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#include <geometric_multigrid.h>
Public Types | |
typedef Smoother *(* | PreSmootherFactoryFctPt) () |
typedef for a function that returns a pointer to an object of the class Smoother to be used as the pre-smoother More... | |
typedef Smoother *(* | PostSmootherFactoryFctPt) () |
typedef for a function that returns a pointer to an object of the class Smoother to be used as the post-smoother More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | set_pre_smoother_factory_function (PreSmootherFactoryFctPt pre_smoother_fn) |
Access function to set the pre-smoother creation function. More... | |
void | set_post_smoother_factory_function (PostSmootherFactoryFctPt post_smoother_fn) |
Access function to set the post-smoother creation function. More... | |
MGSolver (MGProblem *mg_problem_pt) | |
Constructor: Set up default values for number of V-cycles and pre- and post-smoothing steps. More... | |
~MGSolver () | |
Delete any dynamically allocated data. More... | |
void | clean_up_memory () |
Clean up anything that needs to be cleaned up. More... | |
void | set_self_test_vector () |
Makes a vector which will be used in the self-test. Is currently set to make the entries of the vector represent a plane wave propagating at an angle of 45 degrees. More... | |
void | self_test () |
Makes a vector, restricts it down the levels of the hierarchy and documents it at each level. After this is done the vector is interpolated up the levels of the hierarchy with the output being documented at each level. More... | |
void | restriction_self_test () |
Make a self-test to make sure that the interpolation matrices are doing the same thing to restrict the vectors down through the heirachy. More... | |
void | interpolation_self_test () |
Make a self-test to make sure that the interpolation matrices are doing the same thing to interpolate the vectors up. More... | |
void | plot (const unsigned &hierarchy_level, const DoubleVector &input_vector, const std::string &filename) |
Given a level in the hierarchy, an input vector and a filename this function will document the given vector according to the structure of the mesh on the given level. More... | |
void | disable_v_cycle_output () |
Disable all output from mg_solve apart from the number of V-cycles used to solve the problem. More... | |
void | disable_output () |
Suppress anything that can be suppressed, i.e. any timings. Things like mesh adaptation can not however be silenced using this. More... | |
void | enable_v_cycle_output () |
Enable the output of the V-cycle timings and other output. More... | |
void | enable_doc_everything () |
Enable the output from anything that could have been suppressed. More... | |
void | enable_output () |
Enable the output from anything that could have been suppressed. More... | |
void | disable_smoother_and_superlu_doc_time () |
Suppress the output of both smoothers and SuperLU. More... | |
unsigned & | npost_smooth () |
Return the number of post-smoothing iterations (lvalue) More... | |
unsigned & | npre_smooth () |
Return the number of pre-smoothing iterations (lvalue) More... | |
void | pre_smooth (const unsigned &level) |
Pre-smoother: Perform 'max_iter' smoothing steps on the linear system Ax=b with current RHS vector, b, starting with current solution vector, x. Return the residual vector r=b-Ax. Uses the default smoother (set in the MGProblem constructor) which can be overloaded for a specific problem. More... | |
void | post_smooth (const unsigned &level) |
Post-smoother: Perform max_iter smoothing steps on the linear system Ax=b with current RHS vector, b, starting with current solution vector, x. Uses the default smoother (set in the MGProblem constructor) which can be overloaded for specific problem. More... | |
double | residual_norm (const unsigned &level) |
Return norm of residual r=b-Ax and the residual vector itself on the level-th level. More... | |
void | direct_solve () |
Call the direct solver (SuperLU) to solve the problem exactly. More... | |
void | interpolation_matrix_set (const unsigned &level, double *value, int *col_index, int *row_st, unsigned &ncol, unsigned &nnz) |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix that is used to interpolate the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the full weighting restriction. More... | |
void | interpolation_matrix_set (const unsigned &level, Vector< double > &value, Vector< int > &col_index, Vector< int > &row_st, unsigned &ncol, unsigned &nrow) |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix that is used to interpolate the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the full weighting restriction. More... | |
void | set_restriction_matrices_as_interpolation_transposes () |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix on each level that is used to restrict the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the interpolation matrix. More... | |
void | restrict_residual (const unsigned &level) |
Restrict residual (computed on level-th MG level) to the next coarser mesh and stick it into the coarse mesh RHS vector. More... | |
void | interpolate_and_correct (const unsigned &level) |
Interpolate solution at current level onto next finer mesh and correct the solution x at that level. More... | |
void | level_up_local_coord_of_node (const int &son_type, Vector< double > &s) |
Given the son_type of an element and a local node number j in that element with nnode_1d nodes per coordinate direction, return the local coordinate s in its father element. Needed in the setup of the interpolation matrices. More... | |
