The preconditioner for the Lagrange multiplier constrained Navier-Stokes equations. The velocity components are constrained by Lagrange multiplier, which are applied via OOMPH-LIB's FACE elements. More...
#include <lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h>
Public Types | |
typedef Preconditioner *(* | SubsidiaryPreconditionerFctPt) () |
This preconditioner includes the option to use subsidiary operators other than SuperLUPreconditioner for this problem. This is the typedef of a function that should return an instance of a subsidiary preconditioning operator. This preconditioner is responsible for the destruction of the subsidiary preconditioners. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner () | |
Constructor - initialise variables. More... | |
virtual | ~LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner () |
Destructor. More... | |
LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner (const LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner &)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
void | setup () |
Setup method for the LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner. More... | |
void | preconditioner_solve (const DoubleVector &r, DoubleVector &z) |
Apply the preconditioner. r is the residual (rhs), z will contain the solution. More... | |
void | set_meshes (const Vector< Mesh * > &mesh_pt) |
Set the meshes, the first mesh in the vector must be the bulk mesh. More... | |
void | use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma () |
Set flag to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes F matrix as the scaling sigma. This is the default behaviour. Note: the norm of the NS F matrix positive, however, we actually use the negative of the norm. This is because the underlying Navier-Stokes Jacobian is multiplied by -1. Ask Andrew/Matthias for more detail. More... | |
void | set_scaling_sigma (const double &scaling_sigma) |
Access function to set the scaling sigma. Note: this also sets the flag to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes F matrix as the scaling sigma to false. Warning is given if trying to set scaling sigma to be equal to or greater than zero. More... | |
double | scaling_sigma () const |
Read (const) function to get the scaling sigma. More... | |
void | set_navier_stokes_preconditioner (Preconditioner *new_ns_preconditioner_pt=0) |
Set a new Navier-Stokes matrix preconditioner (inexact solver) More... | |
void | set_superlu_for_navier_stokes_preconditioner () |
Set Navier-Stokes matrix preconditioner (inexact solver) to SuperLU. More... | |
void | clean_up_memory () |
Clears the memory. More... | |
![]() | |
BlockPreconditioner () | |
Constructor. More... | |
BlockPreconditioner (const BlockPreconditioner &)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~BlockPreconditioner () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const BlockPreconditioner &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
CRDoubleMatrix * | matrix_pt () const |
Access function to matrix_pt. If this is the master then cast the matrix pointer to MATRIX*, error check and return. Otherwise ask the master for its matrix pointer. More... | |
void | turn_on_recursive_debug_flag () |
Toggles on the recursive debug flag. The change goes up the block preconditioning hierarchy. More... | |
void | turn_off_recursive_debug_flag () |
Toggles off the recursive debug flag. The change goes up the block preconditioning hierarchy. More... | |
void | turn_on_debug_flag () |
Toggles on the debug flag. More... | |
void | turn_off_debug_flag () |
Toggles off the debug flag. More... | |
void | turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner (BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix > *master_block_prec_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse) |
Function to turn this preconditioner into a subsidiary preconditioner that operates within a bigger "master block preconditioner (e.g. a Navier-Stokes 2x2 block preconditioner dealing with the fluid sub-blocks within a 3x3 FSI preconditioner. Once this is done the master block preconditioner deals with the block setup etc. The vector doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse must specify the dof number in the master preconditioner that corresponds to a dof number in this preconditioner. 1. The length of the vector is used to determine the number of blocks in this preconditioner therefore it must be correctly sized. 2. block_setup(...) should be called in the master preconditioner before this method is called. 3. block_setup(...) should be called in the corresponding subsidiary preconditioner after this method is called. More... | |
void | turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner (BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix > *master_block_prec_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse, const Vector< Vector< unsigned >> &doftype_coarsen_map_coarse) |
Function to turn this preconditioner into a subsidiary preconditioner that operates within a bigger "master block preconditioner (e.g. a Navier-Stokes 2x2 block preconditioner dealing with the fluid sub-blocks within a 3x3 FSI preconditioner. Once this is done the master block preconditioner deals with the block setup etc. The vector doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse must specify the dof number in the master preconditioner that corresponds to a dof number in this preconditioner. 1. The length of the vector is used to determine the number of blocks in this preconditioner therefore it must be correctly sized. 2. block_setup(...) should be called in the master preconditioner before this method is called. 3. block_setup(...) should be called in the corresponding subsidiary preconditioner after this method is called. More... | |
virtual void | block_setup () |
Determine the size of the matrix blocks and setup the lookup schemes relating the global degrees of freedom with their "blocks" and their indices (row/column numbers) in those blocks. The distributions of the preconditioner and the internal blocks are automatically specified (and assumed to be uniform) at this stage. This method should be used if the identity dof-to-block mapping is okay, i.e. dof number 0 corresponds to block number 0 dof number 1 corresponds to block number 1 dof number 2 corresponds to block number 2 etc... More... | |
void | block_setup (const Vector< unsigned > &dof_to_block_map) |
Determine the size of the matrix blocks and setup the lookup schemes relating the global degrees of freedom with their "blocks" and their indices (row/column numbers) in those blocks. The distributions of the preconditioner and the blocks are automatically specified (and assumed to be uniform) at this stage. This method should be used if anything other than the identity dof-to-block mapping is required. The argument vector dof_to_block_map should be of length ndof. The indices represents the dof types whilst the value represents the block types. In general we want: More... | |
