Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 #include "map_matrix.h"
27 #include "brick_mesh.h"
29 namespace oomph
30 {
31  //====================================================================
32  /// Helper namespace for generation of brick from tet mesh
33  //====================================================================
34  namespace BrickFromTetMeshHelper
35  {
36  /// Tolerance for mismatch during setup of boundary coordinates
37  double Face_position_tolerance = 1.0e-12;
39  } // namespace BrickFromTetMeshHelper
42  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47  //================================================================
48  /// Setup lookup schemes which establish which elements are located
49  /// next to which boundaries (Doc to outfile if it's open).
50  //================================================================
51  void BrickMeshBase::setup_boundary_element_info(std::ostream& outfile)
52  {
53  // Martina's fixed and commented version of the code.
55  // Define variable doc and set the initial value to False.
56  bool doc = false;
58  // If file declared in outfile exists,set doc=true to enable writing to
59  // stream
60  if (outfile) doc = true;
62  // Number of boundaries. Gives the value assigned by the function
63  // nboundary()
64  unsigned nbound = nboundary();
66  if (doc)
67  {
68  outfile << "The number of boundaries is " << nbound << "\n";
69  }
71  // Wipe/allocate storage for arrays
72  // Command clear will reomve all elements of vectors
73  // Command resize will adapt pointer to correct boundary size. Internal data
74  Boundary_element_pt.clear();
75  Face_index_at_boundary.clear();
76  Boundary_element_pt.resize(nbound);
77  Face_index_at_boundary.resize(nbound);
80  // Temporary vector of vectors of pointers to elements on the boundaries:
81  // vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i] is the vector of pointers to all
82  // elements that have nodes on boundary i.
83  // This is not a set to ensure UNIQUE ordering on every processor
84  // There are a number of elements with nodes on each boundary.
85  // For each boundary we store the appropriate elements in a vector.
86  // There is therefore a vector for each boundary, which we store in
87  // another vector, i.e. a matrix (vector of vectors).
88  // Then vector_of_boundary_element_pt[0] is a vector of pointers to elements
89  // with nodes on boundary 0 and vector_of_boundary_element_pt[0][0] is the
90  // first element with nodes on boundary 0.
91  Vector<Vector<FiniteElement*>> vector_of_boundary_element_pt;
92  vector_of_boundary_element_pt.resize(nbound);
94  // Matrix map for working out the fixed local coord for elements on boundary
95  // Calling pointer to FiniteElement and pointer to Vector<int> defining
96  // the matrix to identify each element on boundary
100  // Temporary container to store pointers to temporary vectors
101  // so they can be deleted. Creating storage to store these
102  // temporary vectors of vectors of pointers previously defined
103  Vector<Vector<int>*> tmp_vect_pt;
105  // Loop over elements
106  //-------------------
107  unsigned nel = nelement();
108  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nel; e++)
109  {
110  // Get pointer to element
111  // and put it in local storage fe_pt.
114  // print out values of all elements to doc
115  if (doc) outfile << "Element: " << e << " " << fe_pt << std::endl;
117  // Loop over the element's nodes and find out which boundaries they're on
118  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
119  // Return number of nodes along one edge of the current element defined by
120  // fe_pt hence, loop over nodes of each element in 3D-dimension
121  unsigned nnode_1d = fe_pt->nnode_1d();
123  // Loop over nodes in order
124  for (unsigned i0 = 0; i0 < nnode_1d; i0++)
125  {
126  for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 < nnode_1d; i1++)
127  {
128  for (unsigned i2 = 0; i2 < nnode_1d; i2++)
129  {
130  // Local node number, which is an assumed ordering defined in our
131  // underlying finite element scheme.
132  unsigned j = i0 + i1 * nnode_1d + i2 * nnode_1d * nnode_1d;
134  // Get pointer to the set of boundaries that this node lives on
135  // for each node reset boundaries_pt to 0,
136  // create pointer to each node in each element
137  // and give boundaries_pt a value
138  std::set<unsigned>* boundaries_pt = 0;
139  fe_pt->node_pt(j)->get_boundaries_pt(boundaries_pt);
141  // If the node lives on some boundaries....
