Existing (unstructured) meshes: Wrappers to third-party mesh generators

oomph-lib does not provide its own unstructured mesh generator but has several mesh classes that generate unstructured meshes from the output of third-party unstructured mesh generators.


  1. The unstructured tet and triangle meshes listed below can not be used with oomph-lib's mesh adaptation or node-update procedures. A suitably fine mesh has to be generated offline by the third-party mesh generator. If required, node-updates (in response to changes in the domain boundaries) have to be performed manually.

  2. For some element types, the mesh generation process is not particularly efficient (yet!). A suitable warning message is issued in such cases.

  3. Since the third-party mesh generators tend to triangulate the domain with simplex elements, curvilinear boundaries are not resolved more accurately by using higher-order elements unless some post-processing is performed.

  4. The meshes have not been tested as extensively as oomph-lib's structured meshes, described elsewhere.


Mesh list

Mesh Representative Mesh plot

  • This class creates oomph-lib meshes based on the output from J.R.Shewchuk's Delaunay mesh generator Triangle
  • The mesh can be used with all FiniteElements that are derived from the geometric finite element TElement<2,NNODE_1D>.
Example driver codes:

  • This class creates oomph-lib meshes based on the output from Hang Si's open-source mesh generator Tetgen .
  • The mesh can be used with all FiniteElements that are derived from the geometric finite element TElement<3,NNODE_1D>.
Example driver codes:
Generating meshes from medical scans with VMTK

Example driver codes and tutorials:

  • This class creates oomph-lib meshes based on the output from Barry Joe's mesh generator Geompack++, available as freeware at http://members.shaw.ca/bjoe/.
  • The mesh can be used with all FiniteElements that are derived from the geometric finite element QElement<2,2>.
Example driver codes:

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