OcTreeRoot is a OcTree that forms the root of a (recursive) octree. The "root node" is special as it holds additional information about its neighbours and their relative rotation (inside a OcTreeForest). More...
#include <octree.h>
Public Member Functions | |
OcTreeRoot (RefineableElement *const &object_pt) | |
Constructor for the root octree: Pass pointer to the RefineableQElement<3> that is represented by the OcTree. More... | |
OcTreeRoot (const OcTreeRoot &dummy)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const OcTreeRoot &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
Vector< TreeRoot * > | edge_neighbour_pt (const unsigned &edge_direction) |
Return vector of pointers to the edge-neighbouring TreeRoots in the (enumerated) (edge) direction. More... | |
unsigned | nedge_neighbour (const unsigned &edge_direction) |
Return number of edge-neighbouring OcTreeRoot in the (enumerated) (edge) direction. More... | |
void | add_edge_neighbour_pt (TreeRoot *oc_tree_root_pt, const unsigned &edge_direction) |
Add pointer to the edge-neighbouring [Oc]TreeRoot in the (enumerated) (edge) direction – maintains uniqueness. More... | |
int | up_equivalent (TreeRoot *tree_root_pt) |
Return up equivalent of the neighbours specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree (around the back-front axis) say, we have Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc. Returns OMEGA if the Octree specified by the pointer argument is not a neighbour. More... | |
void | set_up_equivalent (TreeRoot *tree_root_pt, const int &dir) |
Set up equivalent of the neighbours specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree (around the back-front axis) say, we have Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc. More... | |
int | right_equivalent (TreeRoot *tree_root_pt) |
The same thing as up_equivalent, but for the right direction: When viewed from the current octree neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's Right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. Returns OMEGA if the Octree specified by the pointer argument is not a neighbour. More... | |
void | set_right_equivalent (TreeRoot *tree_root_pt, const int &dir) |
The same thing as up_equivalent, but for the right direction: When viewed from the current octree neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's Right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. More... | |
int | direction_of_neighbour (TreeRoot *octree_root_pt) |
If octree_root_pt is a neighbour, return the direction [faces L/R/F/B/U/D or edges DB/UP/...] in which it is found, otherwise return OMEGA. More... | |
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virtual | ~OcTree () |
Destructor. Note: Deleting a octree also deletes the objects associated with all non-leaf nodes! More... | |
OcTree (const OcTree &dummy)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const OcTree &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
Tree * | construct_son (RefineableElement *const &object_pt, Tree *const &father_pt, const int &son_type) |
Overload the function construct_son to ensure that the son is a specific OcTree and not a general Tree. More... | |
OcTree * | gteq_face_neighbour (const int &direction, Vector< unsigned > &translate_s, Vector< double > &s_sw, Vector< double > &s_ne, int &face, int &diff_level, bool &in_neighbouring_tree) const |
Find (pointer to) ‘greater-or-equal-sized face neighbour’ in given direction (L/R/U/D/F/B). Another way of interpreting this is that we're looking for the neighbour across the present element's face 'direction'. The various arguments return additional information about the size and relative orientation of the neighbouring octree. To interpret these we use the following General convention: More... | |
OcTree * | gteq_true_edge_neighbour (const int &direction, const unsigned &i_root_edge_neighbour, unsigned &nroot_edge_neighbour, Vector< unsigned > &translate_s, Vector< double > &s_lo, Vector< double > &s_hi, int &edge, int &diff_level) const |
Find (pointer to) ‘greater-or-equal-sized true edge neighbour’ in the given direction (LB,RB,DB,UB [the back edges], LD,RD,LU,RU [the side edges], LF,RF,DF,UF [the front edges]). More... | |
unsigned | self_test () |
Self-test: Check all neighbours. Return success (0) if the max. distance between corresponding points in the neighbours is less than the tolerance specified in the static value Tree::Max_neighbour_finding_tolerance. More... | |
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virtual | ~Tree () |
Destructor. Note: Deleting a tree also deletes the objects associated with its non-leave nodes. More... | |
Tree (const Tree &dummy)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const Tree &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
RefineableElement * | object_pt () const |