void | get_block (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, CRDoubleMatrix &output_matrix, const bool &ignore_replacement_block=false) const |
Put block (i,j) into output_matrix. This block accounts for any coarsening of dof types and any replaced dof-level blocks above this preconditioner. More... | |
CRDoubleMatrix | get_block (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, const bool &ignore_replacement_block=false) const |
Return block (i,j). If the optional argument ignore_replacement_block is true, then any blocks in Replacement_dof_block_pt will be ignored throughout the preconditioning hierarchy. More... | |
void | set_master_matrix_pt (CRDoubleMatrix *in_matrix_pt) |
Set the matrix_pt in the upper-most master preconditioner. More... | |
void | get_block_other_matrix (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, CRDoubleMatrix *in_matrix_pt, CRDoubleMatrix &output_matrix) |
Get a block from a different matrix using the blocking scheme that has already been set up. More... | |
void | get_blocks (DenseMatrix< bool > &required_blocks, DenseMatrix< CRDoubleMatrix * > &block_matrix_pt) const |
Get all the block matrices required by the block preconditioner. Takes a pointer to a matrix of bools that indicate if a specified sub-block is required for the preconditioning operation. Computes the required block matrices, and stores pointers to them in the matrix block_matrix_pt. If an entry in block_matrix_pt is equal to NULL on return, that sub-block has not been requested and is therefore not available. More... | |
void | get_dof_level_block (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, CRDoubleMatrix &output_block, const bool &ignore_replacement_block=false) const |
Gets dof-level block (i,j). If Replacement_dof_block_pt(i,j) is not null, then the replacement block is returned via a deep copy. More... | |
void | get_dof_level_block (const unsigned &block_i, const unsigned &block_j, CRDoubleMatrix &output_block, const bool &ignore_replacement_block) const |
Gets dof-level block (i,j). If Replacement_dof_block_pt(i,j) is not null, then the replacement block is returned via a deep copy. More... | |
CRDoubleMatrix | get_concatenated_block (const VectorMatrix< BlockSelector > &selected_block) |
Returns a concatenation of the block matrices specified by the argument selected_block. The VectorMatrix selected_block must be correctly sized as it is used to determine the number of sub block matrices to concatenate. More... | |
void | get_concatenated_block_vector (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector &b) |
Takes the naturally ordered vector and extracts the blocks indicated by the block number (the values) in the Vector block_vec_number all at once, then concatenates them without communication. Here, the values in block_vec_number is the block number in the current preconditioner. This is a non-const function because distributions may be created and stored in Auxiliary_block_distribution_pt for future use. More... | |
void | return_concatenated_block_vector (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const DoubleVector &b, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes concatenated block ordered vector, b, and copies its entries to the appropriate entries in the naturally ordered vector, v. Here the values in block_vec_number indicates which blocks the vector b is a concatenation of. The block number are those in the current preconditioner. If the preconditioner is a subsidiary block preconditioner the other entries in v that are not associated with it are left alone. More... | |
void | get_block_vectors (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const DoubleVector &v, Vector< DoubleVector > &s) const |
Takes the naturally ordered vector and rearranges it into a vector of sub vectors corresponding to the blocks, so s[b][i] contains the i-th entry in the vector associated with block b. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the sub-vectors associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas the total length of the s vectors is the sum of the lengths of the individual block vectors defined in block_vec_number. More... | |
void | get_block_vectors (const DoubleVector &v, Vector< DoubleVector > &s) const |
Takes the naturally ordered vector and rearranges it into a vector of sub vectors corresponding to the blocks, so s[b][i] contains the i-th entry in the vector associated with block b. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the sub-vectors associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas the total length of the s vectors is Nrow. This is simply a wrapper around the other get_block_vectors(...) function where the block_vec_number Vector is the identity, i.e. block_vec_number is [0, 1, ..., nblock_types - 1]. More... | |
void | return_block_vectors (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const Vector< DoubleVector > &s, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the vector of block vectors, s, and copies its entries into the naturally ordered vector, v. If this is a subsidiary block preconditioner only those entries in v that are associated with its blocks are affected. The block_vec_number indicates which block the vectors in s came from. The block number corresponds to the block numbers in this preconditioner. More... | |
void | return_block_vectors (const Vector< DoubleVector > &s, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the vector of block vectors, s, and copies its entries into the naturally ordered vector, v. If this is a subsidiary block preconditioner only those entries in v that are associated with its blocks are affected. The block_vec_number indicates which block the vectors in s came from. The block number corresponds to the block numbers in this preconditioner. This is simply a wrapper around the other return_block_vectors(...) function where the block_vec_number Vector is the identity, i.e. block_vec_number is [0, 1, ..., nblock_types - 1]. More... | |
void | get_block_vector (const unsigned &n, const DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector &b) const |
Takes the naturally ordered vector, v and returns the n-th block vector, b. Here n is the block number in the current preconditioner. More... | |
void | return_block_vector (const unsigned &n, const DoubleVector &b, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the n-th block ordered vector, b, and copies its entries to the appropriate entries in the naturally ordered vector, v. Here n is the block number in the current block preconditioner. If the preconditioner is a subsidiary block preconditioner the other entries in v that are not associated with it are left alone. More... | |
void | get_block_ordered_preconditioner_vector (const DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector &w) |
