Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
28 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
29 #include "mpi.h"
30 #endif
32 #include <cstdlib>
33 #include <stdlib.h>
34 #include <limits>
36 #include "refineable_mesh.h"
37 // Include to fill in additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes() function
40 namespace oomph
41 {
42  //========================================================================
43  /// Get refinement pattern of mesh: Consider the hypothetical mesh
44  /// obtained by truncating the refinement of the current mesh to a given level
45  /// (where \c level=0 is the un-refined base mesh). To advance
46  /// to the next refinement level, we need to refine (split) the
47  /// \c to_be_refined[level].size() elements identified by the
48  /// element numbers contained in \c vector to_be_refined[level][...]
49  //========================================================================
51  Vector<Vector<unsigned>>& to_be_refined)
52  {
53  // Extract *all* elements from current (fully refined) mesh.
54  Vector<Tree*> all_tree_nodes_pt;
55  forest_pt()->stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector(all_tree_nodes_pt);
57  // Find out maximum refinement level
58  unsigned max_level = 0;
59  unsigned nnodes = all_tree_nodes_pt.size();
60  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nnodes; e++)
61  {
62  unsigned level = all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->level();
63  if (level > max_level) max_level = level;
64  }
66  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
67  to_be_refined.clear();
68  to_be_refined.resize(max_level);
69  Vector<unsigned> el_count(max_level);
71  // Initialise count of elements that exist in mesh when refinement
72  // has proceeded to this level
73  for (unsigned l = 0; l < max_level; l++)
74  {
75  el_count[l] = 0;
76  }
78  // Loop over all levels and extract all elements that exist
79  // in reference mesh when refinement has proceeded to this level
80  for (unsigned l = 0; l < max_level; l++)
81  {
82  // Loop over all elements (tree nodes)
83  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nnodes; e++)
84  {
85  // What level does this element exist on?
86  unsigned level = all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->level();
88  // Element is part of the mesh at this refinement level
89  // if it exists at this level OR if it exists at a lower level
90  // and is a leaf
91  if ((level == l) || ((level < l) && (all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->is_leaf())))
92  {
93  // If element exsts at this level and is not a leaf it will
94  // be refined when we move to the next level:
95  if ((level == l) && (!all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->is_leaf()))
96  {
97  // Add element number (in mesh at current refinement level)
98  // to the list of elements that need to be refined
99  to_be_refined[l].push_back(el_count[l]);
100  }
101  // Element exists in this mesh: Add to counter
102  el_count[l]++;
103  }
104  }
105  }
106  }
108  //========================================================================
109  /// Extract the elements at a particular refinement level in
110  /// the refinement pattern (used in Mesh::redistribute or whatever it's
111  /// going to be called (RefineableMeshBase::reduce_halo_layers or something)
112  //========================================================================
114  unsigned& refinement_level, Vector<RefineableElement*>& level_elements)
115  {
116  // Extract *all* elements from current (fully refined) mesh.
117  Vector<Tree*> all_tree_nodes_pt;
118  forest_pt()->stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector(all_tree_nodes_pt);
120  // Add the element to the vector if its level matches refinement_level
121  unsigned nnodes = all_tree_nodes_pt.size();
122  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nnodes; e++)
123  {
124  unsigned level = all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->level();
125  if (level == refinement_level)
126  {
127  level_elements.push_back(
128  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(all_tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()));
129  }
130  }
131  }
133  //========================================================================
134  /// Refine original, unrefined mesh according to specified refinement
135  /// pattern (relative to original, unrefined mesh).
136  //========================================================================
138  Vector<Vector<unsigned>>& to_be_refined)
139  {
140  // Get mesh back to unrefined state
141  unsigned my_max, my_min;
142  get_refinement_levels(my_min, my_max);
144  // Max refinement level:
145  unsigned my_max_level = to_be_refined.size();
147  unsigned global_max = 0;
148  unsigned global_max_level = 0;
149  Vector<unsigned> data(2, 0);
150  data[0] = my_max;
151  data[1] = my_max_level;
152  Vector<unsigned> global_data(2, 0);
153 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
154  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
155  {
156  MPI_Allreduce(&data[0],
157  &global_data[0],
158  2,
160  MPI_MAX,
161  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
162  global_max = global_data[0];
163  global_max_level = global_data[1];
164  }
165  else
166 #endif
167  {
168  global_max = my_max;
169  global_max_level = my_max_level;
170  }
173  for (unsigned i = 0; i < global_max; i++)
174  {
176  }
178  // Do refinement steps in current mesh
179  for (unsigned l = 0; l < global_max_level; l++)
180  {
181  // Loop over elements that need to be refined at this level
182  unsigned n_to_be_refined = 0;
183  if (l < my_max_level) n_to_be_refined = to_be_refined[l].size();
185  // Select relevant elements to be refined
186  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_to_be_refined; i++)
187  {
188  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(to_be_refined[l][i]))
189  ->select_for_refinement();
190  }
192  // Now do the actual mesh refinement
193  adapt_mesh();
194  }
195  }
198  //========================================================================
199  /// Refine base mesh according to refinement pattern in restart file
200  //========================================================================
201  void TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine(std::ifstream& restart_file)
202  {
203  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
204  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> to_be_refined;
206  // Read refinement pattern
207  read_refinement(restart_file, to_be_refined);
209  // Refine
210  refine_base_mesh(to_be_refined);
211  }
214  //========================================================================
215  /// Dump refinement pattern to allow for rebuild
216  ///
217  //========================================================================
219  {
220  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
221  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> to_be_refined;
223  // Get refinement pattern of reference mesh:
224  get_refinement_pattern(to_be_refined);
226  // Dump max refinement level:
227  unsigned max_level = to_be_refined.size();
228  outfile << max_level << " # max. refinement level " << std::endl;
230  // Doc the numbers of the elements that need to be refined at this level
231  for (unsigned l = 0; l < max_level; l++)
232  {
233  // Loop over elements that need to be refined at this level
234  unsigned n_to_be_refined = to_be_refined[l].size();
235  outfile << n_to_be_refined << " # number of elements to be refined. "
236  << "What follows are the numbers of the elements. " << std::endl;
238  // Select relevant elements to be refined
239  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_to_be_refined; i++)
240  {
241  outfile << to_be_refined[l][i] << std::endl;
242  }
243  }
244  }
247  //========================================================================
248  /// Read refinement pattern to allow for rebuild
249  ///
250  //========================================================================
252  std::ifstream& restart_file, Vector<Vector<unsigned>>& to_be_refined)
253  {
254  std::string input_string;
256  // Read max refinement level:
258  // Read line up to termination sign
259  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
261  // Ignore rest of line
262  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
264  // Convert
265  unsigned max_level = std::atoi(input_string.c_str());
267  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
268  to_be_refined.resize(max_level);
270  // Read the number of the elements that need to be refined at different
271  // levels
272  for (unsigned l = 0; l < max_level; l++)
273  {
274  // Read line up to termination sign
275  getline(restart_file, input_string, '#');
277  // Ignore rest of line
278  restart_file.ignore(80, '\n');
280  // Convert
281  unsigned n_to_be_refined = atoi(input_string.c_str());
282  ;
284  // Assign storage
285  to_be_refined[l].resize(n_to_be_refined);
287  // Read numbers of the elements that need to be refined
288  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_to_be_refined; i++)
289  {
290  restart_file >> to_be_refined[l][i];
291  }
292  }
293  }
296  //========================================================================
297  /// Do adaptive refinement for mesh.
298  /// - Pass Vector of error estimates for all elements.
299  /// - Refine those whose errors exceeds the threshold
300  /// - (Try to) unrefine those whose errors is less than
301  /// threshold (only possible if the three brothers also want to be
302  /// unrefined, of course.)
303  /// - Update the nodal positions in the whole lot
304  /// - Store # of refined/unrefined elements.
305  /// - Doc refinement process (if required)
306  //========================================================================
308  {
309  // Set the refinement tolerance to be the max permissible error
310  double refine_tol = max_permitted_error();
312  // Set the unrefinement tolerance to be the min permissible error
313  double unrefine_tol = min_permitted_error();
315  // Setup doc info
316  DocInfo local_doc_info;
317  if (doc_info_pt() == 0)
318  {
319  local_doc_info.disable_doc();
320  }
321  else
322  {
323  local_doc_info = doc_info();
324  }
327  // Check that the errors make sense
328  if (refine_tol <= unrefine_tol)
329  {
330  std::ostringstream error_stream;
331  error_stream << "Refinement tolerance <= Unrefinement tolerance"
332  << refine_tol << " " << unrefine_tol << std::endl
333  << "doesn't make sense and will almost certainly crash"
334  << std::endl
335  << "this beautiful code!" << std::endl;
337  throw OomphLibError(
339  }
342  // Select elements for refinement and unrefinement
343  //================================================
344  // Reset counter for number of elements that would like to be
345  // refined further but can't
346  nrefinement_overruled() = 0;
348  // Note: Yes, this needs to be a map because we'll have to check
349  // the refinement wishes of brothers (who we only access via pointers)
350  std::map<RefineableElement*, bool> wants_to_be_unrefined;
352  // Initialise a variable to store the number of elements for refinment
353  unsigned n_refine = 0;
355  // Loop over all elements and mark them according to the error criterion
356  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
357  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
358  {
359  // (Cast) pointer to the element
360  RefineableElement* el_pt =
361  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
363  // Initially element is not to be refined
364  el_pt->deselect_for_refinement();
366  // If the element error exceeds the threshold ...
367  if (elemental_error[e] > refine_tol)
368  {
369  // ... and its refinement level is less than the maximum desired level
370  // mark is to be refined
371  if ((el_pt->refinement_is_enabled()) &&
372  (el_pt->refinement_level() < max_refinement_level()))
373  {
374  el_pt->select_for_refinement();
375  n_refine++;
376  }
377  // ... otherwise mark it as having been over-ruled
378  else
379  {
380  nrefinement_overruled() += 1;
381  }
382  }
384  // Now worry about unrefinement (first pass):
386  // Is my error too small AND do I have a father?
387  if ((elemental_error[e] < unrefine_tol) &&
388  (el_pt->tree_pt()->father_pt() != 0))
389  {
390  // Flag to indicate whether to unrefine
391  bool unrefine = true;
392  unsigned n_sons = el_pt->tree_pt()->father_pt()->nsons();
394  // Are all brothers leaf nodes?
395  for (unsigned ison = 0; ison < n_sons; ison++)
396  {
397  // (At least) one brother is not a leaf: end of story; we're not doing
398  // it (= the unrefinement)
399  if (!(el_pt->tree_pt()->father_pt()->son_pt(ison)->is_leaf()))
400  {
401  unrefine = false;
402  }
403  }
405  // Don't allow unrefinement of elements that would become larger
406  // than the minimum legal refinement level
407  if (el_pt->refinement_level() - 1 < min_refinement_level())
408  {
409  unrefine = false;
410  }
412  // So, all things considered, is the element eligbible for refinement?
413  if (unrefine)
414  {
415  wants_to_be_unrefined[el_pt] = true;
416  }
417  else
418  {
419  wants_to_be_unrefined[el_pt] = false;
420  }
421  }
422  }
424  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements to be refined: " << n_refine
425  << std::endl;
426  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements whose refinement was overruled: "
427  << nrefinement_overruled() << std::endl;
429  // Second pass for unrefinement --- an element cannot be unrefined unless
430  // all brothers want to be unrefined.
431  // Loop over all elements again and let the first set of sons check if their
432  // brothers also want to be unrefined
433  unsigned n_unrefine = 0;
434  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
435  {
436  //(Cast) pointer to the element
437  RefineableElement* el_pt =
438  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
440  // hierher: This is a bit naughty... We want to put the
441  // first son in charge -- the statement below assumes (correctly) that the
442  // enumeration of all (!) trees starts with son types.
443  // This is correct for oc and quadtrees but will bite us if we
444  // ever introduce other trees if/when we accidentally break this
445  // tacit assumption. Not sure what to do about it for
446  // now other than leaving it hierher-ed...
447  if (el_pt->tree_pt()->son_type() == OcTreeNames::LDB)
448  {
449  // Do all sons want to be unrefined?
450  bool unrefine = true;
451  unsigned n_sons = el_pt->tree_pt()->father_pt()->nsons();
452  for (unsigned ison = 0; ison < n_sons; ison++)
453  {
454  if (!(wants_to_be_unrefined[dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(
455  el_pt->tree_pt()->father_pt()->son_pt(ison)->object_pt())]))
456  {
457  // One guy isn't cooperating and spoils the party.
458  unrefine = false;
459  }
460  }
462  // Tell father that his sons need to be merged
463  if (unrefine)
464  {
465  el_pt->tree_pt()
466  ->father_pt()
467  ->object_pt()
469  n_unrefine += n_sons;
470  }
471  // Otherwise mark the sons as not to be touched
472  else
473  {
474  el_pt->tree_pt()
475  ->father_pt()
476  ->object_pt()
478  }
479  }
480  }
481  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements to be merged : " << n_unrefine
482  << std::endl
483  << std::endl;
486  // Now do the actual mesh adaptation
487  //---------------------------------
489  // Check whether its worth our while
490  // Either some elements want to be refined,
491  // or the number that want to be unrefined are greater than the
492  // specified tolerance
494  // In a parallel job, it is possible that one process may not have
495  // any elements to refine, BUT a neighbouring process may refine an
496  // element which changes the hanging status of a node that is on
497  // both processes (i.e. a halo(ed) node). To get around this issue,
498  // ALL processes need to call adapt_mesh if ANY refinement is to
499  // take place anywhere.
501  unsigned total_n_refine = 0;
502 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
503  // Sum n_refine across all processors
504  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
505  {
506  MPI_Allreduce(&n_refine,
507  &total_n_refine,
508  1,
510  MPI_SUM,
511  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
512  }
513  else
514  {
515  total_n_refine = n_refine;
516  }
517 #else
518  total_n_refine = n_refine;
519 #endif
521  // There may be some issues with unrefinement too, but I have not
522  // been able to come up with an example (either in my head or in a
523  // particular problem) where anything has arisen. I can see that
524  // there may be an issue if n_unrefine differs across processes so
525  // that (total_n_unrefine > max_keep_unrefined()) on some but not
526  // all processes. I haven't seen any examples of this yet so the
527  // following code may or may not work! (Andy, 06/03/08)
529  unsigned total_n_unrefine = 0;
530 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
531  // Sum n_unrefine across all processors
532  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
533  {
534  MPI_Allreduce(&n_unrefine,
535  &total_n_unrefine,
536  1,
538  MPI_SUM,
539  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
540  }
541  else
542  {
543  total_n_unrefine = n_unrefine;
544  }
545 #else
546  total_n_unrefine = n_unrefine;
547 #endif
549  oomph_info << "---> " << total_n_refine << " elements to be refined, and "
550  << total_n_unrefine << " to be unrefined, in total.\n"
551  << std::endl;
553  if ((total_n_refine > 0) || (total_n_unrefine > max_keep_unrefined()))
554  {
555 #ifdef PARANOID
556 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
559  // Sanity check: Each processor checks if the enforced unrefinement of
560  // its haloed element is matched by enforced unrefinement of the
561  // corresponding halo elements on the other processors.
562  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
563  {
564  // Store number of processors and current process
565  MPI_Status status;
566  int n_proc = Comm_pt->nproc();
567  int my_rank = Comm_pt->my_rank();
569  // Loop over processes: Each processor sends unrefinement pattern
570  // for halo elements with processor d to processor d where it's
571  // compared against the unrefinement pattern for the corresponding
572  // haloed elements
573  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
574  {
575  // No halo with self: Send unrefinement info to proc d
576  if (d != my_rank)
577  {
578  // Get the vector of halo elements whose non-halo counterpart
579  // are on processor d
580  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> halo_elem_pt(this->halo_element_pt(d));
582  // Create vector containing (0)1 to indicate that
583  // halo element is (not) to be unrefined
584  unsigned nhalo = halo_elem_pt.size();
585  Vector<int> halo_to_be_unrefined(nhalo, 0);
586  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhalo; e++)
587  {
588  if (dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(halo_elem_pt[e])
589  ->sons_to_be_unrefined())
590  {
591  halo_to_be_unrefined[e] = 1;
592  }
593  }
595  // Trap the case when there are no halo elements
596  // so that we don't get a segfault in the MPI send
597  if (nhalo > 0)
598  {
599  // Send it across to proc d
600  MPI_Send(&halo_to_be_unrefined[0],
601  nhalo,
602  MPI_INT,
603  d,
604  0,
605  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
606  }
607  }
608  // else (d=my_rank): Receive unrefinement pattern from all
609  // other processors (dd)
610  else
611  {
612  // Loop over other processors
613  for (int dd = 0; dd < n_proc; dd++)
614  {
615  // No halo with yourself
616  if (dd != d)
617  {
618  // Get the vector of haloed elements on current processor
619  // with processor dd
620  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> haloed_elem_pt(
621  this->haloed_element_pt(dd));
623  // Ask processor dd to send vector containing (0)1 for
624  // halo element with current processor to be (not)unrefined
625  unsigned nhaloed = haloed_elem_pt.size();
626  Vector<int> halo_to_be_unrefined(nhaloed);
627  // Trap to catch the case that there are no haloed elements
628  if (nhaloed > 0)
629  {
630  // Receive unrefinement pattern of haloes from proc dd
631  MPI_Recv(&halo_to_be_unrefined[0],
632  nhaloed,
633  MPI_INT,
634  dd,
635  0,
636  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
637  &status);
638  }
640  // Check it
641  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhaloed; e++)
642  {
643  if (((halo_to_be_unrefined[e] == 0) &&
644  (dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
645  ->sons_to_be_unrefined())) ||
646  ((halo_to_be_unrefined[e] == 1) &&
647  (!dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
648  ->sons_to_be_unrefined())))
649  {
650  std::ostringstream error_message;
651  error_message
652  << "Error in unrefinement: \n"
653  << "Haloed element: " << e << " on proc " << my_rank
654  << " \n"
655  << "wants to be unrefined whereas its halo counterpart "
656  "on\n"
657  << "proc " << dd << " doesn't (or vice versa)...\n"
658  << "This is most likely because the error estimator\n"
659  << "has not assigned the same errors to halo and haloed\n"
660  << "elements -- it ought to!\n";
661  throw OomphLibError(error_message.str(),
664  }
665  }
666  }
667  }
668  }
669  }
672  // Loop over processes: Each processor sends refinement pattern
673  // for halo elements with processor d to processor d where it's
674  // compared against the refinement pattern for the corresponding
675  // haloed elements
676  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
677  {
678  // No halo with self: Send refinement info to proc d
679  if (d != my_rank)
680  {
681  // Get the vector of halo elements whose non-halo counterpart
682  // are on processor d
683  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> halo_elem_pt(this->halo_element_pt(d));
685  // Create vector containing (0)1 to indicate that
686  // halo element is (not) to be refined
687  unsigned nhalo = halo_elem_pt.size();
688  Vector<int> halo_to_be_refined(nhalo, 0);
689  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhalo; e++)
690  {
691  if (dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(halo_elem_pt[e])
692  ->to_be_refined())
693  {
694  halo_to_be_refined[e] = 1;
695  }
696  }
698  // Trap the case when there are no halo elements
699  // so that we don't get a segfault in the MPI send
700  if (nhalo > 0)
701  {
702  // Send it across to proc d
703  MPI_Send(&halo_to_be_refined[0],
704  nhalo,
705  MPI_INT,
706  d,
707  0,
708  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
709  }
710  }
711  // else (d=my_rank): Receive refinement pattern from all
712  // other processors (dd)
713  else
714  {
715  // Loop over other processors
716  for (int dd = 0; dd < n_proc; dd++)
717  {
718  // No halo with yourself
719  if (dd != d)
720  {
721  // Get the vector of haloed elements on current processor
722  // with processor dd
723  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> haloed_elem_pt(
724  this->haloed_element_pt(dd));
726  // Ask processor dd to send vector containing (0)1 for
727  // halo element with current processor to be (not)refined
728  unsigned nhaloed = haloed_elem_pt.size();
729  Vector<int> halo_to_be_refined(nhaloed);
730  // Trap to catch the case that there are no haloed elements
731  if (nhaloed > 0)
732  {
733  // Receive unrefinement pattern of haloes from proc dd
734  MPI_Recv(&halo_to_be_refined[0],
735  nhaloed,
736  MPI_INT,
737  dd,
738  0,
739  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
740  &status);
741  }
743  // Check it
744  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhaloed; e++)
745  {
746  if (((halo_to_be_refined[e] == 0) &&
747  (dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
748  ->to_be_refined())) ||
749  ((halo_to_be_refined[e] == 1) &&
750  (!dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
751  ->to_be_refined())))
752  {
753  std::ostringstream error_message;
754  error_message
755  << "Error in refinement: \n"
756  << "Haloed element: " << e << " on proc " << my_rank
757  << " \n"
758  << "wants to be refined whereas its halo counterpart on\n"
759  << "proc " << dd << " doesn't (or vice versa)...\n"
760  << "This is most likely because the error estimator\n"
761  << "has not assigned the same errors to halo and haloed\n"
762  << "elements -- it ought to!\n";
763  throw OomphLibError(error_message.str(),
766  }
767  }
768  }
769  }
770  }
771  }
772  }
774 #endif
775 #endif
777  // Perform the actual adaptation
778  adapt_mesh(local_doc_info);
780  // The number of refineable elements is still local to each process
781  Nunrefined = n_unrefine;
782  Nrefined = n_refine;
783  }
784  // If not worthwhile, say so but still reorder nodes and kill
785  // external storage for consistency in parallel computations
786  else
787  {
788 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
789  // Delete any external element storage - any interaction will still
790  // be set up on the fly again, so we need to get rid of old information.
