Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 // Non-inline functions for Rigid Body Elements
29 namespace oomph
30 {
31  /// Static default value for physical constants
32  /// Zero gives instantaneous force and torque balances --- no solid intertia
35  /// Static default value for physical ratio
38  /// Static default gravity direction vector
41  //=======================================================================
42  /// Work out the position derivative taking into account the movement
43  /// relative to the original centre of mass
44  //======================================================================
46  const unsigned& j,
47  Vector<double>& drdt)
48  {
49  // Switch on time level
50  switch (j)
51  {
52  // Current time, just return the position
53  case 0:
54  return position(zeta, drdt);
55  break;
57  // Time derivative
58  case 1:
59  {
60  // Get the initial position of the underlying geometric object
61  Vector<double> initial_x(2);
62  Geom_object_pt->position(zeta, initial_x);
63  // Scale relative to the centre of mass
64  double X = initial_x[0] - Initial_centre_of_mass[0];
65  double Y = initial_x[1] - Initial_centre_of_mass[1];
67  // Now calculate the original angle and radius
68  double phi_orig = atan2(Y, X);
69  double r_orig = sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);
71  // Get first time derivatives of all displacement data
72  Vector<double> veloc(3);
73  // Get the velocity of the data
75  1, this->Centre_displacement_data_pt, veloc);
77  // Now use the chain rule to specify the boundary velocities
78  drdt[0] = veloc[0];
79  drdt[1] = veloc[1];
82  {
83  drdt[0] +=
84  -r_orig *
85  sin(phi_orig + this->Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(2)) *
86  veloc[2];
87  drdt[1] +=
88  r_orig *
89  cos(phi_orig + this->Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(2)) *
90  veloc[2];
91  }
92  }
93  // Done
94  return;
95  break;
97  default:
98  std::ostringstream warning_stream;
99  warning_stream
100  << "Using default (static) assignment " << j
101  << "-th time derivative in GeomObject::dposition_dt(...) is zero\n"
102  << "Overload for your specific geometric object if this is not \n"
103  << "appropriate. \n";
104  OomphLibWarning(warning_stream.str(),
105  "GeomObject::dposition_dt()",
108  unsigned n = drdt.size();
109  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
110  {
111  drdt[i] = 0.0;
112  }
113  break;
114  }
115  }
117  //=======================================================================
118  /// Output the position of the centre of gravity including velocities
119  /// and accelerations
120  //======================================================================
122  {
123  // Get timestepper
127  // Get first time derivatives of all displacement data
128  Vector<double> veloc(3);
130  1, this->Centre_displacement_data_pt, veloc);
132  // Get second time derivatives of all displacement data
133  Vector<double> accel(3);
135  2, this->Centre_displacement_data_pt, accel);
137  outfile << time_stepper_pt->time() << " "
138  << Initial_centre_of_mass[0] +
140  << " "
141  << Initial_centre_of_mass[1] +
143  << " " << Initial_Phi + this->Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(2)
144  << " " << veloc[0] << " " << veloc[1] << " " << veloc[2] << " "
145  << accel[0] << " " << accel[1] << " " << accel[2] << std::endl;
146  }
149  //======================================================================
150  /// Obtain the external force and torque on the body from specified
151  /// function pointers and also from a drag mesh, if there is one
152  //=====================================================================
154  Vector<double>& force,
155  double& torque)
156  {
157  // Get external force
158  if (External_force_fct_pt == 0)
159  {
160  force[0] = 0.0;
161  force[1] = 0.0;
162  }
163  else
164  {
165  External_force_fct_pt(time, force);
166  }
168  // Get external torque
169  if (External_torque_fct_pt == 0)
170  {
171  torque = 0.0;
172  }
173  else
174  {
175  External_torque_fct_pt(time, torque);
176  }
178  // Add drag from any (fluid) mesh attached to surface of body
179  Vector<double> element_drag_force(2);
180  Vector<double> element_drag_torque(1);
181  if (Drag_mesh_pt == 0)
182  {
183  return;
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  unsigned nel = Drag_mesh_pt->nelement();
189  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nel; e++)
190  {
192  ->get_drag_and_torque(element_drag_force, element_drag_torque);
193  force[0] += element_drag_force[0];
194  force[1] += element_drag_force[1];
195  torque += element_drag_torque[0];
196  }
197  }
198  }
200  //=======================================================================
201  /// Set the external drag mesh, which should consist of
202  /// NavierStokesSurfaceDragTorqueElements and then read out the
203  /// appropriate load and geometric data from those elements and set
204  /// as external data for this element.
