present in those objects.
1111  //==================================================================
1113  {
1114  // Find the number of stored values
1115  const unsigned n_value = this->nvalue();
1117 #ifndef PARANOID
1119  // If no values are stored then return immediately
1120  if (n_value == 0)
1121  {
1122  return;
1123  }
1125 #endif
1127  // Find the number of stored time data
1128  const unsigned n_tstorage = this->ntstorage();
1130  // Resize the vector to accommodate the new data
1131  const unsigned n_current_value = vector_of_values.size();
1133 #ifdef PARANOID
1134  unsigned n_debug = 2;
1135 #else
1136  unsigned n_debug = 0;
1137 #endif
1139  vector_of_values.resize(n_current_value + n_tstorage * n_value + n_debug);
1141  // Now add the data to the vector
1142  unsigned index = n_current_value;
1144 #ifdef PARANOID
1145  vector_of_values[index++] = n_tstorage;
1146  vector_of_values[index++] = n_value;
1147  // Now return
1148  if (n_value == 0)
1149  {
1150  return;
1151  }
1152 #endif
1154  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
1155  double* data_pt = Value[0];
1157  // Loop over values
1158  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1159  {
1160  // Loop over time histories
1161  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
1162  {
1163  // Add the data to the vector
1164  vector_of_values[index] = *data_pt;
1166  // Increment the counter and the pointer
1167  ++index;
1168  ++data_pt;
1169  }
1170  }
1171  }
1173  //==================================================================
1174  /// Read all data and time history values from a vector that will be
1175  /// used when communicating data between processors. The function is
1176  /// virtual so that it can be overloaded by Nodes and SolidNodes to
1177  /// read the additional data present in those objects. The unsigned
1178  /// index is used to indicate the start position for reading in
1179  /// the vector and will be set the end of the data that has been
1180  /// read in on return.
1181  //==================================================================
1182  void Data::read_values_from_vector(const Vector<double>& vector_of_values,
1183  unsigned& index)
1184  {
1185  // Find the number of stored values
1186  unsigned n_value = this->nvalue();
1188  // Find the number of stored time data
1189  const unsigned n_tstorage = this->ntstorage();
1191 #ifdef PARANOID
1192  unsigned orig_n_tstorage = unsigned(vector_of_values[index++]);
1193  unsigned orig_n_value = unsigned(vector_of_values[index++]);
1194  if ((orig_n_tstorage != n_tstorage) || (orig_n_value != n_value))
1195  {
1196  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1197  error_stream << "Non-matching number of values:\n"
1198  << "sent and local n_tstorage: " << orig_n_tstorage << " "
1199  << n_tstorage << std::endl
1200  << "sent and local n_value: " << orig_n_value << " "
1201  << n_value << std::endl;
1202  throw OomphLibError(
1204  }
1205 #endif
1207  // If no values are stored, return immediately
1208  if (n_value == 0)
1209  {
1210  return;
1211  }
1213  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
1214  double* data_pt = Value[0];
1216  // Loop over values
1217  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1218  {
1219  // Loop over time histories
1220  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
1221  {
1222  // Read the data from the vector
1223  *data_pt = vector_of_values[index];
1224  // Increment the counter and the pointer
1225  ++index;
1226  ++data_pt;
1227  }
1228  }
1229  }
1231  //==================================================================
1232  /// Add all equation numbers to the vector. The function is virtual
1233  /// so that it can be overloaded by SolidNodes to add the additional
1234  /// equation numbers associated with the solid dofs in those objects.
1235  //==================================================================
1236  void Data::add_eqn_numbers_to_vector(Vector<long>& vector_of_eqn_numbers)
1237  {
1238  // Find the number of stored values
1239  const unsigned n_value = this->nvalue();
1240  // If no values are stored then return immediately
1241  if (n_value == 0)
1242  {
1243  return;
1244  }
1246  // Resize the vector to accommodate the new data
1247  const unsigned n_current_value = vector_of_eqn_numbers.size();
1248  vector_of_eqn_numbers.resize(n_current_value + n_value);
1250  // Now add the data to the vector
1251  unsigned index = n_current_value;
1252  // Pointer to the first entry in the equation number array
1253  long* eqn_number_pt = Eqn_number;
1254  // Loop over values
1255  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1256  {
1257  // Add the data to the vector
1258  vector_of_eqn_numbers[index] = *eqn_number_pt;
1259  // Increment the counter and the pointer
1260  ++index;
1261  ++eqn_number_pt;
1262  }
1263  }
1265  //==================================================================
1266  /// Read all equation numbers from the vector. The function is virtual
1267  /// so that it can be overloaded by SolidNodes to add the additional
1268  /// equation numbers associated with the solid dofs in those objects.
1269  /// The unsigned
1270  /// index is used to indicate the start position for reading in
1271  /// the vector and will be set the end of the data that has been
1272  /// read in on return.
1273  //==================================================================
1275  const Vector<long>& vector_of_eqn_numbers, unsigned& index)
1276  {
1277  // Find the number of stored values
1278  const unsigned n_value = this->nvalue();
1279  // If no values are stored then return immediately
1280  if (n_value == 0)
1281  {
1282  return;
1283  }
1285  // Pointer to the first entry in the equation number array
1286  long* eqn_number_pt = Eqn_number;
1287  // Loop over values
1288  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1289  {
1290  // Read the data from the vector
1291  *eqn_number_pt = vector_of_eqn_numbers[index];
1292  // Increment the counter and the pointer
1293  ++index;
1294  ++eqn_number_pt;
1295  }
1296  }
1298 #endif
1301  //================================================================
1302  /// Reset the pointers to the copied data
1303  //===============================================================
1305  {
1306  // Copy the pointer to the value. This will give the appropriate
1307  //"slice" of the array
1310  // Copy the pointer to the equation number
1312  }
1315  //===============================================================
1316  /// Clear the pointers to the copied data
1317  //===============================================================
1319  {
1320  Copied_data_pt = 0;
1321  Value = 0;
1322  Eqn_number = 0;
1323  }
1325  //================================================================
1326  /// Constructor, creates a HijackedData object with a single value
1327  /// that is copied from another Data object.
1328  /// The ordering of the aguments is used to
1329  /// distinguish this case from that of copying all data values, except one
1330  /// independent value.
1331  //================================================================
1332  HijackedData::HijackedData(const unsigned& copied_index, Data* const& data_pt)
1333  : Data(data_pt->time_stepper_pt(), 1, false),
1334  Copied_data_pt(data_pt),
1335  Copied_index(copied_index)
1336  {
1337  // Don't allow copying of a copy
1338  if (data_pt->is_a_copy(copied_index))
1339  {
1340  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1341  error_stream << "The data you are trying to hijack is already a copy"
1342  << std::endl;
1343  error_stream << "Please copy the original data" << std::endl;
1344  error_stream << "In a later version, I might do this for you,"
1345  << " but not today" << std::endl;
1347  throw OomphLibError(
1349  }
1351  // Copy the pointer to the value. This will give the appropriate
1352  //"slice" of the array
1353  Value = &data_pt->Value[copied_index];
1354  // Copy the pointer to the equation number
1355  Eqn_number = &data_pt->Eqn_number[copied_index];
1356  // Inform the original data that it has been copied
1357  data_pt->add_copy(this);
1358  }
1360  //=================================================================
1361  /// We do not allow Hijacked Data to be resized
1362  //=================================================================
1363  void HijackedData::resize(const unsigned& n_value)
1364  {
1365  throw OomphLibError("HijackedData cannot be resized",
1368  }
1371  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1372  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1373  // Functions for the CopiedData class
1374  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1375  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1378  //================================================================
1379  /// Reset the pointers to the copied data
1380  //===============================================================
1382  {
1383  // Set the new number of values
1386  // Copy the pointer to the value. This will give the appropriate
1387  //"slice" of the array
1390  // Copy the pointer to the equation numbers
1392  }
1395  //===============================================================
1396  /// Clear ther pointers to the copied data
1397  //===============================================================
1399  {
1400  Copied_data_pt = 0;
1401  Value = 0;
1402  Eqn_number = 0;
1403  }
1405  //================================================================
1406  /// Constructor, creates a CopiedData object with all values
1407  /// copied from another Data object.
1408  //================================================================
1409  CopiedData::CopiedData(Data* const& data_pt)
1410  : Data(data_pt->time_stepper_pt(), data_pt->nvalue(), false),
1411  Copied_data_pt(data_pt)
1412  {
1413  // Don't allow copying of a copy
1414  if (data_pt->is_a_copy())
1415  {
1416  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1417  error_stream << "The data you are trying to copy is already a copy"
1418  << std::endl;
1419  error_stream << "Please copy the original data" << std::endl;
1420  error_stream << "In a later version, I might do this for you,"
1421  << " but not today" << std::endl;
1423  throw OomphLibError(
1425  }
1427  // Copy the pointer to the value.
1428  Value = data_pt->Value;
1429  // Copy the pointer to the equation number
1430  Eqn_number = data_pt->Eqn_number;
1431  // Inform the original data that it has been copied
1432  data_pt->add_copy(this);
1433  }
1435  //=================================================================
1436  /// We do not allow Copied Data to be resized
1437  //=================================================================
1438  void CopiedData::resize(const unsigned& n_value)
1439  {
1440  throw OomphLibError("CopiedData cannot be resized",
1443  }
1446  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1447  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1448  // Functions for the HangInfo class
1449  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1450  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1452  //================================================================
1453  /// Check that the argument is within the range of
1454  /// stored master nodes
1455  //=================================================================
1456  void HangInfo::range_check(const unsigned& i) const
1457  {
1458  // If the argument is negative or greater than the number of stored
1459  // values die
1460  if (i >= Nmaster)
1461  {
1462  std::ostringstream error_message;
1463  error_message << "Range Error: the index " << i
1464  << " is not in the range (0," << Nmaster - 1 << ")";
1465  throw OomphLibError(
1467  }
1468  }
1471  //=====================================================================
1472  /// Set the pointer to the i-th master node and its weight
1473  //=====================================================================
1474  void HangInfo::set_master_node_pt(const unsigned& i,
1475  Node* const& master_node_pt_,
1476  const double& weight)
1477  {
1478 #ifdef RANGE_CHECKING
1479  range_check(i);
1480 #endif
1481  Master_nodes_pt[i] = master_node_pt_;
1482  Master_weights[i] = weight;
1483  }
1485  //====================================================================
1486  /// Add (pointer to) master node and corresponding weight to
1487  /// the internally stored (pointers to) master nodes and weights.
1488  //====================================================================
1489  void HangInfo::add_master_node_pt(Node* const& master_node_pt_,
1490  const double& weight)
1491  {
1492  // Find the present number of master nodes
1493  const unsigned n_master = Nmaster;
1494  // Make new data
1495  Node** new_master_nodes_pt = new Node*[n_master + 1];
1496  double* new_master_weights = new double[n_master + 1];
1498  // Copy the old values over to the new data
1499  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_master; i++)
1500  {
1501  new_master_nodes_pt[i] = Master_nodes_pt[i];
1502  new_master_weights[i] = Master_weights[i];
1503  }
1504  // Add the new values at the end
1505  new_master_nodes_pt[n_master] = master_node_pt_;
1506  new_master_weights[n_master] = weight;
1508  // Reset the pointers
1509  delete[] Master_nodes_pt;
1510  Master_nodes_pt = new_master_nodes_pt;
1511  delete[] Master_weights;
1512  Master_weights = new_master_weights;
1513  // Increase the number of master nodes
1514  ++Nmaster;
1515  }
1517  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1518  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1519  // Functions for the Node class
1520  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1521  /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1523  //=================================================================
1524  /// Private function to check that the arguments are within
1525  /// the range of the stored coordinates, position types and time history
1526  /// values.