791  // This particularly causes problems in multi-domain examples where
792  // we decide not to refine one of the meshes
794 #endif
796  // Reorder the nodes within the mesh's node vector
797  // to establish a standard ordering regardless of the sequence
798  // of mesh refinements -- this is required to allow dump/restart
799  // on refined meshes
800  this->reorder_nodes();
802 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
804  // Now (re-)classify halo and haloed nodes and synchronise hanging
805  // nodes
806  // This is required in cases where delete_all_external_storage()
807  // made dependent nodes to external halo nodes nonhanging.
808  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
809  {
813  }
815 #endif
817  if (n_refine == 0)
818  {
819  oomph_info << " Not enough benefit in adapting mesh." << std::endl
820  << std::endl;
821  }
822  Nunrefined = 0;
823  Nrefined = 0;
824  }
825  }
827  //========================================================================
828  /// Get max/min refinement level
829  //========================================================================
831  unsigned& min_refinement_level, unsigned& max_refinement_level)
832  {
833  // Initialise
834  min_refinement_level = UINT_MAX;
837  // Loop over all elements
838  unsigned long n_element = this->nelement();
839  if (n_element == 0)
840  {
843  }
844  else
845  {
846  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < n_element; e++)
847  {
848  // Get the refinement level of the element
849  unsigned level = dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e))
850  ->refinement_level();
852  if (level > max_refinement_level) max_refinement_level = level;
853  if (level < min_refinement_level) min_refinement_level = level;
854  }
855  }
856  }
859  //================================================================
860  /// Adapt mesh, which exists in two representations,
861  /// namely as:
862  /// - a FE mesh
863  /// - a forest of Oc or QuadTrees
864  ///
865  /// Refinement/derefinement process is documented (in tecplot-able form)
866  /// if requested.
867  ///
868  /// Procedure:
869  /// - Loop over all elements and do the refinement for those who want to
870  /// be refined. Note: Refinement/splitting only allocates elements but
871  /// doesn't build them.
872  /// - Build the new elements (i.e. give them nodes (create new ones where
873  /// necessary), assign boundary conditions, and add nodes to mesh
874  /// and mesh boundaries.
875  /// - For all nodes that were hanging on the previous mesh (and are still
876  /// marked as such), fill in their nodal values (consistent
877  /// with the current hanging node scheme) to make sure they are fully
878  /// functional, should they have become non-hanging during the
879  /// mesh-adaptation. Then mark the nodes as non-hanging.
880  /// - Unrefine selected elements (which may cause nodes to be re-built).
881  /// - Add the new elements to the mesh (by completely overwriting
882  /// the old Vector of elements).
883  /// - Delete any nodes that have become obsolete.
884  /// - Mark up hanging nodes and setup hanging node scheme (incl.
885  /// recursive cleanup for hanging nodes that depend on other
886  /// hanging nodes).
887  /// - Adjust position of hanging nodes to make sure their position
888  /// is consistent with the FE-based represenetation of their larger
889  /// neighbours.
890  /// - run a quick self-test on the neighbour finding scheme and
891  /// check the integrity of the elements (if PARANOID)
892  /// - doc hanging node status, boundary conditions, neighbour
893  /// scheme if requested.
894  ///
895  ///
896  /// After adaptation, all nodes (whether new or old) have up-to-date
897  /// current and previous values.
898  ///
899  /// If refinement process is being documented, the following information
900  /// is documented:
901  /// - The files
902  /// - "neighbours.dat"
903  /// - "all_nodes.dat"
904  /// - "new_nodes.dat"
905  /// - "hang_nodes_*.dat"
906  /// where the * denotes a direction (n,s,e,w) in 2D
907  /// or (r,l,u,d,f,b) in 3D
908  /// .
909  /// can be viewed with
910  /// - QHangingNodes.mcr
911  /// .
912  /// - The file
913  /// - "hangnodes_withmasters.dat"
914  /// .
915  /// can be viewed with
916  /// - QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
917  /// .
918  /// to check the hanging node status.
919  /// - The neighbour status of the elements is documented in
920  /// - "neighbours.dat"
921  /// .
922  /// and can be viewed with
923  /// - QuadTreeNeighbours.mcr
924  /// .
925  //=================================================================
927  {
928 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
929  // Delete any external element storage before performing the adaptation
930  // (in particular, external halo nodes that are on mesh boundaries)
932 #endif
934  // Only perform the adapt step if the mesh has any elements. This is
935  // relevant in a distributed problem with multiple meshes, where a
936  // particular process may not have any elements on a particular submesh.
937  if (this->nelement() > 0)
938  {
939  // Pointer to mesh needs to be passed to some functions
940  Mesh* mesh_pt = this;
942  double t_start = 0.0;
944  {
945  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
946  }
948  // Do refinement(=splitting) of elements that have been selected
949  // This function encapsulates the template parameter
954  {
955  double t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
956  oomph_info << "Time for split_elements_if_required: " << t_end - t_start
957  << std::endl;
958  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
959  }
961  // Now elements have been created -- build all the leaves
962  //-------------------------------------------------------
963  // Firstly put all the elements into a vector
964  Vector<Tree*> leaf_nodes_pt;
965  Forest_pt->stick_leaves_into_vector(leaf_nodes_pt);
969  {
970  double t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
971  oomph_info << "Time for stick_leaves_into_vector: " << t_end - t_start
972  << std::endl;
973  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
974  }
976  // If we are documenting the output, create the filename
977  std::ostringstream fullname;
978  std::ofstream new_nodes_file;
979  if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
980  {
981  fullname << << "/new_nodes" << doc_info.number()
982  << ".dat";
984  }
987  // Build all elements and store vector of pointers to new nodes
988  // (Note: build() checks if the element has been built
989  // already, i.e. if it's not a new element).
990  Vector<Node*> new_node_pt;
991  bool was_already_built;
992  unsigned long num_tree_nodes = leaf_nodes_pt.size();
993  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
994  {
995  // Pre-build must be performed before any elements are built
996  leaf_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->pre_build(mesh_pt, new_node_pt);
997  }
998  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
999  {
1000  // Now do the actual build of the new elements
1001  leaf_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->build(
1002  mesh_pt, new_node_pt, was_already_built, new_nodes_file);
1003  }
1006  double t_end = 0.0;
1008  {
1009  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1010  oomph_info << "Time for building " << num_tree_nodes
1011  << " new elements: " << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1012  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1013  }
1015  // Close the new nodes files, if it was opened
1016  if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
1017  {
1018  new_nodes_file.close();
1019  }
1021  // Loop over all nodes in mesh and free the dofs of those that were
1022  //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1023  // pinned only because they were hanging nodes. Also update their
1024  //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1025  // nodal values so that they contain data that is consistent
1026  //----------------------------------------------------------
1027  // with the hanging node representation
1028  //-------------------------------------
1029  // (Even if the nodal data isn't actually accessed because the node
1030  // is still hanging -- we don't know this yet, and this step makes
1031  // sure that all nodes are fully functional and up-to-date, should
1032  // they become non-hanging below).
1033  //
1034  //
1035  // However, if we have a fixed mesh and hanging nodes on the boundary
1036  // become non-hanging they will not necessarily respect the curvilinear
1037  // boundaries. This can only happen in 3D of course because it is not
1038  // possible to have hanging nodes on boundaries in 2D.
1039  // The solution is to store those nodes on the boundaries that are
1040  // currently hanging and then check to see whether they have changed
1041  // status at the end of the refinement procedure.
1042  // If it has changed, then we need to adjust their positions.
1043  const unsigned n_boundary = this->nboundary();
1044  const unsigned mesh_dim = this->finite_element_pt(0)->dim();
1045  Vector<std::set<Node*>> hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt(n_boundary);
1047  unsigned long n_node = this->nnode();
1048  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1049  {
1050  // Get the pointer to the node
1051  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1053  // Get the number of values in the node
1054  unsigned n_value = nod_pt->nvalue();
1056  // We need to find if any of the values are hanging
1057  bool is_hanging = nod_pt->is_hanging();
1058  // Loop over the values and find out whether any are hanging
1059  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_value; n++)
1060  {
1061  is_hanging |= nod_pt->is_hanging(n);
1062  }
1064  // If the node is hanging then ...
1065  if (is_hanging)
1066  {
1067  // Unless they are turned into hanging nodes again below
1068  // (this might or might not happen), fill in all the necessary
1069  // data to make them 'proper' nodes again.
1071  // Reconstruct the nodal values/position from the node's
1072  // hanging node representation
1073  unsigned nt = nod_pt->ntstorage();
1074  Vector<double> values(n_value);
1075  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1076  Vector<double> position(n_dim);
1077  // Loop over all history values
1078  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nt; t++)
1079  {
1080  nod_pt->value(t, values);
1081  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
1082  {
1083  nod_pt->set_value(t, i, values[i]);
1084  }
1085  nod_pt->position(t, position);
1086  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1087  {
1088  nod_pt->x(t, i) = position[i];
1089  }
1090  }
1092  // If it's an algebraic node: Update its previous nodal positions too
1093  AlgebraicNode* alg_node_pt = dynamic_cast<AlgebraicNode*>(nod_pt);
1094  if (alg_node_pt != 0)
1095  {
1096  bool update_all_time_levels = true;
1097  alg_node_pt->node_update(update_all_time_levels);
1098  }
1101  // If it's a Solid node, update Lagrangian coordinates
1102  // from its hanging node representation
1103  SolidNode* solid_node_pt = dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
1104  if (solid_node_pt != 0)
1105  {
1106  unsigned n_lagrangian = solid_node_pt->nlagrangian();
1107  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lagrangian; i++)
1108  {
1109  solid_node_pt->xi(i) = solid_node_pt->lagrangian_position(i);
1110  }
1111  }
1113  // Now store geometrically hanging nodes on boundaries that
1114  // may need updating after refinement.
1115  // There will only be a problem if we have 3 spatial dimensions
1116  if ((mesh_dim > 2) && (nod_pt->is_hanging()))
1117  {
1118  // If the node is on a boundary then add a pointer to the node
1119  // to our lookup scheme
1120  if (nod_pt->is_on_boundary())
1121  {
1122  // Storage for the boundaries on which the Node is located
1123  std::set<unsigned>* boundaries_pt;
1124  nod_pt->get_boundaries_pt(boundaries_pt);
1125  if (boundaries_pt != 0)
1126  {
1127  // Loop over the boundaries and add a pointer to the node
1128  // to the appropriate storage scheme
1129  for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = boundaries_pt->begin();
1130  it != boundaries_pt->end();
1131  ++it)
1132  {
1133  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[*it].insert(nod_pt);
1134  }
1135  }
1136  }
1137  }
1139  } // End of is_hanging
1141  // Initially mark all nodes as 'non-hanging' and `obsolete'
1142  nod_pt->set_nonhanging();
1143  nod_pt->set_obsolete();
1144  }
1147  {
1148  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1149  oomph_info << "Time for sorting out initial hanging status: "
1150  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1151  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1152  }
1154  // Unrefine all the selected elements: This needs to be
1155  //-----------------------------------------------------
1156  // all elements, because the father elements are not actually leaves.
1157  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1159  // Unrefine
1160  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Forest_pt->ntree(); e++)
1161  {
1163  mesh_pt);
1164  }
1167  {
1168  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1169  oomph_info << "Time for unrefinement: " << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1170  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1171  }
1173  // Add the newly created elements to mesh
1174  //---------------------------------------
1176  // Stick all elements into a new vector
1177  //(note the leaves may have changed, so this is not duplicated work)
1178  Vector<Tree*> tree_nodes_pt;
1179  Forest_pt->stick_leaves_into_vector(tree_nodes_pt);
1181  // Copy the elements into the mesh Vector
1182  num_tree_nodes = tree_nodes_pt.size();
1183  Element_pt.resize(num_tree_nodes);
1184  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
1185  {
1186  Element_pt[e] = tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt();
1188  // Now loop over all nodes in element and mark them as non-obsolete
1189  // Logic: Initially all nodes in the unrefined mesh were labeled
1190  // as deleteable. Then we create new elements (whose newly created
1191  // nodes are obviously non-obsolete), and killed some other elements (by
1192  // by deleting them and marking the nodes that were not shared by
1193  // their father as obsolete. Now we loop over all the remaining
1194  // elements and (re-)label all their nodes as non-obsolete. This
1195  // saves some nodes that were regarded as obsolete by deleted
1196  // elements but are still required in some surviving ones
1197  // from a tragic early death...
1198  FiniteElement* this_el_pt = this->finite_element_pt(e);
1199  unsigned n_node = this_el_pt->nnode(); // caching pre-loop
1200  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1201  {
1202  this_el_pt->node_pt(n)->set_non_obsolete();
1203  }
1204  }
1208  {
1209  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1210  oomph_info << "Time for adding elements to mesh: " << t_end - t_start
1211  << std::endl;
1212  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1213  }
1215  // Cannot delete nodes that are still marked as obsolete
1216  // because they may still be required to assemble the hanging schemes
1217  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1219  // Mark up hanging nodes
1220  //----------------------
1222  // Output streams for the hanging nodes
1223  Vector<std::ofstream*> hanging_output_files;
1224  // Setup the output files for hanging nodes, this must be called
1225  // precisely once for the forest. Note that the files will only
1226  // actually be opened if doc_info.is_doc_enabled() is true
1227  Forest_pt->open_hanging_node_files(doc_info, hanging_output_files);
1229  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
1230  {
1231  // Generic setup
1232  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->setup_hanging_nodes(
1233  hanging_output_files);
1234  // Element specific setup
1235  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->further_setup_hanging_nodes();
1236  }
1238  // Close the hanging node files and delete the memory allocated
1239  // for the streams
1240  Forest_pt->close_hanging_node_files(doc_info, hanging_output_files);
1244  {
1245  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1246  oomph_info << "Time for setup_hanging_nodes() and "
1247  "further_setup_hanging_nodes() for "
1248  << num_tree_nodes << " elements: " << t_end - t_start
1249  << std::endl;
1250  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1251  }
1253  // Read out the number of continously interpolated values
1254  // from one of the elements (assuming it's the same in all elements)
1255  unsigned ncont_interpolated_values =
1256  tree_nodes_pt[0]->object_pt()->ncont_interpolated_values();
1258  // Complete the hanging nodes schemes by dealing with the
1259  // recursively hanging nodes
1260  complete_hanging_nodes(ncont_interpolated_values);
1263  {
1264  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1265  oomph_info << "Time for complete_hanging_nodes: " << t_end - t_start
1266  << std::endl;
1267  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1268  }
1270  /// Update the boundary element info -- this can be a costly procedure
1271  /// and for this reason the mesh writer might have decided not to
1272  /// set up this scheme. If so, we won't change this and suppress
1273  /// its creation...
1275  {
1277  }
1280  {
1281  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1282  oomph_info << "Time for boundary element info: " << t_end - t_start
1283  << std::endl;
1284  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1285  }
1287 #ifdef PARANOID
1289  // Doc/check the neighbours
1290  //-------------------------
1291  Vector<Tree*> all_tree_nodes_pt;
1292  Forest_pt->stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector(all_tree_nodes_pt);
1294  // Check the neighbours
1297  // Check the integrity of the elements
1298  // -----------------------------------
1300  // Loop over elements and get the elemental integrity
1301  double max_error = 0.0;
1302  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
1303  {
1304  double max_el_error;
1305  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->check_integrity(max_el_error);
1306  // If the elemental error is greater than our maximum error
1307  // reset the maximum
1308  if (max_el_error > max_error)
1309  {
1310  max_error = max_el_error;
1311  }
1312  }
1315  {
1316  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1317  error_stream << "Mesh refined: Max. error in integrity check: "
1318  << max_error << " is too big\n";
1319  error_stream
1320  << "i.e. bigger than RefineableElement::max_integrity_tolerance()="
1322  << std::endl;
1324  std::ofstream some_file;
1326  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1327  {
1328  // Get the pointer to the node
1329  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1330  // Get the dimension
1331  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1332  // Output the coordinates
1333  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1334  {
1335  some_file << this->node_pt(n)->x(i) << " ";
1336  }
1337  some_file << std::endl;
1338  }
1339  some_file.close();
1341  error_stream << "Doced problem mesh in ProblemMesh.dat" << std::endl;
1343  throw OomphLibError(
1345  }
1346  else
1347  {
1348  oomph_info << "Mesh refined: Max. error in integrity check: "
1349  << max_error << " is OK" << std::endl;
1350  oomph_info
1351  << "i.e. less than RefineableElement::max_integrity_tolerance()="
1353  << std::endl;
1354  }
1358  {
1359  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1360  oomph_info << "Time for (paranoid only) checking of integrity: "
1361  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1362  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1363  }
1365 #endif
1367  // Loop over all elements other than the final level and deactivate the
1368  // objects, essentially set the pointer that point to nodes that are
1369  // about to be deleted to NULL. This must take place here because nodes
1370  // addressed by elements that are dead but still living in the tree might
1371  // have been made obsolete in the last round of refinement
1372  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Forest_pt->ntree(); e++)
1373  {
1376  }
1378  // Now we can prune the dead nodes from the mesh.
1379  Vector<Node*> deleted_node_pt = this->prune_dead_nodes();
1382  {
1383  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1384  oomph_info << "Time for deactivating objects and pruning nodes: "
1385  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1386  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1387  }
1389  // Finally: Reorder the nodes within the mesh's node vector
1390  // to establish a standard ordering regardless of the sequence
1391  // of mesh refinements -- this is required to allow dump/restart
1392  // on refined meshes
1393  this->reorder_nodes();
1396  {
1397  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
1398  oomph_info << "Time for reordering " << nnode()
1399  << " nodes: " << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
1400  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
1401  }
1403  // Now we can correct the nodes on boundaries that were hanging that
1404  // are no longer hanging
1405  // Only bother if we have more than two dimensions
1406  if (mesh_dim > 2)
1407  {
1408  // Loop over the boundaries
1409  for (unsigned b = 0; b < n_boundary; b++)
1410  {
1411  // Remove deleted nodes from the set
1412  unsigned n_del = deleted_node_pt.size();
1413  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_del; j++)
1414  {
1415  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(deleted_node_pt[j]);
1416  }
1418  // If the nodes that were hanging are still hanging then remove them
1419  // from the set (note increment is not in for command for efficiencty)
1420  for (std::set<Node*>::iterator it =
1421  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].begin();
1422  it != hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].end();)
1423  {
1424  if ((*it)->is_hanging())
1425  {
1426  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(it++);
1427  }
1428  else
1429  {
1430  ++it;
1431  }
1432  }
1434  // Are there any nodes that have changed geometric hanging status
1435  // on the boundary
1436  // The slightly painful part is that we must adjust the position
1437  // via the macro-elements which are only available through the
1438  // elements and not the nodes.
1439  if (hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].size() > 0)
1440  {
1441  // If so we loop over all elements adjacent to the boundary
1442  unsigned n_boundary_element = this->nboundary_element(b);
1443  for (unsigned e = 0; e < n_boundary_element; ++e)
1444  {
1445  // Get a pointer to the element
1446  FiniteElement* el_pt = this->boundary_element_pt(b, e);
1448  // Do we have a solid element
1449  SolidFiniteElement* solid_el_pt =
1450  dynamic_cast<SolidFiniteElement*>(el_pt);
1452  // Determine whether there is a macro element
1453  bool macro_present = (el_pt->macro_elem_pt() != 0);
1454  // Or a solid macro element
1455  if (solid_el_pt != 0)
1456  {
1457  macro_present |= (solid_el_pt->undeformed_macro_elem_pt() != 0);
1458  }
1460  // Only bother to do anything if there is a macro element
1461  // or undeformed macro element in a SolidElement
1462  if (macro_present)
1463  {
1464  // Loop over the nodes
1465  // ALH: (could optimise to only loop over
1466  // node associated with the boundary with more effort)
1467  unsigned n_el_node = el_pt->nnode();
1468  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_el_node; n++)
1469  {
1470  // Cache pointer to the node
1471  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(n);
1472  if (nod_pt->is_on_boundary(b))
1473  {
1474  // Is the Node in our set
1475  std::set<Node*>::iterator it =
1476  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].find(nod_pt);
1478  // If we have found the Node then update the position
1479  // to be consistent with the macro-element representation
1480  if (it != hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].end())
1481  {
1482  // Specialise local and global coordinates to 3D
1483  // because there is only a problem in 3D.
1484  Vector<double> s(3), x(3);
1486  // Find the local coordinate of the ndoe
1487  el_pt->local_coordinate_of_node(n, s);
1489  // Find the number of time history values
1490  const unsigned ntstorage = nod_pt->ntstorage();
1492  // Do we have a solid node
1493  SolidNode* solid_node_pt =
1494  dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
1495  if (solid_node_pt)
1496  {
1497  // Assign Lagrangian coordinates from undeformed
1498  // macro element (if it has one -- get_x_and_xi()
1499  // does "the right thing" anyway. Leave actual
1500  // nodal positions alone -- we're doing a solid
1501  // mechanics problem and once we're going
1502  // the nodal positions are always computed, never
1503  // (automatically) reset to macro-element based
1504  // positions; not even on pinned boundaries
1505  // because the user may have other ideas about where
1506  // these should go -- pinning means "don't touch the
1507  // value", not "leave where the macro-element thinks
1508  // it should be"
1509  Vector<double> x_fe(3), xi(3), xi_fe(3);
1510  solid_el_pt->get_x_and_xi(s, x_fe, x, xi_fe, xi);
1511  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1512  {
1513  solid_node_pt->xi(i) = xi[i];
1514  }
1515  }
1516  else
1517  {
1518  // Set position and history values from the
1519  // macro-element representation
1520  for (unsigned t = 0; t < ntstorage; t++)
1521  {
1522  // Get the history value from the macro element
1523  el_pt->get_x(t, s, x);
1525  // Set the coordinate to that of the macroelement
1526  // representation
1527  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1528  {
1529  nod_pt->x(t, i) = x[i];
1530  }
1531  }
1532  } // End of non-solid node case
1534  // Now remove the node from the list
1535  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(it);
1537  // If there are no Nodes left then exit the loops
1538  if (hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].size() == 0)
1539  {
1540  e = n_boundary_element;
1541  break;
1542  }
1543  }
1544  }
1545  }
1546  } // End of macro element case
1547  }
1548  }
1549  }
1550  } // End of case when we have fixed nodal positions
1553  // Final doc
1554  //-----------
1555  if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
1556  {
1557  // Doc the boundary conditions ('0' for non-existent, '1' for free,
1558  //----------------------------------------------------------------
1559  // '2' for pinned -- ideal for tecplot scatter sizing.
