Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
27 // Include guards to prevent multiple inclusion of the header
31 // Config header generated by autoconfig
32 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
33 #include <oomph-lib-config.h>
34 #endif
37 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
38 #include "mpi.h"
39 #endif
41 // OOMPH-LIB headers
42 #include "src/generic/Qelements.h"
43 #include "src/generic/Telements.h"
44 #include "src/generic/projection.h"
47 namespace oomph
48 {
49  //=======================================================================
50  /// A base class for elements that solve the axisymmetric (in
51  /// cylindrical polars) equations of linear elasticity.
52  //=======================================================================
54  {
55  public:
56  /// Return the index at which the i-th (i=0: r, i=1: z; i=2: theta)
57  /// unknown displacement component is stored at the nodes. The default
58  /// assignment here (u_r, u_z, u_theta) is appropriate for single-physics
59  /// problems.
60  virtual inline unsigned u_index_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(
61  const unsigned& i) const
62  {
63  return i;
64  }
66  /// d^2u/dt^2 at local node n
67  double d2u_dt2_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const unsigned& n,
68  const unsigned& i) const
69  {
70  // Get the timestepper
73  // Storage for the derivative - initialise to 0
74  double d2u_dt2 = 0.0;
76  // If we are doing an unsteady solve then calculate the derivative
77  if (!time_stepper_pt->is_steady())
78  {
79  // Get the nodal index
80  const unsigned u_nodal_index =
83  // Get the number of values required to represent history
84  const unsigned n_time = time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
86  // Loop over history values
87  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
88  {
89  // Add the contribution to the derivative
90  d2u_dt2 +=
91  time_stepper_pt->weight(2, t) * nodal_value(t, n, u_nodal_index);
92  }
93  }
95  return d2u_dt2;
96  }
99  /// du/dt at local node n
100  double du_dt_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const unsigned& n,
101  const unsigned& i) const
102  {
103  // Get the timestepper
106  // Storage for the derivative - initialise to 0
107  double du_dt = 0.0;
109  // If we are doing an unsteady solve then calculate the derivative
110  if (!time_stepper_pt->is_steady())
111  {
112  // Get the nodal index
113  const unsigned u_nodal_index =
116  // Get the number of values required to represent history
117  const unsigned n_time = time_stepper_pt->ntstorage();
119  // Loop over history values
120  for (unsigned t = 0; t < n_time; t++)
121  {
122  // Add the contribution to the derivative
123  du_dt +=
124  time_stepper_pt->weight(1, t) * nodal_value(t, n, u_nodal_index);
125  }
126  }
127  return du_dt;
128  }
130  /// Compute vector of FE interpolated displacement u at local coordinate s
132  const Vector<double>& s, Vector<double>& disp) const
133  {
134  // Find number of nodes
135  unsigned n_node = nnode();
137  // Local shape function
138  Shape psi(n_node);
140  // Find values of shape function
141  shape(s, psi);
143  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
144  {
145  // Index at which the nodal value is stored
146  unsigned u_nodal_index = u_index_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(i);
148  // Initialise value of u
149  disp[i] = 0.0;
151  // Loop over the local nodes and sum
152  for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_node; l++)
153  {
154  const double u_value = nodal_value(l, u_nodal_index);
156  disp[i] += u_value * psi[l];
157  }
158  }
159  }
161  /// Return FE interpolated displacement u[i] (i=0: r, i=1: z; i=2:
162  /// theta) at local coordinate s
164  const Vector<double>& s, const unsigned& i) const
165  {
166  // Find number of nodes
167  unsigned n_node = nnode();
169  // Local shape function
170  Shape psi(n_node);
172  // Find values of shape function
173  shape(s, psi);
175  // Get nodal index at which i-th velocity is stored
176  unsigned u_nodal_index = u_index_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(i);