1527  //=================================================================
1528  void Node::x_gen_range_check(const unsigned& t,
1529  const unsigned& k,
1530  const unsigned& i) const
1531  {
1532  // Number of stored history values
1533  const unsigned position_ntstorage = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1534  // If any of the coordinates or time values are out of range
1535  if ((i >= Ndim) || (k >= Nposition_type) || (t >= position_ntstorage))
1536  {
1537  std::ostringstream error_message;
1538  // If it's the dimension
1539  if (i >= Ndim)
1540  {
1541  error_message << "Range Error: X coordinate " << i
1542  << " is not in the range (0," << Ndim - 1 << ")";
1543  }
1544  // If it's the position type
1545  if (k >= Nposition_type)
1546  {
1547  error_message << "Range Error: Position type " << k
1548  << " is not in the range (0," << Nposition_type - 1
1549  << ")";
1550  }
1551  // If it's the time
1552  if (t >= position_ntstorage)
1553  {
1554  error_message << "Range Error: Position Time Value " << t
1555  << " is not in the range (0," << position_ntstorage - 1
1556  << ")";
1557  }
1558  // Throw the error
1559  throw OomphLibError(
1561  }
1562  }
1564  //========================================================================
1565  /// Static "Magic number" passed as independent_position when there is
1566  /// no independent position in the periodic node. For example, in a periodic
1567  /// mesh.
1568  //=======================================================================
1569  unsigned Node::No_independent_position = 10;
1571  //========================================================================
1572  /// Default constructor.
1573  //========================================================================
1575  : Data(),
1576  Position_time_stepper_pt(Data::Default_static_time_stepper_pt),
1577  Hanging_pt(0),
1578  Ndim(0),
1579  Nposition_type(0),
1580  Obsolete(false),
1581  Aux_node_update_fct_pt(0)
1582  {
1583 #ifdef LEAK_CHECK
1585 #endif
1586  }
1588  //========================================================================
1589  /// Steady Constructor, allocates storage for initial_n_value values
1590  /// at a node of spatial dimension NDim. nposition_type: # of coordinate
1591  /// types needed in the mapping between local and global coordinates
1592  /// (e.g. 1 for Lagrange-type elements; 2 for 1D Hermite elements; 4 for
1593  /// 2D Hermite elements, etc).
1594  //========================================================================
1595  Node::Node(const unsigned& n_dim,
1596  const unsigned& n_position_type,
1597  const unsigned& initial_n_value,
1598  const bool& allocate_x_position)
1599  : Data(initial_n_value),
1600  X_position(0),
1601  Position_time_stepper_pt(Data::Default_static_time_stepper_pt),
1602  Hanging_pt(0),
1603  Ndim(n_dim),
1604  Nposition_type(n_position_type),
1605  Obsolete(false),
1606  Aux_node_update_fct_pt(0)
1607  {
1608 #ifdef LEAK_CHECK
1610 #endif
1612  // Determine the total amount of storage required for position variables
1613  const unsigned n_storage = n_dim * n_position_type;
1615  // If we are in charge of the x coordinates (non-solid node)
1616  // the allocate storage
1617  if (allocate_x_position)
1618  {
1619  // Allocate the pointers to each coordinate and coordinate type
1620  X_position = new double*[n_storage];
1622  // Create one big array of positions
1623  double* x_positions = new double[n_storage];
1625  // Set pointers from the contiguous array
1626  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_storage; j++)
1627  {
1628  X_position[j] = &x_positions[j];
1629  // Initialise value to zero
1630  X_position[j][0] = 0.0;
1631  }
1632  }
1633  }
1635  //========================================================================
1636  /// Unsteady Constructor for a node of spatial dimension n_dim.
1637  /// Allocates storage
1638  /// for initial_n_value values with history values as required
1639  /// by timestepper. n_position_type: # of coordinate
1640  /// types needed in the mapping between local and global coordinates
1641  /// (e.g. 1 for Lagrange-type elements; 2 for 1D Hermite elements; 4 for
1642  /// 2D Hermite elements)
1643  //========================================================================
1644  Node::Node(TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt_,
1645  const unsigned& n_dim,
1646  const unsigned& n_position_type,
1647  const unsigned& initial_n_value,
1648  const bool& allocate_x_position)
1649  : Data(time_stepper_pt_, initial_n_value),
1650  X_position(0),
1651  Position_time_stepper_pt(time_stepper_pt_),
1652  Hanging_pt(0),
1653  Ndim(n_dim),
1654  Nposition_type(n_position_type),
1655  Obsolete(false),
1656  Aux_node_update_fct_pt(0)
1657  {
1658 #ifdef LEAK_CHECK
1660 #endif
1662  // Determine the total amount of storage required for position variables
1663  const unsigned n_storage = n_dim * n_position_type;
1665  // If we are allocating the storage (non-solid node)
1666  if (allocate_x_position)
1667  {
1668  // Amount of storage required for history values
1669  const unsigned n_tstorage = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1671  // Allocate the pointers to each coordinate and coordinate type
1672  X_position = new double*[n_storage];
1674  // Allocate the positions in one big array
1675  double* x_positions = new double[n_storage * n_tstorage];
1677  // Set the pointers to the contiguous memory
1678  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_storage; j++)
1679  {
1680  // Set the pointer from the bug array
1681  X_position[j] = &x_positions[j * n_tstorage];
1682  // Initialise all values to zero
1683  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
1684  {
1685  X_position[j][t] = 0.0;
1686  }
1687  }
1688  }
1689  }
1692  //========================================================================
1693  /// Destructor to clean up the memory allocated for nodal position
1694  //========================================================================
1696  {
1697 #ifdef LEAK_CHECK
1699 #endif
1701  // Clean up memory allocated to hanging nodes
1702  if (Hanging_pt != 0)
1703  {
1704  // The number of hanging pointers is the number of values plus one
1705  const unsigned nhang = nvalue() + 1;
1706  for (unsigned ival = 1; ival < nhang; ival++)
1707  {
1708  // If the ival-th HangInfo object is not the same as the geometrical
1709  // one, delete it
1710  if (Hanging_pt[ival] != Hanging_pt[0])
1711  {
1712  delete Hanging_pt[ival];
1713  }
1714  // Always NULL out the HangInfo pointer
1715  Hanging_pt[ival] = 0;
1716  }
1718  // Delete the Geometrical HangInfo pointer
1719  delete Hanging_pt[0];
1720  Hanging_pt[0] = 0;
1722  // Delete the Hanging_pt
1723  delete[] Hanging_pt;
1724  Hanging_pt = 0;
1725  }
1727  // Free the memory allocated
1729  // If we did not allocate then the memory must have been freed by the
1730  // destructor of the object that did the allocating and X_position MUST
1731  // have been set back to zero
1732  // Test this and if so, we're done
1733  if (X_position == 0)
1734  {
1735  return;
1736  }
1738  // If we're still here we must free our own memory which was allocated
1739  // in one block
1740  delete[] X_position[0];
1742  // Now delete the pointer
1743  delete[] X_position;
1744  X_position = 0;
1745  }
1747  //================================================================
1748  /// Set a new position TimeStepper be resizing the appropriate storage.
1749  /// The current (zero) values will be unaffected, but all other entries
1750  /// will be set to zero.
1751  //================================================================
1753  TimeStepper* const& position_time_stepper_pt,
1754  const bool& preserve_existing_data)
1755  {
1756  // If the timestepper is unchanged do nothing
1758  {
1759  return;
1760  }
1762  // Find the amount of data to be preserved
1763  unsigned n_preserved_tstorage = 1;
1764  if (preserve_existing_data)
1765  {
1766  n_preserved_tstorage = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1767  }
1769  // Set the new time stepper
1772  // Determine the total amount of storage required for position variables
1773  const unsigned n_storage = this->ndim() * this->nposition_type();
1775  // Amount of storage required for history values
1776  const unsigned n_tstorage = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1778  // Allocate all position data in one big array
1779  double* x_positions = new double[n_storage * n_tstorage];
1781  // If we have reduced the storage, reduce the size of preserved storage
1782  // to that of the new storage
1783  if (n_tstorage < n_preserved_tstorage)
1784  {
1785  n_preserved_tstorage = n_tstorage;
1786  }
1788  // Copy the old "preserved" positions into the new storage scheme
1789  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_storage; ++j)
1790  {
1791  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_preserved_tstorage; t++)
1792  {
1793  x_positions[j * n_tstorage + t] = this->X_position[j][t];
1794  }
1795  }
1797  // Now delete the old position storage, which was allocated in one block
1798  delete[] X_position[0];
1800  // Set the pointers to the contiguous memory
1801  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_storage; j++)
1802  {
1803  // Set the pointer from the bug array
1804  X_position[j] = &x_positions[j * n_tstorage];
1805  // Initialise all new time storgae values to be zero
1806  for (unsigned t = n_preserved_tstorage; t < n_tstorage; t++)
1807  {
1808  X_position[j][t] = 0.0;
1809  }
1810  }
1811  }
1814  //================================================================
1815  /// Return the i-th component of nodal velocity: dx/dt
1816  //================================================================
1817  double Node::dx_dt(const unsigned& i) const
1818  {
1819  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
1820  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1822  double dxdt = 0.0;
1824  // If the timestepper is not steady
1826  {
1827  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
1828  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
1829  {
1830  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(1, t) * x(t, i);
1831  }
1832  }
1834  return dxdt;
1835  }
1837  //================================================================
1838  /// Return the i-th component of j-th derivative of nodal position:
1839  /// d^jx/dt^j.
1840  //================================================================
1841  double Node::dx_dt(const unsigned& j, const unsigned& i) const
1842  {
1843  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
1844  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1846  double dxdt = 0.0;
1848  // If the timestepper is not steady
1849  if ((!Position_time_stepper_pt->is_steady()) || (j == 0))
1850  {
1851  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
1852  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
1853  {
1854  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(j, t) * x(t, i);
1855  }
1856  }
1858  return dxdt;
1859  }
1861  //================================================================
1862  /// i-th component of time derivative (velocity) of the
1863  /// generalised position, dx(k,i)/dt. `Type': k; Coordinate direction: i.
1864  //================================================================
1865  double Node::dx_gen_dt(const unsigned& k, const unsigned& i) const
1866  {
1867  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
1868  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1870  double dxdt = 0.0;
1872  // If the timestepper is not steady
1874  {
1875  // Loop over the additional time storage and add the appropriate
1876  // contributions
1877  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
1878  {
1879  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(1, t) * x_gen(t, k, i);
1880  }
1881  }
1883  return dxdt;
1884  }
1886  //================================================================
1887  /// i-th component of j-th time derivative (velocity) of the
1888  /// generalised position, d^jx(k,i)/dt^j. `Type': k; Coordinate direction: i.