1560  //----------------------------------------------------
1561  // num_tree_nodes=tree_nodes_pt.size();
1563  // Determine maximum number of values at any node in this type of
1564  // element
1565  RefineableElement* el_pt = tree_nodes_pt[0]->object_pt();
1566  // Initalise max_nval
1567  unsigned max_nval = 0;
1568  for (unsigned n = 0; n < el_pt->nnode(); n++)
1569  {
1570  if (el_pt->node_pt(n)->nvalue() > max_nval)
1571  {
1572  max_nval = el_pt->node_pt(n)->nvalue();
1573  }
1574  }
1576  // Open the output file
1577  std::ofstream bcs_file;
1578  fullname.str("");
1579  fullname << << "/bcs" << doc_info.number()
1580  << ".dat";
1583  // Loop over elements
1584  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
1585  {
1586  el_pt = tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt();
1587  // Loop over nodes in element
1588  unsigned n_nod = el_pt->nnode();
1589  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_nod; n++)
1590  {
1591  // Get pointer to the node
1592  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(n);
1593  // Find the dimension of the node
1594  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1595  // Write the nodal coordinates to the file
1596  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1597  {
1598  bcs_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
1599  }
1601  // Loop over all values in this element
1602  for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_nval; i++)
1603  {
1604  // Value exists at this node:
1605  if (i < nod_pt->nvalue())
1606  {
1607  bcs_file << " " << 1 + nod_pt->is_pinned(i);
1608  }
1609  // ...if not just dump out a zero
1610  else
1611  {
1612  bcs_file << " 0 ";
1613  }
1614  }
1615  bcs_file << std::endl;
1616  }
1617  }
1618  bcs_file.close();
1620  // Doc all nodes
1621  //---------------
1622  std::ofstream all_nodes_file;
1623  fullname.str("");
1624  fullname << << "/all_nodes" << doc_info.number()
1625  << ".dat";
1628  all_nodes_file << "ZONE \n";
1630  // Need to recompute the number of nodes since it may have
1631  // changed during mesh refinement/unrefinement
1632  n_node = this->nnode();
1633  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1634  {
1635  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1636  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1637  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1638  {
1639  all_nodes_file << this->node_pt(n)->x(i) << " ";
1640  }
1641  all_nodes_file << std::endl;
1642  }
1644  all_nodes_file.close();
1647  // Doc all hanging nodes:
1648  //-----------------------
1649  std::ofstream some_file;
1650  fullname.str("");
1651  fullname << << "/all_hangnodes"
1652  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
1654  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1655  {
1656  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1658  if (nod_pt->is_hanging())
1659  {
1660  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1661  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1662  {
1663  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
1664  }
1666  // ALH: Added this to stop Solid problems seg-faulting
1667  if (this->node_pt(n)->nvalue() > 0)
1668  {
1669  some_file << " " << nod_pt->raw_value(0);
1670  }
1671  some_file << std::endl;
1672  }
1673  }
1674  some_file.close();
1676  // Doc all hanging nodes and their masters
1677  // View with QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
1678  fullname.str("");
1679  fullname << << "/geometric_hangnodes_withmasters"
1680  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
1682  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
1683  {
1684  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1685  if (nod_pt->is_hanging())
1686  {
1687  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1688  unsigned nmaster = nod_pt->hanging_pt()->nmaster();
1689  some_file << "ZONE I=" << nmaster + 1 << std::endl;
1690  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1691  {
1692  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
1693  }
1694  some_file << " 2 " << std::endl;
1696  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
1697  {
1698  Node* master_nod_pt =
1699  nod_pt->hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(imaster);
1700  unsigned n_dim = master_nod_pt->ndim();
1701  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
1702  {
1703  some_file << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
1704  }
1705  some_file << " 1 " << std::endl;
1706  }
1707  }
1708  }
1709  some_file.close();
1711  // Doc all hanging nodes and their masters
1712  // View with QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
1713  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ncont_interpolated_values; i++)
1714  {
1715  fullname.str("");
1716  fullname <<
1717  << "/nonstandard_hangnodes_withmasters" << i << "_"
1718  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
1720  unsigned n_nod = this->nnode();
1721  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_nod; n++)
1722  {
1723  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
1724  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(i))
1725  {
1726  if (nod_pt->hanging_pt(i) != nod_pt->hanging_pt())
1727  {
1728  unsigned nmaster = nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->nmaster();
1729  some_file << "ZONE I=" << nmaster + 1 << std::endl;
1730  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
1731  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_dim; j++)
1732  {
1733  some_file << nod_pt->x(j) << " ";
1734  }
1735  some_file << " 2 " << std::endl;
1736  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
1737  {
1738  Node* master_nod_pt =
1739  nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->master_node_pt(imaster);
1740  unsigned n_dim = master_nod_pt->ndim();
1741  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_dim; j++)
1742  {
1743  // some_file << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
1744  }
1745  some_file << " 1 " << std::endl;
1746  }
1747  }
1748  }
1749  }
1750  some_file.close();
1751  }
1752  } // End of documentation
1753  } // End if (this->nelement()>0)
1756 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1758  // Now (re-)classify halo and haloed nodes and synchronise hanging
1759  // nodes
1760  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
1761  {
1763  }
1765 #endif
1766  }
1769  //========================================================================
1770  /// Refine mesh uniformly
1771  //========================================================================
1773  {
1774  // Select all elements for refinement
1775  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
1776  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
1777  {
1778  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e))
1779  ->select_for_refinement();
1780  }
1782  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
1784  }
1787  //========================================================================
1788  /// p-refine mesh uniformly
1789  //========================================================================
1791  {
1792  // Select all elements for refinement
1793  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
1794  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
1795  {
1796  // Get pointer to p-refineable element
1797  PRefineableElement* el_pt =
1798  dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
1799  // Mark for p-refinement if possible. If not then p_adapt_mesh() will
1800  // report the error.
1801  if (el_pt != 0)
1802  {
1803  el_pt->select_for_p_refinement();
1804  }
1805  }
1807  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
1809  }
1812  //========================================================================
1813  /// Refine mesh by splitting the elements identified
1814  /// by their numbers.
1815  //========================================================================
1817  const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined)
1818  {
1819 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1820  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
1821  {
1822  std::ostringstream warn_stream;
1823  warn_stream << "You are attempting to refine selected elements of a "
1824  << std::endl
1825  << "distributed mesh. This may have undesired effects."
1826  << std::endl;
1828  OomphLibWarning(warn_stream.str(),
1829  "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine_selected_elements()",
1831  }
1832 #endif
1834  // Select elements for refinement
1835  unsigned long nref = elements_to_be_refined.size();
1836  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < nref; e++)
1837  {
1838  dynamic_cast<RefineableElement*>(
1839  this->element_pt(elements_to_be_refined[e]))
1840  ->select_for_refinement();
1841  }
1843  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
1844  adapt_mesh();
1845  }
1848  //========================================================================
1849  /// Refine mesh by splitting the elements identified
1850  /// by their pointers
1851  //========================================================================
1853  const Vector<RefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt)
1854  {
1855 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
1856  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
1857  {
1858  std::ostringstream warn_stream;
1859  warn_stream << "You are attempting to refine selected elements of a "
1860  << std::endl
1861  << "distributed mesh. This may have undesired effects."
1862  << std::endl;
1864  OomphLibWarning(warn_stream.str(),
1865  "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine_selected_elements()",
1867  }
1868 #endif
1870  // Select elements for refinement
1871  unsigned long nref = elements_to_be_refined_pt.size();
1872  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < nref; e++)
1873  {
1874  elements_to_be_refined_pt[e]->select_for_refinement();
1875  }
1877  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
1878  adapt_mesh();
1879  }
1882  //========================================================================
1883  /// Refine to same degree as the reference mesh.
1884  //========================================================================
1886  TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase* const& ref_mesh_pt)
1887  {
1888  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
1889  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> to_be_refined;
1891  // Get refinement pattern of reference mesh:
1892  ref_mesh_pt->get_refinement_pattern(to_be_refined);
1894  // Refine mesh according to given refinement pattern
1895  refine_base_mesh(to_be_refined);
1896  }
1899  //========================================================================
1900  /// Refine to same degree as the reference mesh minus one. Useful
1901  /// function for multigrid solvers; allows the easy copy of a mesh
1902  /// to the level of refinement just below the current one. Returns
1903  /// a boolean variable which indicates if the reference mesh has not
1904  /// been refined at all
1905  //========================================================================
1908  TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase* const& ref_mesh_pt)
1909  {
1910  // Assign storage for refinement pattern
1911  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> to_be_refined;
1913  // Get refinement pattern of reference mesh:
1914  ref_mesh_pt->get_refinement_pattern(to_be_refined);
1916  // Find the length of the vector
1917  unsigned nrefinement_levels = to_be_refined.size();
1919  // If the reference mesh has not been refined a single time then
1920  // we cannot create an unrefined copy so stop here
1921  if (nrefinement_levels == 0)
1922  {
1923  return false;
1924  }
1925  // If the reference mesh has been refined at least once
1926  else
1927  {
1928  // Remove the last entry of the vector to make sure we refine to
1929  // the same level minus one
1930  to_be_refined.resize(nrefinement_levels - 1);
1932  // Refine mesh according to given refinement pattern
1933  refine_base_mesh(to_be_refined);
1935  // Indicate that it was possible to create an unrefined copy
1936  return true;
1937  }
1938  }
1941  //========================================================================
1942  /// Refine mesh once so that its topology etc becomes that of the
1943  /// (finer!) reference mesh -- if possible! Useful for meshes in multigrid
1944  /// hierarchies. If the meshes are too different and the conversion
1945  /// cannot be performed, the code dies (provided PARANOID is enabled).
1946  //========================================================================
1948  TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase* const& ref_mesh_pt)
1949  {
1950  oomph_info << "WARNING : This has not been checked comprehensively yet"
1951  << std::endl
1952  << "Check it and remove this break " << std::endl;
1953  pause("Yes really pause");
1955 #ifdef PARANOID
1956  // The max. refinement levels of the two meshes need to differ
1957  // by one, otherwise what we're doing here doesn't make sense.
1958  unsigned my_min, my_max;
1959  get_refinement_levels(my_min, my_max);
1961  unsigned ref_min, ref_max;
1962  ref_mesh_pt->get_refinement_levels(ref_min, ref_max);
1964  if (ref_max != my_max + 1)
1965  {
1966  std::ostringstream error_stream;
1967  error_stream
1968  << "Meshes definitely don't differ by one refinement level \n"
1969  << "max. refinement levels: " << ref_max << " " << my_max << std::endl;
1971  throw OomphLibError(
1973  }
1974 #endif
1976  // Vector storing the elements of the uniformly unrefined mesh
1977  Vector<Tree*> coarse_elements_pt;
1979  // Map storing which father elements have already been added to coarse mesh
1980  // (Default return is 0).
1981  std::map<Tree*, unsigned> father_element_included;
1983  // Extract active elements (=leaf nodes in the quadtree) from reference
1984  // mesh.
1985  Vector<Tree*> leaf_nodes_pt;
1986  ref_mesh_pt->forest_pt()->stick_leaves_into_vector(leaf_nodes_pt);
1988  // Loop over all elements (in their quadtree impersonation) and
1989  // check if their fathers's sons are all leaves too:
1990  unsigned nelem = leaf_nodes_pt.size();
1991  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nelem; e++)
1992  {
1993  // Pointer to leaf node
1994  Tree* leaf_pt = leaf_nodes_pt[e];
1996  // Get pointer to father:
1997  Tree* father_pt = leaf_pt->father_pt();
1999  // If we don't have a father we're at the root level in which
2000  // case this element can't be unrefined.
2001  if (0 == father_pt)
2002  {
2003  coarse_elements_pt.push_back(leaf_pt);
2004  }
2005  else
2006  {
2007  // Loop over the father's sons to check if they're
2008  // all non-leafs, i.e. if they can be unrefined
2009  bool can_unrefine = true;
2010  unsigned n_sons = father_pt->nsons();
2011  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_sons; i++)
2012  {
2013  // If (at least) one of the sons is not a leaf, we can't unrefine
2014  if (!father_pt->son_pt(i)->is_leaf()) can_unrefine = false;
2015  }
2017  // If we can unrefine, the father element will be
2018  // an element in the coarse mesh, the sons won't
2019  if (can_unrefine)
2020  {
2021  if (father_element_included[father_pt] == 0)
2022  {
2023  coarse_elements_pt.push_back(father_pt);
2024  father_element_included[father_pt] = 1;
2025  }
2026  }
2027  // Son will still be there on the coarse mesh
2028  else
2029  {
2030  coarse_elements_pt.push_back(leaf_pt);
2031  }
2032  }
2033  }
2035  // Number of elements in ref mesh if it was unrefined uniformly:
2036  unsigned nel_coarse = coarse_elements_pt.size();
2039 #ifdef PARANOID
2040  bool stop_it = false;
2041  // The numbers had better match otherwise we might as well stop now...
2042  if (nel_coarse != this->nelement())
2043  {
2044  oomph_info << "Number of elements in uniformly unrefined reference mesh: "
2045  << nel_coarse << std::endl;
2046  oomph_info << "Number of elements in 'this' mesh: " << nel_coarse
2047  << std::endl;
2048  oomph_info << "don't match" << std::endl;
2049  stop_it = true;
2050  }
2051 #endif
2053  // Now loop over all elements in uniformly coarsened reference mesh
2054  // and check if add the number of any element that was created
2055  // by having had its sons merged to the vector of elements that
2056  // need to get refined if we go the other way
2057  Vector<unsigned> elements_to_be_refined;
2058  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nel_coarse; i++)
2059  {
2060  if (father_element_included[coarse_elements_pt[i]] == 1)
2061  {
2062  elements_to_be_refined.push_back(i);
2063  }
2064  }
2067 #ifdef PARANOID
2068  // Doc troublesome meshes:
2069  if (stop_it)
2070  {
2071  std::ofstream some_file;
2073  this->output(some_file);
2074  some_file.close();
2075  oomph_info << "Documented original ('this')mesh in orig_mesh.dat"
2076  << std::endl;
2077  }
2078 #endif
2081  // Now refine precisely these elements in "this" mesh.
2082  refine_selected_elements(elements_to_be_refined);
2085 #ifdef PARANOID
2087  // Check if the nodal positions of all element's nodes agree
2088  // in the two fine meshes:
2089  double tol = 1.0e-5;
2090  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nelem; e++)
2091  {
2092  // Get elements
2093  FiniteElement* ref_el_pt = ref_mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(e);
2094  FiniteElement* el_pt = this->finite_element_pt(e);
2096  // Loop over nodes
2097  unsigned nnod = ref_el_pt->nnode();
2098  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nnod; j++)
2099  {
2100  // Get nodes
2101  Node* ref_node_pt = ref_el_pt->node_pt(j);
2102  Node* node_pt = el_pt->node_pt(j);
2104  // Check error in position
2105  double error = 0.0;
2106  unsigned ndim = node_pt->ndim();
2107  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
2108  {
2109  error += pow(node_pt->x(i) - ref_node_pt->x(i), 2);
2110  }
2111  error = sqrt(error);
2113  if (error > tol)
2114  {
2115  oomph_info << "Error in nodal position of node " << j << ": " << error
2116  << " [tol=" << tol << "]" << std::endl;
2117  stop_it = true;
2118  }
2119  }
2120  }
2122  // Do we have a death wish?
2123  if (stop_it)
2124  {
2125  // Doc troublesome meshes:
2126  std::ofstream some_file;
2128  this->output(some_file);
2129  some_file.close();
2132  ref_mesh_pt->output(some_file);
2133  some_file.close();
2135  throw OomphLibError(
2136  "Bailing out. Doced refined_mesh.dat finer_mesh.dat\n",
2139  }
2141 #endif
2142  }
2145  //========================================================================
2146  /// Unrefine mesh uniformly. Return 0 for success,
2147  /// 1 for failure (if unrefinement has reached the coarsest permitted
2148  /// level)
2149  //========================================================================
2151  {
2152  // We can't just select all elements for unrefinement
2153  // because they need to merge with their brothers.
2154  // --> Rather than repeating the convoluted logic of
2155  // RefineableQuadMesh<ELEMENT>::adapt(Vector<double>& elemental_error)
2156  // here (code duplication!) hack it by filling the error
2157  // vector with values that ensure unrefinement for all
2158  // elements where this is possible
2160  // Create dummy vector for elemental errors
2161  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
2162  Vector<double> elemental_error(Nelement);
2164  // In order to force unrefinement, set the min permitted error to
2165  // be the default and then set the actual error to be below this.
2166  // This avoids problems when the actual min error is zero (or small)
2167  // For sanity's sake, also set the max permitted error back to the default
2168  // so that we have a max error bigger than a min error
2169  const double current_min_error = this->min_permitted_error();
2170  const double current_max_error = this->max_permitted_error();
2172  this->min_permitted_error() = 1.0e-5;
2173  this->max_permitted_error() = 1.0e-3;
2175  double error = min_permitted_error() / 100.0;
2176  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
2177  {
2178  elemental_error[e] = error;
2179  }
2181  // Temporarily lift any restrictions on the minimum number of
2182  // elements that need to be unrefined to make it worthwhile
2183  unsigned backup = max_keep_unrefined();
2184  max_keep_unrefined() = 0;
2186  // Do the actual mesh adaptation with fake error vector
2187  adapt(elemental_error);
2189  // Reset the minimum number of elements that need to be unrefined
2190  // to make it worthwhile
2191  max_keep_unrefined() = backup;
2193  // Now restore the error tolerances
2194  this->min_permitted_error() = current_min_error;
2195  this->max_permitted_error() = current_max_error;
2197  // Has the unrefinement actually changed anything?
2198  if (Nelement == this->nelement())
2199  {
2200  return 1;
2201  }
2202  else
2203  {
2204  return 0;
2205  }
2206  }
2208  //==================================================================
2209  /// Given a node, return a vector of pointers to master nodes and a
2210  /// vector of the associated weights.
2211  /// This is done recursively, so if a node is not hanging,
2212  /// the node is regarded as its own master node which has weight 1.0.
2213  //==================================================================
2215  Node*& nod_pt,
2216  Vector<Node*>& master_nodes,
2217  Vector<double>& hang_weights,
2218  const int& i)
2219  {
2220  // Is the node hanging in the variable i
2221  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(i))
2222  {
2223  // Loop over all master nodes
2224  HangInfo* const hang_pt = nod_pt->hanging_pt(i);
2225  unsigned nmaster = hang_pt->nmaster();
2227  for (unsigned m = 0; m < nmaster; m++)
2228  {
2229  // Get the master node
2230  Node* master_nod_pt = hang_pt->master_node_pt(m);
2232  // Keep in memory the size of the list before adding the nodes this
2233  // master node depends on. This is required so that the recursion is
2234  // only performed on these particular master nodes. A master node
2235  // could contain contributions from two separate pseudo-masters.
2236  // These contributions must be summed, not multiplied.
2237  int first_new_node = master_nodes.size();
2239  // Now check which master nodes this master node depends on
2241  master_nod_pt, master_nodes, hang_weights, i);
2243  // Multiply old weight by new weight for all the nodes this master
2244  // node depends on
2245  unsigned n_new_master_node = master_nodes.size();
2247  double mtr_weight = hang_pt->master_weight(m);
2249  for (unsigned k = first_new_node; k < n_new_master_node; k++)
2250  {
2251  hang_weights[k] = mtr_weight * hang_weights[k];
2252  }
2253  }
2254  }
2255  else
2256  // Node isn't hanging so it enters itself with the full weight
2257  {
2258  master_nodes.push_back(nod_pt);
2259  hang_weights.push_back(1.0);
2260  }
2261  }
2264  //==================================================================
2265  /// Complete the hanging node scheme recursively.
2266  /// After the initial markup scheme, hanging nodes
2267  /// can depend on other hanging nodes ---> AAAAAAAAARGH!
2268  /// Need to translate this into a scheme where all
2269  /// hanging nodes only depend on non-hanging nodes...
2270  //==================================================================
2272  const int& ncont_interpolated_values)
2273  {
2274  // Number of nodes in mesh
2275  unsigned long n_node = this->nnode();
2276  double min_weight = 1.0e-8; // RefineableBrickElement::min_weight_value();
2278  // Loop over the nodes in the mesh
2279  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
2280  {
2281  // Assign a local pointer to the node
2282  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
2284  // Loop over the values,
2285  // N.B. geometric hanging data is stored at the index -1
2286  for (int i = -1; i < ncont_interpolated_values; i++)
2287  {
2288  // Is the node hanging?
