Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
29 #include "mesh.h"
30 #include "quadtree.h"
31 #include "nodes.h"
32 #include "algebraic_elements.h"
34 namespace oomph
35 {
36  //========================================================================
37  /// Base class for spatial error estimators
38  //========================================================================
40  {
41  public:
42  /// Default empty constructor
45  /// Broken copy constructor
46  ErrorEstimator(const ErrorEstimator&) = delete;
48  /// Broken assignment operator
49  void operator=(const ErrorEstimator&) = delete;
51  /// Empty virtual destructor
52  virtual ~ErrorEstimator() {}
54  /// Compute the elemental error-measures for a given mesh
55  /// and store them in a vector.
56  void get_element_errors(Mesh*& mesh_pt, Vector<double>& elemental_error)
57  {
58  // Create dummy doc info object and switch off output
59  DocInfo doc_info;
60  doc_info.disable_doc();
61  // Forward call to version with doc.
62  get_element_errors(mesh_pt, elemental_error, doc_info);
63  }
66  /// Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh
67  /// and store them in a vector. Doc errors etc.
68  virtual void get_element_errors(Mesh*& mesh_pt,
69  Vector<double>& elemental_error,
70  DocInfo& doc_info) = 0;
71  };
74  //========================================================================
75  /// Base class for finite elements that can compute the
76  /// quantities that are required for the Z2 error estimator.
77  //========================================================================
79  {
80  public:
81  /// Default empty constructor
84  /// Broken copy constructor
87  /// Broken assignment operator
88  void operator=(const ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator&) = delete;
90  /// Number of 'flux' terms for Z2 error estimation
91  virtual unsigned num_Z2_flux_terms() = 0;
93  /// A stuitable error estimator for
94  /// a multi-physics elements may require one Z2 error estimate for each
95  /// field (e.g. velocity and temperature in a fluid convection problem).
96  /// It is assumed that these error estimates will each use
97  /// selected flux terms. The number of compound fluxes returns the number
98  /// of such combinations of the flux terms. Default value is one and all
99  /// flux terms are combined with equal weight.
100  virtual unsigned ncompound_fluxes()
101  {
102  return 1;
103  }
105  /// Z2 'flux' terms for Z2 error estimation
106  virtual void get_Z2_flux(const Vector<double>& s, Vector<double>& flux) = 0;
108  /// Plot the error when compared against a given exact flux.
109  /// Also calculates the norm of the error and that of the exact flux.
111  std::ostream& outfile,
113  double& error,
114  double& norm)
115  {
116  std::string error_message =
117  "compute_exact_Z2_error undefined for this element \n";
118  outfile << error_message;
120  throw OomphLibError(
122  }
124  /// Return the compound flux index of each flux component
125  /// The default (do nothing behaviour) will mean that all indices
126  /// remain at the default value zero.
127  virtual void get_Z2_compound_flux_indices(Vector<unsigned>& flux_index) {}
129  /// Number of vertex nodes in the element
130  virtual unsigned nvertex_node() const = 0;
132  /// Pointer to the j-th vertex node in the element. Needed for
133  /// efficient patch assmbly
134  virtual Node* vertex_node_pt(const unsigned& j) const = 0;
136  /// Order of recovery shape functions
137  virtual unsigned nrecovery_order() = 0;
139  /// Return the geometric jacobian (should be overloaded in
140  /// cylindrical and spherical geometries).
141  /// Default value one is suitable for Cartesian coordinates
142  virtual double geometric_jacobian(const Vector<double>& x)
143  {
144  return 1.0;
145  }
146  };
149  //========================================================================
150  /// Z2-error-estimator: Elements that can
151  /// be used with Z2 error estimation should be derived from
152  /// the base class ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator and implement its
153  /// pure virtual member functions to provide the following functionality:
154  /// - pointer-based access to the vertex nodes in the element
155  /// (this is required to facilitate setup of element patches).
156  /// - the computation of a suitable "flux vector" which represents
157  /// a quantity whose FE representation is discontinuous across
158  /// element boundaries but would become continuous under infinite
159  /// mesh refinement.