1889  //================================================================
1890  double Node::dx_gen_dt(const unsigned& j,
1891  const unsigned& k,
1892  const unsigned& i) const
1893  {
1894  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
1895  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1897  double dxdt = 0.0;
1899  // If the timestepper is not steady
1900  if ((!Position_time_stepper_pt->is_steady()) || (j == 0))
1901  {
1902  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
1903  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
1904  {
1905  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(j, t) * x_gen(t, k, i);
1906  }
1907  }
1909  return dxdt;
1910  }
1913  //================================================================
1914  /// Copy all nodal data from specified Node object
1915  //================================================================
1916  void Node::copy(Node* orig_node_pt)
1917  {
1918  // Number of positional values
1919  const unsigned npos_storage = Ndim * Nposition_type;
1921  // Check # of values:
1922  const unsigned long npos_storage_orig =
1923  orig_node_pt->ndim() * orig_node_pt->nposition_type();
1924  if (npos_storage != npos_storage_orig)
1925  {
1926  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1927  error_stream << "The allocated positional storage " << npos_storage
1928  << " is not the same as the original Node "
1929  << npos_storage_orig << std::endl;
1931  throw OomphLibError(
1933  }
1935  // Number of time values (incl present)
1936  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1938  // Check # of values:
1939  const unsigned long n_time_orig =
1940  orig_node_pt->position_time_stepper_pt()->ntstorage();
1941  if (n_time != n_time_orig)
1942  {
1943  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1944  error_stream << "The number of positional time history values, " << n_time
1945  << " is not the same of those in the original node "
1946  << n_time_orig << std::endl;
1948  throw OomphLibError(
1950  }
1952  // Copy fixed nodal positions
1953  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
1954  {
1955  for (unsigned j = 0; j < npos_storage; j++)
1956  {
1957  X_position[j][t] = orig_node_pt->X_position[j][t];
1958  }
1959  }
1961  // Read associated data
1962  Data::copy(orig_node_pt);
1963  }
1966  //================================================================
1967  /// Dump nodal positions and associated data to file for restart
1968  //================================================================
1969  void Node::dump(std::ostream& dump_file) const
1970  {
1971  // Number of positional values
1972  const unsigned npos_storage = Ndim * Nposition_type;
1973  dump_file << npos_storage << " # number of fixed position variables"
1974  << std::endl;
1976  const unsigned Time_steps_range = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
1977  dump_file << Time_steps_range
1978  << " # total number of doubles for time history (incl present)"
1979  << std::endl;
1981  for (unsigned t = 0; t < Time_steps_range; t++)
1982  {
1983  for (unsigned j = 0; j < npos_storage; j++)
1984  {
1985  dump_file << X_position[j][t] << std::endl;
1986  }
1987  }
1989  // Dump out data
1990  Data::dump(dump_file);
1991  }
1993  //================================================================
1994  /// Read nodal positions and associated data from file for restart
1995  //================================================================
1996  void Node::read(std::ifstream& restart_file)
1997  {
1998  std::string input_string;
2000  // Number of positional values
2001  const unsigned npos_storage = Ndim * Nposition_type;
2003  // Read line up to termination sign
2004  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
2005  // Ignore rest of line
2006  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
2007  // Check # of values:
2008  const unsigned long check_npos_storage = atoi(input_string.c_str());
2009  if (check_npos_storage != npos_storage)
2010  {
2011  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2012  error_stream << "The allocated positional storage " << npos_storage
2013  << " is not the same as that in the input file"
2014  << check_npos_storage << std::endl;
2016  throw OomphLibError(
2018  }
2020  // Number of time values (incl present)
2021  const unsigned time_steps_range = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
2023  // Read line up to termination sign
2024  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
2025  // Ignore rest of line
2026  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
2027  // Check # of values:
2028  const unsigned long check_time_steps_range = atoi(input_string.c_str());
2029  if (check_time_steps_range != time_steps_range)
2030  {
2031  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2032  error_stream
2033  << "Number of positional history values in dump file is less "
2034  << "than the storage allocated in Node object: "
2035  << check_time_steps_range << " " << time_steps_range << std::endl;
2037  throw OomphLibError(
2039  }
2041  // Read fixed nodal positions
2042  for (unsigned t = 0; t < time_steps_range; t++)
2043  {
2044  for (unsigned j = 0; j < npos_storage; j++)
2045  {
2046  // Read line
2047  getline(restart_file, input_string);
2049  // Transform to double
2050  X_position[j][t] = atof(input_string.c_str());
2051  }
2052  }
2054  // Read associated data
2055  Data::read(restart_file);
2056  }
2058  //=====================================================================
2059  /// Set the hanging data for the i-th value.
2060  /// If node is already hanging, simply overwrite the appropriate entry.
2061  /// If the node isn't hanging (because it might not be hanging
2062  /// geometrically), create the Vector of hanging pointers
2063  /// and make the other entries point to the node's geometric
2064  /// hanging data. Set hang_pt=0 to make entry explicitly non-hanging.
2065  /// Use Node::set_nonhanging() to unhang everything and clear up
2066  /// storage.
2067  //=====================================================================
2068  void Node::set_hanging_pt(HangInfo* const& hang_pt, const int& i)
2069  {
2070  // The number of hanging values is the number of stored values plus
2071  // one (geometry)
2072  unsigned n_hang = nvalue() + 1;
2074  // Has the vector of pointers to the HangInfo objects already been created?
2075  // If not create it
2076  if (Hanging_pt == 0)
2077  {
2078  Hanging_pt = new HangInfo*[n_hang];
2079  // Initialise all entries to zero
2080  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_hang; n++)
2081  {
2082  Hanging_pt[n] = 0;
2083  }
2084  }
2086  // Geometric hanging data
2087  if (i == -1)
2088  {
2089  // Setup boolean array to find which pointers match the geometric pointer
2090  std::vector<bool> Same_as_geometric(n_hang, true);
2092  // Mark up any values that DON'T use the geometric hanging scheme
2093  for (unsigned n = 1; n < n_hang; n++)
2094  {
2095  if (Hanging_pt[n] != Hanging_pt[0])
2096  {
2097  Same_as_geometric[n] = false;
2098  }
2099  }
2101  // Remove the old geometric HangInfo
2102  delete Hanging_pt[0];
2103  // Assign the new geometric hanging data
2104  Hanging_pt[0] = hang_pt;
2106  // Constrain the geometric data (virtual function that is
2107  // overladed in solid nodes)
2108  if (hang_pt != 0)
2109  {
2111  }
2112  else
2113  {
2115  }
2117  // Loop over the entries again and update all pointers that pointed to
2118  // the geometric data
2119  for (unsigned n = 1; n < n_hang; n++)
2120  {
2121  if (Same_as_geometric[n] == true)
2122  {
2123  Hanging_pt[n] = Hanging_pt[0];
2125  // In addition set the corresponding value to be constrained (hanging)
2126  if (Hanging_pt[n] != 0)
2127  {
2128  constrain(n - 1);
2129  }
2130  else
2131  {
2132  unconstrain(n - 1);
2133  }
2134  }
2135  }
2136  }
2137  // Value data
2138  else
2139  {
2140  // If the data is different from geometric, delete it
2141  if (Hanging_pt[i + 1] != Hanging_pt[0])
2142  {
2143  delete Hanging_pt[i + 1];
2144  Hanging_pt[i + 1] = 0;
2145  }
2147  // Overwrite hanging data for the required value
2148  // Do not need to delete previous value, because it is assigned outside
2149  // the Node class
2150  Hanging_pt[i + 1] = hang_pt;
2152  // In addition set the value to be constrained (hanging)
2153  if (hang_pt != 0)
2154  {
2155  constrain(i);
2156  }
2157  else
2158  {
2159  unconstrain(i);
2160  }
2161  }
2162  }
2164  //=====================================================================
2165  /// Resize the node to allow it to store n_value unknowns
2166  //=====================================================================
2167  void Node::resize(const unsigned& n_value)
2168  {
2169  // Old number of values
2170  unsigned old_nvalue = nvalue();
2172  // Now deal with the hanging Data (if any)
2173  HangInfo** backup_hanging_pt = 0;
2174  if (Hanging_pt != 0)
2175  {
2176  // Backup
2177  backup_hanging_pt = new HangInfo*[old_nvalue + 1];
2179  // Copy across existing ones
2180  for (unsigned i = 0; i < old_nvalue + 1; i++)
2181  {
2182  backup_hanging_pt[i] = Hanging_pt[i];
2183  }
2185  // Cleanup old one
2186  delete[] Hanging_pt;
2187  Hanging_pt = 0;
2188  }
2190  // Call the resize function for the underlying Data object
2191  Data::resize(n_value);
2194  // Now deal with the hanging Data (if any)
2195  if (backup_hanging_pt != 0)
2196  {
2197  // The size of the new hanging point is the number of new values plus one.
2198  const unsigned n_hang = n_value + 1;
2199  Hanging_pt = new HangInfo*[n_hang];
2200  // Initialise all entries to zero
2201  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_hang; i++)
2202  {
2203  Hanging_pt[i] = 0;
2204  }
2206  // Restore the saved data
2207  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= old_nvalue; i++)
2208  {
2209  Hanging_pt[i] = backup_hanging_pt[i];
2210  }
2212  // Loop over the new values and set equal to the geometric hanging data
2213  for (unsigned i = old_nvalue + 1; i < n_hang; i++)
2214  {
2215  Hanging_pt[i] = Hanging_pt[0];
2216  // and constrain if necessary
2217  if (Hanging_pt[i] != 0)
2218  {
2219  constrain(i - 1);
2220  }
2221  else
2222  {
2223  unconstrain(i - 1);
2224  }
2225  }
2227  // If necessary constrain
2228  // Positions
2229  // if(Hanging_pt[0] != 0) {constrain_positions();}
2230  // Values
2231  // for(unsigned i=0;i<n_value;i++)
2232  // {
2233  // if(Hanging_pt[i+1] != 0) {constrain(i);}
2234  // }
2236  // Loop over all values and geom hanging data
2237  /*for (int i=-1;i<int(old_nvalue);i++)
2238  {
2239  set_hanging_pt(backup_hanging_pt[i+1],i);
2240  }
2242  // By default use geometric hanging data for any new entries
2243  for (int i=int(old_nvalue);i<int(n_value);i++)
2244  {
2245  set_hanging_pt(backup_hanging_pt[0],i);
2246  }*/
2248  delete[] backup_hanging_pt;
2249  }
2250  }
2253  //=====================================================================
2254  /// Make the node periodic by copying values from node_pt.
2255  /// Broken virtual (only implemented in BoundaryNodes)
2256  //=====================================================================
2257  void Node::make_periodic(Node* const& node_pt)
2258  {
2259  throw OomphLibError("Only BoundaryNodes can be made periodic",
2262  }
2264  //=====================================================================
2265  /// Make the nodes passed in periodic_nodes_pt periodic by copying values
2266  /// across from this node. At present all the positions will be assumed
2267  /// to be independent.
2268  /// Broken virtual (only implemented in BoundaryNodes)
2269  //=====================================================================
2270  void Node::make_periodic_nodes(const Vector<Node*>& periodic_nodes_pt)
2271  {
2272  throw OomphLibError("Only BoundaryNodes can make periodic nodes",
2275  }
2278  //====================================================================
2279  /// Label node as non-hanging node by removing all hanging node data.
2280  //====================================================================
2282  {
2283  if (Hanging_pt != 0)
2284  {
2285  // Kill any additional hanging data for values
2286  const unsigned nhang = nvalue() + 1;
2287  for (unsigned ival = 1; ival < nhang; ival++)
2288  {
2289  // Only kill it if it's different from the geometric hanging node data
2290  if (Hanging_pt[ival] != Hanging_pt[0])
2291  {
2292  delete Hanging_pt[ival];
2293  }
2294  // Always zero the entry
2295  Hanging_pt[ival] = 0;
2297  // Unconstrain any values that were constrained only because they
2298  // were hanging
2299  unconstrain(ival - 1);
2300  }
2302  // Unconstrain the positions (virtual function that is overloaded for
2303  // solid nodes)
2306  // Kill the geometric hanging node data
2307  delete Hanging_pt[0];
2308  Hanging_pt[0] = 0;
2310  // Kill the pointer to all hanging data
2311  delete[] Hanging_pt;
2312  Hanging_pt = 0;
2313  }
2314  }
2317  //=======================================================================
2318  /// Interface for function to report if boundary coordinates have been
2319  /// set up for this node
2320  /// Broken here in order to report run-time errors. Must be overloaded
2321  /// by all boundary nodes
2322  //=======================================================================
2324  {
2325  std::stringstream ss;
2326  ss << "Node (bas class) can't have boundary coordinates\n";
2327  throw OomphLibError(
2329  }
2331  //=======================================================================
2332  /// Interface for function to add the node to the mesh boundary b.
2333  /// Broken here in order to report run-time errors. Must be overloaded
2334  /// by all boundary nodes
2335  //=======================================================================
2336  void Node::add_to_boundary(const unsigned& b)
2337  {
2338  std::stringstream ss;
2339  ss << "Cannot add non BoundaryNode<NODE> to boundary " << b << "\n";
2340  throw OomphLibError(
2342  }
2345  //=======================================================================
2346  /// Interface for function to remove the node from the mesh boundary b.
2347  /// Broken here in order to report run-time erorrs. Must be overloaded
2348  /// by all boundary nodes
2349  //=======================================================================
2350  void Node::remove_from_boundary(const unsigned& b)
2351  {
2352  throw OomphLibError("Cannot remove non BoundaryNode<NODE> to boundary",
2355  }
2358  //=========================================================================
2359  /// Interface to get the number of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b.
2360  /// Broken here in order to provide run-time error reporting. Must
2361  /// be overloaded by all boundary nodes.
2362  //=========================================================================
2363  unsigned Node::ncoordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned& b)
2364  {
2365  throw OomphLibError("Non-boundary Node cannot have boundary coordinates",
2368  // dummy return
2369  return 0;
2370  }
2373  //=========================================================================
2374  /// Interface for function to get the k-th generalised boundary coordinate
2375  /// of the node on boundary b. Broken here in order to
2376  /// provide run-time error reporting. Must be overloaded by all boundary
2377  /// nodes.