2289  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(i))
2290  {
2291  // If it is geometric OR has hanging node data that differs
2292  // from the geometric data, we must do some work
2293  if ((i == -1) || (nod_pt->hanging_pt(i) != nod_pt->hanging_pt()))
2294  {
2295  // Find out the ultimate map of dependencies: Master nodes
2296  // and associated weights
2297  Vector<Node*> master_nodes;
2298  Vector<double> hanging_weights;
2300  nod_pt, master_nodes, hanging_weights, i);
2302  // put them into a map to merge all the occurences of the same node
2303  // (add the weights)
2304  std::map<Node*, double> hang_weights;
2305  unsigned n_master = master_nodes.size();
2306  for (unsigned k = 0; k < n_master; k++)
2307  {
2308  if (std::fabs(hanging_weights[k]) > min_weight)
2309  hang_weights[master_nodes[k]] += hanging_weights[k];
2310  }
2312  // Create new hanging data (we know how many data there are)
2313  HangInfo* hang_pt = new HangInfo(hang_weights.size());
2315  unsigned hang_weights_index = 0;
2316  // Copy the map into the HangInfo object
2317  typedef std::map<Node*, double>::iterator IT;
2318  for (IT it = hang_weights.begin(); it != hang_weights.end(); ++it)
2319  {
2320  hang_pt->set_master_node_pt(
2321  hang_weights_index, it->first, it->second);
2322  ++hang_weights_index;
2323  }
2325  // Assign the new hanging pointer to the appropriate value
2326  nod_pt->set_hanging_pt(hang_pt, i);
2327  }
2328  }
2329  }
2330  }
2332 #ifdef PARANOID
2334  // Check hanging node scheme: The weights need to add up to one
2335  //-------------------------------------------------------------
2336  // Loop over all values indices
2337  for (int i = -1; i < ncont_interpolated_values; i++)
2338  {
2339  // Loop over all nodes in mesh
2340  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
2341  {
2342  // Set a local pointer to the node
2343  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
2345  // Is it hanging?
2346  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(i))
2347  {
2348  unsigned nmaster = nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->nmaster();
2349  double sum = 0.0;
2350  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
2351  {
2352  sum += nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->master_weight(imaster);
2353  }
2354  if (std::fabs(sum - 1.0) > 1.0e-7)
2355  {
2356  oomph_info << "WARNING: Sum of master node weights fabs(sum-1.0) "
2357  << std::fabs(sum - 1.0) << " for node number " << n
2358  << " at value " << i << std::endl;
2359  }
2360  }
2361  }
2362  }
2363 #endif
2364  }
2366  // Sorting out the cases of nodes that are hanging on at least one but not
2367  // all of the processors for which they are part of the local mesh.
2369 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
2371  //========================================================================
2372  /// Deal with nodes that are hanging on one process but not another
2373  /// (i.e. the hanging status of the haloed and halo layers disagrees)
2374  //========================================================================
2376  const unsigned& ncont_interpolated_values)
2377  {
2378  // Store number of processors and current process
2379  MPI_Status status;
2380  int n_proc = Comm_pt->nproc();
2381  int my_rank = Comm_pt->my_rank();
2383  double t_start = 0.0;
2384  double t_end = 0.0;
2386  // Storage for the hanging status of halo/haloed nodes on elements
2387  Vector<Vector<int>> haloed_hanging(n_proc);
2388  Vector<Vector<int>> halo_hanging(n_proc);
2390  // Counter for the number of nodes which require additional synchronisation
2391  unsigned nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation = 0;
2394  {
2395  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
2396  }
2398  // Store number of continuosly interpolated values as int
2399  int ncont_inter_values = ncont_interpolated_values;
2401  // Loop over processes: Each processor checks that is haloed nodes
2402  // with proc d have consistent hanging stats with halo counterparts.
2403  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
2404  {
2405  // No halo with self: Setup hang info for my haloed nodes with proc d
2406  // then get ready to receive halo info from processor d.
2407  if (d != my_rank)
2408  {
2409  // Loop over haloed nodes
2410  unsigned nh = nhaloed_node(d);
2411  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nh; j++)
2412  {
2413  // Get node
2414  Node* nod_pt = haloed_node_pt(d, j);
2416  // Loop over the hanging status for each interpolated variable
2417  // (and the geometry)
2418  for (int icont = -1; icont < ncont_inter_values; icont++)
2419  {
2420  // Store the hanging status of this haloed node
2421  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(icont))
2422  {
2423  unsigned n_master = nod_pt->hanging_pt(icont)->nmaster();
2424  haloed_hanging[d].push_back(n_master);
2425  }
2426  else
2427  {
2428  haloed_hanging[d].push_back(0);
2429  }
2430  }
2431  }
2433  // Receive the hanging status information from the corresponding process
2434  unsigned count_haloed = haloed_hanging[d].size();
2436 #ifdef PARANOID
2437  // Check that number of halo and haloed data match
2438  unsigned tmp = 0;
2439  MPI_Recv(&tmp, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, d, 0, Comm_pt->mpi_comm(), &status);
2440  if (tmp != count_haloed)
2441  {
2442  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2443  error_stream << "Number of halo data, " << tmp
2444  << ", does not match number of haloed data, "
2445  << count_haloed << std::endl;
2446  throw OomphLibError(error_stream.str(),
2449  }
2450 #endif
2452  // Get the data (if any)
2453  if (count_haloed != 0)
2454  {
2455  halo_hanging[d].resize(count_haloed);
2456  MPI_Recv(&halo_hanging[d][0],
2457  count_haloed,
2458  MPI_INT,
2459  d,
2460  0,
2461  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
2462  &status);
2463  }
2464  }
2465  else // d==my_rank, i.e. current process: Send halo hanging status
2466  // to process dd where it's received (see above) and compared
2467  // and compared against the hang status of the haloed nodes
2468  {
2469  for (int dd = 0; dd < n_proc; dd++)
2470  {
2471  // No halo with yourself
2472  if (dd != d)
2473  {
2474  // Storage for halo hanging status and counter
2475  Vector<int> local_halo_hanging;
2477  // Loop over halo nodes
2478  unsigned nh = nhalo_node(dd);
2479  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nh; j++)
2480  {
2481  // Get node
2482  Node* nod_pt = halo_node_pt(dd, j);
2484  // Loop over the hanging status for each interpolated variable
2485  // (and the geometry)
2486  for (int icont = -1; icont < ncont_inter_values; icont++)
2487  {
2488  // Store hanging status of halo node
2489  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(icont))
2490  {
2491  unsigned n_master = nod_pt->hanging_pt(icont)->nmaster();
2492  local_halo_hanging.push_back(n_master);
2493  }
2494  else
2495  {
2496  local_halo_hanging.push_back(0);
2497  }
2498  }
2499  }
2502  // Send the information to the relevant process
2503  unsigned count_halo = local_halo_hanging.size();
2505 #ifdef PARANOID
2506  // Check that number of halo and haloed data match
2507  MPI_Send(&count_halo, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, dd, 0, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
2508 #endif
2510  // Send data (if any)
2511  if (count_halo != 0)
2512  {
2513  MPI_Send(&local_halo_hanging[0],
2514  count_halo,
2515  MPI_INT,
2516  dd,
2517  0,
2518  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
2519  }
2520  }
2521  }
2522  }
2523  }
2526  {
2527  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
2528  oomph_info << "Time for first all-to-all in synchronise_hanging_nodes(): "
2529  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
2530  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
2531  }
2534  // Now compare equivalent halo and haloed vectors to find discrepancies.
2535  // It is possible that a master node may not be on either process involved
2536  // in the halo-haloed scheme; to work round this, we use the shared_node
2537  // storage scheme, which stores all nodes that are on each pair of
2538  // processors in the same order on each of the two processors
2540  // Vector to store info that will help us locate master nodes on "other"
2541  // processor
2542  Vector<HangHelperStruct> hang_info;
2544  // Copy vector-based representation of shared nodes into
2545  // map for faster search
2546  Vector<std::map<Node*, unsigned>> shared_node_map(n_proc);
2547  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
2548  {
2549  unsigned n = Shared_node_pt[d].size();
2550  for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
2551  {
2552  shared_node_map[d][Shared_node_pt[d][jj]] = jj;
2553  }
2554  }
2557  // Loop over domains: Each processor checks consistency of hang status
2558  // of its haloed nodes with proc d against the halo counterpart. Haloed
2559  // wins if there are any discrepancies.
2560  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
2561  {
2562  // No halo with yourself
2563  if (d != my_rank)
2564  {
2565  unsigned discrepancy_count = 0;
2566  unsigned discrepancy_count_buff = 0;
2568  // Storage for hanging information that needs to be sent to the
2569  // relevant process if there is a discrepancy in the hanging status
2570  Vector<int> send_data;
2571  Vector<double> send_double_data;
2572  // Buffer storage for data to be sent
2573  //(We need this because we cannot tell until the end of the loop over
2574  // a node's master nodes whether we can reconcile its hanging status)
2575  Vector<int> send_data_buff(0);
2576  Vector<double> send_double_data_buff(0);
2578  // Counter for traversing haloed data
2579  unsigned count = 0;
2581  // Indicate presence of discrepancy. Default: there's none
2582  unsigned discrepancy = 0;
2583  unsigned discrepancy_buff = 0;
2585  // Loop over haloed nodes
2586  unsigned nh = nhaloed_node(d);
2587  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nh; j++)
2588  {
2589  // Get node
2590  Node* nod_pt = haloed_node_pt(d, j);
2592  // Loop over the hanging status for each interpolated variable
2593  // (and the geometry)
2594  for (int icont = -1; icont < ncont_inter_values; icont++)
2595  {
2596  // Compare hanging status of halo/haloed counterpart structure
2598  // Haloed is is hanging and haloed has different number
2599  // of master nodes (which includes none in which case it isn't
2600  // hanging)
2601  if ((haloed_hanging[d][count] > 0) &&
2602  (haloed_hanging[d][count] != halo_hanging[d][count]))
2603  {
2604  discrepancy_buff = 1;
2605  discrepancy_count_buff++;
2607  // Flag to check if all masters of this node have been found
2608  bool found_all_masters = true;
2610  // Find master nodes of haloed node
2611  HangInfo* hang_pt = nod_pt->hanging_pt(icont);
2612  unsigned nhd_master = hang_pt->nmaster();
2614  // Add the number of master nodes to the hanging_nodes vector
2615  send_data_buff.push_back(nhd_master);
2617  // Loop over master nodes required for HangInfo
2618  for (unsigned m = 0; m < nhd_master; m++)
2619  {
2620  // Get mth master node
2621  Node* master_nod_pt = hang_pt->master_node_pt(m);
2624  // //------------------------------------------
2625  // // Old direct search is much slower!
2626  // // Keep this code alive to allow comparisons
2627  //
2628  // double t_start_search=TimingHelpers::timer();
2629  //
2630  // // This node will be shared: find it!
2631  // bool found=false;
2632  //
2633  // // Look in shared node storage with domain d
2634  // first unsigned nnod_shared=nshared_node(d); for
2635  // (unsigned k=0; k<nnod_shared; k++)
2636  // {
2637  // if (master_nod_pt==shared_node_pt(d,k))
2638  // {
2639  // // Found a master: Put its number in the
2640  // shared
2641  // // scheme into send data
2642  // send_data.push_back(k);
2643  //
2644  // // Add the weight
2645  // send_double_data.push_back(hang_pt->master_weight(m));
2646  //
2647  // // Done
2648  // found=true;
2649  // break;
2650  // }
2651  // }
2652  //
2653  // double t_end_search=TimingHelpers::timer();
2654  // t_start_search_total+=(t_end_search-t_start_search);
2655  //
2656  // // end direct search demo
2657  // //-----------------------
2660  // This node will be shared: find it!
2661  bool found = false;
2663  // Which processor holds the non-halo counterpart of this
2664  // node?
2665  int non_halo_proc_id = master_nod_pt->non_halo_proc_ID();
2667  // Try to find node in map with proc d and get iterator to entry
2668  std::map<Node*, unsigned>::iterator it =
2669  shared_node_map[d].find(master_nod_pt);
2671  // If it's not in there iterator points to end of
2672  // set
2673  if (it != shared_node_map[d].end())
2674  {
2675  // Found a master: When looking up the node in the shared
2676  // node scheme on processor d, which processor do I work
2677  // with? The current one
2678  send_data_buff.push_back(my_rank);
2680  // Found a master: Send its index in the shared
2681  // node scheme
2682  send_data_buff.push_back((*it).second);
2684  // Add the weight
2685  send_double_data_buff.push_back(hang_pt->master_weight(m));
2687  // Done
2688  found = true;
2689  }
2691  // If we haven't found it in the shared node scheme with proc d
2692  // find it in the shared node scheme with the processor that
2693  // holds the non-halo version
2694  if (!found)
2695  {
2696  // This is odd -- can't currently handle the case where
2697  // node is owned by current processor (indicated by
2698  // non_halo_proc_id being negative
2699  if (non_halo_proc_id < 0)
2700  {
2701  // This case is now handled by the function
2702  // additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes()
2703  // called (if necessary) at the end
2704  // OomphLibWarning(
2705  // "Odd: missing master node is owned by current proc. Will
2706  // crash below.",
2707  // "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::synchronise_hanging_nodes(...)",
2709  }
2710  else // i.e. (non_halo_proc_id>=0)
2711  {
2712  if (shared_node_map[non_halo_proc_id].size() > 0)
2713  {
2714  std::map<Node*, unsigned>::iterator it =
2715  shared_node_map[non_halo_proc_id].find(master_nod_pt);
2717  // If it's not in there iterator points to end of
2718  // set
2719  if (it != shared_node_map[non_halo_proc_id].end())
2720  {
2721  // Found a master: Send ID of processor that holds
2722  // non-halo (the fact that this is different from
2723  // my_rank (the processor that sends this) will alert
2724  // the other processor to the fact that it needs to
2725  send_data_buff.push_back(non_halo_proc_id);
2727  // Found a master: Send its index in the shared
2728  // node scheme
2729  send_data_buff.push_back((*it).second);
2731  // Add the weight
2732  send_double_data_buff.push_back(
2733  hang_pt->master_weight(m));
2735  // Done
2736  found = true;
2738  // It is possible that the master node found in the
2739  // shared storage with processor <non_halo_proc_id> does
2740  // not actually exist on processor d. If it does turn
2741  // out to exist, we are ok, but if not then we must
2742  // remember to create it later (in the
2743  // additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes() function)
2744  }
2745  }
2746  }
2747  }
2749  /*
2750  // Don't throw error, we will construct missing master nodes in
2751  // additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes() below
2753  // Paranoid check: if we haven't found the master node
2754  // then throw an error
2755  if (!found)
2756  {
2757  char filename[100];
2758  std::ofstream some_file;
2759  sprintf(filename,"sync_hanging_node_crash_mesh_proc%i.dat",
2760  my_rank);
2762  this->output(some_file);
2763  some_file.close();
2765  sprintf(filename,
2766  "sync_hanging_node_crash_mesh_with_haloes_proc%i.dat",
2767  my_rank);
2769  this->enable_output_of_halo_elements();
2770  this->output(some_file);
2771  this->disable_output_of_halo_elements();
2772  some_file.close();
2775  std::set<unsigned> other_proc_id;
2776  other_proc_id.insert(d);
2777  other_proc_id.insert(non_halo_proc_id);
2778  for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it=other_proc_id.begin();
2779  it!=other_proc_id.end();it++)
2780  {
2781  unsigned d_doc=(*it);
2783  sprintf(
2784  filename,
2785  "sync_hanging_node_crash_halo_elements_with_proc%i_proc%i.dat",
2786  d_doc,my_rank);
2788  Vector<GeneralisedElement*>
2789  halo_elem_pt(this->halo_element_pt(d_doc));
2790  unsigned nelem=halo_elem_pt.size();
2791  for (unsigned e=0;e<nelem;e++)
2792  {
2793  FiniteElement* el_pt=
2794  dynamic_cast<FiniteElement*>(halo_elem_pt[e]);
2795  el_pt->output(some_file);
2796  }
2797  some_file.close();
2799  sprintf(
2800  filename,
2801  "sync_hanging_node_crash_haloed_elements_with_proc%i_proc%i.dat",
2802  d_doc,my_rank);
2804  Vector<GeneralisedElement*>
2805  haloed_elem_pt(this->haloed_element_pt(d_doc));
2806  nelem=haloed_elem_pt.size();
2807  for (unsigned e=0;e<nelem;e++)
2808  {
2809  FiniteElement* el_pt=
2810  dynamic_cast<FiniteElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e]);
2811  el_pt->output(some_file);
2812  }
2813  some_file.close();
2816  sprintf(
2817  filename,
2818  "sync_hanging_node_crash_shared_nodes_with_proc%i_proc%i.dat",
2819  d_doc,my_rank);
2821  unsigned n=nshared_node(d_doc);
2822  for (unsigned j=0;j<n;j++)
2823  {
2824  Node* nod_pt=shared_node_pt(d_doc,j);
2825  unsigned nd=nod_pt->ndim();
2826  for (unsigned i=0;i<nd;i++)
2827  {
2828  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2829  }
2830  some_file << "\n";
2831  }
2832  some_file.close();
2835  sprintf(
2836  filename,
2837  "sync_hanging_node_crash_halo_nodes_with_proc%i_proc%i.dat",
2838  d_doc,my_rank);
2840  n=nhalo_node(d_doc);
2841  for (unsigned j=0;j<n;j++)
2842  {
2843  Node* nod_pt=halo_node_pt(d_doc,j);
2844  unsigned nd=nod_pt->ndim();
2845  for (unsigned i=0;i<nd;i++)
2846  {
2847  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2848  }
2849  some_file << "\n";
2850  }
2851  some_file.close();
2854  sprintf(
2855  filename,
2856  "sync_hanging_node_crash_haloed_nodes_with_proc%i_proc%i.dat",
2857  d_doc,my_rank);
2859  n=nhaloed_node(d_doc);
2860  for (unsigned j=0;j<n;j++)
2861  {
2862  Node* nod_pt=haloed_node_pt(d_doc,j);
2863  unsigned nd=nod_pt->ndim();
2864  for (unsigned i=0;i<nd;i++)
2865  {
2866  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2867  }
2868  some_file << "\n";
2869  }
2870  some_file.close();
2872  } // end of loop over all inter-processor lookup schemes
2874  std::ostringstream error_stream;
2875  unsigned n=master_nod_pt->ndim();
2876  error_stream << "Error: Master node at:\n\n";
2877  for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++)
2878  {
2879  error_stream << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2880  }
2881  error_stream << "\n\nnot found for icont="
2882  << icont << "in "
2883  << "shared node storage with proc " << d <<
2884  "\n"
2885  << "or in shared node storage with proc "
2886  << non_halo_proc_id
2887  << " which is where its non-halo counterpart
2888  lives.\n"
2889  << "Relevant files:
2890  sync_hanging_node_crash*.dat\n\n"
2891  << "Hanging node itself: \n\n";
2892  n=nod_pt->ndim();
2893  for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++)
2894  {
2895  error_stream << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2896  }
2897  error_stream << nod_pt->non_halo_proc_ID();
2898  error_stream << "\n\nMaster nodes:\n\n";
2899  for (unsigned m=0; m<nhd_master; m++)
2900  {
2901  Node* master_nod_pt=hang_pt->master_node_pt(m);
2902  n=master_nod_pt->ndim();
2903  for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++)
2904  {
2905  error_stream << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
2906  }
2907  error_stream << master_nod_pt->non_halo_proc_ID();
2908  error_stream << "\n";
2909  }
2911  // try to find it somewhere else -- sub-optimal search but
2912  // we're about to die on our arses (yes, plural -- this is
2913  // a parallel run!) anyway...
2914  for (int dddd=0;dddd<n_proc;dddd++)
2915  {
2916  bool loc_found=false;
2917  unsigned nnnod_shared=nshared_node(dddd);
2918  for (unsigned k=0; k<nnnod_shared; k++)
2919  {
2920  if (master_nod_pt==shared_node_pt(dddd,k))
2921  {
2922  loc_found=true;
2923  error_stream
2924  << "Found that master node as " << k
2925  << "-th entry in shared node storage with proc "
2926  << dddd << "\n";
2927  }
2928  }
2929  if (!loc_found)
2930  {
2931  error_stream
2932  << "Did not find that master node in shared node storage
2933  with proc "
2934  << dddd << "\n";
2935  }
2936  }
2937  error_stream << "\n\n";
2939  throw OomphLibError(
2940  error_stream.str(),
2943  }
2944  */
2946  // Check if the master has been found
2947  if (!found)
2948  {
2949  // If this master hasn't been found then set the flag
2950  found_all_masters = false;
2951  // No need to continue searching for masters
2952  break;
2953  }
2956  } // loop over master nodes
2959  // Check if we need to send the data
2960  if (found_all_masters)
2961  {
2962  // All masters were found, so populate send data from buffer
2963  discrepancy = discrepancy_buff;
2964  discrepancy_count += discrepancy_count_buff;
2965  for (unsigned i = 0; i < send_data_buff.size(); i++)
2966  {
2967  send_data.push_back(send_data_buff[i]);
2968  }
2969  for (unsigned i = 0; i < send_double_data_buff.size(); i++)
2970  {
2971  send_double_data.push_back(send_double_data_buff[i]);
2972  }
2974  // Clear buffers and reset
2975  discrepancy_buff = 0;
2976  discrepancy_count_buff = 0;
2977  send_data_buff.clear();
2978  send_double_data_buff.clear();
2979  }
2980  else
2981  {
2982  // At least one master node was not found, so we can't
2983  // reconcile the hanging status of this node yet. We tell
2984  // the other processor to do nothing for now.
2985  send_data.push_back(0);
2987  // Clear buffers and reset
2988  discrepancy_buff = 0;
2989  discrepancy_count_buff = 0;
2990  send_data_buff.clear();
2991  send_double_data_buff.clear();
2993  // Set flag to trigger another round of synchronisation
2994  nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation++;
2995  }
2996  }
2997  // Haloed node isn't hanging but halo is: the latter
2998  // shouldn't so send a -1 to indicate that it's to be made
2999  // non-hanging
3000  else if ((haloed_hanging[d][count] == 0) &&
3001  (halo_hanging[d][count] > 0))
3002  {
3003  discrepancy = 1;
3004  discrepancy_count++;
3005  send_data.push_back(-1);
3006  }
3007  // Both halo and haloed node have the same number of masters
3008  // we're happy!