160  ///
161  /// As an example consider the finite element solution of the Laplace problem,
162  /// \f$ \partial^2 u/\partial x_i^2 = 0 \f$. If we approximate the
163  /// unknown \f$ u \f$ on a finite element mesh with \f$ N \f$ nodes as
164  /// \f[ u^{[FE]}(x_k) = \sum_{j=1}^{N} U_j \ \psi_j(x_k), \f]
165  /// where the \f$ \psi_j(x_k) \f$ are the (global) \f$ C^0 \f$ basis
166  /// functions, the finite-element representation of the flux,
167  /// \f$ f_i = \partial u/\partial x_i \f$,
168  /// \f[ f_i^{[FE]} = \sum_{j=1}^{N} U_j \ \frac{\partial \psi_j}{\partial x_i} \f]
169  /// is discontinuous between elements but the magnitude of the jump
170  /// decreases under mesh refinement. We denote the number
171  /// of flux terms by \f$N_{flux}\f$, so for a 2D (3D) Laplace problem,
172  /// \f$N_{flux}=2 \ (3).\f$
173  ///
174  /// The idea behind Z2 error estimation is to compute an
175  /// approximation for the flux that is more accurate than the value
176  /// \f$ f_i^{[FE]} \f$ obtained directly from the finite element
177  /// solution. We refer to the improved approximation for the flux
178  /// as the "recovered flux" and denote it by \f$ f_i^{[rec]} \f$. Since
179  /// \f$ f_i^{[rec]} \f$ is more accurate than \f$ f_i^{[FE]} \f$, the
180  /// difference between the two provides a measure of the error.
181  /// In Z2 error estimation, the "recovered flux" is determined by
182  /// projecting the discontinuous, FE-based flux \f$ f_i^{[FE]} \f$
183  /// onto a set of continuous basis functions, known as the "recovery shape
184  /// functions". In principle, one could use the
185  /// finite element shape functions \f$ \psi_j(x_k) \f$ as the
186  /// recovery shape functions but then the determination of the
187  /// recovered flux would involve the solution of a linear system
188  /// that is as big as the original problem. To avoid this, the projection
189  /// is performed over small patches of elements within which
190  /// low-order polynomials (defined in terms of the global, Eulerian
191  /// coordinates) are used as the recovery shape functions.
192  ///
193  /// Z2 error estimation is known to be "optimal" for many self-adjoint
194  /// problems. See, e.g., Zienkiewicz & Zhu's original papers
195  /// "The superconvergent patch recovery and a posteriori error estimates."
196  /// International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering \b 33 (1992)
197  /// Part I: 1331-1364; Part II: 1365-1382.
198  /// In non-self adjoint problems, the error estimator only
199  /// analyses the "self-adjoint part" of the differential operator.
200  /// However, in many cases, this still produces good error indicators
201  /// since the error estimator detects under-resolved, sharp gradients
202  /// in the solution.
203  ///
204  /// Z2 error estimation works as follows:
205  /// -# We combine the elements in the mesh into a number of "patches",
206  /// which consist of all elements that share a common vertex node.
207  /// Most elements will therefore be members of multiple patches.
208  /// -# Within each patch \f$p\f$, we expand the "recovered flux" as
209  ///
210  /// \f[ f^{[rec](p)}_i(x_k) = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{rec}} F^{(p)}_{ij} \ \psi^{[rec]}_j(x_k) \mbox{ \ \ \ for $i=1,...,N_{flux}$,} \f]
211  /// where the functions \f$ \psi^{[rec]}_j(x_k)\f$
212  /// are the recovery shape functions, which are functions of the global,
213  /// Eulerian coordinates. Typically, these are chosen to be low-order
214  /// polynomials. For instance, in 2D, a bilinear representation of
215  /// \f$ f^{(p)}_i(x_0,x_1) \f$ involves the \f$N_{rec}=3\f$ recovery shape
216  /// functions \f$ \psi^{[rec]}_0(x_0,x_1)=1, \ \psi^{[rec]}_1(x_0,x_1)=x_0 \f$
217  /// and \f$ \psi^{[rec]}_2(x_0,x_1)=x_1\f$.
218  ///
219  /// We determine the coefficients \f$ F^{(p)}_{ij} \f$ by enforcing
220  /// \f$ f^{(p)}_i(x_k) = f^{[FE]}_i(x_k)\f$ in its weak form:
221  ///
222  /// \f[ \int_{\mbox{Patch $p$}} \left( f^{[FE]}_i(x_k) - \sum_{j=1}^{N_{rec}} F^{(p)}_{ij} \ \psi^{[rec]}_j(x_k) \right) \psi^{[rec]}_l(x_k)\ dv = 0 \mbox{ \ \ \ \ for $l=1,...,N_{rec}$ and $i=1,...,N_{flux}$}. \f]
223  /// Once the \f$ F^{(p)}_{ij} \f$ are determined in a given patch,
224  /// we determine the values of the recovered flux at
225  /// all nodes that are part of the patch. We denote the
226  /// value of the recovered flux at node \f$ k \f$ by
227  /// \f$ {\cal F}^{(p)}_{ik}\f$.