void | setup_interpolation_matrices () |
Setup the interpolation matrix on each level. More... | |
void | setup_interpolation_matrices_unstructured () |
Setup the interpolation matrix on each level (used for unstructured meshes) More... | |
void | setup_transfer_matrices () |
Setup the transfer matrices on each level. More... | |
void | full_setup () |
Do a full setup (assumes everything will be setup around the MGProblem pointer given in the constructor) More... | |
void | solve (Problem *const &problem_pt, DoubleVector &result) |
Virtual function in the base class that needs to be implemented later but for now just leave it empty. More... | |
unsigned | iterations () const |
Number of iterations. More... | |
unsigned & | max_iter () |
Number of iterations. More... | |
void | level_up_local_coord_of_node (const int &son_type, Vector< double > &s) |
Given the son type of the element and the local coordinate s of a given node in the son element, return the local coordinate s in its father element. 2D case. More... | |
void | level_up_local_coord_of_node (const int &son_type, Vector< double > &s) |
Given the son type of the element and the local coordinate s of a given node in the son element, return the local coordinate s in its father element. 3D case. More... | |
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IterativeLinearSolver () | |
Constructor: Set (default) trivial preconditioner and set defaults for tolerance and max. number of iterations. More... | |
IterativeLinearSolver (const IterativeLinearSolver &)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const IterativeLinearSolver &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~IterativeLinearSolver () |
Destructor (empty) More... | |
Preconditioner *& | preconditioner_pt () |
Access function to preconditioner. More... | |
Preconditioner *const & | preconditioner_pt () const |
Access function to preconditioner (const version) More... | |
double & | tolerance () |
Access to convergence tolerance. More... | |
unsigned & | max_iter () |
Access to max. number of iterations. More... | |
void | enable_doc_convergence_history () |
Enable documentation of the convergence history. More... | |
void | disable_doc_convergence_history () |
Disable documentation of the convergence history. More... | |
void | open_convergence_history_file_stream (const std::string &file_name, const std::string &zone_title="") |
Write convergence history into file with specified filename (automatically switches on doc). Optional second argument is a string that can be used (as a zone title) to identify what case we're running (e.g. what combination of linear solver and preconditioner or parameter values are used). More... | |
void | close_convergence_history_file_stream () |
Close convergence history output stream. More... | |
double | jacobian_setup_time () const |
returns the time taken to assemble the jacobian matrix and residual vector More... | |
double | linear_solver_solution_time () const |
return the time taken to solve the linear system More... | |
virtual double | preconditioner_setup_time () const |
returns the the time taken to setup the preconditioner More... | |
void | enable_setup_preconditioner_before_solve () |
Setup the preconditioner before the solve. More... | |
void | disable_setup_preconditioner_before_solve () |
Don't set up the preconditioner before the solve. More... | |
void | enable_error_after_max_iter () |
Throw an error if we don't converge within max_iter. More... | |
void | disable_error_after_max_iter () |
Don't throw an error if we don't converge within max_iter (default). More... | |
void | enable_iterative_solver_as_preconditioner () |
Enables the iterative solver be used as preconditioner (when calling the solve method it bypass the setup solver method – currently only used by Trilinos solver —) More... | |
void | disable_iterative_solver_as_preconditioner () |
Disables the iterative solver be used as preconditioner (when calling the solve method it bypass the setup solver method – currently only used by Trilinos solver —) More... | |
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LinearSolver () | |
Empty constructor, initialise the member data. More... | |
LinearSolver (const LinearSolver &dummy)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const LinearSolver &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~LinearSolver () |
Empty virtual destructor. More... | |
void | enable_doc_time () |
Enable documentation of solve times. More... | |
void | disable_doc_time () |
Disable documentation of solve times. More... | |
bool | is_doc_time_enabled () const |
Is documentation of solve times enabled? More... | |
bool | is_resolve_enabled () const |
Boolean flag indicating if resolves are enabled. More... | |
virtual void | enable_resolve () |
Enable resolve (i.e. store matrix and/or LU decomposition, say) Virtual so it can be overloaded to perform additional tasks. More... | |
virtual void | disable_resolve () |
Disable resolve (i.e. store matrix and/or LU decomposition, say) This function simply resets an internal flag. It's virtual so it can be overloaded to perform additional tasks such as cleaning up memory that is only required for the resolve. More... | |
virtual void | solve (DoubleMatrixBase *const &matrix_pt, const DoubleVector &rhs, DoubleVector &result) |
Linear-algebra-type solver: Takes pointer to a matrix and rhs vector and returns the solution of the linear system. More... | |