3009  else if (haloed_hanging[d][count] == halo_hanging[d][count])
3010  {
3011  send_data.push_back(0);
3012  }
3013  else
3014  {
3015  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3016  error_stream << "Never get here!\n "
3017  << "haloed_hanging[d][count]="
3018  << haloed_hanging[d][count]
3019  << "; halo_hanging[d][count]="
3020  << halo_hanging[d][count] << std::endl;
3021  throw OomphLibError(error_stream.str(),
3024  }
3025  // Increment counter for number of haloed data
3026  count++;
3027  } // end of loop over icont
3028  } // end of loop over haloed nodes
3030  // Now send all the required info to the equivalent halo layer -
3031  // If there are no discrepancies, no need to send anything
3032  Vector<unsigned> n_all_send(2, 0);
3033  if (discrepancy == 0)
3034  {
3035  MPI_Send(&n_all_send[0], 2, MPI_UNSIGNED, d, 0, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3036  }
3037  else
3038  {
3039  // How much data is there to be sent?
3040  n_all_send[0] = send_data.size();
3041  n_all_send[1] = send_double_data.size();
3042  MPI_Send(&n_all_send[0], 2, MPI_UNSIGNED, d, 0, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3044  // Send flat-packed ints
3045  if (n_all_send[0] != 0)
3046  {
3047  MPI_Send(
3048  &send_data[0], n_all_send[0], MPI_INT, d, 1, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3049  }
3051  // Send flat-packed double data
3052  if (n_all_send[1] != 0)
3053  {
3054  MPI_Send(&send_double_data[0],
3055  n_all_send[1],
3057  d,
3058  1,
3059  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3060  }
3061  }
3062  }
3063  else // (d==my_rank), current process
3064  {
3065  // Receive the master nodes and weights in order to modify the
3066  // hanging status of nodes in the halo layer
3067  for (int dd = 0; dd < n_proc; dd++)
3068  {
3069  if (dd != d) // don't talk to yourself
3070  {
3071  // Are we going to receive anything? This is zero
3072  // either if there are no discrepancies or there's zero
3073  // data to be sent.
3074  Vector<unsigned> n_all_recv(2, 0);
3075  MPI_Recv(&n_all_recv[0],
3076  2,
3078  dd,
3079  0,
3080  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3081  &status);
3083  // Storage for received information
3084  Vector<int> receive_data;
3085  Vector<double> receive_double_data;
3087  // Receive unsigneds (if any)
3088  if (n_all_recv[0] != 0)
3089  {
3090  // Receive the data
3091  receive_data.resize(n_all_recv[0]);
3092  MPI_Recv(&receive_data[0],
3093  n_all_recv[0],
3094  MPI_INT,
3095  dd,
3096  1,
3097  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3098  &status);
3099  }
3101  // Receive doubles (if any)
3102  if (n_all_recv[1] != 0)
3103  {
3104  // Receive the data
3105  receive_double_data.resize(n_all_recv[1]);
3106  MPI_Recv(&receive_double_data[0],
3107  n_all_recv[1],
3109  dd,
3110  1,
3111  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3112  &status);
3113  }
3115  // If no information, no need to do anything else
3116  if (n_all_recv[0] != 0)
3117  {
3118  // Counters for traversing received data
3119  unsigned count = 0;
3120  unsigned count_double = 0;
3122  // Loop over halo nodes
3123  unsigned nh = nhalo_node(dd);
3124  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nh; j++)
3125  {
3126  // Get node
3127  Node* nod_pt = halo_node_pt(dd, j);
3129  // Loop over the hanging status for each interpolated variable
3130  // (and the geometry)
3131  for (int icont = -1; icont < ncont_inter_values; icont++)
3132  {
3133  // Read next entry
3134  int next_entry = receive_data[count++];
3136  // If it's positive, then the number tells us how
3137  // many master nodes we have
3138  if (next_entry > 0)
3139  {
3140  unsigned nhd_master = unsigned(next_entry);
3142  // Set up a new HangInfo for this node
3143  HangInfo* hang_pt = new HangInfo(nhd_master);
3145  // Now set up the master nodes and weights
3146  for (unsigned m = 0; m < nhd_master; m++)
3147  {
3148  // Get the sent master node (a shared node) and
3149  // the weight
3151  // ID of proc in whose shared node lookup scheme
3152  // the sending processor found the node
3153  unsigned shared_node_proc =
3154  unsigned(receive_data[count++]);
3156  // Index of node in the shared node lookup scheme
3157  unsigned shared_node_id = unsigned(receive_data[count++]);
3159  // Get weight
3160  double mtr_weight = receive_double_data[count_double++];
3162  // If the shared node processor is the same as the
3163  // the sending processor we can processor everything here
3164  if (shared_node_proc == unsigned(dd))
3165  {
3166  // Get node
3167  Node* master_nod_pt =
3168  shared_node_pt(dd, shared_node_id);
3170  // Set as a master node (with corresponding weight)
3171  hang_pt->set_master_node_pt(
3172  m, master_nod_pt, mtr_weight);
3173  }
3174  // ...otherwise we have do another communication with
3175  // intermediate processor that holds the non-halo
3176  // version of the master node -- only that processor can
3177  // translate the index of the node the share node
3178  // lookup scheme with the sending processor to the
3179  // index in the shared node lookup scheme with this
3180  // processor
3181  else
3182  {
3183  // Store
3184  HangHelperStruct tmp;
3185  tmp.Sending_processor = dd;
3187  shared_node_id;
3188  tmp.Shared_node_proc = shared_node_proc;
3189  tmp.Weight = mtr_weight;
3190  tmp.Hang_pt = hang_pt;
3191  tmp.Master_node_index = m;
3192  tmp.Node_pt = nod_pt;
3193  tmp.icont = icont;
3194  hang_info.push_back(tmp);
3195  }
3196  }
3198  // Set the hanging pointer for the current halo node
3199  // (does delete any previous hang data)
3200  nod_pt->set_hanging_pt(hang_pt, icont);
3201  }
3202  // Negative entry: the hanging node already exists,
3203  // but it shouldn't, so set it to nonhanging
3204  else if (next_entry < 0)
3205  {
3206  nod_pt->set_hanging_pt(0, icont);
3207  }
3209  } // end of loop over icont
3210  } // end of loop over nodes
3211  } // end of anything to receive
3212  }
3213  }
3214  }
3215  } // end loop over all processors
3219  {
3220  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
3221  oomph_info << "Time for second all-to-all in synchronise_hanging_nodes() "
3222  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
3223  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3224  }
3227  // Now identify master nodes by translating index in shared
3228  // node lookup scheme from the lookup scheme with the sending
3229  // processor to that with the current processor
3230  unsigned n = hang_info.size();
3232  // Is there anything to do be done?
3233  unsigned global_n = 0;
3234  MPI_Allreduce(&n, &global_n, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_MAX, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3235  if (global_n == 0)
3236  {
3237  oomph_info
3238  << "No need for reconciliation of wrongly synchronised hang nodes\n";
3239  }
3240  // Reconcilation required
3241  else
3242  {
3243  oomph_info << "Need to reconcile of wrongly syncronised hang nodes\n";
3245  // Storage for the translated entries (in order) for/from
3246  // other processors
3247  // Must be ints so that an entry of -1 tells the other processor
3248  // that the node could not be found. See comment above for why
3249  // this may be necessary.
3250  Vector<Vector<int>> translated_entry(n_proc);
3252  // Storage for how-many-th entry in this processor's
3253  // hang_info vector will be completed by processor rank.
3254  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> hang_info_index_for_proc(n_proc);
3256  // Send information to intermediate processor that holds
3257  // non-halo version of missing master node
3258  {
3259  // Storage for number of data to be sent to each processor
3260  Vector<int> send_n(n_proc, 0);
3262  // Storage for all values to be sent to all processors
3263  Vector<int> send_data;
3265  // Start location within send_data for data to be sent to each processor
3266  Vector<int> send_displacement(n_proc, 0);
3268  // Loop over all processors
3269  for (int rank = 0; rank < n_proc; rank++)
3270  {
3271  // Set the offset for the current processor
3272  send_displacement[rank] = send_data.size();
3274  // Don't bother to do anything if the processor in the loop is the
3275  // current processor
3276  if (rank != my_rank)
3277  {
3278  // Search through the (typically few) entries
3279  // in hang info vector to find the ones that
3280  // must be sent to proc rank (the proc that holds
3281  // the non-halo version of the "missing" master node
3282  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
3283  {
3284  HangHelperStruct tmp = hang_info[i];
3285  if (tmp.Shared_node_proc == unsigned(rank))
3286  {
3287  // Add the sending processor
3288  send_data.push_back(tmp.Sending_processor);
3290  // Add the index of the missing master node
3291  // in the shared node lookup scheme between
3292  // sending processor and processor rank
3293  send_data.push_back(tmp.Shared_node_id_on_sending_processor);
3295  // Record the how-many-th entry in this processor's
3296  // hang_info vector will be completed by processor rank.
3297  hang_info_index_for_proc[rank].push_back(i);
3298  }
3299  }
3300  }
3302  // Find the number of data added to the vector
3303  send_n[rank] = send_data.size() - send_displacement[rank];
3304  }
3307  // Storage for the number of data to be received from each processor
3308  Vector<int> receive_n(n_proc, 0);
3310  // Now send numbers of data to be sent between all processors
3311  MPI_Alltoall(&send_n[0],
3312  1,
3313  MPI_INT,
3314  &receive_n[0],
3315  1,
3316  MPI_INT,
3317  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3319  // We now prepare the data to be received
3320  // by working out the displacements from the received data
3321  Vector<int> receive_displacement(n_proc, 0);
3322  int receive_data_count = 0;
3323  for (int rank = 0; rank < n_proc; ++rank)
3324  {
3325  // Displacement is number of data received so far
3326  receive_displacement[rank] = receive_data_count;
3327  receive_data_count += receive_n[rank];
3328  }
3330  // Now resize the receive buffer for all data from all processors
3331  // Make sure that it has a size of at least one
3332  if (receive_data_count == 0)
3333  {
3334  ++receive_data_count;
3335  }
3336  Vector<unsigned> receive_data(receive_data_count);
3338  // Make sure that the send buffer has size at least one
3339  // so that we don't get a segmentation fault
3340  if (send_data.size() == 0)
3341  {
3342  send_data.resize(1);
3343  }
3345  // Now send the data between all the processors
3346  MPI_Alltoallv(&send_data[0],
3347  &send_n[0],
3348  &send_displacement[0],
3349  MPI_INT,
3350  &receive_data[0],
3351  &receive_n[0],
3352  &receive_displacement[0],
3353  MPI_INT,
3354  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3356  // Now use the received data to update the halo nodes
3357  for (int send_rank = 0; send_rank < n_proc; send_rank++)
3358  {
3359  // Don't bother to do anything for the processor corresponding to the
3360  // current processor or if no data were received from this processor
3361  if ((send_rank != my_rank) && (receive_n[send_rank] != 0))
3362  {
3363  // Counter for the data within the large array
3364  unsigned count = receive_displacement[send_rank];
3366  // We're reading two numbers per missing halo node
3367  unsigned n_rec = unsigned(receive_n[send_rank]);
3368  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_rec / 2; i++)
3369  {
3370  // Receive orig sending proc
3371  unsigned orig_sending_proc = receive_data[count];
3372  count++;
3374  // Receive the index of the missing master node
3375  // in the shared node lookup scheme between
3376  // orig sending processor and current processor
3377  unsigned shared_node_id_on_orig_sending_proc =
3378  receive_data[count];
3379  count++;
3381  // Extract node from shared node lookup scheme
3382  Node* master_nod_pt = shared_node_pt(
3383  orig_sending_proc, shared_node_id_on_orig_sending_proc);
3385  // Now find it in shared halo scheme with the processor
3386  // that's sent the request
3388  std::map<Node*, unsigned>::iterator it =
3389  shared_node_map[send_rank].find(master_nod_pt);
3391  // If it's not in there iterator points to end of
3392  // set
3393  if (it != shared_node_map[send_rank].end())
3394  {
3395  // Store it so we can send it back
3396  translated_entry[send_rank].push_back((*it).second);
3397  }
3398  else
3399  {
3400  // This node has not been found in the shared scheme, so
3401  // the translation query has failed. We send a -1 to tell
3402  // the other processor the bad news.
3403  translated_entry[send_rank].push_back(-1);
3405  /*
3406  // We don't need to crash anymore because the function
3407  // additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes() will magically
3408  // sort out all the problems!
3409  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3410  error_stream
3411  << "Received translation query for shared node"
3412  << " entry " << shared_node_id_on_orig_sending_proc
3413  << " with processor " << orig_sending_proc
3414  << " from proc " << send_rank << std::endl
3415  << "but did not find node in shared node scheme with proc "
3416  << send_rank << std::endl;
3417  throw OomphLibError(
3418  error_stream.str(),
3421  */
3422  }
3423  }
3424  }
3425  } // End of data is received
3427  } // end of sending stuff to intermediate processor that holds
3428  // non halo version of missing master node
3432  {
3433  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
3434  oomph_info
3435  << "Time for third all-to-all in synchronise_hanging_nodes() "
3436  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
3437  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3438  }
3441  // Send information back to processor that needs to identify
3442  // missing master node via shared node lookup scheme with
3443  // this processor
3444  {
3445  // Storage for number of data to be sent to each processor
3446  Vector<int> send_n(n_proc, 0);
3448  // Storage for all values to be sent to all processors
3449  Vector<int> send_data;
3451  // Start location within send_data for data to be sent to each processor
3452  Vector<int> send_displacement(n_proc, 0);
3454  // Loop over all processors
3455  for (int rank = 0; rank < n_proc; rank++)
3456  {
3457  // Set the offset for the current processor
3458  send_displacement[rank] = send_data.size();
3460  // Don't bother to do anything if the processor in the loop is the
3461  // current processor
3462  if (rank != my_rank)
3463  {
3464  // Put the translated entries for processor rank into
3465  // send data
3466  unsigned n = translated_entry[rank].size();
3467  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++)
3468  {
3469  send_data.push_back(translated_entry[rank][j]);
3470  }
3471  }
3473  // Find the number of data added to the vector
3474  send_n[rank] = send_data.size() - send_displacement[rank];
3475  }
3478  // Storage for the number of data to be received from each processor
3479  Vector<int> receive_n(n_proc, 0);
3481  // Now send numbers of data to be sent between all processors
3482  MPI_Alltoall(&send_n[0],
3483  1,
3484  MPI_INT,
3485  &receive_n[0],
3486  1,
3487  MPI_INT,
3488  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3490  // We now prepare the data to be received
3491  // by working out the displacements from the received data
3492  Vector<int> receive_displacement(n_proc, 0);
3493  int receive_data_count = 0;
3494  for (int rank = 0; rank < n_proc; ++rank)
3495  {
3496  // Displacement is number of data received so far
3497  receive_displacement[rank] = receive_data_count;
3498  receive_data_count += receive_n[rank];
3499  }
3501  // Now resize the receive buffer for all data from all processors
3502  // Make sure that it has a size of at least one
3503  if (receive_data_count == 0)
3504  {
3505  ++receive_data_count;
3506  }
3507  Vector<unsigned> receive_data(receive_data_count);
3509  // Make sure that the send buffer has size at least one
3510  // so that we don't get a segmentation fault
3511  if (send_data.size() == 0)
3512  {
3513  send_data.resize(1);
3514  }
3516  // Now send the data between all the processors
3517  MPI_Alltoallv(&send_data[0],
3518  &send_n[0],
3519  &send_displacement[0],
3520  MPI_INT,
3521  &receive_data[0],
3522  &receive_n[0],
3523  &receive_displacement[0],
3524  MPI_INT,
3525  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3527  // Now use the received data to update the halo nodes
3528  for (int send_rank = 0; send_rank < n_proc; send_rank++)
3529  {
3530  // Don't bother to do anything for the processor corresponding to the
3531  // current processor or if no data were received from this processor
3532  if ((send_rank != my_rank) && (receive_n[send_rank] != 0))
3533  {
3534  // Counter for the data within the large array
3535  unsigned count = receive_displacement[send_rank];
3537  // We're reading one number per missing halo node
3538  unsigned n_rec = unsigned(receive_n[send_rank]);
3539  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_rec; i++)
3540  {
3541  // Index of missing master node in shared node lookup scheme
3542  // with processor send_rank:
3543  // Must be an int because failure returns -1
3544  int index = receive_data[count];
3545  count++;
3547  // Translation query has been successful if index >= 0
3548  if (index >= 0)
3549  {
3550  // Recall information associated with that missing master
3551  unsigned hang_info_index =
3552  hang_info_index_for_proc[send_rank][i];
3553  HangHelperStruct tmp = hang_info[hang_info_index];
3555  // Extract node from shared node lookup scheme
3556  Node* master_nod_pt = shared_node_pt(send_rank, index);
3558  // Set as a master node (with corresponding weight)
3560  tmp.Master_node_index, master_nod_pt, tmp.Weight);
3561  }
3562  else
3563  {
3564  // Translation query has failed. This is the processor
3565  // on which the node was a halo, so we must delete the
3566  // partial hang info.
3568  // Recall information associated with that missing master
3569  unsigned hang_info_index =
3570  hang_info_index_for_proc[send_rank][i];
3571  HangHelperStruct tmp = hang_info[hang_info_index];
3573  // Delete partial hanging information
3574  tmp.Node_pt->set_hanging_pt(0, tmp.icont);
3576  // Set flag to trigger another round of synchronisation
3577  // This works even though we don't own the node that
3578  // still requires synchrionisation because this variable
3579  // is reduced over all processors at the end
3580  nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation++;
3581  }
3582  }
3583  }
3584  } // End of data is received
3586  } // end of completing hang info for missing master nodes
3590  {
3591  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
3592  oomph_info
3593  << "Time for fourth all-to-all in synchronise_hanging_nodes() "
3594  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
3595  }
3596  } // end of reconciliation required
3599  // Get global number of nodes still requiring synchronisation due to
3600  // missing master nodes
3601  // This will only be necessary for meshes involving elements
3602  // with nonuniformly spaced nodes. All other cases will continue to
3603  // work as before because all nodes will have been successfully
3604  // synchronised by now
3605  unsigned global_nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation = 0;
3606  MPI_Allreduce(&nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation,
3607  &global_nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation,
3608  1,
3610  MPI_MAX,
3611  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3612  if (global_nnode_still_requiring_synchronisation > 0)
3613  {
3614  double tt_start = 0.0;
3616  {
3617  tt_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3618  }
3620  oomph_info << "Need to do additional synchronisation of hanging nodes"
3621  << std::endl;
3623  // Do additional synchronisation
3624  additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes(ncont_interpolated_values);
3626  double tt_end = 0.0;
3628  {
3629  tt_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
3630  oomph_info
3631  << "Time for RefineableMesh::additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes() "
3632  << "in TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::synchronise_hanging_nodes(): "
3633  << tt_end - tt_start << std::endl;
3634  tt_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3635  }
3636  }
3637  else
3638  {
3639  oomph_info << "No need to do additional synchronisation of hanging nodes"
3640  << std::endl;
3641  }
3642  }
3644  //========================================================================
3645  /// Synchronise the positions of non-hanging nodes that depend on
3646  /// non-existent neighbours (e.g. h-refinement of neighbouring elements
3647  /// with different p-orders where the shared edge is on the outer edge of
3648  /// the halo layer)
3649  //========================================================================
3651  {
3652  // Store number of processors and current process
3653  MPI_Status status;
3654  int n_proc = Comm_pt->nproc();
3655  int my_rank = Comm_pt->my_rank();
3657  double t_start = 0.0;
3658  double t_end = 0.0;
3660  // Storage for the hanging status of halo/haloed nodes on elements
3661  Vector<Vector<unsigned>> recv_unsigneds(n_proc);
3662  Vector<Vector<double>> recv_doubles(n_proc);
3665  {
3666  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3667  }
3669  // Loop over processes: Each processor checks if its nonhaning nodes in
3670  // haloed elements with proc d require additional information to determine
3671  // their positions.
3672  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
3673  {
3674  // No halo with self: Setup hang info for my haloed nodes with proc d
3675  // then get ready to receive halo info from processor d.
3676  if (d != my_rank)
3677  {
3678  // Receive the position information from the corresponding process
3679  unsigned recv_unsigneds_count = 0;
3680  MPI_Recv(&recv_unsigneds_count,
3681  1,
3683  d,
3684  0,
3685  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3686  &status);
3687  unsigned recv_doubles_count = 0;
3688  MPI_Recv(&recv_doubles_count,
3689  1,
3691  d,
3692  1,
3693  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3694  &status);
3696  // Get the data (if any)
3697  if (recv_unsigneds_count != 0)
3698  {
3699  recv_unsigneds[d].resize(recv_unsigneds_count);
3700  MPI_Recv(&recv_unsigneds[d][0],
3701  recv_unsigneds_count,
3703  d,
3704  0,
3705  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3706  &status);
3707  }
3708  if (recv_doubles_count != 0)
3709  {
3710  recv_doubles[d].resize(recv_doubles_count);
3711  MPI_Recv(&recv_doubles[d][0],
3712  recv_doubles_count,
3714  d,
3715  1,
3716  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
3717  &status);
3718  }
3720  // Counters for received data
3721  unsigned recv_unsigneds_index = 0;
3722  double recv_doubles_index = 0;
3724  // Get halo elements with processor d
3727  // Loop over recieved indices
3728  while (recv_unsigneds_index < recv_unsigneds_count)
3729  {
3730  // Get (finite) element
3731  FiniteElement* el_pt = dynamic_cast<FiniteElement*>(
3732  halo_element_pt[recv_unsigneds[d][recv_unsigneds_index++]]);
3734  // If we have a finite element...
