Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // LIC// ====================================================================
2 // LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
3 // LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
4 // LIC// at
5 // LIC//
6 // LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
7 // LIC//
8 // LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 // LIC//
13 // LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 // LIC//
18 // LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 // LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
22 // LIC//
23 // LIC// The authors may be contacted at
24 // LIC//
25 // LIC//====================================================================
26 // Header file for KL beam elements
30 // Config header generated by autoconfig
31 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
32 #include <oomph-lib-config.h>
33 #endif
35 // OOMPH-LIB header files
36 #include "../generic/hermite_elements.h"
37 #include "../generic/geom_objects.h"
38 #include "../generic/fsi.h"
39 #include "../generic/block_preconditioner.h"
41 namespace oomph
42 {
43  //=======================================================================
44  /// A class for elements that solve the equations of Kirchhoff-Love
45  /// large-displacement (but linearly-elastic) thin-beam theory.
46  ///
47  /// The variational principle has the form
48  /// \f[ \int_0^{L} \left[ (\sigma_0 + \gamma) \ \delta \gamma + \frac{1}{12} \left(\frac{h}{R_0}\right)^2 \kappa \ \delta \kappa - \left( \left(\frac{R_0}{h}\right) {\bf f} - \Lambda^2 \frac{\partial^2 {\bf R}_w}{\partial t^2} \right) \cdot \delta {\bf R}_w \right] \ d\xi = 0, \f]
49  /// where all lengths have been non-dimensionalised w.r.t. \f$ R_0 \f$.
50  /// The strain and and bending "tensors" \f$\gamma\f$ and \f$\kappa\f$
51  /// are computed relative to the shape of the beam's undeformed shape
52  /// which is specified as a GeomObject.
53  ///
54  /// Time is scaled on the timescale \f$T\f$ and
55  /// \f[ \Lambda = \frac{a}{T} \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{E_{eff}}}, \f]
56  /// the ratio of the timescale used in the non-dimensionalisation of the
57  /// equations to the natural timescale of the wall oscillations (in the
58  /// wall's in-plane mode). \f$ \Lambda^2 \f$ can be interpreted as
59  /// the non-dimensional wall density, therefore \f$ \Lambda=0\f$
60  /// corresponds to the case without wall inertia.
61  ///
62  ///
63  /// Note that:
64  /// - the load vector \f$ {\bf f} \f$ is scaled
65  /// on the effective elastic modulus \f$ E_{eff}=E/(1-\nu^2)\f$
66  /// (rather than the
67  /// bending stiffness). Rescale the result yourself if you prefer
68  /// another non-dimensionalisation (the current version yields the
69  /// the most compact maths).
70  /// - Poisson's ratio does not appear explicitly since it only occurs
71  /// in combination with Young's modulus \f$E\f$.
72  ///
73  /// Default values:
74  /// - the 2nd Piola Kirchhoff pre-stress \f$ \sigma_0 \f$ is zero.
75  /// - the wall thickness \f$ h/R_0\f$ is 1/20.
76  /// - the timescale ratio \f$ \Lambda^2\f$ is 1.
77  /// - the traction vector \f$ f \f$ evaluates to zero.
78  ///
79  /// Need to specify:
80  /// - the undeformed wall shape (as a GeomObject).
81  ///
82  /// The governing equations can be switched from the principle of
83  /// virtual displacements to a system of equations that forces the
84  /// beam to deform into a shape specified by a SolidInitialCondition object.
85  /// If \c SolidFiniteElement::solid_ic_pt()!=0 we solve the
86  /// the equations
87  /// \f[ \int_0^{L} \left( \frac{\partial^i {\bf R}_{IC}}{\partial t^i} - {\bf R}_w \right) \psi_{jk} \ d\xi = 0, \f]
88  /// where \f$ \partial^i {\bf R}_{IC}/\partial t^i\f$ is
89  /// implemented by the SolidInitialCondition object, pointed to by
90  /// \c SolidFiniteElement::shell_ic_pt().