205  //=======================================================================
207  {
208  // Delete the external hijacked data
210  // Flush any existing external data
211  this->flush_external_data();
212  // Set the pointer
215  // Allocate storage for all geometric data in the mesh
216  std::set<Data*> bulk_geometric_data_pt;
217  // Allocate storage for all load data in the mesh
218  std::set<std::pair<Data*, unsigned>> bulk_load_data_pt;
220  // Loop over all elements in the drag mesh
221  const unsigned n_element = drag_mesh_pt->nelement();
222  for (unsigned e = 0; e < n_element; ++e)
223  {
224  // Cast the bulk element associated with each FaceElement to
225  // an FSIFluidElement
226  FSIFluidElement* bulk_elem_pt = dynamic_cast<FSIFluidElement*>(
227  dynamic_cast<FaceElement*>(drag_mesh_pt->element_pt(e))
228  ->bulk_element_pt());
229  // Check that the cast worked
230  if (bulk_elem_pt == 0)
231  {
232  throw OomphLibError("Drag mesh must consist of FSIFluidElements\n",
235  }
237  // Add the geometric and load data from the bulk element to the
238  // set allocated above
239  bulk_elem_pt->identify_geometric_data(bulk_geometric_data_pt);
240  bulk_elem_pt->identify_load_data(bulk_load_data_pt);
241  }
243  // Need to add all these data as external data to this (Rigid Body) object
244  for (std::set<Data*>::iterator it = bulk_geometric_data_pt.begin();
245  it != bulk_geometric_data_pt.end();
246  ++it)
247  {
248  this->add_external_data(*it);
249  }
251  // Now do the same but make custom data for the load data
252  for (std::set<std::pair<Data*, unsigned>>::iterator it =
253  bulk_load_data_pt.begin();
254  it != bulk_load_data_pt.end();
255  ++it)
256  {
257  Data* temp_data_pt = new HijackedData(it->second, it->first);
259  this->add_external_data(temp_data_pt));
260  }
261  }
263  //======================================================================
264  /// Initialise the internal data
265  //=====================================================================
266  void ImmersedRigidBodyElement::initialise(TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt)
267  {
268  // This could be calculated by an integral around the boundary
269  Initial_centre_of_mass.resize(2, 0.0);
271  // Temporary hack
272  if (time_stepper_pt == 0)
273  {
274  return;
275  }
277  // Provide Data for centre-of-mass displacement internally
279  {
282  // I've created it so I have to tidy up too!
285  // Centre displacement is internal Data for this element
288  }
289  // Data created externally, so somebody else will clean up
290  else
291  {
294  // Centre displacement is external Data for this element
297  }
298  }
301  //=======================================================================
302  /// Calculate the contributions to the residuals and the jacobian
303  //======================================================================
305  Vector<double>& residuals, DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian, const bool& flag)
306  {
307  // Get timestepper and time
308  TimeStepper* timestepper_pt =
310  double time = timestepper_pt->time();
312  // Get second time derivatives of all displacement data
313  Vector<double> accel(3);
314  timestepper_pt->time_derivative(
315  2, this->Centre_displacement_data_pt, accel);
317  // Get force and torque
318  Vector<double> external_force(2);
319  double external_torque;
320  get_force_and_torque(time, external_force, external_torque);
322  // Get the timescale ratio product of Reynolds number
323  // and Strouhal number squared
324  const double Lambda_sq =
325  this->re() * this->st() * this->st() * this->density_ratio();
327  // Get the effective ReInvFr which must be multiplied by the
328  // density ratio to compute the gravitational load on the rigid body
329  const double scaled_re_inv_fr = this->re_invfr() * this->density_ratio();
330  // Get the gravitational load
331  Vector<double> G = g();
333  // Newton's law
334  int local_eqn = 0;
335  local_eqn = this->centre_displacement_local_eqn(0);
336  if (local_eqn >= 0)
337  {
338  residuals[local_eqn] = Lambda_sq * Mass * accel[0] - external_force[0] -
339  Mass * scaled_re_inv_fr * G[0];
341  // Get Jacobian too?