Return the pointer to the object (RefineableElement) represented by the tree. More... | |
void | flush_object () |
Flush the object represented by the tree. More... | |
Tree * | son_pt (const int &son_index) const |
Return pointer to the son for a given index. Note that to aid code readability specific enums have been defined for specific trees. However, these are simply aliases for ints and the general interface can be implemented once, here. More... | |
void | set_son_pt (const Vector< Tree * > &son_pt) |
Set vector of pointers to sons, indexed by the appropriate enum that identies son types. (To aid code readability specific enums have been defined for specific trees. However, these are simply aliases for ints and the general interface can be implemented once, here). More... | |
unsigned | nsons () const |
Return number of sons (zero if it's a leaf node) More... | |
void | flush_sons () |
Flush the sons. More... | |
TreeRoot *& | root_pt () |
Return pointer to root of the tree. More... | |
TreeRoot * | root_pt () const |
Return pointer to root of the tree (const version) More... | |
template<class ELEMENT > | |
void | split_if_required () |
If required, split the leaf and create its sons – criterion: bool object_pt()-> to_be_refined() = true. More... | |
template<class ELEMENT > | |
void | p_refine_if_required (Mesh *&mesh_pt) |
If required, p-refine the leaf – criterion: bool object_pt()-> to_be_p_refined() = true or bool object_pt()-> to_be_p_unrefined() = true. More... | |
void | merge_sons_if_required (Mesh *&mesh_pt) |
If required, merge the four sons for unrefinement – criterion: bool object_pt()-> sons_to_be_unrefined() = true. More... | |
void | deactivate_object () |
Call the RefineableElement's deactivate_element() function. More... | |
void | traverse_all (Tree::VoidMemberFctPt member_function) |
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function member_function() at all its "nodes". More... | |
void | traverse_all (Tree::VoidMeshPtArgumentMemberFctPt member_function, Mesh *&mesh_pt) |
Traverse the tree and excute void Tree member function that takes a pointer to a mesh as an argument. More... | |
void | traverse_all_but_leaves (Tree::VoidMemberFctPt member_function) |
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function member_function() at all its "nodes" aparat from the leaves. More... | |
void | traverse_leaves (Tree::VoidMemberFctPt member_function) |
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function member_function() only at its leaves. More... | |
void | traverse_leaves (Tree::VoidMeshPtArgumentMemberFctPt member_function, Mesh *&mesh_pt) |
Traverse the tree and execute void Tree member function that takes a pointer to a mesh as an argument only at its leaves. More... | |
void | stick_leaves_into_vector (Vector< Tree * > &) |
Traverse tree and stick pointers to leaf "nodes" (only) into Vector. More... | |
void | stick_all_tree_nodes_into_vector (Vector< Tree * > &) |
Traverse and stick pointers to all "nodes" into Vector. More... | |
int | son_type () const |
Return son type. More... | |
bool | is_leaf () |
Return true if the tree is a leaf node. More... | |
Tree * | father_pt () const |
Return pointer to father: NULL if it's a root node. More... | |
void | set_father_pt (Tree *const &father_pt) |
Set the father. More... | |
unsigned | level () const |
Return the level of the Tree (root=0) More... | |
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TreeRoot (RefineableElement *const &object_pt) | |
Constructor for the (empty) root tree. More... | |
TreeRoot (const TreeRoot &dummy)=delete | |
Broken copy constructor. More... | |
void | operator= (const TreeRoot &)=delete |
Broken assignment operator. More... | |
TreeRoot *& | neighbour_pt (const int &direction) |
Return the pointer to the neighbouring TreeRoots in specified direction. Returns NULL if there's no neighbour in this direction. More... | |
bool | is_neighbour_periodic (const int &direction) |
Return whether the neighbour in the particular direction is periodic. More... | |
void | set_neighbour_periodic (const int &direction) |
Set the neighbour in particular direction to be periodic. More... | |
void | set_neighbour_nonperiodic (const int &direction) |
Set the neighbour in particular direction to be nonperiodic. More... | |
unsigned | nneighbour () |
Return the number of neighbours. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
std::map< int, Vector< TreeRoot * > > | Edge_neighbour_pt |
Map of pointers to the edge-neighbouring [Oc]TreeRoots: Edge_neighbour_pt[direction] is Vector to the pointers to the [Oc]TreeRoot's edge neighbours in the (enumerated) (edge) direction. More... | |
std::map< TreeRoot *, int > | Up_equivalent |
Map giving the Up equivalent of the neighbour specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree(around the back-front axis), say, we have Up_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc. More... | |