91  ///
92  //=======================================================================
94  {
95  private:
96  /// Static default value for 2nd Piola Kirchhoff prestress
97  static double Default_sigma0_value;
99  /// Static default value for timescale ratio (1.0 -- for natural scaling)
100  static double Default_lambda_sq_value;
102  /// Static default value for non-dim wall thickness
103  // i.e. The reference value 'h_0'
104  static double Default_h_value;
106  /// Pointer to axial prestress
107  double* Sigma0_pt;
109  /// Pointer to wall thickness
110  // i.e. The reference value 'h_0'
111  double* H_pt;
113  /// Pointer to Timescale ratio (non-dim. density)
114  double* Lambda_sq_pt;
116  protected:
117  /// Default load function (zero traction)
118  static void Zero_traction_fct(const Vector<double>& xi,
119  const Vector<double>& x,
120  const Vector<double>& N,
121  Vector<double>& load);
123  /// Pointer to load vector function: Its arguments are:
124  /// Lagrangian coordinate, Eulerian coordinate, normal vector and
125  /// load vector itself (not all of the input arguments will be
126  /// required for all specific load functions but the list should
127  /// cover all cases)
129  const Vector<double>& x,
130  const Vector<double>& N,
131  Vector<double>& load);
133  /// Default profile function (constant thickness 'h_0')
134  static void Unit_profile_fct(const Vector<double>& xi,
135  const Vector<double>& x,
136  double& h_ratio);
138  /// Pointer to wall profile function: Its arguments are:
139  /// Lagrangian coordinate, Eulerian coordinate, and
140  /// profile itself (not all of the input arguments will be
141  /// required for all specific profile functions but the list should
142  /// cover all cases)
144  const Vector<double>& x,
145  double& h_ratio);
147  /// Pointer to the GeomObject that specifies the beam's
148  /// undeformed midplane
151  public:
152  /// Constructor. Set default values for all physical parameters
153  /// and zero traction.
155  {
156  // Set physical parameter pointers to the default values
159  // The reference thickness 'h_0'
161  // Zero traction
163  // Unit thickness profile
165  }
168  /// Reference to the load vector function pointer
169  void (*&load_vector_fct_pt())(const Vector<double>& xi,
170  const Vector<double>& x,
171  const Vector<double>& N,
172  Vector<double>& load)
173  {
174  return Load_vector_fct_pt;
175  }
178  /// Get the load vector: Pass number of integration point (dummy),
179  /// Lagr. and Eulerian coordinate and normal vector and return the load
180  /// vector (not all of the input arguments will be required for all specific
181  /// load functions but the list should cover all cases). This function is
182  /// virtual so it can be overloaded for FSI.
183  virtual void load_vector(const unsigned& intpt,
184  const Vector<double>& xi,
185  const Vector<double>& x,
186  const Vector<double>& N,
187  Vector<double>& load)
188  {
189  Load_vector_fct_pt(xi, x, N, load);
190  }
192  /// Reference to the wall thickness ratio profile function pointer
193  void (*&wall_profile_fct_pt())(const Vector<double>& xi,
194  const Vector<double>& x,
195  double& h_ratio)
196  {
197  return Wall_profile_fct_pt;
198  }
201  /// Get the wall profile: Pass Lagrangian & Eulerian coordinate
202  /// and return the wall profile (not all of the input arguments will be
203  /// required for all specific thickness functions but the list should cover
204  /// all cases).
205  void wall_profile(const Vector<double>& xi,
206  const Vector<double>& x,
207  double& h_ratio)
208  {
209  Wall_profile_fct_pt(xi, x, h_ratio);
210  }
213  /// Return the non-dimensional wall thickness
214  // i.e. the reference value 'h_0'
215  const double& h() const
216  {
217  return *H_pt;
218  }
220  /// Return the timescale ratio (non-dimensional density)
221  const double& lambda_sq() const
222  {
223  return *Lambda_sq_pt;
224  }
226  /// Return the axial prestress
227  const double& sigma0() const
228  {
229  return *Sigma0_pt;
230  }
232  /// Return a pointer to axial prestress
233  double*& sigma0_pt()
234  {
235  return Sigma0_pt;
236  }
238  /// Return a pointer to non-dim. wall thickness
239  // i.e. the reference value 'h_0'
240  double*& h_pt()
241  {
242  return H_pt;
243  }
245  /// Return a pointer to timescale ratio (nondim density)
246  double*& lambda_sq_pt()
247  {
248  return Lambda_sq_pt;
249  }
251  /// Return a Pointer to geometric object that specifies the beam's
252  /// undeformed geometry
254  {
255  return Undeformed_beam_pt;
256  }
258  /// Get normal vector on wall
260  {
261  Vector<double> r(2);
262  get_normal(s, r, N);
263  }
266  /// Get position vector to and normal vector on wall
267  void get_normal(const Vector<double>& s,
268  Vector<double>& r,
269  Vector<double>& N);
271  /// Get position vector to and non-unit tangent vector on wall:
272  /// dr/ds
274  Vector<double>& r,
275  Vector<double>& drds);
277  /// Return the residuals for the equations of Kirchhoff-Love beam
278  /// theory with linear constitutive equations; if Solid_ic_pt!=0, we
279  /// assign residuals which force the assignement of an initial shape/
280  /// veloc/accel to the dofs. This overloads the standard interface.