342  if (flag)
343  {
344  jacobian(local_eqn, local_eqn) =
345  Lambda_sq * Mass * timestepper_pt->weight(2, 0);
346  }
347  }
349  local_eqn = this->centre_displacement_local_eqn(1);
350  if (local_eqn >= 0)
351  {
352  residuals[local_eqn] = Lambda_sq * Mass * accel[1] - external_force[1] -
353  Mass * scaled_re_inv_fr * G[1];
354  // Get Jacobian too?
355  if (flag)
356  {
357  jacobian(local_eqn, local_eqn) =
358  Lambda_sq * Mass * timestepper_pt->weight(2, 0);
359  }
360  }
362  local_eqn = this->centre_displacement_local_eqn(2);
363  if (local_eqn >= 0)
364  {
365  residuals[local_eqn] =
366  Lambda_sq * Moment_of_inertia * accel[2] - external_torque;
367  // Get Jacobian too?
368  if (flag)
369  {
370  jacobian(local_eqn, local_eqn) =
371  Lambda_sq * Moment_of_inertia * timestepper_pt->weight(2, 0);
372  }
373  }
374  }
377  //=======================================================================
378  /// Constructor: Specify coordinates of a point inside the hole
379  /// and a vector of pointers to TriangleMeshPolyLines
380  /// that define the boundary segments of the polygon.
381  /// Each TriangleMeshPolyLine has its own boundary ID and can contain
382  /// multiple (straight-line) segments. The optional final argument
383  /// is a pointer to a Data object whose three values represent
384  /// the two displacements of and the rotation angle about the polygon's
385  /// centre of mass.
386  //=======================================================================
388  const Vector<double>& hole_center,
389  const Vector<TriangleMeshCurveSection*>& boundary_polyline_pt,
390  TimeStepper* const& time_stepper_pt,
391  Data* const& centre_displacement_data_pt)
392  : TriangleMeshCurve(boundary_polyline_pt),
393  TriangleMeshClosedCurve(boundary_polyline_pt, hole_center),
394  TriangleMeshPolygon(boundary_polyline_pt, hole_center),
395  ImmersedRigidBodyElement(time_stepper_pt, centre_displacement_data_pt)
396  {
397  // The underlying geometric object can be used to update the configuration
398  // internally before a remesh
399  this->Can_update_configuration = true;
401  // Original rotation angle is zero
402  Initial_Phi = 0.0;
404  // Compute coordinates of centre of gravity etc
405  Vector<double> r_left(2);
406  Vector<double> r_right(2);
407  Mass = 0.0;
408  Initial_centre_of_mass[0] = 0.0;
409  Initial_centre_of_mass[1] = 0.0;
410  double inertia_x = 0.0;
411  double inertia_y = 0.0;
413  // Loop over polylines
414  unsigned nboundary = boundary_polyline_pt.size();
415  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nboundary; i++)
416  {
417  // Loop over the segments to get the vertex coordinates
418  unsigned nseg = boundary_polyline_pt[i]->nsegment();
419  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nseg; j++)
420  {
421  // Get the vertex coordinates
422  r_left = this->polyline_pt(i)->vertex_coordinate(j);
423  r_right = this->polyline_pt(i)->vertex_coordinate(j + 1);
425  // Mass (area)
426  Mass += 0.5 * (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
428  // Centroid
430  (r_left[0] + r_right[0]) *
431  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
433  (r_left[1] + r_right[1]) *
434  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
435  }
436  if (nboundary == 1)
437  {
438  // Get the vertex coordinates
439  r_left = this->polyline_pt(0)->vertex_coordinate(nseg);
440  r_right = this->polyline_pt(0)->vertex_coordinate(0);
442  // Mass (area)
443  Mass += 0.5 * (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
445  // Centroid
447  (r_left[0] + r_right[0]) *
448  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
450  (r_left[1] + r_right[1]) *
451  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
452  }
453  }
455  // Normalise
456  Initial_centre_of_mass[0] /= (6.0 * Mass);
457  Initial_centre_of_mass[1] /= (6.0 * Mass);