178  // Initialise value of u
179  double interpolated_u = 0.0;
181  // Loop over the local nodes and sum
182  for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_node; l++)
183  {
184  const double u_value = nodal_value(l, u_nodal_index);
186  interpolated_u += u_value * psi[l];
187  }
189  return (interpolated_u);
190  }
193  /// Compute vector of FE interpolated velocity du/dt at local coordinate s
195  const Vector<double>& s, Vector<double>& du_dt) const
196  {
197  // Find number of nodes
198  unsigned n_node = nnode();
200  // Local shape function
201  Shape psi(n_node);
203  // Find values of shape function
204  shape(s, psi);
206  // Loop over directions
207  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
208  {
209  // Initialise value of u
210  du_dt[i] = 0.0;
212  // Loop over the local nodes and sum
213  for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_node; l++)
214  {
215  du_dt[i] += du_dt_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(l, i) * psi[l];
216  }
217  }
218  }
220  /// Compute vector of FE interpolated accel d2u/dt2 at local coordinate s
222  const Vector<double>& s, Vector<double>& d2u_dt2) const
223  {
224  // Find number of nodes
225  unsigned n_node = nnode();
227  // Local shape function
228  Shape psi(n_node);
230  // Find values of shape function
231  shape(s, psi);
233  // Loop over directions
234  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
235  {
236  // Initialise value of u
237  d2u_dt2[i] = 0.0;
239  // Loop over the local nodes and sum
240  for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_node; l++)
241  {
242  d2u_dt2[i] += d2u_dt2_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(l, i) * psi[l];
243  }
244  }
245  }
247  /// Function pointer to function that specifies the body force
248  /// as a function of the Cartesian coordinates and time FCT(x,b) --
249  /// x and b are Vectors!
250  typedef void (*BodyForceFctPt)(const double& time,
251  const Vector<double>& x,
252  Vector<double>& b);
254  /// Constructor: Set null pointers for constitutive law.
255  /// Set physical parameter values to
256  /// default values, and set body force to zero.
259  Nu_pt(0),
262  {
263  }
265  /// Return the pointer to Young's modulus
266  double*& youngs_modulus_pt()
267  {
268  return Youngs_modulus_pt;
269  }
271  /// Access function to Young's modulus
272  inline double youngs_modulus() const
273  {
274  return (*Youngs_modulus_pt);
275  }
277  /// Access function for Poisson's ratio
278  double& nu() const
279  {
280 #ifdef PARANOID
281  if (Nu_pt == 0)
282  {
283  std::ostringstream error_message;
284  error_message << "No pointer to Poisson's ratio set. Please set one!\n";
285  throw OomphLibError(error_message.str(),
288  }
289 #endif
290  return *Nu_pt;
291  }
293  /// Access function for pointer to Poisson's ratio
294  double*& nu_pt()
295  {
296  return Nu_pt;
297  }
299  /// Access function for pointer to timescale ratio (nondim density)
300  double*& lambda_sq_pt()
301  {
302  return Lambda_sq_pt;
303  }
305  /// Access function for timescale ratio (nondim density)
306  const double& lambda_sq() const
307  {
308  return *Lambda_sq_pt;
309  }
311  /// Access function: Pointer to body force function
313  {
314  return Body_force_fct_pt;
315  }
317  /// Access function: Pointer to body force function (const version)
319  {
320  return Body_force_fct_pt;
321  }
323  /// Evaluate body force at Eulerian coordinate x at present time
324  /// (returns zero vector if no body force function pointer has been set)
325  inline void body_force(const double& time,
326  const Vector<double>& x,
327  Vector<double>& b) const
328  {
329  // If no function has been set, return zero vector
330  if (Body_force_fct_pt == 0)
331  {
332  // Get spatial dimension of element
333  unsigned n = dim();
334  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
335  {
336  b[i] = 0.0;
337  }
338  }
339  else
340  {
341  (*Body_force_fct_pt)(time, x, b);
342  }
343  }
345  /// The number of "DOF types" that degrees of freedom in this element
346  /// are sub-divided into: for now lump them all into one DOF type.