Given the naturally ordered vector, v, return the vector rearranged in block order in w. This function calls get_concatenated_block_vector(...) with the identity block mapping. More... | |
void | return_block_ordered_preconditioner_vector (const DoubleVector &w, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the block ordered vector, w, and reorders it in natural order. Reordered vector is returned in v. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the components of the vector associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas that of the vector w is of length this->nrow(). More... | |
unsigned | nblock_types () const |
Return the number of block types. More... | |
unsigned | ndof_types () const |
Return the total number of DOF types. More... | |
const Mesh * | mesh_pt (const unsigned &i) const |
Access to i-th mesh (of the various meshes that contain block preconditionable elements of the same number of dof type). More... | |
unsigned | nmesh () const |
Return the number of meshes in Mesh_pt. More... | |
int | block_number (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Return the block number corresponding to a global index i_dof. More... | |
int | index_in_block (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Given a global dof number, returns the index in the block it belongs to. This is the overall index, not local block (in parallel). More... | |
const LinearAlgebraDistribution * | block_distribution_pt (const unsigned &b) const |
Access function to the block distributions (const version). More... | |
LinearAlgebraDistribution * | block_distribution_pt (const unsigned b) |
Access function to the block distributions (non-const version). More... | |
LinearAlgebraDistribution * | dof_block_distribution_pt (const unsigned &b) |
Access function to the dof-level block distributions. More... | |
const LinearAlgebraDistribution * | master_distribution_pt () const |
Access function to the distribution of the master preconditioner. If this preconditioner does not have a master preconditioner then the distribution of this preconditioner is returned. More... | |
unsigned | ndof_types_in_mesh (const unsigned &i) const |
Return the number of DOF types in mesh i. WARNING: This should only be used by the upper-most master block preconditioner. An error is thrown is this function is called from a subsidiary preconditioner. They (and since every block preconditioner can in principle be used as s subsidiary preconditioner: all block preconditioners) should store local copies of "their meshes" (if they're needed for anything) More... | |
bool | is_subsidiary_block_preconditioner () const |
Return true if this preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner. More... | |
bool | is_master_block_preconditioner () const |
Return true if this preconditioner is the master block preconditioner. More... | |
void | set_block_output_to_files (const std::string &basefilename) |
Set the base part of the filename to output blocks to. If it is set then all blocks will be output at the end of block_setup. If it is left empty nothing will be output. More... | |
void | disable_block_output_to_files () |
Turn off output of blocks (by clearing the basefilename string). More... | |
bool | block_output_on () const |
Test if output of blocks is on or not. More... | |
void | output_blocks_to_files (const std::string &basefilename, const unsigned &precision=8) const |
Output all blocks to numbered files. Called at the end of get blocks if an output filename has been set. More... | |
void | post_block_matrix_assembly_partial_clear () |
A helper method to reduce the memory requirements of block preconditioners. Once the methods get_block(...), get_blocks(...) and build_preconditioner_matrix(...) have been called in this and all subsidiary block preconditioners this method can be called to clean up. More... | |
BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix > * | master_block_preconditioner_pt () const |
Access function to the master block preconditioner pt. More... | |
void | clear_block_preconditioner_base () |
Clears all BlockPreconditioner data. Called by the destructor and the block_setup(...) methods. More... | |
void | document () |
debugging method to document the setup. Should only be called after block_setup(...). More... | |
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > | doftype_coarsen_map_fine () const |
Access function for the Doftype_coarsen_map_fine variable. More... | |
Vector< unsigned > | get_fine_grain_dof_types_in (const unsigned &i) const |
Returns the most fine grain dof types in a (possibly coarsened) dof type. More... | |
unsigned | nfine_grain_dof_types_in (const unsigned &i) const |
Access function for the number of most fine grain dof types in a (possibly coarsened) dof type. More... | |
MapMatrix< unsigned, CRDoubleMatrix * > | replacement_dof_block_pt () const |
Access function to the replaced dof-level blocks. More... | |
void | setup_matrix_vector_product (MatrixVectorProduct *matvec_prod_pt, CRDoubleMatrix *block_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &block_col_indices) |
Setup a matrix vector product. matvec_prod_pt is a pointer to the MatrixVectorProduct, block_pt is a pointer to the block matrix, block_col_indices is a vector indicating which block indices does the RHS vector we want to multiply the matrix by. More... | |
void | setup_matrix_vector_product (MatrixVectorProduct *matvec_prod_pt, CRDoubleMatrix *block_pt, const unsigned &block_col_index) |
Setup matrix vector product. This is simply a wrapper around the other setup_matrix_vector_product function. More... | |
void | internal_get_block_ordered_preconditioner_vector (const DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector &w) const |
Given the naturally ordered vector, v, return the vector rearranged in block order in w. This is a legacy function from the old block preconditioning framework. Kept alive in case it may be needed again. More... | |
void | internal_return_block_ordered_preconditioner_vector (const DoubleVector &w, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the block ordered vector, w, and reorders it in the natural order. Reordered vector is returned in v. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the components of the vector associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas that of the vector w is of length this->nrow(). More... | |
unsigned | internal_nblock_types () const |
Return the number internal blocks. This should be the same as the number of internal dof types. Internally, the block preconditioning framework always work with the most fine grain blocks. I.e. it always deal with the most fine grain dof-level blocks. This allows for coarsening of dof types. When we extract a block, we look at the Block_to_dof_map_fine vector to find out which most fine grain dof types belongs to this block. More... | |