virtual void | solve (DoubleMatrixBase *const &matrix_pt, const Vector< double > &rhs, Vector< double > &result) |
Linear-algebra-type solver: Takes pointer to a matrix and rhs vector and returns the solution of the linear system. More... | |
virtual void | solve_transpose (Problem *const &problem_pt, DoubleVector &result) |
Solver: Takes pointer to problem and returns the results vector which contains the solution of the linear system defined by the problem's fully assembled Jacobian and residual vector (broken virtual). More... | |
virtual void | solve_transpose (DoubleMatrixBase *const &matrix_pt, const DoubleVector &rhs, DoubleVector &result) |
Linear-algebra-type solver: Takes pointer to a matrix and rhs vector and returns the solution of the linear system. More... | |
virtual void | solve_transpose (DoubleMatrixBase *const &matrix_pt, const Vector< double > &rhs, Vector< double > &result) |
Linear-algebra-type solver: Takes pointer to a matrix and rhs vector and returns the solution of the linear system. More... | |
virtual void | resolve (const DoubleVector &rhs, DoubleVector &result) |
Resolve the system defined by the last assembled jacobian and the rhs vector. Solution is returned in the vector result. (broken virtual) More... | |
virtual void | resolve_transpose (const DoubleVector &rhs, DoubleVector &result) |
Solver: Resolve the system defined by the last assembled jacobian and the rhs vector. Solution is returned in the vector result. (broken virtual) More... | |
virtual void | enable_computation_of_gradient () |
function to enable the computation of the gradient required for the globally convergent Newton method More... | |
void | disable_computation_of_gradient () |
function to disable the computation of the gradient required for the globally convergent Newton method More... | |
void | reset_gradient () |
function to reset the size of the gradient before each Newton solve More... | |
void | get_gradient (DoubleVector &gradient) |
function to access the gradient, provided it has been computed More... | |
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DistributableLinearAlgebraObject () | |
Default constructor - create a distribution. More... | |
DistributableLinearAlgebraObject (const DistributableLinearAlgebraObject &matrix)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const DistributableLinearAlgebraObject &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~DistributableLinearAlgebraObject () |
Destructor. More... | |
LinearAlgebraDistribution * | distribution_pt () const |
access to the LinearAlgebraDistribution More... | |
unsigned | nrow () const |
access function to the number of global rows. More... | |
unsigned | nrow_local () const |
access function for the num of local rows on this processor. More... | |
unsigned | nrow_local (const unsigned &p) const |
access function for the num of local rows on this processor. More... | |
unsigned | first_row () const |
access function for the first row on this processor More... | |
unsigned | first_row (const unsigned &p) const |
access function for the first row on this processor More... | |
bool | distributed () const |
distribution is serial or distributed More... | |
bool | distribution_built () const |
if the communicator_pt is null then the distribution is not setup then false is returned, otherwise return true More... | |
void | build_distribution (const LinearAlgebraDistribution *const dist_pt) |
setup the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
void | build_distribution (const LinearAlgebraDistribution &dist) |
setup the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | mg_solve (DoubleVector &result) |
Do the actual solve – this is called through the pure virtual solve function in the LinearSolver base class. The function is stored as protected to allow the MGPreconditioner derived class to use the solver. More... | |
void | modify_restriction_matrices () |
Normalise the rows of the restriction matrices to avoid amplifications when projecting to the coarser level. More... | |
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void | clear_distribution () |
clear the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
unsigned | Nvcycle |
Maximum number of V-cycles (this is set as a protected variable so. More... | |
MGProblem * | Mg_problem_pt |
Pointer to the MG problem (deep copy). This is protected to provide access to the MG preconditioner. More... | |
Vector< DoubleVector > | Rhs_mg_vectors_storage |
Vector to store the RHS vectors (Rhs_mg). This is protected to allow the multigrid preconditioner to assign the RHS vector during preconditioner_solve() More... | |
bool | Suppress_v_cycle_output |
Indicates whether or not the V-cycle output should be suppressed. Needs to be protected member data for the multigrid preconditioner to know whether or not to output information with each preconditioning step. More... | |
bool | Suppress_all_output |
If this is set to true then all output from the solver is suppressed. This is protected member data so that the multigrid preconditioner knows whether or not to restore the stream pointer. More... | |
std::ostream * | Stream_pt |
Pointer to the output stream – defaults to std::cout. This is protected member data to allow the preconditioner to restore normal output if everything was chosen to be suppressed by the user. More... | |
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bool | Doc_convergence_history |
Flag indicating if the convergence history is to be documented. More... | |
std::ofstream | Output_file_stream |
Output file stream for convergence history. More... | |