142  // If not equal to 0, node is on boundary
143  // Loop through values of the current node stored in boundaries_pt
144  if (boundaries_pt != 0)
145  {
146  // Loop over the entries in the set "it" (name we use to refer to
147  // the iterator)
148  for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it = boundaries_pt->begin();
149  it != boundaries_pt->end();
150  ++it)
151  {
152  // What's the boundary?
153  // Define boundary_id to have the value pointed to by
154  // boundaries_pt
155  unsigned boundary_id = *it;
157  // Add pointer to finite element to vector for the appropriate
158  // boundary
160  // Does the pointer already exist in the vector
162  std::find(vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].begin(),
163  vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].end(),
164  fe_pt);
166  // Only insert if we have not found it (i.e. got to the end)
167  if (b_el_it == vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].end())
168  {
169  vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].push_back(fe_pt);
170  }
172  // For the current element/boundary combination, create
173  // a vector that stores an indicator which element boundaries
174  // the node is located (boundary_identifier=-/+1 for nodes
175  // on the left/right boundary; boundary_identifier=-/+2 for
176  // nodes on the lower/upper boundary. We determine these indices
177  // for all corner nodes of the element and add them to a vector
178  // to a vector. This allows us to decide which faces of the
179  // element coincide with the boundary since each face of the
180  // element must have all four corner nodes on the boundary.
181  if (boundary_identifier(boundary_id, fe_pt) == 0)
182  {
183  // Here we make our vector of integers and keep track of the
184  // pointer to it The vector stores information about local
185  // node position for each boundary element
186  Vector<int>* tmp_pt = new Vector<int>;
188  // Add to the local scheme that will allow us to delete it
189  // later at the very end of the function
190  tmp_vect_pt.push_back(tmp_pt);
192  // Add the pointer to the storage scheme defined by
193  // boundary_id and pointer to finite element
194  boundary_identifier(boundary_id, fe_pt) = tmp_pt;
195  }
197  // Are we at a corner node? (local for each boundary element)
198  // i0,i1,i2 represent the current 3D coordinates- which local
199  // corner node.
200  if (((i0 == 0) || (i0 == nnode_1d - 1)) &&
201  ((i1 == 0) || (i1 == nnode_1d - 1)) &&
202  ((i2 == 0) || (i2 == nnode_1d - 1)))
203  {
204  // Create index to represent position relative to s_0
205  // s_0,s_1,s_2 are local 3D directions
206  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id, fe_pt))
207  .push_back(1 * (2 * i0 / (nnode_1d - 1) - 1));
209  // Create index to represent position relative to s_1
210  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id, fe_pt))
211  .push_back(2 * (2 * i1 / (nnode_1d - 1) - 1));
213  // Create index to represent position relative to s_2
214  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id, fe_pt))
215  .push_back(3 * (2 * i2 / (nnode_1d - 1) - 1));
216  }
217  }
218  }
219  }
220  }
221  }
222  }
225  // Now copy everything across into permanent arrays
226  //-------------------------------------------------
228  // Loop over boundaries
229  //---------------------
230  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nbound; i++)
231  {
232  // Loop over elements on given boundary
234  for (IT it = vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i].begin();
235  it != vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i].end();
236  it++)
237  {
238  // Recover pointer to element for each element
239  FiniteElement* fe_pt = (*it);
241  // Initialise count for boundary identities (-3,-2,-1,1,2,3)
242  std::map<int, unsigned> count;
244  // Loop over coordinates in 3D dimension
245  for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
246  {
247  // Loop over upper/lower end of coordinates
248  // count -/+ for each direction separately
249  for (int sign = -1; sign < 3; sign += 2)
250  {
251  count[(ii + 1) * sign] = 0;
253  // Initialise map of counts to 0 before loop
254  // count boundary indicator for each element
255  // and its nodes
256  }
257  }
259  // Loop over boundary indicators for this element/boundary
260  // count nodes for any one fixed boundary determined by
261  // boundary indicator
262  unsigned n_indicators = (*boundary_identifier(i, fe_pt)).size();
263  for (unsigned j = 0; j < n_indicators; j++)
264  {
265  count[(*boundary_identifier(i, fe_pt))[j]]++;
266  }
268  // Determine the correct boundary indicator by checking that it
269  // occurs four times (since four corner nodes of the element's boundary
270  // need to be located on the boundary domain)
271  int indicator = -10;
274  // Loop over coordinates
275  for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
276  {
277  // Loop over upper/lower end of coordinates
278  for (int sign = -1; sign < 3; sign += 2)
279  {
280  // If an index occurs four times then a face is on the boundary
281  // But we can have multiple faces on the same boundary, so add all
282  // the ones that we find!