2378  //=========================================================================
2379  void Node::get_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned& b,
2380  const unsigned& k,
2381  Vector<double>& boundary_zeta)
2382  {
2383  throw OomphLibError("Non-boundary Node cannot have boundary coordinates",
2386  }
2389  //=========================================================================
2390  /// Interface for function to set the k-th generalised boundary coordinate
2391  /// of the node on boundary b. Broken here to provide
2392  /// run-time error reports. Must be overloaded by all boundary nodes.
2393  //=========================================================================
2394  void Node::set_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned& b,
2395  const unsigned& k,
2396  const Vector<double>& boundary_zeta)
2397  {
2398  throw OomphLibError("Non-boundary Node cannot have boundary coordinates",
2401  }
2404  //=================================================================
2405  /// Return i-th value (free or pinned) at this node
2406  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2407  //================================================================
2408  double Node::value(const unsigned& i) const
2409  {
2410  // If value is not hanging, just return the underlying value
2411  if (!is_hanging(i))
2412  {
2413  return raw_value(i);
2414  }
2415  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2416  else
2417  {
2418  // Initialise
2419  double sum = 0.0;
2420  // Add contribution from master nodes
2421  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt(i)->nmaster();
2422  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2423  {
2424  // A master node cannot be hanging by definition.
2425  // so we get the raw value to avoid an unnecessary it
2426  sum += hanging_pt(i)->master_node_pt(m)->raw_value(i) *
2427  hanging_pt(i)->master_weight(m);
2428  }
2429  return sum;
2430  }
2431  }
2433  //=================================================================
2434  /// Return i-th value (free or pinned) at this node at time level t
2435  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2436  //================================================================
2437  double Node::value(const unsigned& t, const unsigned& i) const
2438  {
2439  // If value is not hanging, just return the raw value
2440  if (!is_hanging(i))
2441  {
2442  return raw_value(t, i);
2443  }
2444  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2445  else
2446  {
2447  // Initialise
2448  double sum = 0.0;
2450  // Add contribution from master nodes
2451  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt(i)->nmaster();
2452  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2453  {
2454  // Get the raw nodal values at each master to avoid un-necessary ifs
2455  sum += hanging_pt(i)->master_node_pt(m)->raw_value(t, i) *
2456  hanging_pt(i)->master_weight(m);
2457  }
2458  return sum;
2459  }
2460  }
2462  //==================================================================
2463  /// Compute Vector of values (dofs or pinned) at this Data object
2464  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2465  //==================================================================
2466  void Node::value(Vector<double>& values) const
2467  {
2468  // Loop over all the values
2469  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
2470  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
2471  {
2472  // Set the value, using the hanging node representation if necessary
2473  values[i] = value(i);
2474  }
2475  }
2477  //==================================================================
2478  /// Compute Vector of values (dofs or pinned) at this node
2479  /// at time level t (t=0: present; t>0: previous)
2480  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2481  //==================================================================
2482  void Node::value(const unsigned& t, Vector<double>& values) const
2483  {
2484  // Loop over all the values
2485  const unsigned n_value = nvalue();
2486  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
2487  {
2488  // Set the value at the time-level t, using the hanging node
2489  // representation if necessary
2490  values[i] = value(t, i);
2491  }
2492  }
2495  //============================================================
2496  /// Compute Vector of nodal positions
2497  /// either directly or via hanging node representation
2498  //===========================================================
2500  {
2501  // Assign all positions using hanging node representation where necessary
2502  const unsigned n_dim = ndim();
2503  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
2504  {
2505  pos[i] = position(i);
2506  }
2507  }
2509  //===============================================================
2510  /// Compute Vector of nodal position at timestep t
2511  /// (t=0: current; t>0: previous timestep),
2512  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2513  //==============================================================
2514  void Node::position(const unsigned& t, Vector<double>& pos) const
2515  {
2516  // Assign all positions, using hanging node representation where necessary
2517  const unsigned n_dim = ndim();
2518  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
2519  {
2520  pos[i] = position(t, i);
2521  }
2522  }
2524  //=======================================================================
2525  /// Return i-th nodal coordinate
2526  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2527  //======================================================================
2528  double Node::position(const unsigned& i) const
2529  {
2530  double posn = 0.0;
2532  // Non-hanging node: just return value
2533  if (!is_hanging())
2534  {
2535  posn = x(i);
2536  }
2537  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2538  else
2539  {
2540  // Initialise
2541  double interpolated_position = 0.0;
2543  // Add contribution from master nodes
2544  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
2545  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2546  {
2547  interpolated_position += hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(m)->x(i) *
2548  hanging_pt()->master_weight(m);
2549  }
2550  posn = interpolated_position;
2551  }
2552  return posn;
2553  }
2555  //================================================================
2556  /// Return i-th nodal coordinate at time level t
2557  /// (t=0: current; t>0: previous time level),
2558  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2559  //================================================================
2560  double Node::position(const unsigned& t, const unsigned& i) const
2561  {
2562  double posn = 0.0;
2564  // Non-hanging node: just return value
2565  if (!is_hanging())
2566  {
2567  posn = x(t, i);
2568  }
2569  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2570  else
2571  {
2572  // Initialise
2573  double interpolated_position = 0.0;
2575  // Add contribution from master nodes
2576  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
2577  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2578  {
2579  interpolated_position += hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(m)->x(t, i) *
2580  hanging_pt()->master_weight(m);
2581  }
2582  posn = interpolated_position;
2583  }
2585  return posn;
2586  }
2588  //=======================================================================
2589  /// Return generalised nodal coordinate
2590  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2591  //======================================================================
2592  double Node::position_gen(const unsigned& k, const unsigned& i) const
2593  {
2594  double posn = 0.0;
2596  // Non-hanging node: just return value
2597  if (!is_hanging())
2598  {
2599  posn = x_gen(k, i);
2600  }
2601  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2602  else
2603  {
2604  // Initialise
2605  double interpolated_position = 0.0;
2607  // Add contribution from master nodes
2608  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
2609  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2610  {
2611  interpolated_position += hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(m)->x_gen(k, i) *
2612  hanging_pt()->master_weight(m);
2613  }
2614  posn = interpolated_position;
2615  }
2616  return posn;
2617  }
2619  //================================================================
2620  /// Return generalised nodal coordinate at time level t
2621  /// (t=0: current; t>0: previous time level),
2622  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
2623  //================================================================
2624  double Node::position_gen(const unsigned& t,
2625  const unsigned& k,
2626  const unsigned& i) const
2627  {
2628  double posn = 0.0;
2630  // Non-hanging node: just return value
2631  if (!is_hanging())
2632  {
2633  posn = x_gen(t, k, i);
2634  }
2635  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
2636  else
2637  {
2638  // Initialise
2639  double interpolated_position = 0.0;
2641  // Add contribution from master nodes
2642  const unsigned n_master = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
2643  for (unsigned m = 0; m < n_master; m++)
2644  {
2645  interpolated_position +=
2646  hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(m)->x_gen(t, k, i) *
2647  hanging_pt()->master_weight(m);
2648  }
2649  posn = interpolated_position;
2650  }
2652  return posn;
2653  }
2655  //================================================================
2656  /// Return the i-th component of nodal velocity: dx/dt
2657  /// / Use the hanging node representation if required.
2658  //================================================================
2659  double Node::dposition_dt(const unsigned& i) const
2660  {
2661  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
2662  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
2664  double dxdt = 0.0;
2666  // If the timestepper is not steady
2668  {
2669  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
2670  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
2671  {
2672  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(1, t) * position(t, i);
2673  }
2674  }
2676  return dxdt;
2677  }
2679  //================================================================
2680  /// Return the i-th component of j-th derivative of nodal position:
2681  /// d^jx/dt^j. Use the hanging node representation.
2682  //================================================================
2683  double Node::dposition_dt(const unsigned& j, const unsigned& i) const
2684  {
2685  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
2686  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
2688  double dxdt = 0.0;
2690  // If the timestepper is not steady
2691  if ((!Position_time_stepper_pt->is_steady()) || (j == 0))
2692  {
2693  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
2694  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
2695  {
2696  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(j, t) * position(t, i);
2697  }
2698  }
2700  return dxdt;
2701  }
2703  //================================================================
2704  /// i-th component of time derivative (velocity) of the
2705  /// generalised position, dx(k,i)/dt. `Type': k; Coordinate direction: i.
2706  /// Use the hanging node representation
2707  //================================================================
2708  double Node::dposition_gen_dt(const unsigned& k, const unsigned& i) const
2709  {
2710  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
2711  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
2713  double dxdt = 0.0;
2715  // If the timestepper is not steady
2717  {
2718  // Loop over the additional time storage and add the appropriate
2719  // contributions
2720  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
2721  {
2722  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(1, t) * position_gen(t, k, i);
2723  }
2724  }
2726  return dxdt;
2727  }
2729  //================================================================
2730  /// i-th component of j-th time derivative (velocity) of the
2731  /// generalised position, d^jx(k,i)/dt^j. `Type': k; Coordinate direction: i.
2732  /// Use the hanging node representation.
2733  //================================================================
2734  double Node::dposition_gen_dt(const unsigned& j,
2735  const unsigned& k,
2736  const unsigned& i) const
2737  {
2738  // Number of timsteps (past & present)
2739  const unsigned n_time = Position_time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
2741  double dxdt = 0.0;
2743  // If the timestepper is not steady
2744  if ((!Position_time_stepper_pt->is_steady()) || (j == 0))
2745  {
2746  // Loop over the additional storage and add the appropriate contributions
2747  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
2748  {
2749  dxdt += Position_time_stepper_pt->weight(j, t) * position_gen(t, k, i);
2750  }
2751  }
2753  return dxdt;
2754  }
2757  //========================================================================
2758  /// Output nodal coordinates
2759  //========================================================================
2760  void Node::output(std::ostream& outfile)
2761  {
2762  // Loop over the number of dimensions of the node
2763  const unsigned n_dim = this->ndim();
2764  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
2765  {
2766  outfile << x(i) << " ";
2767  }
2768  outfile << std::endl;
2769  }
2772 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
2773  //==================================================================
2774  /// Add position data and time-history values to the vector after the
2775  /// addition of the "standard" data stored at the node
2776  //==================================================================
2778  {
2779  // Firstly add the value data to the vector
2780  Data::add_values_to_vector(vector_of_values);
2782  // Now add the additional position data to the vector
2784  // Find the number of stored time data for the position
2785  const unsigned n_tstorage = this->position_time_stepper_pt()->ntstorage();
2787  // Find the total amount of storage required for the position variables
2788  const unsigned n_storage = this->ndim() * this->nposition_type();
2790  // Resize the vector to accommodate the new data
2791  const unsigned n_current_value = vector_of_values.size();
2793 #ifdef PARANOID
2794  unsigned n_debug = 2;
2795 #else
2796  unsigned n_debug = 0;
2797 #endif
2799  vector_of_values.resize(n_current_value + n_tstorage * n_storage + n_debug);
2801  // Now add the data to the vector
2802  unsigned index = n_current_value;
2804 #ifdef PARANOID
2805  vector_of_values[index++] = n_storage;
2806  vector_of_values[index++] = n_tstorage;
2807 #endif
2810  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
2811  double* data_pt = X_position[0];
2813  // Loop over values
2814  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_storage; i++)
2815  {
2816  // Loop over time histories
2817  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
2818  {
2819  // Add the position data to the vector
2820  vector_of_values[index] = *data_pt;
2821  // Increment the counter and the pointer
2822  ++index;
2823  ++data_pt;
2824  }
2825  }
2826  }
2828  //==================================================================
2829  /// Read the position data and its time histories from the vector
2830  /// after reading the "standard" data.