347  /// Can be adjusted later
348  unsigned ndof_types() const
349  {
350  return 1;
351  }
353  /// Create a list of pairs for all unknowns in this element,
354  /// so that the first entry in each pair contains the global equation
355  /// number of the unknown, while the second one contains the number
356  /// of the "DOF type" that this unknown is associated with.
357  /// (Function can obviously only be called if the equation numbering
358  /// scheme has been set up.)
360  std::list<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned>>& dof_lookup_list) const
361  {
362  // temporary pair (used to store DOF lookup prior to being added
363  // to list)
364  std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned> dof_lookup;
366  // number of nodes
367  const unsigned n_node = this->nnode();
369  // Integer storage for local unknown
370  int local_unknown = 0;
372  // Loop over the nodes
373  for (unsigned n = 0; n < n_node; n++)
374  {
375  // Loop over dimension
376  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
377  {
378  // If the variable is free
379  local_unknown = nodal_local_eqn(n, i);
381  // ignore pinned values
382  if (local_unknown >= 0)
383  {
384  // store DOF type lookup in temporary pair: First entry in pair
385  // is global equation number; second entry is DOF type
386  dof_lookup.first = this->eqn_number(local_unknown);
387  dof_lookup.second = 0;
389  // add to list
390  dof_lookup_list.push_front(dof_lookup);
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  }
397  protected:
398  /// Pointer to the Young's modulus
401  /// Pointer to Poisson's ratio
402  double* Nu_pt;
404  /// Timescale ratio (non-dim. density)
405  double* Lambda_sq_pt;
407  /// Pointer to body force function
410  /// Static default value for Young's modulus (1.0 -- for natural
411  /// scaling, i.e. all stresses have been non-dimensionalised by
412  /// the same reference Young's modulus. Setting the "non-dimensional"
413  /// Young's modulus (obtained by de-referencing Youngs_modulus_pt)
414  /// to a number larger than one means that the material is stiffer
415  /// than assumed in the non-dimensionalisation.
418  /// Static default value for timescale ratio (1.0 for natural scaling)
419  static double Default_lambda_sq_value;
420  };
423  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
424  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
425  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
428  //=======================================================================
429  /// A class for elements that solve the axisymmetric (in cylindrical
430  /// polars) equations of linear elasticity
431  //=======================================================================
434  {
435  public:
436  /// Constructor
439  /// Number of values required at node n.
440  unsigned required_nvalue(const unsigned& n) const
441  {
442  return 3;
443  }
445  /// Return the residuals for the equations (the discretised
446  /// principle of virtual displacements)
448  {
450  residuals, GeneralisedElement::Dummy_matrix, 0);
451  }
454  /// The jacobian is calculated by finite differences by default,
455  /// We need only to take finite differences w.r.t. positional variables
456  /// For this element
458  DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian)
459  {
460  // Add the contribution to the residuals
461  this
462  ->fill_in_generic_contribution_to_residuals_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(
463  residuals, jacobian, 1);
464  }
467  /// Get strain (3x3 entries; r, z, phi)
468  void get_strain(const Vector<double>& s, DenseMatrix<double>& strain);
470  /// Output exact solution: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
471  void output_fct(std::ostream& outfile,
472  const unsigned& nplot,
475  /// Output exact solution: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
476  /// Time dependent version
477  void output_fct(std::ostream& outfile,
478  const unsigned& nplot,
479  const double& time,
482  /// Output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
483  void output(std::ostream& outfile)
484  {
485  unsigned n_plot = 5;
486  output(outfile, n_plot);
487  }
489  /// Output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
490  void output(std::ostream& outfile, const unsigned& n_plot);
492  /// C-style output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
493  void output(FILE* file_pt)
494  {
495  unsigned n_plot = 5;
496  output(file_pt, n_plot);
497  }
499  /// Output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta
500  void output(FILE* file_pt, const unsigned& n_plot);
502  /// Validate against exact solution.
503  /// Solution is provided via function pointer.