282  {
284  }
287  /// Return the residuals for the equations of Kirchhoff-Love beam
288  /// theory with linear constitutive equations; if Solid_ic_pt!=0, we
289  /// assign residuals which force the assignement of an initial shape/
290  /// veloc/accel to the dofs.
294  /// Get FE jacobian and residuals (Jacobian done by finite differences)
296  Vector<double>& residuals, DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian);
298  /// Get potential (strain) and kinetic energy of the element
299  void get_energy(double& pot_en, double& kin_en);
301  /// Get the potential energy due to stretching and bending and the
302  /// kinetic energy of the element
303  void get_energy(double& stretch, double& bend, double& kin_en);
304  };
307  //=========================================================================
308  /// Hermite Kirchhoff Love beam. Implements KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations
309  /// using 2-node Hermite elements as the underlying geometrical elements.
310  //=========================================================================
311  class HermiteBeamElement : public virtual SolidQHermiteElement<1>,
313  {
314  public:
315  /// Constructor (empty)
318  {
319  // Set the number of dimensions at each node (2D node on 1D surface)
321  }
323  /// Output function
324  void output(std::ostream& outfile);
326  /// Output function with specified number of plot points
327  void output(std::ostream& outfile, const unsigned& n_plot);
329  /// Output at previous time (t=0: present; t>0: previous)
330  /// with specified number of plot points
331  void output(const unsigned& t,
332  std::ostream& outfile,
333  const unsigned& n_plot) const;
335  /// C-style output function
336  void output(FILE* file_pt);
338  /// C-style output function with specified number of plot points
339  void output(FILE* file_pt, const unsigned& n_plot);
341  /// C-style output at previous time (t=0: present; t>0: previous)
342  /// with specified number of plot points
343  void output(const unsigned& t, FILE* file_pt, const unsigned& n_plot) const;
344  };
346  //=========================================================================
347  /// Hermite Kirchhoff Love beam "upgraded" to a FSIWallElement (and thus,
348  /// by inheritance, a GeomObject), so it can be used in FSI.
349  //=========================================================================
351  public virtual FSIWallElement
352  {
353  private:
354  // Boolean flag to indicate whether the normal is directed into the fluid
357  public:
358  /// Constructor: Create beam element as FSIWallElement (and thus,
359  /// by inheritance, a GeomObject). By default, we assume that the
360  /// normal vector computed by KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::get_normal(...)
361  /// points into the fluid. If this is not the case, overwrite this
362  /// with the access function
363  /// FSIHermiteBeamElement::set_normal_pointing_out_of_fluid()
366  {
367  unsigned n_lagr = 1;
368  unsigned n_dim = 2;
369  setup_fsi_wall_element(n_lagr, n_dim);
370  }
372  /// Destructor: empty
375  /// Set the normal computed by
376  /// KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::get_normal(...) to point into the fluid
378  {
380  }
382  /// Set the normal computed by
383  /// KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::get_normal(...) to point out of the fluid
385  {
386  Normal_points_into_fluid = false;
387  }
390  /// Derivative of position vector w.r.t. the SolidFiniteElement's
391  /// Lagrangian coordinates; evaluated at current time.
393  const Vector<double>& s, DenseMatrix<double>& drdxi) const;
395  /// Get the load vector: Pass number of the integration point,
396  /// Lagr. coordinate, Eulerian coordinate and normal vector
397  /// and return the load vector. (Not all of the input arguments will be
398  /// required for all specific load functions but the list should
399  /// cover all cases). We first evaluate the load function defined via
400  /// KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::load_vector_fct_pt() -- this
401  /// represents the non-FSI load on the beam, e.g. an external
402  /// pressure load. Then we add to this the FSI load due to
403  /// the traction exerted by the adjacent FSIFluidElements, taking
404  /// the sign of the normal into account.