unsigned | internal_ndof_types () const |
Return the number of internal dof types. This is the number of most fine grain dof types. The preconditioner writer should not have to concern him/her-self with the internal dof/block types. Thus this fuction is moved to private. We have kept this function alive since it it still used deep within the inner workings of the block preconditioning framework. More... | |
void | internal_return_block_vector (const unsigned &n, const DoubleVector &b, DoubleVector &v) const |
Takes the n-th block ordered vector, b, and copies its entries to the appropriate entries in the naturally ordered vector, v. Here n is the block number in the current block preconditioner. If the preconditioner is a subsidiary block preconditioner the other entries in v that are not associated with it are left alone. More... | |
void | internal_get_block_vector (const unsigned &n, const DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector &b) const |
A helper function, takes the naturally ordered vector, v, and extracts the n-th block vector, b. Here n is the block number in the current preconditioner. NOTE: The ordering of the vector b is the same as the ordering of the block matrix from internal_get_block(...). More... | |
void | internal_get_block_vectors (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const DoubleVector &v, Vector< DoubleVector > &s) const |
Takes the naturally ordered vector and rearranges it into a vector of sub vectors corresponding to the blocks, so s[b][i] contains the i-th entry in the vector associated with block b. The block_vec_number indicates which blocks we want. These blocks and vectors are those corresponding to the internal blocks. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the sub-vectors associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas the total length of the s vectors is the sum of the Nrow of the sub vectors. More... | |
void | internal_get_block_vectors (const DoubleVector &v, Vector< DoubleVector > &s) const |
A helper function, takes the naturally ordered vector and rearranges it into a vector of sub vectors corresponding to the blocks, so s[b][i] contains the i-th entry in the vector associated with block b. The block_vec_number indicates which blocks we want. These blocks and vectors are those corresponding to the internal blocks. Note: If the preconditioner is a subsidiary preconditioner then only the sub-vectors associated with the blocks of the subsidiary preconditioner will be included. Hence the length of v is master_nrow() whereas the total length of the s vectors is the sum of the Nrow of the sub vectors. This is simply a wrapper around the other internal_get_block_vectors(...) function with the identity block_vec_number vector. More... | |
void | internal_return_block_vectors (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, const Vector< DoubleVector > &s, DoubleVector &v) const |
A helper function, takes the vector of block vectors, s, and copies its entries into the naturally ordered vector, v. If this is a subsidiary block preconditioner only those entries in v that are associated with its blocks are affected. More... | |
void | internal_return_block_vectors (const Vector< DoubleVector > &s, DoubleVector &v) const |
A helper function, takes the vector of block vectors, s, and copies its entries into the naturally ordered vector, v. If this is a subsidiary block preconditioner only those entries in v that are associated with its blocks are affected. This is simple a wrapper around the other internal_return_block_vectors(...) function with the identity block_vec_number vector. More... | |
void | internal_get_block (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, CRDoubleMatrix &output_block) const |
Gets block (i,j) from the matrix pointed to by Matrix_pt and returns it in output_block. This is associated with the internal blocks. Please use the other get_block(...) function. More... | |
void | internal_get_block (const unsigned &block_i, const unsigned &block_j, CRDoubleMatrix &output_block) const |
Gets block (i,j) from the matrix pointed to by Matrix_pt and returns it in output_block. This is associated with the internal blocks. Please use the other get_block(...) function. More... | |
int | internal_block_number (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Return the block number corresponding to a global index i_dof. This returns the block number corresponding to the internal blocks. What this means is that this returns the most fine grain dof-block number which this global index i_dof corresponds to. Since the writer of the preconditioner does not need to care about the internal block types, this function should not be used and thus moved to private. This function should not be removed since it is still used deep within the inner workings of the block preconditioning framework. More... | |
int | internal_index_in_block (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Return the index in the block corresponding to a global block number i_dof. The index returned corresponds to the internal blocks, which is the most fine grain dof blocks. More... | |
const LinearAlgebraDistribution * | internal_block_distribution_pt (const unsigned &b) const |
Access function to the internal block distributions. More... | |
void | insert_auxiliary_block_distribution (const Vector< unsigned > &block_vec_number, LinearAlgebraDistribution *dist_pt) |
insert a Vector<unsigned> and LinearAlgebraDistribution* pair into Auxiliary_block_distribution_pt. The Auxiliary_block_distribution_pt should only contain pointers to distributions concatenated at this block level. We try to ensure this by checking if the block_vec_number vector is within the range nblock_types(). Of course, this does not guarantee correctness, but this is the least we can do. More... | |
void | block_matrix_test (const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j, const CRDoubleMatrix *block_matrix_pt) const |
Private helper function to check that every element in the block matrix (i,j) matches the corresponding element in the original matrix. More... | |
int | get_index_of_value (const Vector< myType > &vec, const myType val, const bool sorted=false) const |
Get the index of first occurrence of value in a vector. If the element does not exist, -1 is returned. The optional parameter indicates of the Vector is sorted or not. Complexity: if the Vector is sorted, then on average, logarithmic in the distance between first and last: Performs approximately log2(N)+2 element comparisons. Otherwise, up to linear in the distance between first and last: Compares elements until a match is found. More... | |
![]() | |
Preconditioner () | |
Constructor. More... | |
Preconditioner (const Preconditioner &)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const Preconditioner &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~Preconditioner () |