3735  if (el_pt != 0)
3736  {
3737  // Get dimension
3738  unsigned n_dim = el_pt->dim();
3740  // Get node
3741  Node* nod_pt =
3742  el_pt->node_pt(recv_unsigneds[d][recv_unsigneds_index++]);
3744  // Get current position
3745  Vector<double> x_cur(n_dim);
3746  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3747  {
3748  x_cur[dir] = nod_pt->x(dir);
3749  }
3751  // Get recieved position
3752  Vector<double> x_rec(n_dim);
3753  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3754  {
3755  x_rec[dir] = recv_doubles[d][recv_doubles_index + dir];
3756  }
3758  // Compare actual and expected positions
3759  bool node_pos_differs = false;
3760  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3761  {
3762  node_pos_differs = node_pos_differs ||
3763  (std::fabs(x_cur[dir] - x_rec[dir]) > 1.0e-14);
3764  }
3766  // Set the actual position
3767  Vector<double> x_act(n_dim);
3768  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3769  {
3770  nod_pt->x(dir) = recv_doubles[d][recv_doubles_index++];
3771  }
3772  }
3773  }
3775  if (recv_unsigneds_count != recv_unsigneds_index)
3776  {
3777  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3778  error_stream << "recv_unsigneds_count != recv_unsigneds_index ( "
3779  << recv_unsigneds_count << " != " << recv_unsigneds_index
3780  << ")" << std::endl;
3781  throw OomphLibError(
3782  error_stream.str(),
3783  "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::synchronise_nonhanging_nodes()",
3785  }
3786  }
3787  else // d==my_rank, i.e. current process: Send halo hanging status
3788  // to process dd where it's received (see above) and compared
3789  // and compared against the hang status of the haloed nodes
3790  {
3791  for (int dd = 0; dd < n_proc; dd++)
3792  {
3793  // No halo with yourself
3794  if (dd != d)
3795  {
3796  // Storage for halo hanging status and counter
3797  Vector<int> send_unsigneds;
3798  Vector<double> send_doubles;
3800  // Set to store nodes whose position requires adjustment
3801  std::set<Node*> nodes_requiring_adjustment;
3803  // Get haloed elements with processor dd
3805  this->haloed_element_pt(dd));
3807  // Loop over haloed elements with processor dd
3808  unsigned nh = haloed_element_pt.size();
3809  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nh; e++)
3810  {
3811  // Get (finite) element
3812  FiniteElement* el_pt =
3813  dynamic_cast<FiniteElement*>(haloed_element_pt[e]);
3815  // If we have a finite element...
3816  if (el_pt != 0)
3817  {
3818  // Get dimension
3819  unsigned n_dim = el_pt->dim();
3821  // Loop over element nodes
3822  unsigned n_node = el_pt->nnode();
3823  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_node; j++)
3824  {
3825  // Get node
3826  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(j);
3828  // Only do non-hanging nodes
3829  if (!nod_pt->is_hanging())
3830  {
3831  // Check if node's position is the same as that interpolated
3832  // using its local coordinate in the haloed element
3834  // Loop over all history values
3835  unsigned nt = nod_pt->ntstorage();
3836  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nt; t++)
3837  {
3838  // Get expected position
3839  Vector<double> s(n_dim), x_exp(n_dim);
3840  el_pt->local_coordinate_of_node(j, s);
3841  el_pt->get_x(t, s, x_exp);
3843  // Get actual position
3844  Vector<double> x_act(n_dim);
3845  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3846  {
3847  x_act[dir] = nod_pt->x(dir);
3848  }
3850  // Compare actual and expected positions
3851  bool node_pos_differs = false;
3852  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3853  {
3854  node_pos_differs =
3855  node_pos_differs ||
3856  (std::fabs(x_act[dir] - x_exp[dir]) > 1.0e-14);
3857  }
3859  // If the node's actual position differs from its
3860  // expected position we need to communicate this
3861  // information to processors on which this is a halo node
3862  if (node_pos_differs)
3863  {
3864  // Check that node has not been done already
3865  if (nodes_requiring_adjustment.insert(nod_pt).second)
3866  {
3867  // Send index of haloed element
3868  send_unsigneds.push_back(e);
3869  // Send index of node in the element
3870  send_unsigneds.push_back(j);
3871  // Send actual position of node
3872  for (unsigned dir = 0; dir < n_dim; dir++)
3873  {
3874  send_doubles.push_back(x_act[dir]);
3875  }
3876  }
3877  }
3878  }
3879  }
3880  }
3881  }
3882  }
3884  // Send the information to the relevant process
3885  unsigned send_unsigneds_count = send_unsigneds.size();
3886  unsigned send_doubles_count = send_doubles.size();
3888  if (send_unsigneds_count > 0)
3889  {
3890  // exit(1);
3891  }
3893  // Tell processor dd how much data to receive
3894  MPI_Send(&send_unsigneds_count,
3895  1,
3897  dd,
3898  0,
3899  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3900  MPI_Send(
3901  &send_doubles_count, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, dd, 1, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3903  // Send data (if any)
3904  if (send_unsigneds_count != 0)
3905  {
3906  MPI_Send(&send_unsigneds[0],
3907  send_unsigneds_count,
3909  dd,
3910  0,
3911  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3912  }
3913  if (send_doubles_count != 0)
3914  {
3915  MPI_Send(&send_doubles[0],
3916  send_doubles_count,
3918  dd,
3919  1,
3920  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
3921  }
3922  }
3923  }
3924  }
3925  }
3928  {
3929  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
3930  oomph_info << "Time for synchronise_nonhanging_nodes(): "
3931  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
3932  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
3933  }
3934  }
3936 #endif
3939  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3940  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3941  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3944  //========================================================================
3945  /// Do adaptive p-refinement for mesh.
3946  /// - Pass Vector of error estimates for all elements.
3947  /// - p-refine those whose errors exceeds the threshold
3948  /// - p-unrefine those whose errors is less than
3949  /// threshold.
3950  //========================================================================
3952  const Vector<double>& elemental_error)
3953  {
3954  // Set the refinement tolerance to be the max permissible error
3955  double refine_tol = this->max_permitted_error();
3957  // Set the unrefinement tolerance to be the min permissible error
3958  double unrefine_tol = this->min_permitted_error();
3960  // Setup doc info
3961  DocInfo local_doc_info;
3962  if (doc_info_pt() == 0)
3963  {
3964  local_doc_info.disable_doc();
3965  }
3966  else
3967  {
3968  local_doc_info = this->doc_info();
3969  }
3972  // Check that the errors make sense
3973  if (refine_tol <= unrefine_tol)
3974  {
3975  std::ostringstream error_stream;
3976  error_stream << "Refinement tolerance <= Unrefinement tolerance"
3977  << refine_tol << " " << unrefine_tol << std::endl
3978  << "doesn't make sense and will almost certainly crash"
3979  << std::endl
3980  << "this beautiful code!" << std::endl;
3982  throw OomphLibError(
3984  }
3987  // Select elements for refinement and unrefinement
3988  //==============================================
3989  // Reset counter for number of elements that would like to be
3990  // refined further but can't
3991  this->nrefinement_overruled() = 0;
3993  unsigned n_refine = 0;
3994  unsigned n_unrefine = 0;
3995  // Loop over all elements and mark them according to the error criterion
3996  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
3997  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
3998  {
3999  //(Cast) pointer to the element
4000  PRefineableElement* el_pt =
4001  dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
4003  // Check that we can p-refine the element
4004  if (el_pt != 0)
4005  {
4006  // Initially element is not to be refined
4007  el_pt->deselect_for_p_refinement();
4008  el_pt->deselect_for_p_unrefinement();
4010  // If the element error exceeds the threshold ...
4011  if (elemental_error[e] > refine_tol)
4012  {
4013  // ... and its refinement level is less than the maximum desired level
4014  // mark is to be refined
4015  if ((el_pt->p_refinement_is_enabled()) &&
4016  (el_pt->p_order() < this->max_p_refinement_level()))
4017  {
4018  el_pt->select_for_p_refinement();
4019  n_refine++;
4020  }
4021  // ... otherwise mark it as having been over-ruled
4022  else
4023  {
4024  this->nrefinement_overruled() += 1;
4025  }
4026  }
4027  if (elemental_error[e] < unrefine_tol)
4028  {
4029  // ... and its refinement level is more than the minimum desired level
4030  // mark is to be refined
4031  //(Also check that we don't unrefine past the initial refinement
4032  // level)
4033  if ((el_pt->p_refinement_is_enabled()) &&
4034  (el_pt->p_order() > this->min_p_refinement_level()) &&
4035  (el_pt->p_order() > el_pt->initial_p_order()))
4036  {
4037  el_pt->select_for_p_unrefinement();
4038  n_unrefine++;
4039  }
4040  // Don't mark as overruled - it's misleading
4041  /// / ... otherwise mark it as having been over-ruled
4042  // else
4043  // {
4044  // this->nrefinement_overruled()+=1;
4045  // }
4046  }
4047  } // End of check for p-refineability of element
4048  else
4049  {
4050  oomph_info << "p-refinement is not possible for these elements"
4051  << std::endl;
4052  // Don't try to p-refine any more elements
4053  break;
4054  }
4055  }
4057  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements to be refined: " << n_refine
4058  << std::endl;
4059  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements whose refinement was overruled: "
4060  << this->nrefinement_overruled() << std::endl;
4062  oomph_info << " \n Number of elements to be unrefined : " << n_unrefine
4063  << std::endl
4064  << std::endl;
4067  // Now do the actual mesh adaptation
4068  //---------------------------------
4070  // Check whether its worth our while
4071  // Either some elements want to be refined,
4072  // or the number that want to be unrefined are greater than the
4073  // specified tolerance
4075  // In a parallel job, it is possible that one process may not have
4076  // any elements to refine, BUT a neighbouring process may refine an
4077  // element which changes the hanging status of a node that is on
4078  // both processes (i.e. a halo(ed) node). To get around this issue,
4079  // ALL processes need to call adapt_mesh if ANY refinement is to
4080  // take place anywhere.
4082  unsigned total_n_refine = 0;
4083 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4084  // Sum n_refine across all processors
4085  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
4086  {
4087  MPI_Allreduce(
4088  &n_refine, &total_n_refine, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
4089  }
4090  else
4091  {
4092  total_n_refine = n_refine;
4093  }
4094 #else
4095  total_n_refine = n_refine;
4096 #endif
4098  // There may be some issues with unrefinement too, but I have not
4099  // been able to come up with an example (either in my head or in a
4100  // particular problem) where anything has arisen. I can see that
4101  // there may be an issue if n_unrefine differs across processes so
4102  // that (total_n_unrefine > max_keep_unrefined()) on some but not
4103  // all processes. I haven't seen any examples of this yet so the
4104  // following code may or may not work! (Andy, 06/03/08)
4106  unsigned total_n_unrefine = 0;
4107 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4108  // Sum n_unrefine across all processors
4109  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
4110  {
4111  MPI_Allreduce(&n_unrefine,
4112  &total_n_unrefine,
4113  1,
4114  MPI_INT,
4115  MPI_SUM,
4116  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
4117  }
4118  else
4119  {
4120  total_n_unrefine = n_unrefine;
4121  }
4122 #else
4123  total_n_unrefine = n_unrefine;
4124 #endif
4126  oomph_info << "---> " << total_n_refine << " elements to be refined, and "
4127  << total_n_unrefine << " to be unrefined, in total."
4128  << std::endl;
4130  if ((total_n_refine > 0) || (total_n_unrefine > this->max_keep_unrefined()))
4131  {
4132 #ifdef PARANOID
4133 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4135  // Sanity check: Each processor checks if the enforced unrefinement of
4136  // its haloed element is matched by enforced unrefinement of the
4137  // corresponding halo elements on the other processors.
4138  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
4139  {
4140  // Store number of processors and current process
4141  MPI_Status status;
4142  int n_proc = Comm_pt->nproc();
4143  int my_rank = Comm_pt->my_rank();
4145  // Loop over all other domains/processors
4146  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
4147  {
4148  // Don't talk to yourself
4149  if (d != my_rank)
4150  {
4151  {
4152  // Get the vector of halo elements whose non-halo counterpart
4153  // are on processor d
4154  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> halo_elem_pt(
4155  this->halo_element_pt(d));
4157  // Create vector containing (0)1 to indicate that
4158  // halo element is (not) to be unrefined
4159  unsigned nhalo = halo_elem_pt.size();
4160  Vector<int> halo_to_be_unrefined(nhalo, 0);
4161  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhalo; e++)
4162  {
4163  if (dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(halo_elem_pt[e])
4164  ->to_be_p_unrefined())
4165  {
4166  halo_to_be_unrefined[e] = 1;
4167  }
4168  }
4170  // Trap the case when there are no halo elements
4171  // so that we don't get a segfault in the MPI send
4172  if (nhalo > 0)
4173  {
4174  // Send it across
4175  MPI_Send(&halo_to_be_unrefined[0],
4176  nhalo,
4177  MPI_INT,
4178  d,
4179  0,
4180  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
4181  }
4182  }
4184  {
4185  // Get the vector of haloed elements on current processor
4186  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> haloed_elem_pt(
4187  this->haloed_element_pt(d));
4189  // Ask processor d to send vector containing (0)1 for
4190  // halo element with current processor to be (not)unrefined
4191  unsigned nhaloed = haloed_elem_pt.size();
4192  Vector<int> halo_to_be_unrefined(nhaloed);
4193  // Trap to catch the case that there are no haloed elements
4194  if (nhaloed > 0)
4195  {
4196  MPI_Recv(&halo_to_be_unrefined[0],
4197  nhaloed,
4198  MPI_INT,
4199  d,
4200  0,
4201  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
4202  &status);
4203  }
4205  // Check it
4206  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhaloed; e++)
4207  {
4208  if (((halo_to_be_unrefined[e] == 0) &&
4209  (dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
4210  ->to_be_p_unrefined())) ||
4211  ((halo_to_be_unrefined[e] == 1) &&
4212  (!dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
4213  ->to_be_p_unrefined())))
4214  {
4215  std::ostringstream error_message;
4216  error_message
4217  << "Error in refinement: \n"
4218  << "Haloed element: " << e << " on proc " << my_rank
4219  << " \n"
4220  << "wants to be unrefined whereas its halo counterpart on\n"
4221  << "proc " << d << " doesn't (or vice versa)...\n"
4222  << "This is most likely because the error estimator\n"
4223  << "has not assigned the same errors to halo and haloed\n"
4224  << "elements -- it ought to!\n";
4225  throw OomphLibError(error_message.str(),
4228  }
4229  }
4230  }
4231  }
4232  }
4235  // Loop over all other domains/processors
4236  for (int d = 0; d < n_proc; d++)
4237  {
4238  // Don't talk to yourself
4239  if (d != my_rank)
4240  {
4241  {
4242  // Get the vector of halo elements whose non-halo counterpart
4243  // are on processor d
4244  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> halo_elem_pt(
4245  this->halo_element_pt(d));
4247  // Create vector containing (0)1 to indicate that
4248  // halo element is (not) to be refined
4249  unsigned nhalo = halo_elem_pt.size();
4250  Vector<int> halo_to_be_refined(nhalo, 0);
4251  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhalo; e++)
4252  {
4253  if (dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(halo_elem_pt[e])
4254  ->to_be_p_refined())
4255  {
4256  halo_to_be_refined[e] = 1;
4257  }
4258  }
4260  // Send it across
4261  if (nhalo > 0)
4262  {
4263  MPI_Send(&halo_to_be_refined[0],
4264  nhalo,
4265  MPI_INT,
4266  d,
4267  0,
4268  Comm_pt->mpi_comm());
4269  }
4270  }
4272  {
4273  // Get the vector of haloed elements on current processor
4274  Vector<GeneralisedElement*> haloed_elem_pt(
4275  this->haloed_element_pt(d));
4277  // Ask processor d to send vector containing (0)1 for
4278  // halo element with current processor to be (not)refined
4279  unsigned nhaloed = haloed_elem_pt.size();
4280  Vector<int> halo_to_be_refined(nhaloed);
4281  if (nhaloed > 0)
4282  {
4283  MPI_Recv(&halo_to_be_refined[0],
4284  nhaloed,
4285  MPI_INT,
4286  d,
4287  0,
4288  Comm_pt->mpi_comm(),
4289  &status);
4290  }
4292  // Check it
4293  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nhaloed; e++)
4294  {
4295  if (((halo_to_be_refined[e] == 0) &&
4296  (dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
4297  ->to_be_p_refined())) ||
4298  ((halo_to_be_refined[e] == 1) &&
4299  (!dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(haloed_elem_pt[e])
4300  ->to_be_p_refined())))
4301  {
4302  std::ostringstream error_message;
4303  error_message
4304  << "Error in refinement: \n"
4305  << "Haloed element: " << e << " on proc " << my_rank
4306  << " \n"
4307  << "wants to be refined whereas its halo counterpart on\n"
4308  << "proc " << d << " doesn't (or vice versa)...\n"
4309  << "This is most likely because the error estimator\n"
4310  << "has not assigned the same errors to halo and haloed\n"
4311  << "elements -- it ought to!\n";
4312  throw OomphLibError(error_message.str(),
4315  }
4316  }
4317  }
4318  }
4319  }
4320  }
4321 #endif
4322 #endif
4324  // Perform the actual adaptation
4325  p_adapt_mesh(local_doc_info);
4327  // The number of refineable elements is still local to each process
4328  this->Nunrefined = n_unrefine;
4329  this->Nrefined = n_refine;
4330  }
4331  // If not worthwhile, say so but still reorder nodes and kill external
4332  // storage for consistency in parallel computations
4333  else
4334  {
4335 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4336  // Delete any external element storage - any interaction will still
4337  // be set up on the fly again, so we need to get rid of old information.
4338  // This particularly causes problems in multi-domain examples where
4339  // we decide not to refine one of the meshes
4341 #endif
4343  // Reorder the nodes within the mesh's node vector
4344  // to establish a standard ordering regardless of the sequence
4345  // of mesh refinements -- this is required to allow dump/restart
4346  // on refined meshes
4347  this->reorder_nodes();
4349 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4351  // Now (re-)classify halo and haloed nodes and synchronise hanging
4352  // nodes
4353  // This is required in cases where delete_all_external_storage()
4354  // made dependent nodes to external halo nodes nonhanging.
4355  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
4356  {
4357  DocInfo doc_info;
4360  }
4362 #endif
4364  if (n_refine == 0)
4365  {
4366  oomph_info << "\n Not enough benefit in adapting mesh. " << std::endl
4367  << std::endl;
4368  }
4369  this->Nunrefined = 0;
4370  this->Nrefined = 0;
4371  }
4372  }
4375  //================================================================
4376  /// p-adapt mesh, which exists in two representations,
4377  /// namely as:
4378  /// - a FE mesh
4379  /// - a forest of Oc or QuadTrees
4380  ///
4381  /// p-refinement/derefinement process is documented (in tecplot-able form)
4382  /// if requested.
4383  ///
4384  /// Procedure:
4385  /// - Loop over all elements and do the p-refinement/unrefinement for
4386  /// those who want to be refined. Note: p-refinement builds fully-
4387  /// functional elements.
4388  /// - For all nodes that were hanging on the previous mesh (and are still
4389  /// marked as such), fill in their nodal values (consistent
4390  /// with the current hanging node scheme) to make sure they are fully
4391  /// functional, should they have become non-hanging during the
4392  /// mesh-adaptation. Then mark the nodes as non-hanging.
4393  /// - Delete any nodes that have become obsolete.
4394  /// - Mark up hanging nodes and setup hanging node scheme (incl.
4395  /// recursive cleanup for hanging nodes that depend on other
4396  /// hanging nodes).
4397  /// - run a quick self-test on the neighbour finding scheme and
4398  /// check the integrity of the elements (if PARANOID)
4399  /// - doc hanging node status, boundary conditions, neighbour
4400  /// scheme if requested.
4401  ///
4402  ///
4403  /// After adaptation, all nodes (whether new or old) have up-to-date
4404  /// current and previous values.
4405  ///
4406  /// If refinement process is being documented, the following information
4407  /// is documented:
4408  /// - The files
4409  /// - "neighbours.dat"
4410  /// - "all_nodes.dat"
4411  /// - "new_nodes.dat"
4412  /// - "hang_nodes_*.dat"
4413  /// where the * denotes a direction (n,s,e,w) in 2D
4414  /// or (r,l,u,d,f,b) in 3D
4415  /// .
4416  /// can be viewed with
4417  /// - QHangingNodes.mcr
4418  /// .
4419  /// - The file
4420  /// - "hangnodes_withmasters.dat"
4421  /// .
4422  /// can be viewed with
4423  /// - QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
4424  /// .
4425  /// to check the hanging node status.
4426  /// - The neighbour status of the elements is documented in
4427  /// - "neighbours.dat"
4428  /// .
4429  /// and can be viewed with
4430  /// - QuadTreeNeighbours.mcr
4431  /// .
4432  //=================================================================
4434  {
4435 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
4436  // Delete any external element storage before performing the adaptation
4437  // (in particular, external halo nodes that are on mesh boundaries)
4439 #endif
4441  // Only perform the adapt step if the mesh has any elements. This is
4442  // relevant in a distributed problem with multiple meshes, where a
4443  // particular process may not have any elements on a particular submesh.
4444  if (this->nelement() > 0)
4445  {
4446  double t_start = 0.0;
4448  {
4449  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4450  }
4452  // Do refinement/unrefinement if required
4456  {
4457  double t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4458  oomph_info << "Time for p-refinement/unrefinement: " << t_end - t_start
4459  << std::endl;
4460  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4461  }
4463  // Loop over all nodes in mesh and free the dofs of those that were
4464  //-----------------------------------------------------------------
4465  // pinned only because they were hanging nodes. Also update their
4466  //-----------------------------------------------------------------
4467  // nodal values so that they contain data that is consistent
4468  //----------------------------------------------------------
4469  // with the hanging node representation
4470  //-------------------------------------
4471  // (Even if the nodal data isn't actually accessed because the node
4472  // is still hanging -- we don't know this yet, and this step makes
4473  // sure that all nodes are fully functional and up-to-date, should
4474  // they become non-hanging below).
