Classes | Namespaces
explicit_timesteppers.h File Reference

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class  oomph::ExplicitTimeSteppableObject
 Class for objects than can be advanced in time by an Explicit Timestepper. WARNING: For explicit time stepping to work the object's residual function (as used by get_inverse_mass_matrix_times_residuals(..)) MUST be in the form r = f(t, u) - [timestepper approximation to dudt]! Standard implicit time stepping will work with plenty of residuals that don't fit into this form. Some examples where implicit time stepping will work fine but explicit will fail: 1) The negation of the above formula, this implementation will end up using dudt = - f(u,t). 2) A residual which is implicit or non-linear in dudt, such as r = dudt. More...
class  oomph::ExplicitTimeStepper
 A Base class for explicit timesteppers. More...
class  oomph::Euler
 =========================================================== Simple first-order Euler Timestepping More...
class  oomph::RungeKutta< ORDER >
 =========================================================== Standard Runge Kutta Timestepping More...
class  oomph::LowStorageRungeKutta< ORDER >
 =========================================================== Runge Kutta Timestepping that uses low storage More...
class  oomph::EBDF3
 =========================================================== An explicit version of BDF3 (i.e. uses derivative evaluation at y_n instead of y_{n+1}). Useful as a predictor because it is third order accurate but requires only one function evaluation (i.e. only one mass matrix inversion + residual calculation). More...


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