Destructor (empty) More... | |
virtual void | preconditioner_solve_transpose (const DoubleVector &r, DoubleVector &z) |
Apply the preconditioner. Pure virtual generic interface function. This method should apply the preconditioner operator to the vector r and return the vector z. (broken virtual) More... | |
void | setup (DoubleMatrixBase *matrix_pt) |
Setup the preconditioner: store the matrix pointer and the communicator pointer then call preconditioner specific setup() function. More... | |
void | setup (const Problem *problem_pt, DoubleMatrixBase *matrix_pt) |
Compatability layer for old preconditioners where problem pointers were needed. The problem pointer is only used to get a communicator pointer. More... | |
void | enable_silent_preconditioner_setup () |
Set up the block preconditioner quietly! More... | |
void | disable_silent_preconditioner_setup () |
Be verbose in the block preconditioner setup. More... | |
virtual void | set_matrix_pt (DoubleMatrixBase *matrix_pt) |
Set the matrix pointer. More... | |
virtual const OomphCommunicator * | comm_pt () const |
Get function for comm pointer. More... | |
virtual void | set_comm_pt (const OomphCommunicator *const comm_pt) |
Set the communicator pointer. More... | |
double | setup_time () const |
Returns the time to setup the preconditioner. More... | |
virtual void | turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner (BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix > *master_block_prec_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse) |
Virtual interface function for making a preconditioner a subsidiary of a block preconditioner. By default nothing is needed, but if this preconditioner is also a block preconditioner then things need to happen. There's an assumption here that the block preconditioner will be in CR form but since that assumption is hard coded all over BlockPreconditioner we're safe. More... | |
virtual void | turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner (BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix > *master_block_prec_pt, const Vector< unsigned > &doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse, const Vector< Vector< unsigned >> &doftype_coarsen_map_coarse) |
Virtual interface function for making a preconditioner a subsidiary of a block preconditioner. By default nothing is needed, but if this preconditioner is also a block preconditioner then things need to happen. Version for coarsening dof-types. More... | |
![]() | |
DistributableLinearAlgebraObject () | |
Default constructor - create a distribution. More... | |
DistributableLinearAlgebraObject (const DistributableLinearAlgebraObject &matrix)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const DistributableLinearAlgebraObject &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~DistributableLinearAlgebraObject () |
Destructor. More... | |
LinearAlgebraDistribution * | distribution_pt () const |
access to the LinearAlgebraDistribution More... | |
unsigned | nrow () const |
access function to the number of global rows. More... | |
unsigned | nrow_local () const |
access function for the num of local rows on this processor. More... | |
unsigned | nrow_local (const unsigned &p) const |
access function for the num of local rows on this processor. More... | |
unsigned | first_row () const |
access function for the first row on this processor More... | |
unsigned | first_row (const unsigned &p) const |
access function for the first row on this processor More... | |
bool | distributed () const |
distribution is serial or distributed More... | |
bool | distribution_built () const |
if the communicator_pt is null then the distribution is not setup then false is returned, otherwise return true More... | |
void | build_distribution (const LinearAlgebraDistribution *const dist_pt) |
setup the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
void | build_distribution (const LinearAlgebraDistribution &dist) |
setup the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | Preconditioner_has_been_setup |
Control flag is true if the preconditioner has been setup (used so we can wipe the data when the preconditioner is called again) More... | |
double | Scaling_sigma |
Scaling for the augmentation: Scaling_sigma*(LL^T) More... | |
bool | Use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma |
Flag to indicate if we want to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes momentum block for the scaling sigma. More... | |
Vector< Vector< double > > | Inv_w_diag_values |
Inverse W values. More... | |
Preconditioner * | Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt |
Pointer to the 'preconditioner' for the Navier-Stokes block. More... | |
bool | Navier_stokes_preconditioner_is_block_preconditioner |
Flag to indicate if the preconditioner for the Navier-Stokes block is a block preconditioner or not. More... | |
bool | Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner |
Flag to indicate whether the default NS preconditioner is used. More... | |
Vector< Mesh * > | My_mesh_pt |
Storage for the meshes. In our implementation, the first mesh must always be the Navier-Stokes (bulk) mesh, followed by surface meshes. More... | |
Vector< unsigned > | My_ndof_types_in_mesh |
The number of DOF types in each mesh. This is used create various lookup lists. More... | |
unsigned | My_nmesh |
The number of meshes. This is used to create various lookup lists. More... | |
unsigned | N_lagrange_doftypes |
The number of Lagrange multiplier DOF types. More... | |
unsigned | N_fluid_doftypes |
The number of fluid DOF types (including pressure). More... | |
unsigned | N_velocity_doftypes |
The number of velocity DOF types. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | set_nmesh (const unsigned &n) |
Specify the number of meshes required by this block preconditioner. Note: elements in different meshes correspond to different types of DOF. More... | |
void | set_mesh (const unsigned &i, const Mesh *const mesh_pt, const bool &allow_multiple_element_type_in_mesh=false) |
Set the i-th mesh for this block preconditioner. Note: The method set_nmesh(...) must be called before this method to specify the number of meshes. By default, it is assumed that each mesh only contains elements of the same type. This condition may be relaxed by setting the boolean allow_multiple_element_type_in_mesh to true, however, each mesh must only contain elements with the same number of dof types. More... | |
void | set_replacement_dof_block (const unsigned &block_i, const unsigned &block_j, CRDoubleMatrix *replacement_dof_block_pt) |
Set replacement dof-level blocks. Only dof-level blocks can be set. This is important due to how the dof type coarsening feature operates. More... | |
bool | any_mesh_distributed () const |
Check if any of the meshes are distributed. This is equivalent to problem.distributed() and is used as a replacement. More... | |