459  // Another loop over polylines for moment of inertia
460  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nboundary; i++)
461  {
462  // Loop over the segments to get the vertex coordinates
463  unsigned nseg = boundary_polyline_pt[i]->nsegment();
464  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nseg; j++)
465  {
466  // Get the vertex coordinates
467  r_left = this->polyline_pt(i)->vertex_coordinate(j);
468  r_right = this->polyline_pt(i)->vertex_coordinate(j + 1);
470  // Get moment about centroid
471  r_left[0] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[0];
472  r_left[1] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[1];
473  r_right[0] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[0];
474  r_right[1] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[1];
476  // Moment of inertia
477  inertia_x += 1.0 / 12.0 *
478  (r_left[1] * r_left[1] + r_left[1] * r_right[1] +
479  r_right[1] * r_right[1]) *
480  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
482  inertia_y += 1.0 / 12.0 *
483  (r_left[0] * r_left[0] + r_left[0] * r_right[0] +
484  r_right[0] * r_right[0]) *
485  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
486  }
488  if (nboundary == 1)
489  {
490  // Get the vertex coordinates
491  r_left = this->polyline_pt(0)->vertex_coordinate(nseg);
492  r_right = this->polyline_pt(0)->vertex_coordinate(0);
494  // Get moment about centroid
495  r_left[0] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[0];
496  r_left[1] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[1];
497  r_right[0] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[0];
498  r_right[1] -= Initial_centre_of_mass[1];
500  // Moment of inertia
501  inertia_x += 1.0 / 12.0 *
502  (r_left[1] * r_left[1] + r_left[1] * r_right[1] +
503  r_right[1] * r_right[1]) *
504  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
506  inertia_y += 1.0 / 12.0 *
507  (r_left[0] * r_left[0] + r_left[0] * r_right[0] +
508  r_right[0] * r_right[0]) *
509  (r_left[0] * r_right[1] - r_right[0] * r_left[1]);
510  }
511  }
513  // Polar moment of inertia is sum of two orthogonal planar moments
514  Moment_of_inertia = inertia_x + inertia_y;
516  // // Tested for circular and elliptical cross section
517  // cout << "Mass : " << Mass << std::endl;
518  // cout << "Moment of inertia: " << Moment_of_inertia << std::endl;
519  // cout << "X_c : " << Initial_centre_of_mass[0] <<
520  // std::endl; cout << "Y_c : " << Initial_centre_of_mass[1]
521  // << std::endl; pause("done");
524  // Assign the intrinsic coordinate
525  this->assign_zeta();
527  // {
528  // unsigned n_poly = this->npolyline();
529  // for(unsigned p=0;p<n_poly;++p)
530  // {
531  // std::cout << "Polyline " << p << "\n";
532  // std::cout << "-----------------------\n";
533  // unsigned n_vertex = Zeta_vertex[p].size();
534  // for(unsigned v=0;v<n_vertex;v++)
535  // {
536  // std::cout << v << " " << Zeta_vertex[p][v] << "\n";
537  // }
538  // }
539  // }
540  }
543  //===============================================================
544  /// Update the reference configuration by re-setting the original
545  /// position of the vertices to their current ones, re-set the
546  /// original position of the centre of mass, and the displacements
547  /// and rotations relative to it
548  //===============================================================
550  {
551  Vector<double> x_orig(2);
552  Vector<double> r(2);
554  // Loop over the polylines and update their vertex positions
555  unsigned npoly = this->ncurve_section();
556  for (unsigned i = 0; i < npoly; i++)
557  {
558  TriangleMeshPolyLine* poly_line_pt = this->polyline_pt(i);
559  unsigned nvertex = poly_line_pt->nvertex();
560  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nvertex; j++)
561  {
562  x_orig = poly_line_pt->vertex_coordinate(j);
563  this->apply_rigid_body_motion(0, x_orig, r);