4475  //
4476  //
4477  // However, if we have a fixed mesh and hanging nodes on the boundary
4478  // become non-hanging they will not necessarily respect the curvilinear
4479  // boundaries. This can only happen in 3D of course because it is not
4480  // possible to have hanging nodes on boundaries in 2D.
4481  // The solution is to store those nodes on the boundaries that are
4482  // currently hanging and then check to see whether they have changed
4483  // status at the end of the refinement procedure.
4484  // If it has changed, then we need to adjust their positions.
4485  const unsigned n_boundary = this->nboundary();
4486  const unsigned mesh_dim = this->finite_element_pt(0)->dim();
4487  Vector<std::set<Node*>> hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt(n_boundary);
4489  unsigned long n_node = this->nnode();
4490  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
4491  {
4492  // Get the pointer to the node
4493  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
4495  // Get the number of values in the node
4496  unsigned n_value = nod_pt->nvalue();
4498  // We need to find if any of the values are hanging
4499  bool is_hanging = nod_pt->is_hanging();
4500  // Loop over the values and find out whether any are hanging
4501  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_value; n++)
4502  {
4503  is_hanging |= nod_pt->is_hanging(n);
4504  }
4506  // If the node is hanging then ...
4507  if (is_hanging)
4508  {
4509  // Unless they are turned into hanging nodes again below
4510  // (this might or might not happen), fill in all the necessary
4511  // data to make them 'proper' nodes again.
4513  // Reconstruct the nodal values/position from the node's
4514  // hanging node representation
4515  unsigned nt = nod_pt->ntstorage();
4516  Vector<double> values(n_value);
4517  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
4518  Vector<double> position(n_dim);
4519  // Loop over all history values
4520  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nt; t++)
4521  {
4522  nod_pt->value(t, values);
4523  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_value; i++)
4524  {
4525  nod_pt->set_value(t, i, values[i]);
4526  }
4527  nod_pt->position(t, position);
4528  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
4529  {
4530  nod_pt->x(t, i) = position[i];
4531  }
4532  }
4534  // If it's an algebraic node: Update its previous nodal positions too
4535  AlgebraicNode* alg_node_pt = dynamic_cast<AlgebraicNode*>(nod_pt);
4536  if (alg_node_pt != 0)
4537  {
4538  bool update_all_time_levels = true;
4539  alg_node_pt->node_update(update_all_time_levels);
4540  }
4543  // If it's a Solid node, update Lagrangian coordinates
4544  // from its hanging node representation
4545  SolidNode* solid_node_pt = dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
4546  if (solid_node_pt != 0)
4547  {
4548  unsigned n_lagrangian = solid_node_pt->nlagrangian();
4549  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lagrangian; i++)
4550  {
4551  solid_node_pt->xi(i) = solid_node_pt->lagrangian_position(i);
4552  }
4553  }
4555  // Now store geometrically hanging nodes on boundaries that
4556  // may need updating after refinement.
4557  // There will only be a problem if we have 3 spatial dimensions
4558  if ((mesh_dim > 2) && (nod_pt->is_hanging()))
4559  {
4560  // If the node is on a boundary then add a pointer to the node
4561  // to our lookup scheme
4562  if (nod_pt->is_on_boundary())
4563  {
4564  // Storage for the boundaries on which the Node is located
4565  std::set<unsigned>* boundaries_pt;
4566  nod_pt->get_boundaries_pt(boundaries_pt);
4567  if (boundaries_pt != 0)
4568  {
4569  // Loop over the boundaries and add a pointer to the node
4570  // to the appropriate storage scheme
4571  for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = boundaries_pt->begin();
4572  it != boundaries_pt->end();
4573  ++it)
4574  {
4575  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[*it].insert(nod_pt);
4576  }
4577  }
4578  }
4579  }
4581  } // End of is_hanging
4583  // Initially mark all nodes as 'non-hanging' and `obsolete'
4584  nod_pt->set_nonhanging();
4585  nod_pt->set_obsolete();
4586  }
4588  double t_end = 0.0;
4590  {
4591  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4592  oomph_info << "Time for sorting out initial hanging status: "
4593  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
4594  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4595  }
4597  // Stick all elements into a vector
4598  Vector<Tree*> tree_nodes_pt;
4599  this->forest_pt()->stick_leaves_into_vector(tree_nodes_pt);
4601  // Copy the elements into the mesh Vector
4602  unsigned long num_tree_nodes = tree_nodes_pt.size();
4603  this->element_pt().resize(num_tree_nodes);
4604  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
4605  {
4606  this->element_pt(e) = tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt();
4608  // Now loop over all nodes in element and mark them as non-obsolete
4609  FiniteElement* this_el_pt = this->finite_element_pt(e);
4610  unsigned n_node = this_el_pt->nnode(); // caching pre-loop
4611  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
4612  {
4613  this_el_pt->node_pt(n)->set_non_obsolete();
4614  }
4616  // Mark up so that repeated refinements do not occur
4617  // (Required because refined element is the same element as the
4618  // original)
4619  PRefineableElement* cast_el_pt =
4620  dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
4621  cast_el_pt->deselect_for_p_refinement();
4622  cast_el_pt->deselect_for_p_unrefinement();
4623  }
4625  // Cannot delete nodes that are still marked as obsolete
4626  // because they may still be required to assemble the hanging schemes
4627  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4629  // Mark up hanging nodes
4630  //----------------------
4632  // Output streams for the hanging nodes
4633  Vector<std::ofstream*> hanging_output_files;
4634  // Setup the output files for hanging nodes, this must be called
4635  // precisely once for the forest. Note that the files will only
4636  // actually be opened if doc_info.Doc_flag is true
4637  this->forest_pt()->open_hanging_node_files(doc_info,
4638  hanging_output_files);
4640  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
4641  {
4642  // Generic setup
4643  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->setup_hanging_nodes(
4644  hanging_output_files);
4645  // Element specific setup
4646  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->further_setup_hanging_nodes();
4647  }
4649  // Close the hanging node files and delete the memory allocated
4650  // for the streams
4651  this->forest_pt()->close_hanging_node_files(doc_info,
4652  hanging_output_files);
4656  {
4657  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4658  oomph_info << "Time for setup_hanging_nodes() and "
4659  "further_setup_hanging_nodes() for "
4660  << num_tree_nodes << " elements: " << t_end - t_start
4661  << std::endl;
4662  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4663  }
4665  // Read out the number of continously interpolated values
4666  // from one of the elements (assuming it's the same in all elements)
4667  unsigned ncont_interpolated_values =
4668  tree_nodes_pt[0]->object_pt()->ncont_interpolated_values();
4670  // Complete the hanging nodes schemes by dealing with the
4671  // recursively hanging nodes
4672  this->complete_hanging_nodes(ncont_interpolated_values);
4676  {
4677  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4678  oomph_info << "Time for complete_hanging_nodes: " << t_end - t_start
4679  << std::endl;
4680  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4681  }
4683  /// Update the boundary element info -- this can be a costly procedure
4684  /// and for this reason the mesh writer might have decided not to set up
4685  /// this scheme. If so, we won't change this and suppress its creation...
4687  {
4689  }
4692  {
4693  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4694  oomph_info << "Time for boundary element info: " << t_end - t_start
4695  << std::endl;
4696  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4697  }
4699  // BENFLAG: Reset all the node update elements.
4700  // This is necessary to prevent the following case: A node N is
4701  // shared between two elements, A and B. The update element for
4702  // the node is set to A, say. Element A is p-refined and now
4703  // nolonger has N as a node. However the node update element for N
4704  // is still A but the node doesn't exist in A.
4705  MacroElementNodeUpdateElementBase* first_macro_el_pt =
4706  dynamic_cast<MacroElementNodeUpdateElementBase*>(this->element_pt(0));
4707  if (first_macro_el_pt != 0)
4708  {
4709  // Now set the node update info elementwise
4710  for (unsigned e = 0; e < this->nelement(); e++)
4711  {
4712  // Cast to macro element
4713  MacroElementNodeUpdateElementBase* macro_el_pt =
4714  dynamic_cast<MacroElementNodeUpdateElementBase*>(
4715  this->element_pt(e));
4716  if (macro_el_pt != 0)
4717  {
4718  // Get vector of geometric objects from element (construct vector
4719  // via copy operation)
4720  Vector<GeomObject*> geom_object_pt(macro_el_pt->geom_object_pt());
4722  // (Re)set node update info for all the nodes in the element
4723  macro_el_pt->set_node_update_info(geom_object_pt);
4724  }
4725  }
4726  }
4728 #ifdef PARANOID
4730  // Doc/check the neighbours
4731  //-------------------------
4732  Vector<Tree*> all_tree_nodes_pt;
4733  this->forest_pt()->stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector(all_tree_nodes_pt);
4735  // Check the neighbours
4736  this->forest_pt()->check_all_neighbours(doc_info);
4738  // Check the integrity of the elements
4739  // -----------------------------------
4741  // Loop over elements and get the elemental integrity
4742  double max_error = 0.0;
4743  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
4744  {
4745  double max_el_error;
4746  tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt()->check_integrity(max_el_error);
4747  // If the elemental error is greater than our maximum error
4748  // reset the maximum
4749  if (max_el_error > max_error)
4750  {
4751  max_error = max_el_error;
4752  }
4753  }
4756  {
4757  std::ostringstream error_stream;
4758  error_stream << "Mesh refined: Max. error in integrity check: "
4759  << max_error << " is too big"
4760  << "\ni.e. bigger than RefineableElement::"
4761  << "max_integrity_tolerance()="
4763  << std::endl;
4765  std::ofstream some_file;
4767  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
4768  {
4769  // Get the pointer to the node
4770  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
4771  // Get the dimension
4772  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
4773  // Output the coordinates
4774  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
4775  {
4776  some_file << this->node_pt(n)->x(i) << " ";
4777  }
4778  some_file << std::endl;
4779  }
4780  some_file.close();
4782  error_stream << "Documented problem mesh in ProblemMesh.dat"
4783  << std::endl;
4785  throw OomphLibError(
4787  }
4788  else
4789  {
4790  oomph_info << "Mesh refined: Max. error in integrity check: "
4791  << max_error << " is OK" << std::endl;
4792  oomph_info
4793  << "i.e. less than RefineableElement::max_integrity_tolerance()="
4795  << std::endl;
4796  }
4800  {
4801  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4802  oomph_info << "Time for (paranoid only) checking of integrity: "
4803  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
4804  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4805  }
4807 #endif
4809  // Loop over all elements other than the final level and deactivate the
4810  // objects, essentially set the pointer that point to nodes that are
4811  // about to be deleted to NULL. This must take place here because nodes
4812  // addressed by elements that are dead but still living in the tree might
4813  // have been made obsolete in the last round of refinement
4814  //(Not strictly required, as tree structure has not changed, but does no
4815  // harm)
4816  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < this->forest_pt()->ntree(); e++)
4817  {
4819  }
4821  // Now we can prune the dead nodes from the mesh.
4822  Vector<Node*> deleted_node_pt = this->prune_dead_nodes();
4825  {
4826  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4827  oomph_info << "Time for deactivating objects and pruning nodes: "
4828  << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
4829  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4830  }
4832  // Finally: Reorder the nodes within the mesh's node vector
4833  // to establish a standard ordering regardless of the sequence
4834  // of mesh refinements -- this is required to allow dump/restart
4835  // on refined meshes
4836  this->reorder_nodes();
4839  {
4840  t_end = TimingHelpers::timer();
4841  oomph_info << "Time for reordering " << nnode()
4842  << " nodes: " << t_end - t_start << std::endl;
4843  t_start = TimingHelpers::timer();
4844  }
4846  // Now we can correct the nodes on boundaries that were hanging that
4847  // are no longer hanging
4848  // Only bother if we have more than two dimensions
4849  if (mesh_dim > 2)
4850  {
4851  // Loop over the boundaries
4852  for (unsigned b = 0; b < n_boundary; b++)
4853  {
4854  // Remove deleted nodes from the set
4855  unsigned n_del = deleted_node_pt.size();
4856  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_del; j++)
4857  {
4858  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(deleted_node_pt[j]);
4859  }
4861  // If the nodes that were hanging are still hanging then remove them
4862  // from the set (note increment is not in for command for efficiencty)
4863  for (std::set<Node*>::iterator it =
4864  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].begin();
4865  it != hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].end();)
4866  {
4867  if ((*it)->is_hanging())
4868  {
4869  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(it++);
4870  }
4871  else
4872  {
4873  ++it;
4874  }
4875  }
4877  // Are there any nodes that have changed geometric hanging status
4878  // on the boundary
4879  // The slightly painful part is that we must adjust the position
4880  // via the macro-elements which are only available through the
4881  // elements and not the nodes.
4882  if (hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].size() > 0)
4883  {
4884  // If so we loop over all elements adjacent to the boundary
4885  unsigned n_boundary_element = this->nboundary_element(b);
4886  for (unsigned e = 0; e < n_boundary_element; ++e)
4887  {
4888  // Get a pointer to the element
4889  FiniteElement* el_pt = this->boundary_element_pt(b, e);
4891  // Do we have a solid element
4892  SolidFiniteElement* solid_el_pt =
4893  dynamic_cast<SolidFiniteElement*>(el_pt);
4895  // Determine whether there is a macro element
4896  bool macro_present = (el_pt->macro_elem_pt() != 0);
4897  // Or a solid macro element
4898  if (solid_el_pt != 0)
4899  {
4900  macro_present |= (solid_el_pt->undeformed_macro_elem_pt() != 0);
4901  }
4903  // Only bother to do anything if there is a macro element
4904  // or undeformed macro element in a SolidElement
4905  if (macro_present)
4906  {
4907  // Loop over the nodes
4908  // ALH: (could optimise to only loop over
4909  // node associated with the boundary with more effort)
4910  unsigned n_el_node = el_pt->nnode();
4911  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_el_node; n++)
4912  {
4913  // Cache pointer to the node
4914  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(n);
4915  if (nod_pt->is_on_boundary(b))
4916  {
4917  // Is the Node in our set
4918  std::set<Node*>::iterator it =
4919  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].find(nod_pt);
4920  // If we have found the Node then update the position
4921  // to be consistent with the macro-element representation
4922  if (it != hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].end())
4923  {
4924  // Specialise local and global coordinates to 3D
4925  // because there is only a problem in 3D.
4926  Vector<double> s(3), x(3);
4927  // Find the local coordinate of the ndoe
4928  el_pt->local_coordinate_of_node(n, s);
4929  // Find the number of time history values
4930  const unsigned ntstorage = nod_pt->ntstorage();
4932  // Do we have a solid node
4933  SolidNode* solid_node_pt =
4934  dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
4935  if (solid_node_pt)
4936  {
4937  // Assign Lagrangian coordinates from undeformed
4938  // macro element (if it has one -- get_x_and_xi()
4939  // does "the right thing" anyway. Leave actual
4940  // nodal positions alone -- we're doing a solid
4941  // mechanics problem and once we're going
4942  // the nodal positions are always computed, never
4943  // (automatically) reset to macro-element based
4944  // positions; not even on pinned boundaries
4945  // because the user may have other ideas about where
4946  // these should go -- pinning means "don't touch the
4947  // value", not "leave where the macro-element thinks
4948  // it should be"
4949  Vector<double> x_fe(3), xi(3), xi_fe(3);
4950  solid_el_pt->get_x_and_xi(s, x_fe, x, xi_fe, xi);
4951  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
4952  {
4953  solid_node_pt->xi(i) = xi[i];
4954  }
4955  }
4956  else
4957  {
4958  // Set position and history values from the
4959  // macro-element representation
4960  for (unsigned t = 0; t < ntstorage; t++)
4961  {
4962  // Get the history value from the macro element
4963  el_pt->get_x(t, s, x);
4965  // Set the coordinate to that of the macroelement
4966  // representation
4967  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
4968  {
4969  nod_pt->x(t, i) = x[i];
4970  }
4971  }
4972  } // End of non-solid node case
4974  // Now remove the node from the list
4975  hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].erase(it);
4976  // If there are no Nodes left then exit the loops
4977  if (hanging_nodes_on_boundary_pt[b].size() == 0)
4978  {
4979  e = n_boundary_element;
4980  break;
4981  }
4982  }
4983  }
4984  }
4985  } // End of macro element case
4986  }
4987  }
4988  }
4989  } // End of case when we have fixed nodal positions
4991  // Final doc
4992  //-----------
4993  if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
4994  {
4995  // Doc the boundary conditions ('0' for non-existent, '1' for free,
4996  //----------------------------------------------------------------
4997  // '2' for pinned -- ideal for tecplot scatter sizing.
4998  //----------------------------------------------------
4999  // num_tree_nodes=tree_nodes_pt.size();
5001  // Determine maximum number of values at any node in this type of
5002  // element
5003  RefineableElement* el_pt = tree_nodes_pt[0]->object_pt();
5004  // Initalise max_nval
5005  unsigned max_nval = 0;
5006  for (unsigned n = 0; n < el_pt->nnode(); n++)
5007  {
5008  if (el_pt->node_pt(n)->nvalue() > max_nval)
5009  {
5010  max_nval = el_pt->node_pt(n)->nvalue();
5011  }
5012  }
5014  // Open the output file
5015  std::ostringstream fullname;
5016  std::ofstream bcs_file;
5017  fullname.str("");
5018  fullname << << "/bcs" << doc_info.number()
5019  << ".dat";
5022  // Loop over elements
5023  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < num_tree_nodes; e++)
5024  {
5025  el_pt = tree_nodes_pt[e]->object_pt();
5026  // Loop over nodes in element
5027  unsigned n_nod = el_pt->nnode();
5028  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_nod; n++)
5029  {
5030  // Get pointer to the node
5031  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(n);
5032  // Find the dimension of the node
5033  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
5034  // Write the nodal coordinates to the file
5035  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
5036  {
5037  bcs_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
5038  }
5040  // Loop over all values in this element
5041  for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_nval; i++)
5042  {
5043  // Value exists at this node:
5044  if (i < nod_pt->nvalue())
5045  {
5046  bcs_file << " " << 1 + nod_pt->is_pinned(i);
5047  }
5048  // ...if not just dump out a zero
5049  else
5050  {
5051  bcs_file << " 0 ";
5052  }
5053  }
5054  bcs_file << std::endl;
5055  }
5056  }
5057  bcs_file.close();
5059  // Doc all nodes
5060  //---------------
5061  std::ofstream all_nodes_file;
5062  fullname.str("");
5063  fullname << << "/all_nodes" << doc_info.number()
5064  << ".dat";
5067  all_nodes_file << "ZONE \n";
5069  // Need to recompute the number of nodes since it may have
5070  // changed during mesh refinement/unrefinement
5071  n_node = this->nnode();
5072  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
5073  {
5074  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
5075  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
5076  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
5077  {
5078  all_nodes_file << this->node_pt(n)->x(i) << " ";
5079  }
5080  all_nodes_file << std::endl;
5081  }
5083  all_nodes_file.close();
5086  // Doc all hanging nodes:
5087  //-----------------------
5088  std::ofstream some_file;
5089  fullname.str("");
5090  fullname << << "/all_hangnodes"
5091  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
5093  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
5094  {
5095  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
5097  if (nod_pt->is_hanging())
5098  {
5099  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
5100  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
5101  {
5102  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
5103  }
5105  // ALH: Added this to stop Solid problems seg-faulting
5106  if (this->node_pt(n)->nvalue() > 0)
5107  {
5108  some_file << " " << nod_pt->raw_value(0);
5109  }
5110  some_file << std::endl;
5111  }
5112  }
5113  some_file.close();
5115  // Doc all hanging nodes and their masters
5116  // View with QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
5117  fullname.str("");
5118  fullname << << "/geometric_hangnodes_withmasters"
5119  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
5121  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
5122  {
5123  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
5124  if (nod_pt->is_hanging())
5125  {
5126  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
5127  unsigned nmaster = nod_pt->hanging_pt()->nmaster();
5128  some_file << "ZONE I=" << nmaster + 1 << std::endl;
5129  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
5130  {
5131  some_file << nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
5132  }
5133  some_file << " 2 " << std::endl;
5135  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
5136  {
5137  Node* master_nod_pt =
5138  nod_pt->hanging_pt()->master_node_pt(imaster);
5139  unsigned n_dim = master_nod_pt->ndim();
5140  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_dim; i++)
5141  {
5142  some_file << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
5143  }
5144  some_file << " 1 " << std::endl;
5145  }
5146  }
5147  }
5148  some_file.close();
5150  // Doc all hanging nodes and their masters
5151  // View with QHangingNodesWithMasters.mcr
5152  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ncont_interpolated_values; i++)
5153  {
5154  fullname.str("");
5155  fullname <<
5156  << "/nonstandard_hangnodes_withmasters" << i << "_"
5157  << doc_info.number() << ".dat";
5159  unsigned n_nod = this->nnode();
5160  for (unsigned long n = 0; n < n_nod; n++)
5161  {
5162  Node* nod_pt = this->node_pt(n);
5163  if (nod_pt->is_hanging(i))
5164  {
5165  if (nod_pt->hanging_pt(i) != nod_pt->hanging_pt())
5166  {
5167  unsigned nmaster = nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->nmaster();
5168  some_file << "ZONE I=" << nmaster + 1 << std::endl;
5169  unsigned n_dim = nod_pt->ndim();
5170  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_dim; j++)
5171  {
5172  some_file << nod_pt->x(j) << " ";
5173  }
5174  some_file << " 2 " << std::endl;
5175  for (unsigned imaster = 0; imaster < nmaster; imaster++)
5176  {
5177  Node* master_nod_pt =
5178  nod_pt->hanging_pt(i)->master_node_pt(imaster);
5179  unsigned n_dim = master_nod_pt->ndim();
5180  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_dim; j++)
5181  {
5182  // some_file << master_nod_pt->x(i) << " ";
5183  }
5184  some_file << " 1 " << std::endl;
5185  }
5186  }
5187  }
5188  }
5189  some_file.close();
5190  }
5192  } // End of documentation
5193  } // End if (this->nelement()>0)
5195  /// /BENFLAG: Check that all the nodes belong to their update elements
5196  // std::cout << "p_adapt_mesh(): Checking stuff works!" << std::endl;
5197  // for(unsigned j=0; j<this->nnode(); j++)
5198  // {
5199  // MacroElementNodeUpdateNode* macro_nod_pt =
5200  // dynamic_cast<MacroElementNodeUpdateNode*>(this->node_pt(j));
5201  // if(macro_nod_pt!=0)
5202  // {
5203  // bool big_problem = true;
5204  // std::cout << "Node " << macro_nod_pt << " at [ " << macro_nod_pt->x(0)
5205  // << ", " << macro_nod_pt->x(1) << " ]" << std::endl; FiniteElement*
5206  // up_el_pt =
5207  // dynamic_cast<FiniteElement*>(macro_nod_pt->node_update_element_pt());
5208  // for(unsigned l=0; l<up_el_pt->nnode(); l++)
5209  // {
5210  // if(up_el_pt->node_pt(l)==macro_nod_pt)
5211  // {
5212  // big_problem = false;
5213  // break;
5214  // }
5215  // }
5216  // if(big_problem)
5217  // {
5218  // std::cout << " This node doesn't exist in it's update element!" <<
5219  // std::endl;
5220  // }
5221  // }
5222  // }
5224 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
5226  // Now (re-)classify halo and haloed nodes and synchronise hanging
5227  // nodes
5228  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
5229  {
5231  }
5233 #endif
5234  }
5236  //========================================================================
5237  /// p-unrefine mesh uniformly
5238  /// Unlike in h-refinement, we can simply p-unrefine each element in the mesh
5239  //========================================================================
5241  {
5242  // Select all elements for unrefinement
5243  unsigned long Nelement = this->nelement();
5244  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < Nelement; e++)
5245  {
5246  // Get pointer to p-refineable element
5247  PRefineableElement* el_pt =
5248  dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(this->element_pt(e));
5249  // Mark for p-refinement if possible. If not then p_adapt_mesh() will
5250  // report the error.