int | internal_dof_number (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Return the number of the block associated with global unknown i_dof. If this preconditioner is a subsidiary block preconditioner then the block number in the subsidiary block preconditioner is returned. If a particular global DOF is not associated with this preconditioner then -1 is returned. More... | |
unsigned | internal_index_in_dof (const unsigned &i_dof) const |
Return the row/column number of global unknown i_dof within it's block. More... | |
unsigned | internal_block_dimension (const unsigned &b) const |
Return the number of degrees of freedom in block b. Note that if this preconditioner acts as a subsidiary preconditioner then b refers to the block number in the subsidiary preconditioner not the master block preconditioner. More... | |
unsigned | internal_dof_block_dimension (const unsigned &i) const |
Return the size of the dof "block" i, i.e. how many degrees of freedom are associated with it. Note that if this preconditioner acts as a subsidiary preconditioner, then i refers to the block number in the subsidiary preconditioner not the master block preconditioner. More... | |
unsigned | master_nrow () const |
Return the number of dofs (number of rows or columns) in the overall problem. The prefix "master_" is sort of redundant when used as a stand-alone block preconditioner but is required to avoid ambiguities. The latter is stored (and maintained) separately for each specific block preconditioner regardless of its role. More... | |
unsigned | internal_master_dof_number (const unsigned &b) const |
Takes the block number within this preconditioner and returns the corresponding block number in the master preconditioner. If this preconditioner does not have a master block preconditioner then the block number passed is returned. More... | |
const LinearAlgebraDistribution * | internal_preconditioner_matrix_distribution_pt () const |
access function to the internal preconditioner matrix distribution pt. preconditioner_matrix_distribution_pt always returns the concatenation of the internal block distributions. Since the writer of the preconditioner does not need to concern themselves with the internal dof/block, please use preconditioner_matrix_distribution_pt(). More... | |
const LinearAlgebraDistribution * | preconditioner_matrix_distribution_pt () const |
Access function to the preconditioner matrix distribution pointer. This is the concatenation of the block distributions with the identity ordering. I.e. if this preconditioner has three block types, with the three associated block distributions dist_b0, dist_b1 and dist_b2, then this distribution is: LinearAlgebraDistributionHelpers::concatenate(dist_b0, dist_b1, dist_b2). More... | |
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void | clear_distribution () |
clear the distribution of this distributable linear algebra object More... | |
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MapMatrix< unsigned, CRDoubleMatrix * > | Replacement_dof_block_pt |
The replacement dof-level blocks. More... | |
Vector< LinearAlgebraDistribution * > | Block_distribution_pt |
The distribution for the blocks. More... | |
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > | Block_to_dof_map_coarse |
Mapping for block types to dof types. These are the dof types the writer of the preconditioner expects. For the upper-most master block preconditioner, this would be the sum of the dof types in the meshes. For subsidiary block preconditioners, this is determined by the parent preconditioner when passing in the doftype_coarsen_map_coarse vector in turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner(...). More... | |
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > | Block_to_dof_map_fine |
Mapping for the block types to the most fine grain dof types. More... | |
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > | Doftype_coarsen_map_coarse |
Mapping for dof types within THIS precondition. This is usually passed down from the parent preconditioner. This list is used to tell which does types should be considered as a single dof type within this preconditioner. I.e. we "coarsen" the dof types. The values are local to this preconditioner, for example, even if the Doftype_in_master_preconditioner_coarse = [2,3,4], the vector Doftype_coarsen_map_coarse = [[0],[1,2]], saying your local dof types 0 should be considered as dof type 0 and dof types 1 and 2 are considered as dof type 1. More... | |
Vector< Vector< unsigned > > | Doftype_coarsen_map_fine |
Mapping the dof types within this preconditioner. The values in here refers to the most grain dof types. This list is automatically generated either in block_setup(...) (for the top-most preconditioner) or the turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner(...) function. Please refer to the comment above Doftype_coarsen_map_coarse for more details. More... | |
Vector< LinearAlgebraDistribution * > | Internal_block_distribution_pt |
Storage for the default distribution for each internal block. More... | |
Vector< LinearAlgebraDistribution * > | Dof_block_distribution_pt |
Storage for the default distribution for each dof block at this level. More... | |
Vector< unsigned > | Allow_multiple_element_type_in_mesh |
Vector of unsigned to indicate which meshes contain multiple element types. More... | |
Vector< const Mesh * > | Mesh_pt |
Vector of pointers to the meshes containing the elements used in the block preconditioner. Const pointers to prevent modification of the mesh by the preconditioner (this could be relaxed if needed). If this is a subsidiary preconditioner, then the information is looked up in the master preconditioner. More... | |
Vector< unsigned > | Ndof_types_in_mesh |
Storage for number of types of degree of freedom of the elements in each mesh. More... | |
unsigned | Internal_nblock_types |
Number of different block types in this preconditioner. Note that this information is maintained if used as a subsidiary or stand-alone block preconditioner, in the latter case it stores the number of blocks within the subsidiary preconditioner. More... | |
unsigned | Internal_ndof_types |
Number of different DOF types in this preconditioner. Note that this information is maintained if used as a subsidiary or stand-alone block preconditioner, in the latter case it stores the number of dofs within the subsidiary preconditioner. More... | |
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bool | Silent_preconditioner_setup |
Boolean to indicate whether or not the build should be done silently. More... | |
std::ostream * | Stream_pt |
Pointer to the output stream – defaults to std::cout. More... | |
The preconditioner for the Lagrange multiplier constrained Navier-Stokes equations. The velocity components are constrained by Lagrange multiplier, which are applied via OOMPH-LIB's FACE elements.