228  ///
229  /// We repeat this procedure for every patch. For nodes that are part of
230  /// multiple patches, the procedure
231  /// will provide multiple, slightly different nodal values for the
232  /// recovered flux. We average these values via
233  /// \f[ {\cal F}_{ij} = \frac{1}{N_p(j)} \sum_{\mbox{Node $j \in $ patch $p$}} {\cal F}^{(p)}_{ij}, \f]
234  /// where \f$N_p(j)\f$ denotes the number of patches that node \f$ j\f$ is
235  /// a member of. This allows us to obtain a globally-continuous,
236  /// finite-element based representation of the recovered flux as
237  /// \f[ f_i^{[rec]} = \sum_{j=1}^{N} {\cal F}_{ij}\ \psi_j, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1) \f]
238  /// where the \f$ \psi_j \f$ are the (global) finite element
239  /// shape functions.
240  /// -# Since the recovered flux in (1), is based on nodal values, we can
241  /// evaluate it locally within each of the \f$ N_e\f$ elements in the mesh
242  /// to obtain a normalised elemental error estimate via
243  ///
244  /// \f[ E_{e} = \sqrt{ \frac{ \int_{\mbox{$e$}} \left( f_i^{[rec]} - f_i^{[FE]} \right)^2 dv} {\sum_{e'=1}^{N_e} \int_{\mbox{$e'$}} \left( f_i^{[rec]} \right)^2 dv} } \mbox{\ \ \ for $e=1,...,N_e$.} \f]
245  /// In this (default) form, mesh refinement, based on this error estimate
246  /// will lead to an equidistribution of the error across all elements.
247  /// Usually, this is the desired behaviour. However, there are
248  /// cases in which the solution evolves towards a state in which
249  /// the flux tends to zero while the solution itself becomes so simple
250  /// that it can be represented exactly on any finite element mesh
251  /// (e.g. in spin-up problems in which the fluid motion approaches
252  /// a rigid body rotation). In that case the mesh adaptation tries
253  /// to equidistribute any small roundoff errors in the solution,
254  /// causing strong, spatially uniform mesh refinement throughout
255  /// the domain, even though the solution is already fully converged.
256  /// For such cases, it is possible to replace the denominator in the
257  /// above expression by a prescribed reference flux, which may be
258  /// specified via the access function
259  /// \code
260  /// reference_flux_norm()
261  /// \endcode
262  ///
263  ///
264  //========================================================================
265  class Z2ErrorEstimator : public virtual ErrorEstimator
266  {
267  public:
268  /// Function pointer to combined error estimator function
269  typedef double (*CombinedErrorEstimateFctPt)(const Vector<double>& errors);
271  /// Constructor: Set order of recovery shape functions
275  Reference_flux_norm(0.0),
277  {
278  }
281  /// Constructor: Leave order of recovery shape functions open
282  /// for now -- they will be read out from first element of the mesh
283  /// when the error estimator is applied
285  : Recovery_order(0),
287  Reference_flux_norm(0.0),
289  {
290  }
292  /// Broken copy constructor
295  /// Broken assignment operator
296  void operator=(const Z2ErrorEstimator&) = delete;
298  /// Empty virtual destructor
299  virtual ~Z2ErrorEstimator() {}
301  /// Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh
302  /// and store them in a vector.
303  void get_element_errors(Mesh*& mesh_pt, Vector<double>& elemental_error)
304  {
305  // Create dummy doc info object and switch off output
306  DocInfo doc_info;
307  doc_info.disable_doc();
308  // Forward call to version with doc.
309  get_element_errors(mesh_pt, elemental_error, doc_info);
310  }
312  /// Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh
313  /// and store them in a vector.