std::map< TreeRoot *, int > | Right_equivalent |
Map giving the Right equivalent of the neighbour specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Right_equivalent [neighbour_pt]=R (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Right is its Right"). More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void(Tree::* | VoidMemberFctPt) () |
Function pointer to argument-free void Tree member function. More... | |
typedef void(Tree::* | VoidMeshPtArgumentMemberFctPt) (Mesh *&mesh_pt) |
Function pointer to a void Tree member function that takes a pointer to a mesh as its argument. More... | |
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static Vector< int > | faces_of_common_edge (const int &edge) |
Function that, given an edge, returns the two faces on which it. More... | |
static void | setup_static_data () |
Setup the static data, rotation and reflection schemes, etc. More... | |
static void | doc_face_neighbours (Vector< Tree * > forest_nodes_pt, std::ofstream &neighbours_file, std::ofstream &neighbours_txt_file, double &max_error) |
Doc/check all face neighbours of octree (nodes) contained in the Vector forest_node_pt. Output into neighbours_file which can be viewed from tecplot with OcTreeNeighbours.mcr Neighbour info and errors are displayed on neighbours_txt_file. Finally, compute the max. error between vertices when viewed from neighhbouring element. If the two filestreams are closed, output is suppressed. More... | |
static void | doc_true_edge_neighbours (Vector< Tree * > forest_nodes_pt, std::ofstream &neighbours_file, std::ofstream &no_true_edge_file, std::ofstream &neighbours_txt_file, double &max_error) |
Doc/check all true edge neighbours of octree (nodes) contained in the Vector forest_node_pt. Output into neighbours_file which can be viewed from tecplot with OcTreeNeighbours.mcr Neighbour info and errors are displayed on neighbours_txt_file. Finally, compute the max. error between vertices when viewed from neighhbouring element. If the two filestreams are closed, output is suppressed. More... | |
static int | get_the_other_face (const unsigned &n1, const unsigned &n2, const unsigned &nnode1d, const int &face) |
If an edge is bordered by the nodes whose local numbers are n1 and n2 in an element with nnode1d nodes along each coordinate direction, then this edge is shared by two faces. This function takes one of these faces as the argument face and returns the other one. (face is a direction in the set U,D,F,B,L,R). More... | |
static unsigned | vertex_to_node_number (const int &vertex, const unsigned &nnode1d) |
Return the local node number of given vertex [LDB,RDB,...] in an element with nnode1d nodes in each coordinate direction. More... | |
static int | node_number_to_vertex (const unsigned &n, const unsigned &nnode1d) |
Return the vertex [LDB,RDB,...] of local (vertex) node n in an element with nnode1d nodes in each coordinate direction. More... | |
static Vector< int > | rotate (const int &new_up, const int &new_right, const Vector< int > &dir) |
If U[p] becomes new_up and R[ight] becomes new_right then the direction vector dir becomes rotate(new_up, new_right, dir) More... | |
static int | rotate (const int &new_up, const int &new_right, const int &dir) |
If U[p] becomes new_up and R[ight] becomes new_right then the direction dir becomes rotate(new_up, new_right, dir) More... | |
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static double & | max_neighbour_finding_tolerance () |
Max. allowed discrepancy in neighbour finding routine (distance between points when identified from two neighbouring elements) More... | |
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static Vector< std::string > | Direct_string |
Translate (enumerated) directions into strings. More... | |
static Vector< int > | Reflect_face |
Get opposite face, e.g. Reflect_face[L]=R. More... | |
static Vector< int > | Reflect_edge |
Get opposite edge, e.g. Reflect_edge[DB]=UF. More... | |
static Vector< int > | Reflect_vertex |
Get opposite vertex, e.g. Reflect_vertex[LDB]=RUF. More... | |
static Vector< Vector< int > > | Vertex_at_end_of_edge |
Vector of vectors containing the two vertices for each edge, e.g. Vertex_at_end_of_edge [LU][0]=LUB and Vertex_at_end_of_edge [LU][1]=LUF. More... | |
static std::map< Vector< int >, int > | Vector_to_direction |
Each vector representing a direction can be translated into a direction, either a son type (vertex), a face or an edge. E.g. : Vector_to_direction[(1,-1,1)]=RDF, Vector_to_direction[(0,1,0)]=U. More... | |
static Vector< Vector< int > > | Direction_to_vector |
For each direction, i.e. a son_type (vertex), a face or an edge, this defines a vector that indicates this direction. E.g : Direction_to_vector[RDB]=(1,-1,-1), Direction_to_vector[U]=(0,1,0) More... | |