double | Tolerance |
Convergence tolerance. More... | |
unsigned | Max_iter |
Maximum number of iterations. More... | |
Preconditioner * | Preconditioner_pt |
Pointer to the preconditioner. More... | |
double | Jacobian_setup_time |
Jacobian setup time. More... | |
double | Solution_time |
linear solver solution time More... | |
double | Preconditioner_setup_time |
Preconditioner setup time. More... | |
bool | Setup_preconditioner_before_solve |
indicates whether the preconditioner should be setup before solve. Default = true; More... | |
bool | Throw_error_after_max_iter |
Should we throw an error instead of just returning when we hit the max iterations? More... | |
bool | Use_iterative_solver_as_preconditioner |
Use the iterative solver as preconditioner. More... | |
bool | First_time_solve_when_used_as_preconditioner |
When the iterative solver is used a preconditioner then we call the setup of solver method only once (the first time the solve method is called) More... | |
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bool | Enable_resolve |
Boolean that indicates whether the matrix (or its factors, in the case of direct solver) should be stored so that the resolve function can be used. More... | |
bool | Doc_time |
Boolean flag that indicates whether the time taken. More... | |
bool | Compute_gradient |
flag that indicates whether the gradient required for the globally convergent Newton method should be computed or not More... | |
bool | Gradient_has_been_computed |
flag that indicates whether the gradient was computed or not More... | |
DoubleVector | Gradient_for_glob_conv_newton_solve |
DoubleVector storing the gradient for the globally convergent Newton method. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | setup_mg_hierarchy () |
Function to set up the hierachy of levels. Creates a vector of pointers to each MG level. More... | |
void | setup_mg_structures () |
Function to set up the hierachy of levels. Creates a vector of pointers to each MG level. More... | |
void | setup_smoothers () |
Function to set up all of the smoothers once the system matrices have been set up. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
PreSmootherFactoryFctPt | Pre_smoother_factory_function_pt |
Function to create pre-smoothers. More... | |
PostSmootherFactoryFctPt | Post_smoother_factory_function_pt |
Function to create post-smoothers. More... | |
unsigned | Nlevel |
The number of levels in the multigrid heirachy. More... | |
Vector< MGProblem * > | Mg_hierarchy |
Vector containing pointers to problems in hierarchy. More... | |
Vector< CRDoubleMatrix * > | Mg_matrices_storage_pt |
Vector to store the system matrices. More... | |
Vector< CRDoubleMatrix * > | Interpolation_matrices_storage_pt |
Vector to store the interpolation matrices. More... | |
Vector< CRDoubleMatrix * > | Restriction_matrices_storage_pt |
Vector to store the restriction matrices. More... | |
Vector< DoubleVector > | X_mg_vectors_storage |
Vector to store the solution vectors (X_mg) More... | |
Vector< DoubleVector > | Residual_mg_vectors_storage |
Vector to store the residual vectors. More... | |
Vector< DoubleVector > | Interpolation_self_test_vectors_storage |
Vector to store the result of interpolation on each level (only required if the user wishes to document the output of interpolation and restriction on each level) More... | |
Vector< DoubleVector > | Restriction_self_test_vectors_storage |
Vector to store the result of restriction on each level (only required if the user wishes to document the output of interpolation and restriction on each level) More... | |
Vector< Smoother * > | Pre_smoothers_storage_pt |
Vector to store the pre-smoothers. More... | |
Vector< Smoother * > | Post_smoothers_storage_pt |
Vector to store the post-smoothers. More... | |
unsigned | Npre_smooth |
Number of pre-smoothing steps. More... | |
unsigned | Npost_smooth |
Number of post-smoothing steps. More... | |
bool | Doc_everything |
If this is set to true we document everything. In addition to outputting the information of the setup timings and V-cycle data we document the refinement and unrefinement patterns given by the transfer operators which is done by keeping the coarser MG problem pointers alive. More... | |
bool | Has_been_setup |
Boolean variable to indicate whether or not the solver has been setup. More... | |
bool | Has_been_solved |
Boolean variable to indicate whether or not the problem was successfully solved. More... | |
unsigned | V_cycle_counter |
Pointer to counter for V-cycles. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static IdentityPreconditioner | Default_preconditioner |
Default preconditioner: The base class for preconditioners is a fully functional (if trivial!) preconditioner. More... | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Definition at line 89 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
typedef Smoother*(* oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::PostSmootherFactoryFctPt) () |
typedef for a function that returns a pointer to an object of the class Smoother to be used as the post-smoother
Definition at line 98 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
typedef Smoother*(* oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::PreSmootherFactoryFctPt) () |
typedef for a function that returns a pointer to an object of the class Smoother to be used as the pre-smoother
Definition at line 94 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
inline |
Constructor: Set up default values for number of V-cycles and pre- and post-smoothing steps.