314  /// If doc_info.enable_doc(), doc FE and recovered fluxes in
315  /// - flux_fe*.dat
316  /// - flux_rec*.dat
317  void get_element_errors(Mesh*& mesh_pt,
318  Vector<double>& elemental_error,
319  DocInfo& doc_info);
321  /// Access function for order of recovery polynomials
322  unsigned& recovery_order()
323  {
324  return Recovery_order;
325  }
327  /// Access function for order of recovery polynomials (const version)
328  unsigned recovery_order() const
329  {
330  return Recovery_order;
331  }
333  /// Access function: Pointer to combined error estimate function
335  {
336  return Combined_error_fct_pt;
337  }
339  /// Access function: Pointer to combined error estimate function.
340  /// Const version
342  {
343  return Combined_error_fct_pt;
344  }
346  /// Setup patches: For each vertex node pointed to by nod_pt,
347  /// adjacent_elements_pt[nod_pt] contains the pointer to the vector that
348  /// contains the pointers to the elements that the node is part of.
349  void setup_patches(Mesh*& mesh_pt,
351  adjacent_elements_pt,
352  Vector<Node*>& vertex_node_pt);
354  /// Access function for prescribed reference flux norm
356  {
357  return Reference_flux_norm;
358  }
360  /// Access function for prescribed reference flux norm (const. version)
361  double reference_flux_norm() const
362  {
363  return Reference_flux_norm;
364  }
366  /// Return a combined error estimate from all compound errors
367  double get_combined_error_estimate(const Vector<double>& compound_error);
369  private:
370  /// Given the vector of elements that make up a patch,
371  /// the number of recovery and flux terms, and the spatial
372  /// dimension of the problem, compute
373  /// the matrix of recovered flux coefficients and return
374  /// a pointer to it.
376  const Vector<ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator*>& patch_el_pt,
377  const unsigned& num_recovery_terms,
378  const unsigned& num_flux_terms,
379  const unsigned& dim,
380  DenseMatrix<double>*& recovered_flux_coefficient_pt);
383  /// Return number of coefficients for expansion of recovered fluxes
384  /// for given spatial dimension of elements.
385  /// (We use complete polynomials of the specified given order.)
386  unsigned nrecovery_terms(const unsigned& dim);
389  /// Recovery shape functions as functions of the global, Eulerian
390  /// coordinate x of dimension dim.
391  /// The recovery shape functions are complete polynomials of
392  /// the order specified by Recovery_order.
393  void shape_rec(const Vector<double>& x,
394  const unsigned& dim,
395  Vector<double>& psi_r);
397  /// Integation scheme associated with the recovery shape functions
398  /// must be of sufficiently high order to integrate the mass matrix
399  /// associated with the recovery shape functions
400  Integral* integral_rec(const unsigned& dim, const bool& is_q_mesh);
402  /// Order of recovery polynomials
403  unsigned Recovery_order;
405  /// Bool to indicate if recovery order is to be read out from
406  /// first element in mesh or set globally
409  /// Doc flux and recovered flux
410  void doc_flux(Mesh* mesh_pt,
411  const unsigned& num_flux_terms,
413  const Vector<double>& elemental_error,
414  DocInfo& doc_info);
416  /// Prescribed reference flux norm
419  /// Function pointer to combined error estimator function
421  };
424  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
425  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
426  /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
429  //========================================================================
430  /// Dummy error estimator, allows manual specification of refinement
431  /// pattern by forcing refinement in regions defined by elements in
432  /// a reference mesh.
433  //========================================================================
434  class DummyErrorEstimator : public virtual ErrorEstimator
435  {
436  public:
437  /// Constructor. Provide mesh and number of the elements that define
438  /// the regions within which elements are to be refined subsequently.
439  /// Also specify the node number of a central node
440  /// within elements -- it's used to determine if an element is
441  /// in the region where refinement is supposed to take place.
442  /// Optional boolean flag (defaulting to false) indicates that
443  /// refinement decision is based on Lagrangian coordinates -- only
444  /// applicable to solid meshes.