504  /// Plot at a given number of plot points and compute L2 error
505  /// and L2 norm of displacement solution over element
506  void compute_error(std::ostream& outfile,
508  double& error,
509  double& norm);
511  /// Validate against exact solution.
512  /// Time-dependent version
513  void compute_error(std::ostream& outfile,
515  const double& time,
516  double& error,
517  double& norm);
520  protected:
521  /// Private helper function to compute residuals and (if requested
522  /// via flag) also the Jacobian matrix.
524  Vector<double>& residuals, DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian, unsigned flag);
525  };
528  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
529  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
530  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
533  //===========================================================================
534  /// An Element that solves the equations of axisymmetric (in cylindrical
535  /// polars) linear elasticity, using QElements for the geometry.
536  //============================================================================
537  template<unsigned NNODE_1D>
539  : public virtual QElement<2, NNODE_1D>,
541  {
542  public:
543  /// Constructor
546  {
547  }
549  /// Output function
550  void output(std::ostream& outfile)
551  {
553  }
555  /// Output function
556  void output(std::ostream& outfile, const unsigned& n_plot)
557  {
559  }
562  /// C-style output function
563  void output(FILE* file_pt)
564  {
566  }
568  /// C-style output function
569  void output(FILE* file_pt, const unsigned& n_plot)
570  {
572  }
573  };
576  //============================================================================
577  /// FaceGeometry of a linear
578  /// QAxisymmetricLinearElasticityElement element
579  //============================================================================
580  template<unsigned NNODE_1D>
582  : public virtual QElement<1, NNODE_1D>
583  {
584  public:
585  /// Constructor must call the constructor of the underlying element
586  FaceGeometry() : QElement<1, NNODE_1D>() {}
587  };
590  /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
591  /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
592  /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
595  /* //===========================================================================
596  */
597  /* /// An Element that solves the equations of axisymmetric (in cylindrical */
598  /* /// polars) linear elasticity, using TElements for the geometry. */
599  /* //============================================================================
600  */
601  /* template<unsigned NNODE_1D> */
602  /* class TAxisymmetricLinearElasticityElement : */
603  /* public virtual TElement<2,NNODE_1D>, */
604  /* public virtual AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations */
605  /* { */
606  /* public: */
608  /* /// Constructor */
609  /* TAxisymmetricLinearElasticityElement() : */
610  /* TElement<2,NNODE_1D>(), */
611  /* AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations() { } */
613  /* /// Output function */
614  /* void output(std::ostream &outfile) */
615  /* {AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations::output(outfile);} */
617  /* /// Output function */
618  /* void output(std::ostream &outfile, const unsigned &n_plot) */
619  /* {AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations:: */
620  /* output(outfile,n_plot);} */
622  /* /// C-style output function */
623  /* void output(FILE* file_pt) */
624  /* {AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations::output(file_pt);} */
626  /* /// C-style output function */
627  /* void output(FILE* file_pt, const unsigned &n_plot) */
628  /* {AxisymmetricLinearElasticityEquations:: */
629  /* output(file_pt,n_plot);} */
631  /* }; */
634  /* //============================================================================
635  */
636  /* /// FaceGeometry of a linear */
637  /* /// TAxisymmetricLinearElasticityElement element */
638  /* //============================================================================
639  */
640  /* template<unsigned NNODE_1D> */
641  /* class FaceGeometry<TAxisymmetricLinearElasticityElement<NNODE_1D> > : */
642  /* public virtual TElement<1,NNODE_1D> */
643  /* { */
644  /* public: */
645  /* /// Constructor must call the constructor of the underlying element */
646  /* FaceGeometry() : TElement<1,NNODE_1D>() {} */
647  /* }; */
650  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
651  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
652  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
655  //==========================================================
656  /// Axisym linear elasticity upgraded to become projectable
657  //==========================================================
658  template<class AXISYM_LINEAR_ELAST_ELEMENT>
660  : public virtual ProjectableElement<AXISYM_LINEAR_ELAST_ELEMENT>
661  {
662  public:
663  /// Constructor [this was only required explicitly
664  /// from gcc 4.5.2 onwards...]