2831  //==================================================================
2832  void Node::read_values_from_vector(const Vector<double>& vector_of_values,
2833  unsigned& index)
2834  {
2835  // Read the standard nodal data
2836  Data::read_values_from_vector(vector_of_values, index);
2838  // Now read the additional position data to the vector
2840  // Find the number of stored time data for the position
2841  const unsigned n_tstorage = this->position_time_stepper_pt()->ntstorage();
2843  // Find the total amount of storage required for the position variables
2844  const unsigned n_storage = this->ndim() * this->nposition_type();
2846 #ifdef PARANOID
2847  unsigned orig_n_storage = unsigned(vector_of_values[index++]);
2848  unsigned orig_n_tstorage = unsigned(vector_of_values[index++]);
2849  if ((orig_n_tstorage != n_tstorage) || (orig_n_storage != n_storage))
2850  {
2851  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2852  error_stream << "Non-matching number of values:\n"
2853  << "sent and local n_tstorage: " << orig_n_tstorage << " "
2854  << n_tstorage << std::endl
2855  << "sent and local n_storage: " << orig_n_storage << " "
2856  << n_storage << std::endl;
2857  throw OomphLibError(
2859  }
2860 #endif
2862  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
2863  double* data_pt = X_position[0];
2865  // Loop over values
2866  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_storage; i++)
2867  {
2868  // Loop over time histories
2869  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_tstorage; t++)
2870  {
2871  // Read the position data from the vector
2872  *data_pt = vector_of_values[index];
2873  // Increment the counter and the pointer
2874  ++index;
2875  ++data_pt;
2876  }
2877  }
2878  }
2880 #endif
2883  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2884  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2885  // Functions for the BoundaryNodeBase class
2886  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2887  /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2889  //==================================================================
2890  /// Helper function that is used to turn BoundaryNodes into
2891  /// periodic boundary nodes by setting the data values of the nodes
2892  /// in the vector periodic_copies_pt to be the same as those
2893  /// in copied_node_pt. This function should be used when making doubly
2894  /// periodic sets of nodes.
2895  //==================================================================
2897  Node* const& copied_node_pt, Vector<Node*> const& periodic_copies_pt)
2898  {
2899  // Don't allow copying if the original or periodic nodes are already
2900  // periodic
2901  bool already_a_copy = false;
2902  already_a_copy |= copied_node_pt->is_a_copy();
2903  const unsigned n_periodic = periodic_copies_pt.size();
2904  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_periodic; n++)
2905  {
2906  already_a_copy |= periodic_copies_pt[n]->is_a_copy();
2907  }
2909  // If we have a copy bail
2910  if (already_a_copy)
2911  {
2912  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2913  error_stream
2914  << "The nodes you are trying to make periodic are already periodic\n"
2915  << "Or you are trying to make a copy of another already periodic "
2916  "node\n";
2917  error_stream << "Please copy the original data if you can\n";
2918  throw OomphLibError(
2920  }
2922  // Now we simply delete and copy over for each node
2923  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_periodic; n++)
2924  {
2925  // Local cache of the node
2926  Node* const nod_pt = periodic_copies_pt[n];
2927  // Miss out the node itself if it's in the list
2928  if (nod_pt != copied_node_pt)
2929  {
2930  // Delete the storage allocated in the copy
2931  nod_pt->delete_value_storage();
2932  // Now set the Value and Equation number pointers to be the same
2933  nod_pt->Value = copied_node_pt->Value;
2934  nod_pt->Eqn_number = copied_node_pt->Eqn_number;
2936  // Set the copied node pointer in the copy
2937  BoundaryNodeBase* cast_nod_pt = dynamic_cast<BoundaryNodeBase*>(nod_pt);
2938  cast_nod_pt->Copied_node_pt = copied_node_pt;
2939  // Inform the node that it has been copied
2940  copied_node_pt->add_copy(nod_pt);
2941  }
2942  }
2943  }
2946  //====================================================================
2947  /// Helper function that is used to turn BoundaryNodes into
2948  /// peridic boundary nodes by setting the data values of
2949  /// copy_of_node_pt to those of copied_node_pt.
2950  //=====================================================================
2952  Node* const& copied_node_pt)
2953  {
2954  // Don't allow this node to already be a copy (you should clear it's
2955  // copied status first).
2956  if (node_pt->is_a_copy())
2957  {
2958  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2959  error_stream << "The node you are trying to make into a periodic copy is "
2960  "already a copy\n.";
2961  throw OomphLibError(
2963  }
2965  // If the node to be copied from is a copy then copy it's "copied_node_pt"
2966  // instead.
2967  if (copied_node_pt->is_a_copy())
2968  {
2969  make_node_periodic(node_pt, copied_node_pt->copied_node_pt());
2970  }
2972  // Otherwise just do it
2973  else
2974  {
2975  // Set the copied node pointer
2976  Copied_node_pt = copied_node_pt;
2978  // First copy the data values
2979  // Delete the storage allocated in the copy
2980  node_pt->delete_value_storage();
2981  // Now set the Value and Equation number pointers to be the same
2982  node_pt->Value = copied_node_pt->Value;
2983  node_pt->Eqn_number = copied_node_pt->Eqn_number;
2985  // Inform the node that it has been copied
2986  copied_node_pt->add_copy(node_pt);
2987  }
2988  }
2990  //======================================================================
2991  /// Destructor to clean up any memory that might have been allocated.
2992  //=======================================================================
2994  {
2995  // Delete the set of boundaries on which the Node lies
2996  delete Boundaries_pt;
2997  Boundaries_pt = 0;
2999  // If the Boundary coordinates have been set then delete them
3000  if (Boundary_coordinates_pt != 0)
3001  {
3002  // Loop over the boundary coordinate entries and delete them
3003  for (std::map<unsigned, DenseMatrix<double>*>::iterator it =
3004  Boundary_coordinates_pt->begin();
3005  it != Boundary_coordinates_pt->end();
3006  ++it)
3007  {
3008  // Delete the vectors that have been allocated for the storage
3009  // of the boundary coordinates
3010  delete it->second;
3011  }
3013  // Now delete the Boundary coordinates map itself
3014  delete Boundary_coordinates_pt;
3015  // Set the pointer to null to be on the safe side
3017  }
3019  // Delete the map of face element's first value
3022  }
3025  //=======================================================================
3026  /// Add the node to the mesh boundary b
3027  //=======================================================================
3028  void BoundaryNodeBase::add_to_boundary(const unsigned& b)
3029  {
3030  // If there is not storage then create storage and set the entry
3031  // to be the boundary b
3032  if (Boundaries_pt == 0)
3033  {
3034  Boundaries_pt = new std::set<unsigned>;
3035  }
3037  // //If the boundary is already stored in the node issue a warning
3038  // if(find(Boundaries_pt->begin(),Boundaries_pt->end(),b) !=
3039  // Boundaries_pt->end())
3040  // {
3041  // // MH: who cares?
3042  // // oomph_info << std::endl <<
3043  // "============================================"
3044  // // << std::endl << "Warning in Node::add_to_boundary() "
3045  // // << std::endl << "Node is already marked as being on boundary "
3046  // << b
3047  // // << std::endl << "============================================"
3048  // // << std::endl << std::endl;
3049  // }
3050  // else
3051  // {
3053  Boundaries_pt->insert(b);
3055  // }
3056  }
3059  //=======================================================================
3060  /// Remove the node from the mesh boundary b
3061  //=======================================================================
3063  {
3064 #ifdef PARANOID
3065  if (is_on_boundary(b) == false)
3066  {
3067  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3068  error_stream << "Node is not on boundary " << b << std::endl;
3070  throw OomphLibError(
3072  }
3073 #endif
3075  // Remove the boundary from the set
3076  Boundaries_pt->erase(b);
3078  // Need to delete the equivalent entry in the Boundary coordinate
3079  // map, if the storage has actually been allocated
3080  if (Boundary_coordinates_pt != 0)
3081  {
3082  // Delete the vector storage that has been allocated
3083  delete (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b];
3084  // Delete the entry in the map
3085  Boundary_coordinates_pt->erase(b);
3086  }
3088  // If all entries have been removed, delete the storage
3089  if (Boundaries_pt->size() == 0)
3090  {
3091  delete Boundaries_pt;
3092  Boundaries_pt = 0;
3093  }
3094  }
3096  //========================================================================
3097  /// Test whether the node lies on the mesh boundary b
3098  //========================================================================
3099  bool BoundaryNodeBase::is_on_boundary(const unsigned& b) const
3100  {
3101  // If the node lies on any boundary
3102  if (Boundaries_pt != 0)
3103  {
3104  if (find(Boundaries_pt->begin(), Boundaries_pt->end(), b) !=
3105  Boundaries_pt->end())
3106  {
3107  return true;
3108  }
3109  }
3111  // If we haven't returned yet, then the node does not lie on the boundary
3112  return false;
3113  }
3116  //=========================================================================
3117  /// Get the number of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b
3118  //=========================================================================
3120  {
3121  // Check that the node lies on a boundary
3122 #ifdef PARANOID
3123  if (Boundaries_pt == 0)
3124  {
3125  throw OomphLibError("Node does not lie on any boundary",
3128  }
3131  // Does the node lie on the mesh boundary b
3132  if (!is_on_boundary(b))
3133  {
3134  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3135  error_stream << "Node is not on boundary " << b << std::endl;
3137  throw OomphLibError(
3139  }
3141  // Check that the boundary coordinates have been set
3142  if (Boundary_coordinates_pt == 0)
3143  {
3144  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3145  error_stream
3146  << "Boundary coordinates have not been set\n"
3147  << "[Note: In refineable problems, the boundary coordinates\n"
3148  << " will only be interpolated to newly created nodes\n"
3149  << " if Mesh::Boundary_coordinate_exists[...] has been\n"
3150  << " set to true!]\n";
3151  throw OomphLibError(
3153  }
3154 #endif
3156  // Find out how may coordinates there are from the map
3157  return (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->nrow();
3158  }
3161  //=========================================================================
3162  /// Given the mesh boundary b, return the k-th generalised boundary
3163  /// coordinates of the node in the vector boundary_zeta
3164  //=========================================================================
3166  const unsigned& b, const unsigned& k, Vector<double>& boundary_zeta)
3167  {
3168  // Check that the node lies on a boundary
3169 #ifdef PARANOID
3170  if (Boundaries_pt == 0)
3171  {
3172  throw OomphLibError("Node does not lie on any boundary",
3175  }
3176 #endif
3178  // Does the node lie on the mesh boundary b
3179  if (!is_on_boundary(b))
3180  {
3181  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3182  error_stream << "Node is not on boundary " << b << std::endl;
3184  throw OomphLibError(
3186  }
3189 #ifdef PARANOID
3190  // Check that the boundary coordinates have been set
3191  if (Boundary_coordinates_pt == 0)
3192  {
3193  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3194  error_stream
3195  << "Boundary coordinates have not been set\n"
3196  << "[Note: In refineable problems, the boundary coordinates\n"
3197  << " will only be interpolated to newly created nodes\n"
3198  << " if Mesh::Boundary_coordinate_exists[...] has been\n"
3199  << " set to true!]\n";
3200  throw OomphLibError(
3202  }
3203 #endif
3206  // Find out how may coordinates there are from the map
3207  const unsigned nboundary_coord = (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->nrow();
3208 #ifdef PARANOID
3209  if (nboundary_coord != boundary_zeta.size())
3210  {
3211  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3212  error_stream << "Wrong number of coordinates in the vector boundary_zeta"
3213  << std::endl
3214  << "There are " << nboundary_coord << " boundary coordinates"
3215  << std::endl
3216  << "But bounday_zeta() has size " << boundary_zeta.size()
3217  << std::endl;
3219  throw OomphLibError(
3221  }
3222 #endif
3224  // Loop over and assign the coordinates
3225  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nboundary_coord; i++)
3226  {
3227  boundary_zeta[i] = (*(*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b])(i, k);
3228  }
3229  }
3232  //=========================================================================
3233  /// Given the mesh boundary b, set the k-th generalised boundary
3234  /// coordinates of the node from the vector boundary_zeta
3235  //=========================================================================
3237  const unsigned& b, const unsigned& k, const Vector<double>& boundary_zeta)
3238  {
3239  // Check that the node lies on a boundary
3240 #ifdef PARANOID
3241  if (Boundaries_pt == 0)
3242  {
3243  throw OomphLibError("Node does not lie on any boundary",
3246  }
3247 #endif
3249  // Does the node lie on the mesh boundary b
3250  if (!is_on_boundary(b))
3251  {
3252  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3253  error_stream << "Node is not on boundary " << b << std::endl;
3255  throw OomphLibError(
3257  }
3259  // If the storage has not been assigned, then assign it
3260  if (Boundary_coordinates_pt == 0)
3261  {
3262  Boundary_coordinates_pt = new std::map<unsigned, DenseMatrix<double>*>;
3263  }
3266  // Find the number of boundary coordinates
3267  const unsigned nboundary_coord = boundary_zeta.size();
3269  // Allocate the vector for the boundary coordinates, if we haven't already
3270  if ((*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b] == 0)
3271  {
3272  // Need k+1 columns initially
3273  (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b] =
3274  new DenseMatrix<double>(nboundary_coord, k + 1);
3275  }
3276  // Otherwise resize it, in case the number of boundary coordinates
3277  // or the number of types has changed
3278  else
3279  {
3280  // Adjust number of boundary coordinates -- retain number of types
3281  unsigned ncol = (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->ncol();
3282  {
3283  (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->resize(nboundary_coord, ncol);
3284  }
3286  // Resize number of types if required
3287  if ((k + 1) > (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->ncol())
3288  {
3289  (*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b]->resize(nboundary_coord, k + 1);
3290  }
3291  }
3293  // Loop over and assign the coordinates
3294  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nboundary_coord; i++)
3295  {
3296  (*(*Boundary_coordinates_pt)[b])(i, k) = boundary_zeta[i];
3297  }
3298  }
3301  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3302  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3303  // Functions for the SolidNode class
3304  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3305  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3308  //=================================================================
3309  /// Private function to check that the argument is within the
3310  /// range of stored Lagrangain coordinates and position types.