446  const Vector<unsigned>& elements_to_refine,
447  const unsigned& central_node_number,
448  const bool& use_lagrangian_coordinates = false)
449  : Use_lagrangian_coordinates(use_lagrangian_coordinates),
450  Central_node_number(central_node_number)
451  {
452 #ifdef PARANOID
453 #ifdef OOMPH_HAS_MPI
454  if (mesh_pt->is_mesh_distributed())
455  {
456  throw OomphLibError(
457  "Can't use this error estimator on distributed meshes!",
460  }
461 #endif
462 #endif
464 #ifdef PARANOID
465  if (mesh_pt->nelement() == 0)
466  {
467  throw OomphLibError(
468  "Can't build error estimator if there are no elements in mesh\n",
471  }
472 #endif
474  unsigned dim = mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(0)->node_pt(0)->ndim();
475  if (use_lagrangian_coordinates)
476  {
477  SolidNode* solid_nod_pt =
478  dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(0)->node_pt(0));
479  if (solid_nod_pt != 0)
480  {
481  dim = solid_nod_pt->nlagrangian();
482  }
483  }
484  unsigned nregion = elements_to_refine.size();
485  Region_low_bound.resize(nregion);
486  Region_upp_bound.resize(nregion);
487  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nregion; e++)
488  {
489  Region_low_bound[e].resize(dim, 1.0e20);
490  Region_upp_bound[e].resize(dim, -1.0e20);
491  FiniteElement* el_pt =
492  mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(elements_to_refine[e]);
493  unsigned nnod = el_pt->nnode();
494  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nnod; j++)
495  {
496  Node* nod_pt = el_pt->node_pt(j);
497  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; i++)
498  {
499  double x = nod_pt->x(i);
500  if (use_lagrangian_coordinates)
501  {
502  SolidNode* solid_nod_pt = dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
503  if (solid_nod_pt != 0)
504  {
505  x = solid_nod_pt->xi(i);
506  }
507  }
508  if (x < Region_low_bound[e][i])
509  {
510  Region_low_bound[e][i] = x;
511  }
512  if (x > Region_upp_bound[e][i])
513  {
514  Region_upp_bound[e][i] = x;
515  }
516  }
517  }
518  }
519  }
522  /// Constructor. Provide vectors to "lower left" and "upper right"
523  /// vertices of refinement region
524  /// Also specify the node number of a central node
525  /// within elements -- it's used to determine if an element is
526  /// in the region where refinement is supposed to take place.
527  /// Optional boolean flag (defaulting to false) indicates that
528  /// refinement decision is based on Lagrangian coordinates -- only
529  /// applicable to solid meshes.
531  const Vector<double>& lower_left,
532  const Vector<double>& upper_right,
533  const unsigned& central_node_number,
534  const bool& use_lagrangian_coordinates = false)
535  : Use_lagrangian_coordinates(use_lagrangian_coordinates),
536  Central_node_number(central_node_number)
537  {
538 #ifdef PARANOID
539  if (mesh_pt->nelement() == 0)
540  {
541  throw OomphLibError(
542  "Can't build error estimator if there are no elements in mesh\n",
545  }
546 #endif
548  unsigned nregion = 1;
549  Region_low_bound.resize(nregion);
550  Region_upp_bound.resize(nregion);
551  Region_low_bound[0] = lower_left;
552  Region_upp_bound[0] = upper_right;
553  }
555  /// Broken copy constructor
558  /// Broken assignment operator
559  void operator=(const DummyErrorEstimator&) = delete;
561  /// Empty virtual destructor
562  virtual ~DummyErrorEstimator() {}
565  /// Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh
566  /// and store them in a vector. Doc errors etc.
567  virtual void get_element_errors(Mesh*& mesh_pt,
568  Vector<double>& elemental_error,
569  DocInfo& doc_info)
570  {
571 #ifdef PARANOID
572  if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
573  {
574  std::ostringstream warning_stream;
575  warning_stream
576  << "No output defined in DummyErrorEstimator::get_element_errors()\n"
577  << "Ignoring doc_info flag.\n";
578  OomphLibWarning(warning_stream.str(),
579  "DummyErrorEstimator::get_element_errors()",
581  }
582 #endif
583  unsigned nregion = Region_low_bound.size();
584  unsigned nelem = mesh_pt->nelement();
585  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nelem; e++)
586  {
587  elemental_error[e] = 0.0;
589  // Check if element is in the regions to be refined
590  // (based on coords of its central node)
591  Node* nod_pt =
593  for (unsigned r = 0; r < nregion; r++)
594  {
595  bool is_inside = true;
596  unsigned dim = Region_low_bound[r].size();
597  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; i++)
598  {
599  double x = nod_pt->x(i);
601  {
602  SolidNode* solid_nod_pt = dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(nod_pt);
603  if (solid_nod_pt != 0)
604  {
605  x = solid_nod_pt->xi(i);
606  }
607  }
608  if (x < Region_low_bound[r][i])
609  {
610  is_inside = false;
611  break;
612  }
613  if (x > Region_upp_bound[r][i])
614  {
615  is_inside = false;
616  break;
617  }
618  }
619  if (is_inside)
620  {
621  elemental_error[e] = 1.0;
622  break;
623  }
624  }
625  }
626  }
628  private:
629  /// Use Lagrangian coordinates to decide which element is to be
630  /// refined
633  /// Number of local node that is used to identify if an element
634  /// is located in the refinement region
637  /// Upper bounds for the coordinates of the refinement regions
640  /// Lower bounds for the coordinates of the refinement regions
642  };
645 } // namespace oomph
647 #endif
Definition: cfortran.h:571
static char t char * s
Definition: cfortran.h:568
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
Information for documentation of results: Directory and file number to enable output in the form RESL...