static std::map< std::pair< std::pair< int, int >, std::pair< int, int > >, std::pair< int, int > > | Up_and_right_equivalent_for_pairs_of_vertices |
Storage for the up/right-equivalents corresponding to two pairs of vertices along an element edge: More... | |
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static const int | OMEGA = 26 |
Default value for an unassigned neighbour. More... | |
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OcTree () | |
Default constructor (empty and broken) More... | |
OcTree (RefineableElement *const &object_pt) | |
Constructor for empty (root) tree: no father, no sons; just pass a pointer to its object (a RefineableQElement<3>). This is protected because OcTrees can only be created internally, during the split operation. Only OcTreeRoots can be created externally. More... | |
OcTree (RefineableElement *const &object_pt, Tree *const &father_pt, const int &son_type) | |
Constructor for tree that has a father: Pass it the pointer to its object, the pointer to its father and tell it what type of son (LDB,RDB,...) it is. Protected because OcTrees can only be created internally, during the split operation. Only OcTreeRoots can be created externally. More... | |
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Tree () | |
Default constructor (empty and broken) More... | |
Tree (RefineableElement *const &object_pt) | |
Default constructor for empty (root) tree: no father, no sons; just pass a pointer to its object Protected because Trees can only be created internally, during the split operation. Only TreeRoots can be created externally. More... | |
Tree (RefineableElement *const &object_pt, Tree *const &father_pt, const int &son_type) | |
Constructor for tree that has a father: Pass it the pointer to its object, the pointer to its father and tell it what type of son it is. Protected because Trees can only be created internally, during the split operation. Only TreeRoots can be created externally. More... | |
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TreeRoot * | Root_pt |
Pointer to the root of the tree. More... | |
Tree * | Father_pt |
Pointer to the Father of the Tree. More... | |
Vector< Tree * > | Son_pt |
Vector of pointers to the sons of the Tree. More... | |
int | Level |
Level of the Tree (level 0 = root) More... | |
int | Son_type |
Son type (e.g. SW/SE/NW/NE in a quadtree) More... | |
RefineableElement * | Object_pt |
Pointer to the object represented by the tree. More... | |
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std::map< int, TreeRoot * > | Neighbour_pt |
Map of pointers to the neighbouring TreeRoots: Neighbour_pt[direction] returns the pointer to the TreeRoot's neighbour in the (enumerated) direction. Returns NULL if there's no neighbour in this direction. More... | |
std::map< int, bool > | Neighbour_periodic |
Map of booleans used for periodic boundaries: Neighbour_periodic_direction[directon] returns true if the neighbour in that direction is actually a periodic neighbour — shared data values, but independent position. The default return of the map is false. More... | |
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static bool | Static_data_has_been_setup = false |
Bool indicating that static member data has been setup. More... | |
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static double | Max_neighbour_finding_tolerance = 1.0e-14 |
Max. allowed discrepancy in neighbour finding routine (distance between points when identified from two neighbouring elements) More... | |
OcTreeRoot is a OcTree that forms the root of a (recursive) octree. The "root node" is special as it holds additional information about its neighbours and their relative rotation (inside a OcTreeForest).
inline |
Constructor for the root octree: Pass pointer to the RefineableQElement<3> that is represented by the OcTree.
Definition at line 641 of file octree.h.
References oomph::OcTree::Static_data_has_been_setup, and oomph::Global_string_for_annotation::string().
delete |
Broken copy constructor.
inline |
Add pointer to the edge-neighbouring [Oc]TreeRoot in the (enumerated) (edge) direction – maintains uniqueness.
Definition at line 716 of file octree.h.
References oomph::OcTreeNames::DB, oomph::OcTreeNames::DF, oomph::OcTree::Direct_string, Edge_neighbour_pt, oomph::OcTreeNames::LB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LD, oomph::OcTreeNames::LF, oomph::OcTreeNames::LU, oomph::OcTreeNames::RB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RD, oomph::OcTreeNames::RF, oomph::OcTreeNames::RU, oomph::OcTreeNames::UB, and oomph::OcTreeNames::UF.
Referenced by oomph::OcTreeForest::find_neighbours().
inline |
If octree_root_pt is a neighbour, return the direction [faces L/R/F/B/U/D or edges DB/UP/...] in which it is found, otherwise return OMEGA.
Definition at line 814 of file octree.h.