Definition at line 118 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_hierarchy, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_problem_pt, and oomph::IterativeLinearSolver::Tolerance.
inline |
Delete any dynamically allocated data.
Definition at line 141 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory().
inlinevirtual |
Clean up anything that needs to be cleaned up.
Reimplemented from oomph::LinearSolver.
Reimplemented in oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >.
Definition at line 148 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Doc_everything, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Has_been_setup, i, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Interpolation_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_hierarchy, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Nlevel, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Post_smoothers_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Pre_smoothers_storage_pt, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Restriction_matrices_storage_pt.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::~MGSolver().
inline |
Call the direct solver (SuperLU) to solve the problem exactly.
Definition at line 392 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Nlevel, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Rhs_mg_vectors_storage, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::X_mg_vectors_storage.
inline |
Suppress anything that can be suppressed, i.e. any timings. Things like mesh adaptation can not however be silenced using this.
Definition at line 256 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearSolver::Doc_time, oomph::oomph_info, oomph::oomph_nullstream, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Stream_pt, oomph::OomphInfo::stream_pt(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_all_output, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_v_cycle_output.
inline |
Suppress the output of both smoothers and SuperLU.
Definition at line 308 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References i, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Nlevel, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Post_smoothers_storage_pt, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Pre_smoothers_storage_pt.
inline |
Disable all output from mg_solve apart from the number of V-cycles used to solve the problem.
Definition at line 245 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearSolver::Doc_time, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_v_cycle_output.
inline |
Enable the output from anything that could have been suppressed.
Definition at line 286 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Doc_everything.
inline |
Enable the output from anything that could have been suppressed.
Definition at line 295 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearSolver::Doc_time, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_all_output, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_v_cycle_output.
inline |
Enable the output of the V-cycle timings and other output.
Definition at line 276 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearSolver::Doc_time, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_v_cycle_output.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::full_setup |
Do a full setup (assumes everything will be setup around the MGProblem pointer given in the constructor)
Runs a full setup of the MG solver.
Definition at line 826 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::TerminateHelper::clean_up_memory(), oomph::FiniteElement::dim(), i, oomph::oomph_info, oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string(), and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
Referenced by oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::setup(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::interpolate_and_correct | ( | const unsigned & | level | ) |
Interpolate solution at current level onto next finer mesh and correct the solution x at that level.
Definition at line 2043 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
inline |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix that is used to interpolate the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the full weighting restriction.
Definition at line 402 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Interpolation_matrices_storage_pt.
inline |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix that is used to interpolate the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the full weighting restriction.
Definition at line 420 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::communicator_pt(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Interpolation_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_hierarchy, oomph::DistributableLinearAlgebraObject::nrow(), and oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string().
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::interpolation_self_test |
Make a self-test to make sure that the interpolation matrices are doing the same thing to interpolate the vectors up.
Function which implements a self-test to interpolate a vector up all of levels of the MG hierarchy and outputs the restricted vectors to file.
Definition at line 2344 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string().
inlinevirtual |
Number of iterations.
Implements oomph::IterativeLinearSolver.