The linearised Jacobian takes the block form:
| F_ns | L^T | |---------—| | L | 0 |
where L correspond to the constrained block, F_ns is the Navier-Stokes block with the following block structure
| F | G^T | |-------—| | D | 0 |
Here F is the momentum block, G the discrete gradient operator, and D the discrete divergence operator. For unstabilised elements, we have D = G^T and in much of the literature the divergence matrix is denoted by B.
The Lagrange enforced flow preconditioner takes the form:
F_aug | |
Wd |
where F_aug = F_ns + L^T*inv(Wd)*L is an augmented Navier-Stokes block and Wd=(1/Scaling_sigma)*diag(LL^T).
In our implementation of the preconditioner, the linear systems associated with the (1,1) block can either be solved "exactly", using SuperLU (in its incarnation as an exact preconditioner; this is the default) or by any other Preconditioner (inexact solver) specified via the access functions
Access to the elements is provided via meshes. However, a Vector of meshes is taken, each mesh contains a different type of block preconditionable element. This allows the (re-)classification of the constrained velocity DOF types.
The first mesh in the Vector Mesh_pt must be the 'bulk' mesh. The rest are assumed to contain FACEELMENTS.
Thus, the most general block structure (in 3D) is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ..x x+0 x+1 x+2 x+3 x+4 [u v w p] [u v w l1 l2 ...] [u v w l1 l2 ...] ... Bulk Surface 1 Surface 2 ...
where the DOF types in [] are the DOF types associated with each mesh.
For example, consider a unit cube domain [0,1]^3 with parallel outflow imposed (in mesh 0) and tangential flow imposed (in mesh 1), then there are 13 DOF types and our implementation respects the following (natural) DOF type order:
bulk mesh 0 mesh 1 [0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8 ] [9 10 11 12 ] [u v w p] [up vp wp Lp1 Lp2] [ut vt wt Lt1]
Via the appropriate mapping, the block_setup(...) function will re-order the DOF types into the following block types:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <- Block type 0 4 9 1 5 10 2 6 11 3 7 8 12 <- DOF type [u up ut v vp vt w wp wt ] [p] [Lp1 Lp2 Lt1]
Definition at line 166 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
typedef Preconditioner*(* oomph::LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner::SubsidiaryPreconditionerFctPt) () |
This preconditioner includes the option to use subsidiary operators other than SuperLUPreconditioner for this problem. This is the typedef of a function that should return an instance of a subsidiary preconditioning operator. This preconditioner is responsible for the destruction of the subsidiary preconditioners.
Definition at line 175 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
inline |
Constructor - initialise variables.
Definition at line 178 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References My_mesh_pt, My_ndof_types_in_mesh, My_nmesh, N_fluid_doftypes, N_lagrange_doftypes, N_velocity_doftypes, Navier_stokes_preconditioner_is_block_preconditioner, Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, Preconditioner_has_been_setup, Scaling_sigma, Use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma, and Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 208 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References clean_up_memory().
delete |
Broken copy constructor.
virtual |
Clears the memory.
Reimplemented from oomph::Preconditioner.
Definition at line 1250 of file
References oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::clear_block_preconditioner_base(), Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, Preconditioner_has_been_setup, and Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner.
Referenced by setup(), and ~LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner().
delete |
Broken assignment operator.
virtual |
Apply the preconditioner. r is the residual (rhs), z will contain the solution.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Apply the preconditioner. r is the residual (rhs), z will contain the solution.
Implements oomph::Preconditioner.
Definition at line 310 of file
References oomph::DoubleVector::build(), oomph::DoubleVector::built(), oomph::LinearAlgebraDistribution::built(), oomph::DoubleVector::clear(), oomph::DistributableLinearAlgebraObject::distribution_pt(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::get_block_vector(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::get_concatenated_block_vector(), i, Inv_w_diag_values, N_fluid_doftypes, N_lagrange_doftypes, Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, oomph::DistributableLinearAlgebraObject::nrow(), oomph::DistributableLinearAlgebraObject::nrow_local(), Preconditioner_has_been_setup, oomph::Preconditioner::preconditioner_solve(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::return_block_vector(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::return_concatenated_block_vector(), Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner, and oomph::DoubleVector::values_pt().
inline |
Read (const) function to get the scaling sigma.