3311  //=================================================================
3312  void SolidNode::xi_gen_range_check(const unsigned& k, const unsigned& i) const
3313  {
3314  // If either the coordinate or type are out of range
3315  if ((i >= Nlagrangian) || (k >= Nlagrangian_type))
3316  {
3317  std::ostringstream error_message;
3318  // If it's the lagrangian coordinate
3319  if (i >= Nlagrangian)
3320  {
3321  error_message << "Range Error: Xi coordinate " << i
3322  << " is not in the range (0," << Nlagrangian - 1 << ")";
3323  }
3324  // If it's the position type
3325  if (k >= Nlagrangian_type)
3326  {
3327  error_message << "Range Error: Lagrangian type " << k
3328  << " is not in the range (0," << Nlagrangian_type - 1
3329  << ")";
3330  }
3332  throw OomphLibError(
3334  }
3335  }
3338  //========================================================================
3339  /// Steady constructor. The node has NLgrangian Lagrangian
3340  /// coordinates of n_lagrangian_type types (1 for Lagrange elements,
3341  /// 2 for 1D Hermite etc.).
3342  /// The Eulerian dimension of the Node is n_dim and we have n_position_type
3343  /// (generalised) Eulerian coordinates. There are
3344  /// initial_n_value values stored at
3345  /// this node and NAdditional_solid additional values associated with the
3346  /// solid equations are stored in a separate Data object at the node.
3347  //========================================================================
3348  SolidNode::SolidNode(const unsigned& n_lagrangian,
3349  const unsigned& n_lagrangian_type,
3350  const unsigned& n_dim,
3351  const unsigned& n_position_type,
3352  const unsigned& initial_n_value)
3353  : Node(n_dim, n_position_type, initial_n_value, false),
3354  Nlagrangian(n_lagrangian),
3355  Nlagrangian_type(n_lagrangian_type)
3356  {
3357  // Calculate the total storage required for positions
3358  const unsigned n_storage = Ndim * Nposition_type;
3360  // Allocate a data object with exactly the coorect number of coordinates
3361  Variable_position_pt = new Data(n_storage);
3362  // Set X_position to point to the data's positions
3365  // Setup the lagrangian storage
3366  const unsigned n_lagrangian_storage = n_lagrangian * n_lagrangian_type;
3367  Xi_position = new double[n_lagrangian_storage];
3368  // Initialise lagrangian positions to zero
3369  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_lagrangian_storage; j++)
3370  {
3371  Xi_position[j] = 0.0;
3372  }
3373  }
3375  //========================================================================
3376  /// Unsteady constructor.
3377  /// Allocates storage for initial_n_value nodal values with history values
3378  /// as required by timestepper.
3379  /// The node has NLgrangian Lagrangian coordinates of
3380  /// n_lagrangian_type types (1 for Lagrange elements, 2 for 1D Hermite etc.)/
3381  /// The Eulerian dimension of the Node is n_dim and we have n_position_type
3382  /// generalised Eulerian coordinates.
3383  //========================================================================
3384  SolidNode::SolidNode(TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt_,
3385  const unsigned& n_lagrangian,
3386  const unsigned& n_lagrangian_type,
3387  const unsigned& n_dim,
3388  const unsigned& n_position_type,
3389  const unsigned& initial_n_value)
3390  : Node(time_stepper_pt_, n_dim, n_position_type, initial_n_value, false),
3391  Nlagrangian(n_lagrangian),
3392  Nlagrangian_type(n_lagrangian_type)
3393  {
3394  // Calculate the total storage required for positions
3395  const unsigned n_storage = n_dim * n_position_type;
3397  // Allocate a Data value to each element of the Vector
3398  Variable_position_pt = new Data(time_stepper_pt_, n_storage);
3399  // Set the pointer
3402  // Setup the lagrangian storage
3403  const unsigned n_lagrangian_storage = n_lagrangian * n_lagrangian_type;
3404  Xi_position = new double[n_lagrangian_storage];
3405  // Initialise lagrangian positions to zero
3406  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_lagrangian_storage; j++)
3407  {
3408  Xi_position[j] = 0.0;
3409  }
3410  }
3412  //========================================================================
3413  /// Destructor to clean up the memory allocated for nodal positions and
3414  /// additional solid variables
3415  //========================================================================
3417  {
3418  // Null out X_position so that the Node destructor doesn't delete it
3419  X_position = 0;
3420  // Delete the position data
3421  delete Variable_position_pt;
3423  // Now clean up lagrangian position data
3424  delete[] Xi_position;
3425  Xi_position = 0;
3426  }
3429  //================================================================
3430  /// Copy nodal positions and associated data from specified
3431  /// node object
3432  //================================================================
3433  void SolidNode::copy(SolidNode* orig_node_pt)
3434  {
3435  // Eulerian positions are stored as Data, so copy the data values
3436  // from one data to another
3439  // Copy the Lagrangian coordinates
3440  const unsigned nlagrangian_storage = Nlagrangian * Nlagrangian_type;
3442  // Check # of values:
3443  const unsigned long nlagrangian_storage_orig =
3444  orig_node_pt->nlagrangian() * orig_node_pt->nlagrangian_type();
3445  if (nlagrangian_storage != nlagrangian_storage_orig)
3446  {
3447  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3448  error_stream << "The allocated lagrangian storage " << nlagrangian_storage
3449  << " is not the same as the original Solid Node "
3450  << nlagrangian_storage_orig << std::endl;
3452  throw OomphLibError(
3454  }
3456  // Copy lagrangian positions
3457  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nlagrangian_storage; j++)
3458  {
3459  Xi_position[j] = orig_node_pt->Xi_position[j];
3460  }
3462  // Copy the associated data
3463  Data::copy(orig_node_pt);
3464  }
3467  //================================================================
3468  /// Dump nodal positions and associated data to file for restart
3469  //================================================================
3470  void SolidNode::dump(std::ostream& dump_file) const
3471  {
3472  // Dump out the Lagrangian coordinates
3473  // Number of lagrangian values
3474  const unsigned nlagrangian_storage = Nlagrangian * Nlagrangian_type;
3475  dump_file << nlagrangian_storage
3476  << " # number of Lagrangian position variables" << std::endl;
3478  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nlagrangian_storage; j++)
3479  {
3480  dump_file << Xi_position[j] << std::endl;
3481  }
3483  // Dump out Eulerian positions and nodal data
3484  Node::dump(dump_file);
3485  }
3487  //================================================================
3488  /// Read nodal positions and associated data to file for restart
3489  //================================================================
3490  void SolidNode::read(std::ifstream& restart_file)
3491  {
3492  std::string input_string;
3494  // Number of lagrangian values
3495  const unsigned nlagrangian_storage = Nlagrangian * Nlagrangian_type;
3497  // Read line up to termination sign
3498  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
3499  // Ignore rest of line
3500  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
3501  // Check # of values:
3502  const unsigned long check_nlagrangian_storage = atoi(input_string.c_str());
3503  if (check_nlagrangian_storage != nlagrangian_storage)
3504  {
3505  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3506  error_stream << "The allocated Lagrangian storage " << nlagrangian_storage
3507  << " is not the same as that in the input file"
3508  << check_nlagrangian_storage << std::endl;
3510  throw OomphLibError(
3512  }
3514  // Read Lagrangian positions
3515  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nlagrangian_storage; j++)
3516  {
3517  // Read line
3518  getline(restart_file, input_string);
3520  // Transform to double
3521  Xi_position[j] = atof(input_string.c_str());
3522  }
3524  // Read Eulerian positions and nodal data
3525  Node::read(restart_file);
3526  }
3528  //===================================================================
3529  /// Set the variable position data from an external source.
3530  /// This is mainly used when setting periodic solid problems.
3531  //==================================================================
3533  {
3534  // Wipe the existing value
3535  delete Variable_position_pt;
3536  // Set the new value
3537  Variable_position_pt = new CopiedData(data_pt);
3538  // Set the new value of x
3540  }
3543  //================================================================
3544  /// Set a new position TimeStepper be resizing the appropriate storage.
3545  /// The current (zero) values will be unaffected, but all other entries
3546  /// will be set to zero.
3547  //================================================================
3549  TimeStepper* const& position_time_stepper_pt,
3550  const bool& preserve_existing_data)
3551  {
3552  // If the timestepper is unchanged do nothing
3554  {
3555  return;
3556  }
3558  // Set the new time stepper
3561  // Now simply set the time stepper of the variable position data
3562  this->Variable_position_pt->set_time_stepper(position_time_stepper_pt,
3563  preserve_existing_data);
3564  // Need to reset the X_position to point to the variable positions data
3565  // values which have been reassigned
3567  }
3570  //====================================================================
3571  /// Check whether the pointer parameter_pt refers to positional data
3572  //====================================================================
3574  double* const& parameter_pt)
3575  {
3576  // Simply pass the test through to the data of the Variabl position pointer
3578  parameter_pt));
3579  }
3582  //=======================================================================
3583  /// Return lagrangian coordinate
3584  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
3585  //======================================================================
3586  double SolidNode::lagrangian_position(const unsigned& i) const
3587  {
3588  double posn = 0.0;
3590  // Non-hanging node: just return value
3591  if (!is_hanging())
3592  {
3593  posn = xi(i);
3594  }
3595  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
3596  else
3597  {
3598  // Initialise
3599  double lagn_position = 0.0;
3601  // Add contribution from master nodes
3602  const unsigned nmaster = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
3603  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
3604  {
3605  lagn_position +=
3606  static_cast<SolidNode*>(hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(imaster))
3607  ->xi(i) *
3608  hanging_pt()->master_weight(imaster);
3609  }
3610  posn = lagn_position;
3611  }
3612  return posn;
3613  }
3615  //=======================================================================
3616  /// Return generalised lagrangian coordinate
3617  /// either directly or via hanging node representation.