668  /// Specify the values associated with field fld.
669  /// The information is returned in a vector of pairs which comprise
670  /// the Data object and the value within it, that correspond to field fld.
671  /// In the underlying linear elasticity elements the
672  /// the displacements are stored at the nodal values
674  {
675  // Create the vector
678  // Loop over all nodes and extract the fld-th nodal value
679  unsigned nnod = this->nnode();
680  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nnod; j++)
681  {
682  // Add the data value associated with the displacement components
683  data_values.push_back(std::make_pair(this->node_pt(j), fld));
684  }
686  // Return the vector
687  return data_values;
688  }
690  /// Number of fields to be projected: 3, corresponding to
691  /// the displacement components
693  {
694  return 3;
695  }
697  /// Number of history values to be stored for fld-th field.
698  /// (includes present value!)
699  unsigned nhistory_values_for_projection(const unsigned& fld)
700  {
701 #ifdef PARANOID
702  if (fld > 2)
703  {
704  std::stringstream error_stream;
705  error_stream << "Elements only store two fields so fld can't be"
706  << " " << fld << std::endl;
707  throw OomphLibError(
709  }
710 #endif
711  return this->node_pt(0)->ntstorage();
712  }
714  /// Number of positional history values: Read out from
715  /// positional timestepper (Note: count includes current value!)
717  {
718  return this->node_pt(0)->position_time_stepper_pt()->ntstorage();
719  }
721  /// Return Jacobian of mapping and shape functions of field fld
722  /// at local coordinate s
723  double jacobian_and_shape_of_field(const unsigned& fld,
724  const Vector<double>& s,
725  Shape& psi)
726  {
727  unsigned n_dim = this->dim();
728  unsigned n_node = this->nnode();
729  DShape dpsidx(n_node, n_dim);
731  // Call the derivatives of the shape functions and return
732  // the Jacobian
733  return this->dshape_eulerian(s, psi, dpsidx);
734  }
737  /// Return interpolated field fld at local coordinate s, at time
738  /// level t (t=0: present; t>0: history values)
739  double get_field(const unsigned& t,
740  const unsigned& fld,
741  const Vector<double>& s)
742  {
743  unsigned n_node = this->nnode();
745  // Local shape function
746  Shape psi(n_node);
748  // Find values of shape function
749  this->shape(s, psi);
751  // Initialise value of u
752  double interpolated_u = 0.0;
754  // Sum over the local nodes at that time
755  for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_node; l++)
756  {
757  interpolated_u += this->nodal_value(t, l, fld) * psi[l];
758  }
759  return interpolated_u;
760  }
763  /// Return number of values in field fld
764  unsigned nvalue_of_field(const unsigned& fld)
765  {
766  return this->nnode();
767  }
770  /// Return local equation number of value j in field fld.
771  int local_equation(const unsigned& fld, const unsigned& j)
772  {
773  return this->nodal_local_eqn(j, fld);
774  }
775  };
778  //=======================================================================
779  /// Face geometry for element is the same as that for the underlying
780  /// wrapped element
781  //=======================================================================
782  template<class ELEMENT>
784  : public virtual FaceGeometry<ELEMENT>
785  {
786  public:
787  FaceGeometry() : FaceGeometry<ELEMENT>() {}
788  };
791  //=======================================================================
792  /// Face geometry of the Face Geometry for element is the same as
793  /// that for the underlying wrapped element
794  //=======================================================================
795  template<class ELEMENT>
798  : public virtual FaceGeometry<FaceGeometry<ELEMENT>>
799  {
800  public:
802  };
805 } // namespace oomph
808 #endif
static char t char * s
Definition: cfortran.h:568
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
A base class for elements that solve the axisymmetric (in cylindrical polars) equations of linear ela...