Definition at line 277 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References Scaling_sigma.
Referenced by set_scaling_sigma().
Set the meshes, the first mesh in the vector must be the bulk mesh.
Definition at line 419 of file
References oomph::Mesh::elemental_dimension(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::mesh_pt(), My_mesh_pt, My_nmesh, oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::nmesh(), oomph::Mesh::nodal_dimension(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::set_mesh(), and oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::set_nmesh().
void oomph::LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner::set_navier_stokes_preconditioner | ( | Preconditioner * | new_ns_preconditioner_pt = 0 | ) |
Set a new Navier-Stokes matrix preconditioner (inexact solver)
Function to set a new momentum matrix preconditioner (inexact solver)
Definition at line 1214 of file
References Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, and Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner.
inline |
Access function to set the scaling sigma. Note: this also sets the flag to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes F matrix as the scaling sigma to false. Warning is given if trying to set scaling sigma to be equal to or greater than zero.
Definition at line 246 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References scaling_sigma(), Scaling_sigma, and Use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma.
inline |
Set Navier-Stokes matrix preconditioner (inexact solver) to SuperLU.
Definition at line 289 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, and Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner.
virtual |
Setup method for the LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner.
Setup the Lagrange enforced flow preconditioner. This extracts blocks corresponding to the velocity and Lagrange multiplier unknowns, creates the matrices actually needed in the application of the preconditioner and deletes what can be deleted... Note that this preconditioner needs a CRDoubleMatrix.
Implements oomph::Preconditioner.
Definition at line 507 of file
References oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::Block_distribution_pt, oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::block_setup(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::build(), clean_up_memory(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::diagonal_entries(), oomph::DistributableLinearAlgebraObject::distribution_pt(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::get_block(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::get_concatenated_block(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrixHelpers::inf_norm(), Inv_w_diag_values, oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::is_subsidiary_block_preconditioner(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::matrix_pt(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::multiply(), My_mesh_pt, My_ndof_types_in_mesh, My_nmesh, N_fluid_doftypes, N_lagrange_doftypes, N_velocity_doftypes, Navier_stokes_preconditioner_is_block_preconditioner, Navier_stokes_preconditioner_pt, oomph::DenseMatrix< T >::ncol(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::ndof_types(), oomph::CRDoubleMatrix::nnz(), oomph::DenseMatrix< T >::nrow(), Preconditioner_has_been_setup, Scaling_sigma, oomph::BlockPreconditioner< CRDoubleMatrix >::set_replacement_dof_block(), oomph::Preconditioner::setup(), oomph::BlockPreconditioner< MATRIX >::turn_into_subsidiary_block_preconditioner(), Use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma, and Using_superlu_ns_preconditioner.
inline |
Set flag to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes F matrix as the scaling sigma. This is the default behaviour. Note: the norm of the NS F matrix positive, however, we actually use the negative of the norm. This is because the underlying Navier-Stokes Jacobian is multiplied by -1. Ask Andrew/Matthias for more detail.
Definition at line 236 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
References Use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma.
Inverse W values.
Definition at line 316 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by preconditioner_solve(), and setup().
Storage for the meshes. In our implementation, the first mesh must always be the Navier-Stokes (bulk) mesh, followed by surface meshes.
Definition at line 331 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), set_meshes(), and setup().
private |
The number of DOF types in each mesh. This is used create various lookup lists.
Definition at line 335 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), and setup().
private |
The number of meshes. This is used to create various lookup lists.
Definition at line 339 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), set_meshes(), and setup().
private |
The number of fluid DOF types (including pressure).
Definition at line 345 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), preconditioner_solve(), and setup().
private |
The number of Lagrange multiplier DOF types.
Definition at line 342 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), preconditioner_solve(), and setup().
private |
The number of velocity DOF types.
Definition at line 348 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), and setup().
private |
Flag to indicate if the preconditioner for the Navier-Stokes block is a block preconditioner or not.
Definition at line 323 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), and setup().
private |
Pointer to the 'preconditioner' for the Navier-Stokes block.
Definition at line 319 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by clean_up_memory(), LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), preconditioner_solve(), set_navier_stokes_preconditioner(), set_superlu_for_navier_stokes_preconditioner(), and setup().
private |
Control flag is true if the preconditioner has been setup (used so we can wipe the data when the preconditioner is called again)
Definition at line 306 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by clean_up_memory(), LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), preconditioner_solve(), and setup().
private |
Scaling for the augmentation: Scaling_sigma*(LL^T)
Definition at line 309 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), scaling_sigma(), set_scaling_sigma(), and setup().
private |
Flag to indicate if we want to use the infinite norm of the Navier-Stokes momentum block for the scaling sigma.
Definition at line 313 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), set_scaling_sigma(), setup(), and use_norm_f_for_scaling_sigma().
private |
Flag to indicate whether the default NS preconditioner is used.
Definition at line 326 of file lagrange_enforced_flow_preconditioner.h.
Referenced by clean_up_memory(), LagrangeEnforcedFlowPreconditioner(), preconditioner_solve(), set_navier_stokes_preconditioner(), set_superlu_for_navier_stokes_preconditioner(), and setup().