564  poly_line_pt->vertex_coordinate(j) = r;
565  }
566  }
568  // Update coordinates of hole
569  Vector<double> orig_hole_coord(this->internal_point());
570  this->apply_rigid_body_motion(0, orig_hole_coord, this->internal_point());
572  // Update centre of gravity
573  double x_displ = Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(0);
574  double y_displ = Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(1);
575  double phi_displ = Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(2);
576  Initial_centre_of_mass[0] += x_displ;
577  Initial_centre_of_mass[1] += y_displ;
578  Initial_Phi += phi_displ;
580  // Reset displacement and rotation ("non-previous-value"
581  // history values stay)
582  TimeStepper* timestepper_pt =
584  unsigned nprev = timestepper_pt->nprev_values();
585  for (unsigned t = 0; t < nprev; t++)
586  {
588  t, 0, Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(t, 0) - x_displ);
591  t, 1, Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(t, 1) - y_displ);
594  t, 2, Centre_displacement_data_pt->value(t, 2) - phi_displ);
595  }
596  }
598 } // namespace oomph
Definition: cfortran.h:571
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
A class that represents a collection of data; each Data object may contain many different individual ...
Definition: nodes.h:86
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Return the pointer to the timestepper.
Definition: nodes.h:238
void set_value(const unsigned &i, const double &value_)
Set the i-th stored data value to specified value. The only reason that we require an explicit set fu...
Definition: nodes.h:271
double value(const unsigned &i) const
Return i-th stored value. This function is not virtual so that it can be inlined. This means that if ...
Definition: nodes.h:293
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
Definition: elements.h:5088
Definition: fsi.h:63
virtual void identify_load_data(std::set< std::pair< Data *, unsigned >> &paired_load_data)=0
Add to the set paired_load_data pairs containing.
FaceElements are elements that coincide with the faces of higher-dimensional "bulk" elements....
Definition: elements.h:4338
virtual void identify_geometric_data(std::set< Data * > &geometric_data_pt)
The purpose of this function is to identify all Data objects that affect the elements' geometry....
Definition: elements.h:2789
unsigned add_internal_data(Data *const &data_pt, const bool &fd=true)
Add a (pointer to an) internal data object to the element and return the index required to obtain it ...
void flush_external_data()
Flush all external data.
unsigned add_external_data(Data *const &data_pt, const bool &fd=true)
Add a (pointer to an) external data object to the element and return its index (i....
virtual void position(const Vector< double > &zeta, Vector< double > &r) const =0
Parametrised position on object at current time: r(zeta).
TimeStepper *& time_stepper_pt()
Access function for pointer to time stepper: Null if object is not time-dependent.
Definition: geom_objects.h:192
Custom Data class that is used when HijackingData. The class always contains a single value that is c...
Definition: nodes.h:575
Class that solves the equations of motion for a general two-dimensional rigid body subject to a parti...
const Vector< double > & g() const
Access function for gravity.
bool Include_geometric_rotation
Boolean to indicate that the rotation variable does not affect the boundary shape.
void position(const Vector< double > &xi, Vector< double > &r) const
Overload the position to apply the rotation and translation.
static double Default_Physical_Constant_Value
Static default value for physical constants.
void initialise(TimeStepper *const &time_stepper_pt)
Initialisation function.
void dposition_dt(const Vector< double > &zeta, const unsigned &j, Vector< double > &drdt)
Work out the position derivative, including rigid body motion.