double d2u_dt2_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const unsigned &n, const unsigned &i) const
d^2u/dt^2 at local node n
unsigned ndof_types() const
The number of "DOF types" that degrees of freedom in this element are sub-divided into: for now lump ...
void interpolated_d2u_dt2_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &d2u_dt2) const
Compute vector of FE interpolated accel d2u/dt2 at local coordinate s.
double & nu() const
Access function for Poisson's ratio.
const double & lambda_sq() const
Access function for timescale ratio (nondim density)
virtual unsigned u_index_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const unsigned &i) const
Return the index at which the i-th (i=0: r, i=1: z; i=2: theta) unknown displacement component is sto...
double *& nu_pt()
Access function for pointer to Poisson's ratio.
double youngs_modulus() const
Access function to Young's modulus.
static double Default_lambda_sq_value
Static default value for timescale ratio (1.0 for natural scaling)
void interpolated_du_dt_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &du_dt) const
Compute vector of FE interpolated velocity du/dt at local coordinate s.
double du_dt_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const unsigned &n, const unsigned &i) const
du/dt at local node n
Constructor: Set null pointers for constitutive law. Set physical parameter values to default values,...
double *& youngs_modulus_pt()
Return the pointer to Young's modulus.
double *& lambda_sq_pt()
Access function for pointer to timescale ratio (nondim density)
static double Default_youngs_modulus_value
Static default value for Young's modulus (1.0 – for natural scaling, i.e. all stresses have been non-...
void body_force(const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, Vector< double > &b) const
Evaluate body force at Eulerian coordinate x at present time (returns zero vector if no body force fu...
BodyForceFctPt body_force_fct_pt() const
Access function: Pointer to body force function (const version)
BodyForceFctPt Body_force_fct_pt
Pointer to body force function.
BodyForceFctPt & body_force_fct_pt()
Access function: Pointer to body force function.
void get_dof_numbers_for_unknowns(std::list< std::pair< unsigned long, unsigned >> &dof_lookup_list) const
Create a list of pairs for all unknowns in this element, so that the first entry in each pair contain...
double interpolated_u_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const Vector< double > &s, const unsigned &i) const
Return FE interpolated displacement u[i] (i=0: r, i=1: z; i=2: theta) at local coordinate s.
void(* BodyForceFctPt)(const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, Vector< double > &b)
Function pointer to function that specifies the body force as a function of the Cartesian coordinates...
void interpolated_u_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &disp) const
Compute vector of FE interpolated displacement u at local coordinate s.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
void get_strain(const Vector< double > &s, DenseMatrix< double > &strain)
Get strain (3x3 entries; r, z, phi)
virtual void fill_in_generic_contribution_to_residuals_axisymmetric_linear_elasticity(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian, unsigned flag)
Private helper function to compute residuals and (if requested via flag) also the Jacobian matrix.
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta.
void output(FILE *file_pt)
C-style output: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta.
unsigned required_nvalue(const unsigned &n) const
Number of values required at node n.
void fill_in_contribution_to_jacobian(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian)
The jacobian is calculated by finite differences by default, We need only to take finite differences ...
void compute_error(std::ostream &outfile, FiniteElement::SteadyExactSolutionFctPt exact_soln_pt, double &error, double &norm)
Validate against exact solution. Solution is provided via function pointer. Plot at a given number of...
void fill_in_contribution_to_residuals(Vector< double > &residuals)
Return the residuals for the equations (the discretised principle of virtual displacements)
void output_fct(std::ostream &outfile, const unsigned &nplot, FiniteElement::SteadyExactSolutionFctPt exact_soln_pt)
Output exact solution: r,z, u_r, u_z, u_theta.
A Class for the derivatives of shape functions The class design is essentially the same as Shape,...
Definition: shape.h:278
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Return the pointer to the timestepper.
Definition: nodes.h:238
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return total number of doubles stored per value to record time history of each value (one for steady ...
Constructor must call the constructor of the underlying element.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
Definition: elements.h:4998
A general Finite Element class.