283  if (count[(ii + 1) * sign] == 4)
284  {
285  indicator = (ii + 1) * sign;
287  // Copy into the member data structures
288  Boundary_element_pt[i].push_back(*it);
289  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(indicator);
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  }
296  // Doc?
297  //-----
298  if (doc)
299  {
300  // Loop over boundaries
301  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nbound; i++)
302  {
303  unsigned nel = Boundary_element_pt[i].size();
304  outfile << "Boundary: " << i << " is adjacent to " << nel << " elements"
305  << std::endl;
307  // Loop over elements on given boundary
308  for (unsigned e = 0; e < nel; e++)
309  {
311  outfile << "Boundary element:" << fe_pt
312  << " Face index along boundary is "
313  << Face_index_at_boundary[i][e] << std::endl;
314  }
315  }
316  }
319  // Lookup scheme has now been setup yet
323  // Cleanup temporary vectors
324  unsigned n = tmp_vect_pt.size();
325  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
326  {
327  delete tmp_vect_pt[i];
328  }
330  return;
333  // Doc?
334  /*bool doc=false;
335  if (outfile) doc=true;
337  // Number of boundaries
338  unsigned nbound=nboundary();
340  // Wipe/allocate storage for arrays
341  Boundary_element_pt.clear();
342  Face_index_at_boundary.clear();
343  Boundary_element_pt.resize(nbound);
344  Face_index_at_boundary.resize(nbound);
347  // Temporary vector of vectors of pointers to elements on the boundaries:
348  // vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i] is the vector of pointers to all
349  // elements that have nodes on boundary i.
350  // This is not a set to ensure UNIQUE ordering on every processor
351  Vector<Vector<FiniteElement*> > vector_of_boundary_element_pt;
352  vector_of_boundary_element_pt.resize(nbound);
354  // Matrix map for working out the fixed local coord for elements on boundary
355  MapMatrixMixed<unsigned,FiniteElement*,Vector<int>* >
356  boundary_identifier;
358  // Tmp container to store pointers to tmp vectors so they can be deleted
359  Vector<Vector<int>*> tmp_vect_pt;
361  // Loop over elements
362  //-------------------
363  unsigned nel=nelement();
364  for (unsigned e=0;e<nel;e++)
365  {
366  // Get pointer to element
367  FiniteElement* fe_pt=finite_element_pt(e);
369  if (doc) outfile << "Element: " << e << " " << fe_pt << std::endl;
371  // Loop over the element's nodes and find out which boundaries they're on
372  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
373  unsigned nnode_1d=fe_pt->nnode_1d();
375  // Loop over nodes in order
376  for (unsigned i0=0;i0<nnode_1d;i0++)
377  {
378  for (unsigned i1=0;i1<nnode_1d;i1++)
379  {
380  for (unsigned i2=0;i2<nnode_1d;i2++)
381  {
382  // Local node number
383  unsigned j=i0+i1*nnode_1d+i2*nnode_1d*nnode_1d;
385  // Get pointer to set of boundaries that this
386  // node lives on
387  std::set<unsigned>* boundaries_pt=0;
388  fe_pt->node_pt(j)->get_boundaries_pt(boundaries_pt);
390  // If the node lives on some boundaries....