5251  if (el_pt != 0)
5252  {
5253  el_pt->select_for_p_unrefinement();
5254  }
5255  }
5257  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
5259  }
5261  //========================================================================
5262  /// p-refine mesh by refining the elements identified by their numbers.
5263  //========================================================================
5265  const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_be_refined)
5266  {
5267 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
5268  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
5269  {
5270  std::ostringstream warn_stream;
5271  warn_stream << "You are attempting to refine selected elements of a "
5272  << std::endl
5273  << "distributed mesh. This may have undesired effects."
5274  << std::endl;
5276  OomphLibWarning(warn_stream.str(),
5277  "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine_selected_elements()",
5279  }
5280 #endif
5282  // Select elements for refinement
5283  unsigned long nref = elements_to_be_refined.size();
5284  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < nref; e++)
5285  {
5286  // Get pointer to p-refineable element
5287  PRefineableElement* el_pt = dynamic_cast<PRefineableElement*>(
5288  this->element_pt(elements_to_be_refined[e]));
5289  // Mark for p-refinement if possible. If not then p_adapt_mesh() will
5290  // report the error.
5291  if (el_pt != 0)
5292  {
5293  el_pt->select_for_p_refinement();
5294  }
5295  }
5297  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
5298  p_adapt_mesh();
5299  }
5301  //========================================================================
5302  /// p-refine mesh by refining the elements identified by their pointers.
5303  //========================================================================
5305  const Vector<PRefineableElement*>& elements_to_be_refined_pt)
5306  {
5307 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
5308  if (this->is_mesh_distributed())
5309  {
5310  std::ostringstream warn_stream;
5311  warn_stream << "You are attempting to refine selected elements of a "
5312  << std::endl
5313  << "distributed mesh. This may have undesired effects."
5314  << std::endl;
5316  OomphLibWarning(warn_stream.str(),
5317  "TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::refine_selected_elements()",
5319  }
5320 #endif
5322  // Select elements for refinement
5323  unsigned long nref = elements_to_be_refined_pt.size();
5324  for (unsigned long e = 0; e < nref; e++)
5325  {
5326  elements_to_be_refined_pt[e]->select_for_p_refinement();
5327  }
5329  // Do the actual mesh adaptation
5330  p_adapt_mesh();
5331  }
5333 } // namespace oomph
Definition: cfortran.h:571
static char t char * s
Definition: cfortran.h:568
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
void node_update(const bool &update_all_time_levels_for_new_node=false)
Broken assignment operator.
void set_value(const unsigned &i, const double &value_)
Set the i-th stored data value to specified value. The only reason that we require an explicit set fu...
Definition: nodes.h:271
unsigned nvalue() const
Return number of values stored in data object (incl pinned ones).
Definition: nodes.h:483
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return total number of doubles stored per value to record time history of each value (one for steady ...
int non_halo_proc_ID()
ID of processor ID that holds non-halo counterpart of halo node; negative if not a halo.
Definition: nodes.h:539
bool is_pinned(const unsigned &i) const
Test whether the i-th variable is pinned (1: true; 0: false).
Definition: nodes.h:417
Information for documentation of results: Directory and file number to enable output in the form RESL...
bool is_doc_enabled() const
Are we documenting?
void disable_doc()
Disable documentation.
std::string directory() const
Output directory.
unsigned & number()
Number used (e.g.) for labeling output files.
A general Finite Element class.
Definition: elements.h:1313
virtual void local_coordinate_of_node(const unsigned &j, Vector< double > &s) const
Get local coordinates of node j in the element; vector sets its own size (broken virtual)
Definition: elements.h:1842
Node *& node_pt(const unsigned &n)
Return a pointer to the local node n.
Definition: elements.h:2175
unsigned dim() const
Return the spatial dimension of the element, i.e. the number of local coordinates required to paramet...
Definition: elements.h:2611
unsigned nnode() const
Return the number of nodes.
Definition: elements.h:2210
void get_x(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &x) const
Global coordinates as function of local coordinates. Either via FE representation or via macro-elemen...
Definition: elements.h:1885
MacroElement * macro_elem_pt()
Access function to pointer to macro element.
Definition: elements.h:1878
Class that contains data for hanging nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:742
double const & master_weight(const unsigned &i) const
Return weight for dofs on i-th master node.
Definition: nodes.h:808
Node *const & master_node_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Return a pointer to the i-th master node.
Definition: nodes.h:791
unsigned nmaster() const
Return the number of master nodes.
Definition: nodes.h:785
void set_master_node_pt(const unsigned &i, Node *const &master_node_pt, const double &weight)
Set the pointer to the i-th master node and its weight.
Vector< GeomObject * > & geom_object_pt()
Vector of (pointers to) geometric objects involved in node update function.
virtual void set_node_update_info(const Vector< GeomObject * > &geom_object_pt)=0
Set node update information: Pass the vector of (pointers to) the geometric objects that affect the n...
A general mesh class.
Definition: mesh.h:67
Node * halo_node_pt(const unsigned &p, const unsigned &j)
Access fct to the j-th halo node in this Mesh whose non-halo counterpart is held on processor p.
Definition: mesh.h:1914
std::map< unsigned, Vector< Node * > > Shared_node_pt
Map of vectors holding the pointers to the shared nodes. These are all the nodes that are on two "nei...
Definition: mesh.h:116
bool is_mesh_distributed() const
Boolean to indicate if Mesh has been distributed.
Definition: mesh.h:1588
Node * haloed_node_pt(const unsigned &p, const unsigned &j)
Access fct to the j-th haloed node in this Mesh whose halo counterpart is held on processor p.
Definition: mesh.h:2014
bool Lookup_for_elements_next_boundary_is_setup
Flag to indicate that the lookup schemes for elements that are adjacent to the boundaries has been se...
Definition: mesh.h:87
Node * shared_node_pt(const unsigned &p, const unsigned &j)
Access fct to the j-th shared node in this Mesh who has a counterpart on processor p.
Definition: mesh.h:2110
FiniteElement * finite_element_pt(const unsigned &e) const
Upcast (downcast?) to FiniteElement (needed to access FiniteElement member functions).
Definition: mesh.h:473
Vector< GeneralisedElement * > haloed_element_pt(const unsigned &p)
Return vector of haloed elements in this Mesh whose haloing counterpart is held on processor p.
Definition: mesh.h:1779
unsigned nboundary_element(const unsigned &b) const
Return number of finite elements that are adjacent to boundary b.
Definition: mesh.h:878
virtual void setup_boundary_element_info()
Interface for function that is used to setup the boundary information (Empty virtual function – imple...
Definition: mesh.h:275
OomphCommunicator * Comm_pt
Pointer to communicator – set to NULL if mesh is not distributed.
Definition: mesh.h:119
virtual void reorder_nodes(const bool &use_old_ordering=true)
Re-order nodes in the order in which they appear in elements – can be overloaded for more efficient r...
unsigned nboundary() const
Return number of boundaries.
Definition: mesh.h:827
FiniteElement * boundary_element_pt(const unsigned &b, const unsigned &e) const
Return pointer to e-th finite element on boundary b.
Definition: mesh.h:840
unsigned long nnode() const
Return number of nodes in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:596
void delete_all_external_storage()
Wipe the storage for all externally-based elements.
unsigned nhalo_node()
Total number of halo nodes in this Mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:1878
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output for all elements.
const Vector< GeneralisedElement * > & element_pt() const
Return reference to the Vector of elements.
Definition: mesh.h:460
Node *& node_pt(const unsigned long &n)
Return pointer to global node n.
Definition: mesh.h:436
Vector< Node * > prune_dead_nodes()
Prune nodes. Nodes that have been marked as obsolete are removed from the mesh (and its boundary-node...
Vector< GeneralisedElement * > Element_pt
Vector of pointers to generalised elements.
Definition: mesh.h:186
unsigned nhaloed_node()
Total number of haloed nodes in this Mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:1985
unsigned long nelement() const
Return number of elements in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:590
Vector< GeneralisedElement * > halo_element_pt(const unsigned &p)
Return vector of halo elements in this Mesh whose non-halo counterpart is held on processor p.
Definition: mesh.h:1740
Nodes are derived from Data, but, in addition, have a definite (Eulerian) position in a space of a gi...
Definition: nodes.h:906
double & x(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th nodal coordinate.
Definition: nodes.h:1060
HangInfo *const & hanging_pt() const
Return pointer to hanging node data (this refers to the geometric hanging node status) (const version...
Definition: nodes.h:1228
void set_nonhanging()
Label node as non-hanging node by removing all hanging node data.
virtual bool is_on_boundary() const
Test whether the Node lies on a boundary. The "bulk" Node cannot lie on a boundary,...
Definition: nodes.h:1373
void set_obsolete()
Mark node as obsolete.
Definition: nodes.h:1436
virtual void get_boundaries_pt(std::set< unsigned > *&boundaries_pt)
Return a pointer to set of mesh boundaries that this node occupies; this will be overloaded by Bounda...
Definition: nodes.h:1365
void position(Vector< double > &pos) const
Compute Vector of nodal positions either directly or via hanging node representation.
void set_non_obsolete()
Mark node as non-obsolete.
Definition: nodes.h:1442
unsigned ndim() const
Return (Eulerian) spatial dimension of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:1054
void set_hanging_pt(HangInfo *const &hang_pt, const int &i)
Set the hanging data for the i-th value. (hang_pt=0 to make non-hanging)
double raw_value(const unsigned &i) const
Return the i-th value stored at the Node. This interface does NOT take the hanging status of the Node...
Definition: nodes.h:1455
bool is_hanging() const
Test whether the node is geometrically hanging.
Definition: nodes.h:1285
double value(const unsigned &i) const
Return i-th value (dofs or pinned) at this node either directly or via hanging node representation....
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////...
bool p_refinement_is_enabled()
Flag to indicate suppression of any refinement.
unsigned & p_order()
Access function to P_order.
virtual unsigned initial_p_order() const =0
Get the initial P_order This is required so that elements which are constructed with a higher p-order...
void select_for_p_refinement()
Select the element for p-refinement.
void deselect_for_p_unrefinement()
Deselect the element for p-unrefinement.
void select_for_p_unrefinement()
Select the element for p-unrefinement.
void deselect_for_p_refinement()
Deselect the element for p-refinement.
RefineableElements are FiniteElements that may be subdivided into children to provide a better local ...
void select_sons_for_unrefinement()
Unrefinement will be performed by merging the four sons of this element.
Tree * tree_pt()
Access function: Pointer to quadtree representation of this element.
static double & max_integrity_tolerance()
Max. allowed discrepancy in element integrity check.
void select_for_refinement()
Select the element for refinement.
unsigned refinement_level() const
Return the Refinement level.
bool refinement_is_enabled()
Flag to indicate suppression of any refinement.
void deselect_for_refinement()
Deselect the element for refinement.
void deselect_sons_for_unrefinement()
No unrefinement will be performed by merging the four sons of this element.
unsigned Nrefined
Stats: Number of elements that were refined.
unsigned & max_keep_unrefined()
Max. number of elements that we allow to remain unrefined if no other mesh adaptation is required (to...
DocInfo doc_info()
Access fct for DocInfo.
unsigned Nunrefined
Stats: Number of elements that were unrefined.
DocInfo *& doc_info_pt()
Access fct for pointer to DocInfo.
double & max_error()
Access fct for max. actual error in present solution (i.e. before re-solve on adapted mesh)
double & min_permitted_error()
Access fct for min. error (i.e. (try to) merge elements if their error is smaller)
double & max_permitted_error()
Access fct for max. error (i.e. split elements if their error is larger)
unsigned & nrefinement_overruled()
Number of elements that would have liked to be refined further but can't because they've reached the ...
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: elements.h:3561
MacroElement * undeformed_macro_elem_pt()
Access function to pointer to "undeformed" macro element.
Definition: elements.h:3706
virtual void get_x_and_xi(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &x_fe, Vector< double > &x, Vector< double > &xi_fe, Vector< double > &xi) const
Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates as function of the local coordinates: The Eulerian position is re...
Definition: elements.h:3659
A Class for nodes that deform elastically (i.e. position is an unknown in the problem)....
Definition: nodes.h:1686
double lagrangian_position(const unsigned &i) const
Return lagrangian coordinate either directly or via hanging node representation.
double & xi(const unsigned &i)
Reference to i-th Lagrangian position.
Definition: nodes.h:1883
unsigned nlagrangian() const
Return number of lagrangian coordinates.
Definition: nodes.h:1870
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////...
void synchronise_hanging_nodes(const unsigned &ncont_interpolated_values)
Synchronise the hanging nodes if the mesh is distributed.
virtual void get_elements_at_refinement_level(unsigned &refinement_level, Vector< RefineableElement * > &level_elements)
Extract the elements at a particular refinement level in the refinement pattern - used in Mesh::redis...
void refine_base_mesh(Vector< Vector< unsigned >> &to_be_refined)
Refine base mesh according to specified refinement pattern.
virtual void refine_selected_elements(const Vector< unsigned > &elements_to_be_refined)
Refine mesh by splitting the elements identified by their numbers.
unsigned & max_refinement_level()
Access fct for max. permissible refinement level (relative to base mesh)
virtual void dump_refinement(std::ostream &outfile)
Dump refinement pattern to allow for rebuild.
TreeForest * forest_pt()
Return pointer to the Forest represenation of the mesh.
virtual void read_refinement(std::ifstream &restart_file, Vector< Vector< unsigned >> &to_be_refined)
Read refinement pattern to allow for rebuild.
unsigned unrefine_uniformly()
Unrefine mesh uniformly: Return 0 for success, 1 for failure (if unrefinement has reached the coarses...
virtual void refine(std::ifstream &restart_file)
Refine mesh according to refinement pattern in restart file.
virtual void additional_synchronise_hanging_nodes(const unsigned &ncont_interpolated_values)=0
Additional synchronisation of hanging nodes Required for reconcilliation of hanging nodes on the oute...
virtual void adapt_mesh()
Perform the actual tree-based mesh adaptation. A simple wrapper to call the function without document...
virtual void refine_base_mesh_as_in_reference_mesh(TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase *const &ref_mesh_pt)
Refine base mesh to same degree as reference mesh (relative to original unrefined mesh).
void complete_hanging_nodes_recursively(Node *&nod_pt, Vector< Node * > &master_nodes, Vector< double > &hang_weights, const int &ival)
Auxiliary routine for recursive hanging node completion.
virtual void refine_as_in_reference_mesh(TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase *const &ref_mesh_pt)
Refine mesh once so that its topology etc becomes that of the (finer!) reference mesh – if possible!...
void p_refine_selected_elements(const Vector< unsigned > &elements_to_be_refined)
p-refine mesh by refining the elements identified by their numbers.
virtual void split_elements_if_required()=0
Split all the elements in the mesh if required. This template free interface will be overloaded in Re...
void refine_uniformly()
Refine mesh uniformly.
void p_unrefine_uniformly(DocInfo &doc_info)
p-unrefine mesh uniformly
virtual void get_refinement_levels(unsigned &min_refinement_level, unsigned &max_refinement_level)
Get max/min refinement levels in mesh.
unsigned & max_p_refinement_level()
Access fct for max. permissible p-refinement level (relative to base mesh)
virtual void p_refine_elements_if_required()=0
p-refine all the elements in the mesh if required. This template free interface will be overloaded in...
void complete_hanging_nodes(const int &ncont_interpolated_values)
Complete the hanging node scheme recursively.
TreeForest * Forest_pt
Forest representation of the mesh.
void synchronise_nonhanging_nodes()
Synchronise the positions of non-hanging nodes that depend on non-existent neighbours (e....
void adapt(const Vector< double > &elemental_error)
Adapt mesh: Refine elements whose error is lager than err_max and (try to) unrefine those whose error...
void p_adapt(const Vector< double > &elemental_error)
p-adapt mesh: Refine elements whose error is lager than err_max and (try to) unrefine those whose err...
void p_adapt_mesh()
Perform the actual tree-based mesh p-adaptation. A simple wrapper to call the function without docume...
virtual void get_refinement_pattern(Vector< Vector< unsigned >> &to_be_refined)
Extract refinement pattern: Consider the hypothetical mesh obtained by truncating the refinement of t...
virtual bool refine_base_mesh_as_in_reference_mesh_minus_one(TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase *const &ref_mesh_pt)
Refine base mesh to same degree as reference mesh minus one level of refinement (relative to original...
void p_refine_uniformly()
p-refine mesh uniformly
void classify_halo_and_haloed_nodes(DocInfo &doc_info, const bool &report_stats)
Classify all halo and haloed information in the mesh (overloaded version from Mesh base class....
unsigned & min_refinement_level()
Access fct for min. permissible refinement level (relative to base mesh)
virtual void check_all_neighbours(DocInfo &doc_info)=0
Document/check the neighbours of all the nodes in the forest. This must be overloaded for different t...
void stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector(Vector< Tree * > &all_forest_nodes)
Traverse forest and stick pointers to all "nodes" into Vector.
virtual void open_hanging_node_files(DocInfo &doc_info, Vector< std::ofstream * > &output_stream)=0
Open output files that will store any hanging nodes in the forest. Return a vector of the output stre...
unsigned ntree()
Number of trees in forest.
Definition: tree.h:460
void stick_leaves_into_vector(Vector< Tree * > &forest_nodes)
Traverse forst and stick pointers to leaf "nodes" into Vector.
TreeRoot * tree_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Return pointer to i-th tree in forest.
Definition: tree.h:466
void close_hanging_node_files(DocInfo &doc_info, Vector< std::ofstream * > &output_stream)
Close output files that will store any hanging nodes in the forest and delete any associated storage....
A generalised tree base class that abstracts the common functionality between the quad- and octrees u...
Definition: tree.h:74
RefineableElement * object_pt() const
Return the pointer to the object (RefineableElement) represented by the tree.
Definition: tree.h:88
unsigned nsons() const
Return number of sons (zero if it's a leaf node)
Definition: tree.h:129
void traverse_all(Tree::VoidMemberFctPt member_function)
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function member_function() at all its "nodes".
Tree * father_pt() const
Return pointer to father: NULL if it's a root node.
Definition: tree.h:235
bool is_leaf()
Return true if the tree is a leaf node.
Definition: tree.h:220
int son_type() const
Return son type.
Definition: tree.h:214
Tree * son_pt(const int &son_index) const
Return pointer to the son for a given index. Note that to aid code readability specific enums have be...
Definition: tree.h:103
void deactivate_object()
Call the RefineableElement's deactivate_element() function.
void traverse_all_but_leaves(Tree::VoidMemberFctPt member_function)
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function member_function() at all its "nodes" aparat f...
void merge_sons_if_required(Mesh *&mesh_pt)
If required, merge the four sons for unrefinement – criterion: bool object_pt()-> sons_to_be_unrefine...
A slight extension to the standard template vector class so that we can include "graceful" array rang...
Definition: Vector.h:58
std::string string(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th string or "" if the relevant string hasn't been defined.
bool Doc_comprehensive_timings
Global boolean to switch on comprehensive timing – can probably be declared const false when developm...
double timer()
returns the time in seconds after some point in past
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void pause(std::string message)
Pause and display message.
OomphInfo oomph_info
Single (global) instantiation of the OomphInfo object – this is used throughout the library as a "rep...
Helper struct to collate data required during TreeBasedRefineableMeshBase::synchronise_hanging_nodes.