ExternalTorqueFctPt External_torque_fct_pt
Function pointer to function that specifies external torque.
void delete_external_hijacked_data()
Delete the storage for the external data formed from hijacked data.
double Initial_Phi
Original rotation angle.
bool Displacement_data_is_internal
Boolean flag to indicate whether data is internal.
void get_residuals_rigid_body_generic(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian, const bool &flag)
Get residuals and/or Jacobian.
void output_centre_of_gravity(std::ostream &outfile)
Output position velocity and acceleration of centre of gravity.
const double & st() const
Access function for the fluid Strouhal number.
Data * Centre_displacement_data_pt
Data for centre of gravity displacement. Values: 0: x-displ; 1: y-displ; 2: rotation angle.
unsigned Index_for_centre_displacement
Index for the data (internal or external) that contains the centre-of-gravity displacement.
static Vector< double > Default_Gravity_vector
Static default value for gravity.
GeomObject * Geom_object_pt
Underlying geometric object.
ExternalForceFctPt External_force_fct_pt
Function pointer to function that specifies external force.
int centre_displacement_local_eqn(const unsigned &i)
Return the equation number associated with the i-th centre of gravity displacment 0: x-displ; 1: y-di...
const double & re() const
Access function for the fluid Reynolds number.
double Moment_of_inertia
Polar moment of inertia of body.
Mesh *const & drag_mesh_pt()
Access fct to mesh containing face elements that allow the computation of the drag on the body.
const double & re_invfr()
Access to the fluid inverse Froude number.
void set_drag_mesh(Mesh *const &drag_mesh_pt)
Function to set the drag mesh and add the appropriate load and geometric data as external data to the...
Mesh * Drag_mesh_pt
Mesh containing face elements that allow the computation of the drag on the body.
void get_force_and_torque(const double &time, Vector< double > &force, double &torque)
Get force and torque from specified fct pointers and drag mesh.
const double & density_ratio() const
Access function for the the density ratio.
void apply_rigid_body_motion(const unsigned &t, const Vector< double > &initial_x, Vector< double > &r) const
Helper function to adjust the position in response to changes in position and angle of the solid abou...
static double Default_Physical_Ratio_Value
Static default value for physical ratios.
Vector< double > Initial_centre_of_mass
X-coordinate of initial centre of gravity.
std::list< unsigned > List_of_external_hijacked_data
Storage for the external data that is formed from hijacked data that must be deleted by this element.
void assign_zeta()
Helper function to assign the values of the (scaled) arc-length to each node of each polyline....
ImmersedRigidBodyTriangleMeshPolygon(const Vector< double > &hole_center, const Vector< TriangleMeshCurveSection * > &boundary_polyline_pt, TimeStepper *const &time_stepper_pt, Data *const &centre_displacement_data_pt=0)
Constructor: Specify coordinates of a point inside the hole and a vector of pointers to TriangleMeshP...
void reset_reference_configuration()
Update the reference configuration by re-setting the original position of the vertices to their curre...
A general mesh class.
Definition: mesh.h:67
GeneralisedElement *& element_pt(const unsigned long &e)
Return pointer to element e.
Definition: mesh.h:448
unsigned long nelement() const
Return number of elements in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:590
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
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Definition: timesteppers.h:231
virtual unsigned nprev_values() const =0
Number of previous values available: 0 for static, 1 for BDF<1>,...
virtual double weight(const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j) const
Access function for j-th weight for the i-th derivative.
Definition: timesteppers.h:594
void time_derivative(const unsigned &i, Data *const &data_pt, Vector< double > &deriv)
Evaluate i-th derivative of all values in Data and return in Vector deriv[].
Definition: timesteppers.h:502
double & time()
Return current value of continous time.
Definition: timesteppers.h:332
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Vector< double > internal_point() const
Coordinates of the internal point.
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Class defining a polyline for use in Triangle Mesh generation.
unsigned nvertex() const
Number of vertices.
Vector< double > vertex_coordinate(const unsigned &i) const
Coordinate vector of i-th vertex (const version)
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TriangleMeshPolyLine * polyline_pt(const unsigned &i) const
Pointer to i-th constituent polyline.
unsigned ncurve_section() const
Number of constituent curves.
bool Can_update_configuration
Boolean flag to indicate whether the polygon can update its own reference configuration after it has ...
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