References oomph::OcTreeNames::B, oomph::OcTreeNames::D, oomph::OcTreeNames::DB, oomph::OcTreeNames::DF, e, edge_neighbour_pt(), oomph::OcTreeNames::F, oomph::OcTreeNames::L, oomph::OcTreeNames::LB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LD, oomph::OcTreeNames::LF, oomph::OcTreeNames::LU, oomph::TreeRoot::Neighbour_pt, oomph::Tree::OMEGA, oomph::OcTreeNames::R, oomph::OcTreeNames::RB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RD, oomph::OcTreeNames::RF, oomph::OcTreeNames::RU, oomph::OcTreeNames::U, oomph::OcTreeNames::UB, and oomph::OcTreeNames::UF.
Referenced by oomph::OcTreeForest::construct_up_right_equivalents(), right_equivalent(), and up_equivalent().
Return vector of pointers to the edge-neighbouring TreeRoots in the (enumerated) (edge) direction.
Definition at line 668 of file octree.h.
References oomph::OcTreeNames::DB, oomph::OcTreeNames::DF, oomph::OcTree::Direct_string, Edge_neighbour_pt, oomph::OcTreeNames::LB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LD, oomph::OcTreeNames::LF, oomph::OcTreeNames::LU, oomph::OcTreeNames::RB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RD, oomph::OcTreeNames::RF, oomph::OcTreeNames::RU, oomph::OcTreeNames::UB, and oomph::OcTreeNames::UF.
Referenced by direction_of_neighbour(), and oomph::OcTreeForest::oc_edge_neigh_pt().
inline |
Return number of edge-neighbouring OcTreeRoot in the (enumerated) (edge) direction.
Definition at line 693 of file octree.h.
References oomph::OcTreeNames::DB, oomph::OcTreeNames::DF, oomph::OcTree::Direct_string, Edge_neighbour_pt, oomph::OcTreeNames::LB, oomph::OcTreeNames::LD, oomph::OcTreeNames::LF, oomph::OcTreeNames::LU, oomph::OcTreeNames::RB, oomph::OcTreeNames::RD, oomph::OcTreeNames::RF, oomph::OcTreeNames::RU, oomph::OcTreeNames::UB, and oomph::OcTreeNames::UF.
delete |
Broken assignment operator.
inline |
The same thing as up_equivalent, but for the right direction: When viewed from the current octree neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's Right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. Returns OMEGA if the Octree specified by the pointer argument is not a neighbour.
Definition at line 790 of file octree.h.
References direction_of_neighbour(), oomph::Tree::OMEGA, and Right_equivalent.
Referenced by oomph::OcTree::gteq_face_neighbour(), and oomph::OcTree::gteq_true_edge_neighbour().
inline |
The same thing as up_equivalent, but for the right direction: When viewed from the current octree neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's Right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction.
Definition at line 806 of file octree.h.
References Right_equivalent.
Referenced by oomph::OcTreeForest::construct_up_right_equivalents().
inline |
Set up equivalent of the neighbours specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree (around the back-front axis) say, we have Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc.
Definition at line 779 of file octree.h.
References Up_equivalent.
Referenced by oomph::OcTreeForest::construct_up_right_equivalents().
inline |
Return up equivalent of the neighbours specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree (around the back-front axis) say, we have Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc. Returns OMEGA if the Octree specified by the pointer argument is not a neighbour.
Definition at line 757 of file octree.h.
References direction_of_neighbour(), oomph::Tree::OMEGA, and Up_equivalent.
Referenced by oomph::OcTree::gteq_face_neighbour(), and oomph::OcTree::gteq_true_edge_neighbour().
Map of pointers to the edge-neighbouring [Oc]TreeRoots: Edge_neighbour_pt[direction] is Vector to the pointers to the [Oc]TreeRoot's edge neighbours in the (enumerated) (edge) direction.
Definition at line 616 of file octree.h.
Referenced by add_edge_neighbour_pt(), edge_neighbour_pt(), and nedge_neighbour().
private |
Map giving the Right equivalent of the neighbour specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our right direction is the neighbour's right_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Right_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=R (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Right is its Right").
Definition at line 635 of file octree.h.
Referenced by right_equivalent(), and set_right_equivalent().
private |
Map giving the Up equivalent of the neighbour specified by pointer: When viewed from the current octree's neighbour, our up direction is the neighbour's Up_equivalent[neighbour_pt] direction. If there's no rotation, this map contains the identify so that, e.g. Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=U (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Up"). If the neighbour is rotated by 180 degrees relative to the current octree(around the back-front axis), say, we have Up_equivalent
[neighbour_pt]=D (read as: "in my
neighbour, my Up is its Down"); etc.
Definition at line 627 of file octree.h.
Referenced by set_up_equivalent(), and up_equivalent().