Definition at line 595 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::V_cycle_counter.
void oomph::MGSolver< 2 >::level_up_local_coord_of_node | ( | const int & | son_type, |
Vector< double > & | s | ||
) |
Given the son type of the element and the local coordinate s of a given node in the son element, return the local coordinate s in its father element. 2D case.
Definition at line 37 of file geometric_multigrid.cc.
References oomph::QuadTreeNames::NE, oomph::QuadTreeNames::NW, oomph::Tree::OMEGA, s, oomph::QuadTreeNames::SE, and oomph::QuadTreeNames::SW.
void oomph::MGSolver< 3 >::level_up_local_coord_of_node | ( | const int & | son_type, |
Vector< double > & | s | ||
) |
Given the son type of the element and the local coordinate s of a given node in the son element, return the local coordinate s in its father element. 3D case.
Definition at line 91 of file geometric_multigrid.cc.
References oomph::OcTreeNames::LDB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LDF, oomph::OcTreeNames::LUB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LUF, oomph::Tree::OMEGA, oomph::OcTreeNames::RDB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RDF, oomph::OcTreeNames::RUB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RUF, and s.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::level_up_local_coord_of_node | ( | const int & | son_type, |
Vector< double > & | s | ||
) |
Given the son_type of an element and a local node number j in that element with nnode_1d nodes per coordinate direction, return the local coordinate s in its father element. Needed in the setup of the interpolation matrices.
inline |
Number of iterations.
Definition at line 602 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Nvcycle.
protected |
Do the actual solve – this is called through the pure virtual solve function in the LinearSolver base class. The function is stored as protected to allow the MGPreconditioner derived class to use the solver.
Linear solver.
Definition at line 2525 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References i, oomph::oomph_info, and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
Referenced by oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
protected |
Normalise the rows of the restriction matrices to avoid amplifications when projecting to the coarser level.
Modify the restriction matrices.
Definition at line 2070 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References i, oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::nrow(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::row_start(), and oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::value().
inline |
Return the number of post-smoothing iterations (lvalue)
Definition at line 328 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Npost_smooth.
inline |
Return the number of pre-smoothing iterations (lvalue)
Definition at line 336 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Npre_smooth.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::plot | ( | const unsigned & | hierarchy_level, |
const DoubleVector & | input_vector, | ||
const std::string & | filename | ||
) |
Given a level in the hierarchy, an input vector and a filename this function will document the given vector according to the structure of the mesh on the given level.
Plots the input vector (assuming we're dealing with scalar nodal data, otherwise I don't know how to implement this...)
Definition at line 2379 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References e, oomph::Data::eqn_number(), oomph::Mesh::finite_element_pt(), oomph::Node::hanging_pt(), i, oomph::Node::is_hanging(), oomph::Node::is_on_boundary(), oomph::HangInfo::master_node_pt(), oomph::HangInfo::master_weight(), oomph::Node::ndim(), oomph::Mesh::nelement(), oomph::HangInfo::nmaster(), oomph::FiniteElement::nnode(), oomph::FiniteElement::nnode_1d(), oomph::FiniteElement::node_pt(), oomph::Mesh::node_pt(), oomph::Data::nvalue(), oomph::FiniteElement::tecplot_zone_string(), and oomph::Node::x().
inline |
Post-smoother: Perform max_iter smoothing steps on the linear system Ax=b with current RHS vector, b, starting with current solution vector, x. Uses the default smoother (set in the MGProblem constructor) which can be overloaded for specific problem.
Definition at line 366 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Post_smoothers_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Rhs_mg_vectors_storage, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::X_mg_vectors_storage.
inline |
Pre-smoother: Perform 'max_iter' smoothing steps on the linear system Ax=b with current RHS vector, b, starting with current solution vector, x. Return the residual vector r=b-Ax. Uses the default smoother (set in the MGProblem constructor) which can be overloaded for a specific problem.
Definition at line 348 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Pre_smoothers_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Residual_mg_vectors_storage, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Rhs_mg_vectors_storage, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::X_mg_vectors_storage.
inline |
Return norm of residual r=b-Ax and the residual vector itself on the level-th level.
Definition at line 375 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Residual_mg_vectors_storage, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Rhs_mg_vectors_storage, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::X_mg_vectors_storage.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::restrict_residual | ( | const unsigned & | level | ) |
Restrict residual (computed on level-th MG level) to the next coarser mesh and stick it into the coarse mesh RHS vector.