391  if (boundaries_pt!=0)
392  {
393  for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it=boundaries_pt->begin();
394  it!=boundaries_pt->end();++it)
395  {
397  // What's the boundary?
398  unsigned boundary_id=*it;
400  // Add pointer to finite element to vector for the appropriate
401  // boundary
403  // Does the pointer already exits in the vector
404  Vector<FiniteElement*>::iterator b_el_it =
405  std::find(vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].begin(),
406  vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].end(),
407  fe_pt);
409  //Only insert if we have not found it (i.e. got to the end)
410  if(b_el_it == vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].end())
411  {
412  vector_of_boundary_element_pt[*it].push_back(fe_pt);
413  }
415  // For the current element/boundary combination, create
416  // a vector that stores an indicator which element boundaries
417  // the node is located (boundary_identifier=-/+1 for nodes
418  // on the left/right boundary; boundary_identifier=-/+2 for
419  nodes
420  // on the lower/upper boundary. We determine these indices
421  // for all corner nodes of the element and add them to a vector
422  // to a vector. This allows us to decide which face of the
423  element
424  // coincides with the boundary since the (brick!) element must
425  // have exactly four corner nodes on the boundary.
426  if (boundary_identifier(boundary_id,fe_pt)==0)
427  {
428  Vector<int>* tmp_pt=new Vector<int>;
429  tmp_vect_pt.push_back(tmp_pt);
430  boundary_identifier(boundary_id,fe_pt)=tmp_pt;
431  }
433  // Are we at a corner node?
434  if (((i0==0)||(i0==nnode_1d-1))&&((i1==0)||(i1==nnode_1d-1))
435  &&((i2==0)||(i2==nnode_1d-1)))
436  {
437  // Create index to represent position relative to s_0
438  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id,fe_pt)).
439  push_back(1*(2*i0/(nnode_1d-1)-1));
441  // Create index to represent position relative to s_1
442  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id,fe_pt)).
443  push_back(2*(2*i1/(nnode_1d-1)-1));
445  // Create index to represent position relative to s_2
446  (*boundary_identifier(boundary_id,fe_pt)).
447  push_back(3*(2*i2/(nnode_1d-1)-1));
448  }
449  }
450  }
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  }
457  // Now copy everything across into permanent arrays
458  //-------------------------------------------------
460  // Loop over boundaries
461  //---------------------
462  for (unsigned i=0;i<nbound;i++)
463  {
464  // Loop over elements on given boundary
465  typedef Vector<FiniteElement*>::iterator IT;
466  for (IT it=vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i].begin();
467  it!=vector_of_boundary_element_pt[i].end();
468  it++)
469  {
470  // Recover pointer to element
471  FiniteElement* fe_pt=(*it);
473  // Initialise count for boundary identiers (-3,-2,-1,1,2,3)
474  std::map<int,unsigned> count;
476  // Loop over coordinates
477  for (int ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
478  {
479  // Loop over upper/lower end of coordinates
480  for (int sign=-1;sign<3;sign+=2)
481  {
482  count[(ii+1)*sign]=0;
483  }
484  }
486  // Loop over boundary indicators for this element/boundary
487  unsigned n_indicators=(*boundary_identifier(i,fe_pt)).size();
488  for (unsigned j=0;j<n_indicators;j++)
489  {
490  count[(*boundary_identifier(i,fe_pt))[j] ]++;
491  }
493  // Determine the correct boundary indicator by checking that it
494  // occurs four times (since four corner nodes of the element's boundary
495  // need to be located on the domain boundary
496  int indicator=-10;
498  //Check that we're finding exactly one boundary indicator
499  bool found=false;
501  // Loop over coordinates
502  for (int ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
503  {
504  // Loop over upper/lower end of coordinates
505  for (int sign=-1;sign<3;sign+=2)
506  {
507  if (count[(ii+1)*sign]==4)
508  {
509  // Check that we haven't found multiple boundaries
510  if (found)
511  {
512  throw OomphLibError(
513  "Trouble: Multiple boundary identifiers!\n",
516  }
517  found=true;
518  indicator=(ii+1)*sign;
519  }
520  }
521  }
523  // Check if we've found one boundary
524  if (found)
525  {
527  // Store element
528  Boundary_element_pt[i].push_back(*it);
530  // Now convert boundary indicator into information required
531  // for FaceElements
532  switch (indicator)
533  {
534  case -3:
536  // s_2 is fixed at -1.0:
537  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(-3);
538  break;
540  case -2:
542  // s_1 is fixed at -1.0:
543  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(-2);
544  break;
546  case -1:
548  // s_0 is fixed at -1.0:
549  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(-1);
550  break;
553  case 1:
555  // s_0 is fixed at 1.0:
556  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(1);
557  break;
559  case 2:
561  // s_1 is fixed at 1.0:
562  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(2);
563  break;
565  case 3:
567  // s_2 is fixed at 1.0:
568  Face_index_at_boundary[i].push_back(3);
569  break;
572  default:
574  throw OomphLibError("Never get here",
577  }
579  }
580  }
581  }
583  // Doc?