bool is_doc_enabled() const
Are we documenting?
void disable_doc()
Disable documentation.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////...
bool Use_lagrangian_coordinates
Use Lagrangian coordinates to decide which element is to be refined.
Vector< Vector< double > > Region_low_bound
Lower bounds for the coordinates of the refinement regions.
DummyErrorEstimator(Mesh *mesh_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &elements_to_refine, const unsigned &central_node_number, const bool &use_lagrangian_coordinates=false)
Constructor. Provide mesh and number of the elements that define the regions within which elements ar...
DummyErrorEstimator(const DummyErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
virtual void get_element_errors(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error, DocInfo &doc_info)
Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh and store them in a vector. Doc errors etc.
Vector< Vector< double > > Region_upp_bound
Upper bounds for the coordinates of the refinement regions.
unsigned Central_node_number
Number of local node that is used to identify if an element is located in the refinement region.
DummyErrorEstimator(Mesh *mesh_pt, const Vector< double > &lower_left, const Vector< double > &upper_right, const unsigned &central_node_number, const bool &use_lagrangian_coordinates=false)
Constructor. Provide vectors to "lower left" and "upper right" vertices of refinement region Also spe...
virtual ~DummyErrorEstimator()
Empty virtual destructor.
void operator=(const DummyErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
Base class for finite elements that can compute the quantities that are required for the Z2 error est...
ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator(const ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void operator=(const ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
virtual Node * vertex_node_pt(const unsigned &j) const =0
Pointer to the j-th vertex node in the element. Needed for efficient patch assmbly.
virtual unsigned nvertex_node() const =0
Number of vertex nodes in the element.
virtual unsigned ncompound_fluxes()
A stuitable error estimator for a multi-physics elements may require one Z2 error estimate for each f...
virtual void get_Z2_compound_flux_indices(Vector< unsigned > &flux_index)
Return the compound flux index of each flux component The default (do nothing behaviour) will mean th...
Default empty constructor.
virtual void get_Z2_flux(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &flux)=0
Z2 'flux' terms for Z2 error estimation.
virtual void compute_exact_Z2_error(std::ostream &outfile, FiniteElement::SteadyExactSolutionFctPt exact_flux_pt, double &error, double &norm)
Plot the error when compared against a given exact flux. Also calculates the norm of the error and th...
virtual double geometric_jacobian(const Vector< double > &x)
Return the geometric jacobian (should be overloaded in cylindrical and spherical geometries)....
virtual unsigned num_Z2_flux_terms()=0
Number of 'flux' terms for Z2 error estimation.
virtual unsigned nrecovery_order()=0
Order of recovery shape functions.
Base class for spatial error estimators.
void get_element_errors(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error)
Compute the elemental error-measures for a given mesh and store them in a vector.
Default empty constructor.
virtual ~ErrorEstimator()
Empty virtual destructor.
ErrorEstimator(const ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
virtual void get_element_errors(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error, DocInfo &doc_info)=0
Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh and store them in a vector. Doc errors etc.
void operator=(const ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
A general Finite Element class.
Definition: elements.h:1313
Node *& node_pt(const unsigned &n)
Return a pointer to the local node n.
Definition: elements.h:2175
unsigned nnode() const
Return the number of nodes.
Definition: elements.h:2210
void(* SteadyExactSolutionFctPt)(const Vector< double > &, Vector< double > &)
Function pointer for function that computes vector-valued steady "exact solution" as .
Definition: elements.h:1759
Generic class for numerical integration schemes:
Definition: integral.h:49
MapMatrixMixed is a generalised, STL-map-based, sparse(ish) matrix class with mixed indices.