Definition: elements.h:1313
Node *& node_pt(const unsigned &n)
Return a pointer to the local node n.
Definition: elements.h:2175
double nodal_value(const unsigned &n, const unsigned &i) const
Return the i-th value stored at local node n. Produces suitably interpolated values for hanging nodes...
Definition: elements.h:2593
virtual void shape(const Vector< double > &s, Shape &psi) const =0
Calculate the geometric shape functions at local coordinate s. This function must be overloaded for e...
int nodal_local_eqn(const unsigned &n, const unsigned &i) const
Return the local equation number corresponding to the i-th value at the n-th local node.
Definition: elements.h:1432
unsigned dim() const
Return the spatial dimension of the element, i.e. the number of local coordinates required to paramet...
Definition: elements.h:2611
unsigned nnode() const
Return the number of nodes.
Definition: elements.h:2210
void(* SteadyExactSolutionFctPt)(const Vector< double > &, Vector< double > &)
Function pointer for function that computes vector-valued steady "exact solution" as .
Definition: elements.h:1759
double dshape_eulerian(const Vector< double > &s, Shape &psi, DShape &dpsidx) const
Compute the geometric shape functions and also first derivatives w.r.t. global coordinates at local c...
void(* UnsteadyExactSolutionFctPt)(const double &, const Vector< double > &, Vector< double > &)
Function pointer for function that computes Vector-valued time-dependent function as .
Definition: elements.h:1765
unsigned long eqn_number(const unsigned &ieqn_local) const
Return the global equation number corresponding to the ieqn_local-th local equation number.
Definition: elements.h:704
static DenseMatrix< double > Dummy_matrix
Empty dense matrix used as a dummy argument to combined residual and jacobian functions in the case w...
Definition: elements.h:227
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Access function for pointer to time stepper: Null if object is not time-dependent.
Definition: geom_objects.h:192
TimeStepper *& position_time_stepper_pt()
Return a pointer to the position timestepper.
Definition: nodes.h:1022
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////...
unsigned nvalue_of_field(const unsigned &fld)
Return number of values in field fld.
double get_field(const unsigned &t, const unsigned &fld, const Vector< double > &s)
Return interpolated field fld at local coordinate s, at time level t (t=0: present; t>0: history valu...
int local_equation(const unsigned &fld, const unsigned &j)
Return local equation number of value j in field fld.
unsigned nhistory_values_for_coordinate_projection()
Number of positional history values: Read out from positional timestepper (Note: count includes curre...
Vector< std::pair< Data *, unsigned > > data_values_of_field(const unsigned &fld)
Specify the values associated with field fld. The information is returned in a vector of pairs which ...
Constructor [this was only required explicitly from gcc 4.5.2 onwards...].
double jacobian_and_shape_of_field(const unsigned &fld, const Vector< double > &s, Shape &psi)
Return Jacobian of mapping and shape functions of field fld at local coordinate s.
unsigned nhistory_values_for_projection(const unsigned &fld)
Number of history values to be stored for fld-th field. (includes present value!)
unsigned nfields_for_projection()
Number of fields to be projected: 3, corresponding to the displacement components.
Wrapper class for projectable elements. Adds "projectability" to the underlying ELEMENT.
Definition: projection.h:183
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////...
void output(std::ostream &outfile, const unsigned &n_plot)
Output function.
void output(FILE *file_pt, const unsigned &n_plot)
C-style output function.
void output(FILE *file_pt)
C-style output function.
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output function.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////...
Definition: Qelements.h:459
A Class for shape functions. In simple cases, the shape functions have only one index that can be tho...
Definition: shape.h:76
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////...
Definition: timesteppers.h:231
unsigned ntstorage() const
Return the number of doubles required to represent history (one for steady)
Definition: timesteppers.h:601
virtual double weight(const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j) const
Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative.
Definition: timesteppers.h:594
bool is_steady() const
Flag to indicate if a timestepper has been made steady (possibly temporarily to switch off time-depen...
Definition: timesteppers.h:389
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