584  //-----
585  if (doc)
586  {
587  // Loop over boundaries
588  for (unsigned i=0;i<nbound;i++)
589  {
590  unsigned nel=Boundary_element_pt[i].size();
591  outfile << "Boundary: " << i
592  << " is adjacent to " << nel
593  << " elements" << std::endl;
595  // Loop over elements on given boundary
596  for (unsigned e=0;e<nel;e++)
597  {
598  FiniteElement* fe_pt=Boundary_element_pt[i][e];
599  outfile << "Boundary element:" << fe_pt
600  << " Face index along boundary is "
601  << Face_index_at_boundary[i][e] << std::endl;
602  }
603  }
604  }
607  // Lookup scheme has now been setup yet
608  Lookup_for_elements_next_boundary_is_setup=true;
611  // Cleanup temporary vectors
612  unsigned n=tmp_vect_pt.size();
613  for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++)
614  {
615  delete tmp_vect_pt[i];
616  }*/
617  }
620 } // namespace oomph
Definition: cfortran.h:571
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
void setup_boundary_element_info()
Setup lookup schemes which establish whic elements are located next to mesh's boundaries (wrapper to ...
Definition: brick_mesh.h:195
A general Finite Element class.
Definition: elements.h:1313
Node *& node_pt(const unsigned &n)
Return a pointer to the local node n.
Definition: elements.h:2175
virtual unsigned nnode_1d() const
Return the number of nodes along one edge of the element Default is to return zero — must be overload...
Definition: elements.h:2218
MapMatrixMixed is a generalised, STL-map-based, sparse(ish) matrix class with mixed indices.
Definition: map_matrix.h:109
Vector< Vector< FiniteElement * > > Boundary_element_pt
Vector of Vector of pointers to elements on the boundaries: Boundary_element_pt(b,...
Definition: mesh.h:91
bool Lookup_for_elements_next_boundary_is_setup
Flag to indicate that the lookup schemes for elements that are adjacent to the boundaries has been se...
Definition: mesh.h:87
FiniteElement * finite_element_pt(const unsigned &e) const
Upcast (downcast?) to FiniteElement (needed to access FiniteElement member functions).
Definition: mesh.h:473
Vector< Vector< int > > Face_index_at_boundary
For the e-th finite element on boundary b, this is the index of the face that lies along that boundar...
Definition: mesh.h:95
unsigned nboundary() const
Return number of boundaries.
Definition: mesh.h:827
unsigned long nelement() const
Return number of elements in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:590
virtual void get_boundaries_pt(std::set< unsigned > *&boundaries_pt)
Return a pointer to set of mesh boundaries that this node occupies; this will be overloaded by Bounda...
Definition: nodes.h:1365
A slight extension to the standard template vector class so that we can include "graceful" array rang...
Definition: Vector.h:58
double Face_position_tolerance
Tolerance for mismatch during setup of boundary coordinates.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...