3618  //======================================================================
3619  double SolidNode::lagrangian_position_gen(const unsigned& k,
3620  const unsigned& i) const
3621  {
3622  double posn = 0.0;
3624  // Non-hanging node: just return value
3625  if (!is_hanging())
3626  {
3627  posn = xi_gen(k, i);
3628  }
3629  // Hanging node: Use hanging node representation
3630  else
3631  {
3632  // Initialise
3633  double lagn_position = 0.0;
3635  // Add contribution from master nodes
3636  const unsigned nmaster = hanging_pt()->nmaster();
3637  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
3638  {
3639  lagn_position +=
3640  static_cast<SolidNode*>(hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(imaster))
3641  ->xi_gen(k, i) *
3642  hanging_pt()->master_weight(imaster);
3643  }
3644  posn = lagn_position;
3645  }
3646  return posn;
3647  }
3649  //================================================================
3650  /// Assign (global) equation number, for SolidNodes
3651  //================================================================
3652  void SolidNode::assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long& global_number,
3653  Vector<double*>& dof_pt)
3654  {
3655  // Let's call position equations first
3656  Variable_position_pt->assign_eqn_numbers(global_number, dof_pt);
3657  // Then call standard Data assign_eqn_numbers
3658  Data::assign_eqn_numbers(global_number, dof_pt);
3659  }
3661  //================================================================
3662  /// Function to describe the dofs of the SolidNode. The ostream
3663  /// specifies the output stream to which the description
3664  /// is written; the string stores the currently
3665  /// assembled output that is ultimately written to the
3666  /// output stream by Data::describe_dofs(...); it is typically
3667  /// built up incrementally as we descend through the
3668  /// call hierarchy of this function when called from
3669  /// Problem::describe_dofs(...)
3670  //================================================================
3671  void SolidNode::describe_dofs(std::ostream& out,
3672  const std::string& current_string) const
3673  {
3674  // Let's call position equations first
3675  {
3676  std::stringstream conversion;
3677  conversion << " of Solid Node Position" << current_string;
3678  std::string in(conversion.str());
3680  } // Let conversion go out of scope.
3682  // Then call standard Data version
3683  std::stringstream conversion;
3684  conversion << " of Data" << current_string;
3685  std::string in(conversion.str());
3686  Data::describe_dofs(out, in);
3687  }
3689  //================================================================
3690  /// Add pointers to all data values (including position data)
3691  /// to a map
3692  //================================================================
3694  std::map<unsigned, double*>& map_of_value_pt)
3695  {
3696  // Add the position values first
3697  Variable_position_pt->add_value_pt_to_map(map_of_value_pt);
3698  // Then call standard Data values
3699  Data::add_value_pt_to_map(map_of_value_pt);
3700  }
3703 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
3704  //==================================================================
3705  /// Add Lagrangian coordinates to the vector after positional data
3706  /// and "standard" data
3707  //==================================================================
3709  {
3710  // Firstly add the position and value data to the vector
3711  Node::add_values_to_vector(vector_of_values);
3713  // Now add the additional Lagrangian data to the vector
3715  // Find the total amount of storage required for the Lagrangian variables
3716  const unsigned n_lagrangian_storage =
3717  this->nlagrangian() * this->nlagrangian_type();
3719  // Resize the vector to accommodate the new data
3720  const unsigned n_current_value = vector_of_values.size();
3722 #ifdef PARANOID
3723  unsigned n_debug = 1;
3724 #else
3725  unsigned n_debug = 0;
3726 #endif
3728  vector_of_values.resize(n_current_value + n_lagrangian_storage + n_debug);
3730  // Now add the data to the vector
3731  unsigned index = n_current_value;
3733 #ifdef PARANOID
3734  vector_of_values[index++] = n_lagrangian_storage;
3735 #endif
3737  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
3738  double* data_pt = Xi_position;
3740  // Loop over values
3741  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lagrangian_storage; i++)
3742  {
3743  // Add the position data to the vector
3744  vector_of_values[index] = *data_pt;
3745  // Increment the counter and the pointer
3746  ++index;
3747  ++data_pt;
3748  }
3749  }
3751  //==================================================================
3752  /// Read the lagrangian coordinates in from the vector after
3753  /// reading in the positional and "standard" data.
3754  //==================================================================
3756  const Vector<double>& vector_of_values, unsigned& index)
3757  {
3758  // Read the standard nodal data and positions
3759  Node::read_values_from_vector(vector_of_values, index);
3761  // Now read the additional Lagrangian data to the vector
3763  // Find the total amount of storage required for the Lagrangian variables
3764  const unsigned n_lagrangian_storage =
3765  this->nlagrangian() * this->nlagrangian_type();
3767 #ifdef PARANOID
3768  unsigned orig_n_lagrangian_storage = unsigned(vector_of_values[index++]);
3769  if (orig_n_lagrangian_storage != n_lagrangian_storage)
3770  {
3771  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3772  error_stream << "Non-matching number of values:\n"
3773  << "sent and local n_lagrangian_storage: "
3774  << orig_n_lagrangian_storage << " " << n_lagrangian_storage
3775  << std::endl;
3776  throw OomphLibError(
3778  }
3779 #endif
3781  // Pointer to the first entry in the data array
3782  double* data_pt = Xi_position;
3784  // Loop over values
3785  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lagrangian_storage; i++)
3786  {
3787  // Read the position data from the vector
3788  *data_pt = vector_of_values[index];
3789  // Increment the counter and the pointer
3790  ++index;
3791  ++data_pt;
3792  }
3793  }
3795  //==================================================================
3796  /// Add equations numbers associated with the node position
3797  /// to the vector after the standard nodal equation numbers
3798  //==================================================================
3800  {
3801  // Firstly add the standard equation numbers
3802  Data::add_eqn_numbers_to_vector(vector_of_eqn_numbers);
3803  // Now add the equation numbers associated with the positional data
3804  Variable_position_pt->add_eqn_numbers_to_vector(vector_of_eqn_numbers);
3805  }
3807  //=======================================================================
3808  /// Read the equation numbers associated with the node position
3809  /// from the vector after reading in the standard nodal equaiton numbers
3810  //=======================================================================
3812  const Vector<long>& vector_of_eqn_numbers, unsigned& index)
3813  {
3814  // Read the standard nodal data and positions
3815  Data::read_eqn_numbers_from_vector(vector_of_eqn_numbers, index);
3816  // Now add the equation numbers associated with the positional data
3817  Variable_position_pt->read_eqn_numbers_from_vector(vector_of_eqn_numbers,
3818  index);
3819  }
3821 #endif
3824 } // namespace oomph
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
A class that contains the information required by Nodes that are located on Mesh boundaries....
Definition: nodes.h:1996
unsigned ncoordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Get the number of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b.
std::set< unsigned > * Boundaries_pt
Pointer to set of mesh boundaries occupied by the Node; NULL if the Node is not on any boundaries.
Definition: nodes.h:2008
void set_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b, const Vector< double > &boundary_zeta)
Set the vector of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b.
Definition: nodes.h:2210
void make_node_periodic(Node *const &node_pt, Node *const &original_node_pt)
Helper function that is used to turn BoundaryNodes into peridic boundary nodes by setting the data va...
void make_nodes_periodic(Node *const &node_pt, Vector< Node * > const &periodic_copies_pt)
Helper function that is used to turn BoundaryNodes into periodic boundary nodes by setting the data v...
void add_to_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Add the node to the mesh boundary b.
Node * Copied_node_pt
If the BoundaryNode is periodic, this pointer is set to the BoundaryNode whose data it shares.
Definition: nodes.h:2021
void get_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b, Vector< double > &boundary_zeta)
Return the vector of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b.
Definition: nodes.h:2201
std::map< unsigned, DenseMatrix< double > * > * Boundary_coordinates_pt
Pointer to a map of pointers to intrinsic boundary coordinates of the Node, indexed by the boundary n...
Definition: nodes.h:2004
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > * Index_of_first_value_assigned_by_face_element_pt
Pointer to a map, indexed by the face element identifier it returns the position of the first face el...
Definition: nodes.h:2017
bool is_on_boundary() const
Test whether the node lies on a boundary.
Definition: nodes.h:2189
void remove_from_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Remove the node from the mesh boundary b.
virtual ~BoundaryNodeBase()
Destructor, clean up any allocated storage for the boundaries.
Data * Copied_data_pt
Pointer to the Data object from which the values are copied.
Definition: nodes.h:655
void clear_copied_pointers()
Clear the pointers to the copied data.
void reset_copied_pointers()
Reset the pointers to the copied data.
void resize(const unsigned &n_value)
We cannot resize CopiedData, so the resize function throws a warning.
A class that represents a collection of data; each Data object may contain many different individual ...
Definition: nodes.h:86
static TimeStepper * Default_static_time_stepper_pt
Default (static) timestepper used in steady problems.
Definition: nodes.h:162
void add_copy(Data *const &data_pt)
Add the pointer data_pt to the array Copy_of_data_pt. This should be used whenever copies are made of...
long & eqn_number(const unsigned &i)
Return the equation number of the i-th stored variable.
Definition: nodes.h:367
long * Eqn_number
C-style array of pointers to the (global) equation numbers of the values.
Definition: nodes.h:116
virtual void add_eqn_numbers_to_vector(Vector< long > &vector_of_eqn_numbers)
Add all equation numbers to the vector in the internal storage order.
bool does_pointer_correspond_to_value(double *const &parameter_pt)
Check whether the pointer parameter_pt addresses internal data values.
void constrain(const unsigned &i)
Constrain the i-th stored variable when making hanging data If the data is already pinned leave it al...
Definition: nodes.h:432
virtual void describe_dofs(std::ostream &out, const std::string &current_string) const
Function to describe the dofs of the Node. The ostream specifies the output stream to which the descr...
virtual void add_value_pt_to_map(std::map< unsigned, double * > &map_of_value_pt)
Add pointers to all unpinned and unconstrained data to a map indexed by (global) equation number.
long * eqn_number_pt(const unsigned &i)
Return the pointer to the equation number of the i-th stored variable.
Definition: nodes.h:358
unsigned Nvalue
Number of values stored in the data object.
Definition: nodes.h:135
static long Is_pinned
Static "Magic number" used in place of the equation number to indicate that the value is pinned.
Definition: nodes.h:183
void range_check(const unsigned &t, const unsigned &i) const
Check that the arguments are within the range of the stored data values and timesteps.
void remove_copy(Data *const &data_pt)
Remove the pointer data_pt from the array Copy_of_data_pt. This should be used whenever copies of the...
virtual void clear_copied_pointers()
Helper function that should be overloaded derived classes that contain copies of data....
friend class HijackedData
Definition: nodes.h:93
bool is_segregated_solve_pinned(const unsigned &i)
Test whether the i-th variable is temporaily pinned for a segregated solve.
Definition: nodes.h:424
Data ** Copy_of_data_pt
C-style array of any Data objects that contain copies of the current Data object's data values.
Definition: nodes.h:127
double * value_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Return the pointer to the i-the stored value. Typically this is required when direct access to the st...
Definition: nodes.h:324
void copy(Data *orig_data_pt)
Copy Data values from specified Data object.
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Return the pointer to the timestepper.
Definition: nodes.h:238
bool is_halo() const
Is this Data a halo?
Definition: nodes.h:532
TimeStepper * Time_stepper_pt
Pointer to a Timestepper. The inclusion of a Timestepper pointer in the Data class,...
Definition: nodes.h:122
friend class CopiedData
Definition: nodes.h:94
virtual void read_values_from_vector(const Vector< double > &vector_of_values, unsigned &index)
Read all data and time history values from the vector starting from index. On return the index will b...
virtual void add_values_to_vector(Vector< double > &vector_of_values)
Add all data and time history values to the vector in the internal storage order.
static long Is_constrained
Static "Magic number" used in place of the equation number to indicate that the value is constrained ...
Definition: nodes.h:198
void set_value(const unsigned &i, const double &value_)
Set the i-th stored data value to specified value. The only reason that we require an explicit set fu...
Definition: nodes.h:271
virtual bool is_a_copy() const
Return a boolean to indicate whether the Data objact contains any copied values. A base Data object c...
Definition: nodes.h:253
unsigned nvalue() const
Return number of values stored in data object (incl pinned ones).
Definition: nodes.h:483
unsigned Ncopies
Number of Data that contain copies of this Data object's values.
Definition: nodes.h:131
void dump(std::ostream &dump_file) const
Dump the data object to a file.
virtual ~Data()
Destructor, deallocates memory assigned for data.
double value(const unsigned &i) const
Return i-th stored value. This function is not virtual so that it can be inlined. This means that if ...
Definition: nodes.h:293
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return total number of doubles stored per value to record time history of each value (one for steady ...
virtual void assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long &global_ndof, Vector< double * > &dof_pt)
Assign global equation numbers; increment global number of unknowns, global_ndof; and add any new dof...
double ** Value
C-style array of pointers to data values and possible history values. The data must be ordered in suc...
Definition: nodes.h:112
bool is_constrained(const unsigned &i)
Test whether the i-th variable is constrained (1: true; 0: false).