Restrict residual (computed on current MG level) to next coarser mesh and stick it into the coarse mesh RHS vector using the restriction matrix (if restrict_flag=1) or the transpose of the interpolation matrix (if restrict_flag=2)
Definition at line 2020 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::restriction_self_test |
Make a self-test to make sure that the interpolation matrices are doing the same thing to restrict the vectors down through the heirachy.
Function which implements a self-test to restrict the residual vector down all of the coarser grids and output the restricted vectors to file.
Definition at line 2307 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string().
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::self_test |
Makes a vector, restricts it down the levels of the hierarchy and documents it at each level. After this is done the vector is interpolated up the levels of the hierarchy with the output being documented at each level.
Definition at line 2135 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::communicator_pt(), oomph::oomph_info, oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string(), and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
inline |
Access function to set the post-smoother creation function.
Definition at line 109 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Post_smoother_factory_function_pt.
inline |
Access function to set the pre-smoother creation function.
Definition at line 101 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Pre_smoother_factory_function_pt.
inline |
Builds a CRDoubleMatrix on each level that is used to restrict the residual between levels. The transpose can be used as the interpolation matrix.
Definition at line 465 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References i, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Interpolation_matrices_storage_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Nlevel, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Restriction_matrices_storage_pt.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_self_test_vector |
Makes a vector which will be used in the self-test. Is currently set to make the entries of the vector represent a plane wave propagating at an angle of 45 degrees.
Sets the initial vector to be used in the restriction and interpolation self-tests.
Definition at line 2219 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References e, oomph::Data::eqn_number(), oomph::Mesh::finite_element_pt(), i, oomph::Node::ndim(), oomph::Mesh::nelement(), oomph::FiniteElement::nnode(), oomph::FiniteElement::node_pt(), oomph::Mesh::node_pt(), oomph::Data::nvalue(), oomph::MathematicalConstants::Pi, and oomph::Node::x().
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::setup_interpolation_matrices |
Setup the interpolation matrix on each level.
Setup the interpolation matrices.
Definition at line 1510 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::Data::eqn_number(), oomph::Mesh::finite_element_pt(), i, oomph::HangInfo::master_node_pt(), oomph::HangInfo::master_weight(), oomph::Mesh::nelement(), oomph::HangInfo::nmaster(), oomph::Tree::OMEGA, and s.
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::setup_interpolation_matrices_unstructured |
Setup the interpolation matrix on each level (used for unstructured meshes)
Setup the interpolation matrices.
Definition at line 1832 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::Data::eqn_number(), oomph::Node::hanging_pt(), oomph::Node::is_hanging(), oomph::MeshAsGeomObject::locate_zeta(), oomph::HangInfo::master_node_pt(), oomph::HangInfo::master_weight(), oomph::HangInfo::nmaster(), oomph::FiniteElement::nnode(), oomph::Mesh::nnode(), oomph::FiniteElement::node_pt(), oomph::Mesh::node_pt(), oomph::Node::position(), s, and oomph::FiniteElement::shape().
private |
Function to set up the hierachy of levels. Creates a vector of pointers to each MG level.
Set up the MG hierarchy.
Definition at line 968 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::Problem::actions_after_adapt(), oomph::Problem::actions_before_adapt(), oomph::Problem::assign_eqn_numbers(), oomph::MGProblem::make_new_problem(), oomph::MGProblem::mg_bulk_mesh_pt(), oomph::oomph_info, oomph::TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine_base_mesh_as_in_reference_mesh_minus_one(), and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
private |
Function to set up the hierachy of levels. Creates a vector of pointers to each MG level.
Set up the MG hierarchy structures.
Definition at line 1180 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::clear(), oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::communicator_pt(), i, oomph::oomph_info, oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string(), and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
private |
Function to set up all of the smoothers once the system matrices have been set up.
Set up the smoothers on all levels.
Definition at line 1360 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::communicator_pt(), i, oomph::oomph_info, oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string(), oomph::TimingHelpers::timer(), and oomph::IterativeLinearSolver::tolerance().
void oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::setup_transfer_matrices |
Setup the transfer matrices on each level.
Set up the transfer matrices. Both the pure injection and full weighting method have been implemented here but it is highly recommended that full weighting is used in general. In both methods the transpose of the transfer matrix is used to transfer a vector back.
Definition at line 1117 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::oomph_info, and oomph::TimingHelpers::timer().
inlinevirtual |
Virtual function in the base class that needs to be implemented later but for now just leave it empty.