Definition: map_matrix.h:109
A general mesh class.
Definition: mesh.h:67
bool is_mesh_distributed() const
Boolean to indicate if Mesh has been distributed.
Definition: mesh.h:1588
FiniteElement * finite_element_pt(const unsigned &e) const
Upcast (downcast?) to FiniteElement (needed to access FiniteElement member functions).
Definition: mesh.h:473
unsigned long nelement() const
Return number of elements in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:590
Nodes are derived from Data, but, in addition, have a definite (Eulerian) position in a space of a gi...
Definition: nodes.h:906
double & x(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th nodal coordinate.
Definition: nodes.h:1060
unsigned ndim() const
Return (Eulerian) spatial dimension of the node.
Definition: nodes.h:1054
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
An OomphLibWarning object which should be created as a temporary object to issue a warning....
A Class for nodes that deform elastically (i.e. position is an unknown in the problem)....
Definition: nodes.h:1686
double & xi(const unsigned &i)
Reference to i-th Lagrangian position.
Definition: nodes.h:1883
unsigned nlagrangian() const
Return number of lagrangian coordinates.
Definition: nodes.h:1870
Z2-error-estimator: Elements that can be used with Z2 error estimation should be derived from the bas...
void get_recovered_flux_in_patch(const Vector< ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator * > &patch_el_pt, const unsigned &num_recovery_terms, const unsigned &num_flux_terms, const unsigned &dim, DenseMatrix< double > *&recovered_flux_coefficient_pt)
Given the vector of elements that make up a patch, the number of recovery and flux terms,...
CombinedErrorEstimateFctPt & combined_error_fct_pt()
Access function: Pointer to combined error estimate function.
unsigned nrecovery_terms(const unsigned &dim)
Return number of coefficients for expansion of recovered fluxes for given spatial dimension of elemen...
Z2ErrorEstimator(const unsigned &recovery_order)
Constructor: Set order of recovery shape functions.
CombinedErrorEstimateFctPt Combined_error_fct_pt
Function pointer to combined error estimator function.
Constructor: Leave order of recovery shape functions open for now – they will be read out from first ...
virtual ~Z2ErrorEstimator()
Empty virtual destructor.
double reference_flux_norm() const
Access function for prescribed reference flux norm (const. version)
double get_combined_error_estimate(const Vector< double > &compound_error)
Return a combined error estimate from all compound errors.
void setup_patches(Mesh *&mesh_pt, std::map< Node *, Vector< ElementWithZ2ErrorEstimator * > * > &adjacent_elements_pt, Vector< Node * > &vertex_node_pt)
Setup patches: For each vertex node pointed to by nod_pt, adjacent_elements_pt[nod_pt] contains the p...
void operator=(const Z2ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken assignment operator.
double(* CombinedErrorEstimateFctPt)(const Vector< double > &errors)
Function pointer to combined error estimator function.
double & reference_flux_norm()
Access function for prescribed reference flux norm.
unsigned Recovery_order
Order of recovery polynomials.
double Reference_flux_norm
Prescribed reference flux norm.
void get_element_errors(Mesh *&mesh_pt, Vector< double > &elemental_error)
Compute the elemental error measures for a given mesh and store them in a vector.
CombinedErrorEstimateFctPt combined_error_fct_pt() const
Access function: Pointer to combined error estimate function. Const version.
Z2ErrorEstimator(const Z2ErrorEstimator &)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void shape_rec(const Vector< double > &x, const unsigned &dim, Vector< double > &psi_r)
Recovery shape functions as functions of the global, Eulerian coordinate x of dimension dim....
Integral * integral_rec(const unsigned &dim, const bool &is_q_mesh)
Integation scheme associated with the recovery shape functions must be of sufficiently high order to ...
unsigned recovery_order() const
Access function for order of recovery polynomials (const version)
void doc_flux(Mesh *mesh_pt, const unsigned &num_flux_terms, MapMatrixMixed< Node *, int, double > &rec_flux_map, const Vector< double > &elemental_error, DocInfo &doc_info)
Doc flux and recovered flux.
unsigned & recovery_order()
Access function for order of recovery polynomials.
bool Recovery_order_from_first_element
Bool to indicate if recovery order is to be read out from first element in mesh or set globally.
std::string string(const unsigned &i)
Return the i-th string or "" if the relevant string hasn't been defined.
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