Definition: nodes.h:472
static long Is_unclassified
Static "Magic number" used in place of the equation number to denote a value that hasn't been classif...
Definition: nodes.h:192
void delete_value_storage()
Delete all storage allocated by the Data object for values and equation numbers.
virtual void resize(const unsigned &n_value)
Change (increase) the number of values that may be stored.
Default: Just set pointer to (steady) timestepper. No storage for values is allocated.
void unconstrain(const unsigned &i)
Unconstrain the i-th stored variable when make the data nonhanging. Only unconstrain if it was actual...
Definition: nodes.h:442
void set_time_stepper(TimeStepper *const &time_stepper_pt, const bool &preserve_existing_data)
Set a new timestepper by resizing the appropriate storage. If already assigned the equation numbering...
void read(std::ifstream &restart_file)
Read data object from a file.
static long Is_segregated_solve_pinned
Static "Magic number" used in place of the equation number to indicate that the value is pinned,...
Definition: nodes.h:188
unsigned self_test()
Self-test: Have all values been classified as pinned/unpinned? Return 0 if OK.
virtual void read_eqn_numbers_from_vector(const Vector< long > &vector_of_eqn_numbers, unsigned &index)
Read all equation numbers from the vector starting from index. On return the index will be set to the...
bool is_pinned(const unsigned &i) const
Test whether the i-th variable is pinned (1: true; 0: false).
Definition: nodes.h:417
virtual void reset_copied_pointers()
Helper function that should be overloaded in derived classes that can contain copies of Data....
Class that contains data for hanging nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:742
Node ** Master_nodes_pt
C-style array of pointers to nodes that this hanging node depends on.
Definition: nodes.h:839
double const & master_weight(const unsigned &i) const
Return weight for dofs on i-th master node.
Definition: nodes.h:808
Node *const & master_node_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Return a pointer to the i-th master node.
Definition: nodes.h:791
void range_check(const unsigned &i) const
Check that the argument is within the range of stored data values.
unsigned Nmaster
Number of master nodes required by this hanging node.
Definition: nodes.h:845
unsigned nmaster() const
Return the number of master nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:785
double * Master_weights
C-style array of weights for the dofs on the master nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:842
void add_master_node_pt(Node *const &master_node_pt, const double &weight)
Add (pointer to) master node and corresponding weight to the internally stored (pointers to) master n...
void set_master_node_pt(const unsigned &i, Node *const &master_node_pt, const double &weight)
Set the pointer to the i-th master node and its weight.
Data * Copied_data_pt
Pointer to the Data object from which the value is copied.
Definition: nodes.h:578
unsigned Copied_index
Index of the value that is copied from within the Data object.
Definition: nodes.h:581
void resize(const unsigned &n_value)
We cannot resize HijackedData, so the resize function throws a warning.
void reset_copied_pointers()
Reset the pointers to the copied data.
void clear_copied_pointers()
Clear the pointers to the copied data.
Nodes are derived from Data, but, in addition, have a definite (Eulerian) position in a space of a gi...
Definition: nodes.h:906
double dx_gen_dt(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
i-th component of time derivative (velocity) of the generalised position, dx(k,i)/dt....
double & x(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th nodal coordinate.
Definition: nodes.h:1060
double & x_gen(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i)
Reference to the generalised position x(k,i). ‘Type’: k; Coordinate direction: i.
Definition: nodes.h:1126
HangInfo *const & hanging_pt() const
Return pointer to hanging node data (this refers to the geometric hanging node status) (const version...
Definition: nodes.h:1228
void copy(Node *orig_node_pt)
Copy all nodal data from specified Node object.
void add_values_to_vector(Vector< double > &vector_of_values)
Add all data and time history values to the vector. Overloaded to add the position information as wel...
virtual void set_position_time_stepper(TimeStepper *const &position_time_stepper_pt, const bool &preserve_existing_data)
Set a new position timestepper be resizing the appropriate storage.
virtual unsigned ncoordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Get the number of boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b. Broken virtual interface provides run-time...
void set_nonhanging()
Label node as non-hanging node by removing all hanging node data.
void read(std::ifstream &restart_file)
Read nodal position and associated data from file for restart.
static unsigned No_independent_position
Static "Magic number" used to indicate that there is no independent position in a periodic node.
Definition: nodes.h:972
void x_gen_range_check(const unsigned &t, const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
Private function to check that the arguemnts to the position functions are in range.
virtual void assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long &global_ndof, Vector< double * > &dof_pt)
Assign global equation numbers; increment global number of unknowns, global_ndof; and add any new dof...
virtual void remove_from_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Broken interface for removing the node from the mesh boundary b Here to provide error reporting.
unsigned ndim() const
Return (Eulerian) spatial dimension of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:1054
virtual void make_periodic_nodes(const Vector< Node * > &periodic_nodes_pt)
Make the nodes passed in the vector periodic_nodes share the same data as this node.
virtual void constrain_positions()
Constrain the positions when the node is made hanging Empty virtual function that is overloaded in So...
Definition: nodes.h:1345
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output nodal position.
TimeStepper * Position_time_stepper_pt
Pointer to the timestepper associated with the position data.
Definition: nodes.h:932
double ** X_position
Array of pointers to the data holding the Eulerian positions. The storage format must be the same as ...
Definition: nodes.h:929
virtual void add_to_boundary(const unsigned &b)
Broken interface for adding the node to the mesh boundary b Essentially here for error reporting.
virtual void set_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b, const unsigned &k, const Vector< double > &boundary_zeta)
Set the vector of the k-th generalised boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b. Broken virtual interf...
HangInfo ** Hanging_pt
C-style array of pointers to hanging node info. It's set to NULL if the node isn't hanging....
Definition: nodes.h:942
void set_hanging_pt(HangInfo *const &hang_pt, const int &i)
Set the hanging data for the i-th value. (hang_pt=0 to make non-hanging)
Vector< double > value() const
Return vector of values calculated using value(vector).
Definition: nodes.h:1502
TimeStepper *& position_time_stepper_pt()
Return a pointer to the position timestepper.
Definition: nodes.h:1022
unsigned Nposition_type
Number of coordinate types used in the mapping between local and global coordinates (e....
Definition: nodes.h:951
virtual bool boundary_coordinates_have_been_set_up()
Have boundary coordinates been set up? Broken virtual interface provides run-time error checking.
double position_gen(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
Return generalised nodal coordinate either directly or via hanging node representation.
unsigned Ndim
Eulerian dimension of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:945
virtual void get_coordinates_on_boundary(const unsigned &b, const unsigned &k, Vector< double > &boundary_zeta)
Return the vector of the k-th generalised boundary coordinates on mesh boundary b....
double raw_value(const unsigned &i) const
Return the i-th value stored at the Node. This interface does NOT take the hanging status of the Node...
Definition: nodes.h:1455
virtual void unconstrain_positions()
Unconstrain the positions when the node is made non-hanging Empty virtual function that is overloaded...
Definition: nodes.h:1349
Vector< double > position() const
Return vector of position of node at current time.
Definition: nodes.h:1525
virtual Node * copied_node_pt() const
Return pointer to copied node (null if the current node is not a copy – always the case here; it's ov...
Definition: nodes.h:1107
void read_values_from_vector(const Vector< double > &vector_of_values, unsigned &index)
Read all data and time history values from the vector starting from index. On return the index will b...
virtual void dump(std::ostream &dump_file) const
Dump nodal position and associated data to file for restart.
double dposition_dt(const unsigned &i) const
Return the i-th component of nodal velocity: dx/dt, either directly or via hanging node representatio...
double dx_dt(const unsigned &i) const
Return the i-th component of nodal velocity: dx/dt.
void resize(const unsigned &n_value)
Resize the number of equations.
virtual void make_periodic(Node *const &node_pt)
Make the node periodic by copying the values from node_pt. Note that the coordinates will always rema...
unsigned nposition_type() const
Number of coordinate types needed in the mapping between local and global coordinates.
Definition: nodes.h:1016
bool is_hanging() const
Test whether the node is geometrically hanging.
Definition: nodes.h:1285
Default constructor.
double dposition_gen_dt(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
i-th component of time derivative (velocity) of the generalised position, dx(k,i)/dt....
virtual ~Node()
Destructor: Clean up the memory allocated for nodal position.
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
A Class for nodes that deform elastically (i.e. position is an unknown in the problem)....
Definition: nodes.h:1686
void xi_gen_range_check(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
Private function to check that the arguments to the position functions are in range.
void set_position_time_stepper(TimeStepper *const &position_time_stepper_pt, const bool &preserve_existing_data)
Set a new position timestepper be resizing the appropriate storage Overloaded from the basic implemen...
unsigned Nlagrangian
Number of Lagrangian coordinates of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:1694
void add_values_to_vector(Vector< double > &vector_of_values)
Add all data, position and time history values to the vector Overload to add the Lagrangian coordinat...
bool does_pointer_correspond_to_position_data(double *const &parameter_pt)
Overload the check whether the pointer parameter_pt addresses position data values.
void read_eqn_numbers_from_vector(const Vector< long > &vector_of_eqn_numbers, unsigned &index)
Read all equation numbers from the vector starting from index. On return the index will be set to the...
unsigned nlagrangian_type() const
Number of types of Lagrangian coordinates used to interpolate the Lagrangian coordinates within the e...
Definition: nodes.h:1877
double & xi_gen(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i)
Reference to the generalised Lagrangian position. ‘Type’: k; 'Coordinate direction: i.
Definition: nodes.h:1902
Data * Variable_position_pt
Pointer to data that will hold variable positions in elastic nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:1701
void add_value_pt_to_map(std::map< unsigned, double * > &map_of_value_pt)
Overload the function add_values_to_map so that it also adds the variable position data.
unsigned Nlagrangian_type
Number of types of Lagrangian coordinates used to interpolate the Lagrangian coordinates within the e...
Definition: nodes.h:1698
double lagrangian_position(const unsigned &i) const
Return lagrangian coordinate either directly or via hanging node representation.
double lagrangian_position_gen(const unsigned &k, const unsigned &i) const
Return generalised lagrangian coordinate either directly or via hanging node representation.
Default Constructor.
Definition: nodes.h:1708
void read_values_from_vector(const Vector< double > &vector_of_values, unsigned &index)
Read all data and time history values from the vector starting from index. On return the index will b...
virtual ~SolidNode()
Destructor that cleans up the additional memory allocated in SolidNodes.
void describe_dofs(std::ostream &out, const std::string &current_string) const
Function to describe the dofs of the Node. The ostream specifies the output stream to which the descr...
void dump(std::ostream &dump_file) const
Dump nodal positions (variable and fixed) and associated data to file for restart.
void set_external_variable_position_pt(Data *const &data_pt)
Set the variable position data from an external data object.
void read(std::ifstream &restart_file)
Read nodal positions (variable and fixed) and associated data from file for restart.
double * Xi_position
Storage for the Lagrangian positions.
Definition: nodes.h:1704
double & xi(const unsigned &i)
Reference to i-th Lagrangian position.
Definition: nodes.h:1883
void add_eqn_numbers_to_vector(Vector< long > &vector_of_eqn_numbers)
Add all equation numbers to the vector in the internal storage order. Overload to add equation number...
void assign_eqn_numbers(unsigned long &global_number, Vector< double * > &dof_pt)
Overload the assign equation numbers routine.
void copy(SolidNode *orig_node_pt)
Copy nodal positions and associated data from specified node object.
Data *const & variable_position_pt() const
Pointer to variable_position data (const version)
Definition: nodes.h:1765
unsigned nlagrangian() const
Return number of lagrangian coordinates.
Definition: nodes.h:1870
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:231
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return the number of doubles required to represent history (one for steady)
Definition: timesteppers.h:601
virtual double weight(const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j) const
Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative.
Definition: timesteppers.h:594
bool is_steady() const
Flag to indicate if a timestepper has been made steady (possibly temporarily to switch off time-depen...
Definition: timesteppers.h:389
std::string string(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th string or "" if the relevant string hasn't been defined.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DoubleVector &v)
output operator
OomphInfo oomph_info
Single (global) instantiation of the OomphInfo object – this is used throughout the library as a "rep...