Implements oomph::LinearSolver.
Definition at line 509 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
References oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::full_setup(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Has_been_solved, oomph::Problem::mesh_pt(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Mg_problem_pt, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::mg_solve(), oomph::Mesh::node_pt(), oomph::Data::nvalue(), oomph::oomph_info, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Stream_pt, oomph::OomphInfo::stream_pt(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_all_output, oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::Suppress_v_cycle_output, and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::V_cycle_counter.
private |
If this is set to true we document everything. In addition to outputting the information of the setup timings and V-cycle data we document the refinement and unrefinement patterns given by the transfer operators which is done by keeping the coarser MG problem pointers alive.
Definition at line 717 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::enable_doc_everything().
private |
Boolean variable to indicate whether or not the solver has been setup.
Definition at line 720 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory().
private |
Boolean variable to indicate whether or not the problem was successfully solved.
Definition at line 724 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
private |
Vector to store the interpolation matrices.
Definition at line 679 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::interpolation_matrix_set(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_restriction_matrices_as_interpolation_transposes().
private |
Vector to store the result of interpolation on each level (only required if the user wishes to document the output of interpolation and restriction on each level)
Definition at line 693 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
private |
Vector containing pointers to problems in hierarchy.
Definition at line 673 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::interpolation_matrix_set(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::MGSolver().
private |
Vector to store the system matrices.
Definition at line 676 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::direct_solve(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_smoother_and_superlu_doc_time(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::pre_smooth(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::residual_norm().
protected |
Pointer to the MG problem (deep copy). This is protected to provide access to the MG preconditioner.
Definition at line 626 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::MGSolver(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
private |
The number of levels in the multigrid heirachy.
Definition at line 670 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::direct_solve(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_smoother_and_superlu_doc_time(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_restriction_matrices_as_interpolation_transposes().
private |
Number of post-smoothing steps.
Definition at line 710 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::npost_smooth().
private |
Number of pre-smoothing steps.
Definition at line 707 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::npre_smooth().
protected |
Maximum number of V-cycles (this is set as a protected variable so.
Definition at line 622 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::max_iter(), and oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::MGPreconditioner().
private |
Function to create post-smoothers.
Definition at line 655 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_post_smoother_factory_function().
private |
Vector to store the post-smoothers.
Definition at line 704 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_smoother_and_superlu_doc_time(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::post_smooth().
private |
Function to create pre-smoothers.
Definition at line 652 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_pre_smoother_factory_function().
private |
Vector to store the pre-smoothers.
Definition at line 701 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_smoother_and_superlu_doc_time(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::pre_smooth().
private |
Vector to store the residual vectors.
Definition at line 688 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::pre_smooth(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::residual_norm().
private |
Vector to store the restriction matrices.
Definition at line 682 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::clean_up_memory(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::set_restriction_matrices_as_interpolation_transposes().
private |
Vector to store the result of restriction on each level (only required if the user wishes to document the output of interpolation and restriction on each level)
Definition at line 698 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
protected |
Vector to store the RHS vectors (Rhs_mg). This is protected to allow the multigrid preconditioner to assign the RHS vector during preconditioner_solve()
Definition at line 631 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::direct_solve(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::post_smooth(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::pre_smooth(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::residual_norm().
protected |
Pointer to the output stream – defaults to std::cout. This is protected member data to allow the preconditioner to restore normal output if everything was chosen to be suppressed by the user.
Definition at line 648 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_output(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::setup(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
protected |
If this is set to true then all output from the solver is suppressed. This is protected member data so that the multigrid preconditioner knows whether or not to restore the stream pointer.
Definition at line 642 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_output(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::enable_output(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::setup(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
protected |
Indicates whether or not the V-cycle output should be suppressed. Needs to be protected member data for the multigrid preconditioner to know whether or not to output information with each preconditioning step.
Definition at line 637 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_output(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::disable_v_cycle_output(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::enable_output(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::enable_v_cycle_output(), oomph::MGPreconditioner< DIM >::preconditioner_solve(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
private |
Pointer to counter for V-cycles.
Definition at line 727 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::iterations(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::solve().
private |
Vector to store the solution vectors (X_mg)
Definition at line 685 of file geometric_multigrid.h.
Referenced by oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::direct_solve(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::post_smooth(), oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::pre_smooth(), and oomph::MGSolver< DIM >::residual_norm().