405  void load_vector(const unsigned& intpt,
406  const Vector<double>& xi,
407  const Vector<double>& x,
408  const Vector<double>& N,
409  Vector<double>& load)
410  {
411  // Initially call the standard Load_vector_fct_pt
412  Load_vector_fct_pt(xi, x, N, load);
414  // Memory for the FSI load
415  Vector<double> fsi_load(2);
417  // Get the fluid load on the wall stress scale
418  fluid_load_vector(intpt, N, fsi_load);
420  // If the normal is outer to the fluid switch the direction
421  double sign = 1.0;
423  {
424  sign = -1.0;
425  }
427  // Add the FSI load to the load vector
428  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
429  {
430  load[i] += sign * fsi_load[i];
431  }
432  }
434  /// Get the Jacobian and residuals. Wrapper to generic FSI version;
435  /// that catches the case when we replace the Jacobian by the
436  /// mass matrix (for the consistent assignment of initial conditions).
438  DenseMatrix<double>& jacobian)
439  {
440  // Call the standard beam element's jacobian function
442  // Now add the external interaction data by finite differences
444  }
446  /// Find the local coordinate s in this element
447  /// that corresponds to the global "intrinsic" coordinate \f$ \zeta \f$
448  /// (here identical to the Lagrangian coordinate \f$ \xi \f$).
449  /// If the coordinate is contained within this element, the
450  /// geom_object_pt points to "this" element; if the zeta coordinate
451  /// is not contained in this element geom_object_pt=NULL.
452  /// By default don't use any value passed in to the local coordinate s
453  /// as the initial guess in the Newton method
454  void locate_zeta(const Vector<double>& zeta,
455  GeomObject*& geom_object_pt,
456  Vector<double>& s,
457  const bool& use_coordinate_as_initial_guess = false);
460  /// The number of "DOF types" that degrees of freedom in this element
461  /// are sub-divided into: Just the solid degrees of freedom themselves.
462  unsigned ndof_types() const
463  {
464  return 1;
465  }
467  /// Create a list of pairs for all unknowns in this element,
468  /// so that the first entry in each pair contains the global equation
469  /// number of the unknown, while the second one contains the number
470  /// of the "DOF type" that this unknown is associated with.
471  /// (Function can obviously only be called if the equation numbering
472  /// scheme has been set up.)
474  std::list<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned>>& dof_lookup_list) const;
475  };
478  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
479  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
480  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483  //=======================================================================
484  /// Face geometry for the HermiteBeam elements: Solid point element
485  //=======================================================================
486  template<>
488  {
489  public:
490  /// Constructor [this was only required explicitly
491  /// from gcc 4.5.2 onwards...]
493  };
496  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
497  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
498  /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
501  //======================================================================
502  /// Element that allows the imposition of boundary
503  /// conditions for a beam that is clamped but can slide
504  /// along a line which is specified by a position vector
505  /// to that line and the normal vector to it. The endpoint
506  /// of the beam is forced to stay on that line and meet
507  /// it at a right angle. This is achieved with Lagrange multipliers.
508  //======================================================================
510  : public virtual FaceGeometry<HermiteBeamElement>,
511  public virtual SolidFaceElement
512  {
513  public:
514  /// Constructor, takes the pointer to the "bulk" element, the
515  /// index of the fixed local coordinate and its value represented
516  /// by an integer (+/- 1), indicating that the face is located
517  /// at the max. or min. value of the "fixed" local coordinate
518  /// in the bulk element.
520  FiniteElement* const& bulk_el_pt, const int& face_index);
522  /// Broken empty constructor
524  {
525  throw OomphLibError("Don't call empty constructor for "
526  "ClampedSlidingHermiteBeamBoundaryConditionElement ",
529  }
532  /// Broken copy constructor
536  /// Broken assignment operator
537  // Commented out broken assignment operator because this can lead to a
538  // conflict warning when used in the virtual inheritence hierarchy.
539  // Essentially the compiler doesn't realise that two separate
540  // implementations of the broken function are the same and so, quite
541  // rightly, it shouts.
542  /*void operator=(const ClampedSlidingHermiteBeamBoundaryConditionElement&) =
543  delete;*/
546  /// Set vectors to some point on the symmetry line, and
547  /// normal to that line along which the end of the beam is sliding.
548  void set_symmetry_line(const Vector<double>& vector_to_symmetry_line,
549  const Vector<double>& normal_to_symmetry_line)
550  {
551  Vector_to_symmetry_line[0] = vector_to_symmetry_line[0];
552  Vector_to_symmetry_line[1] = vector_to_symmetry_line[1];
553  Normal_to_symmetry_line[0] = normal_to_symmetry_line[0];
554  Normal_to_symmetry_line[1] = normal_to_symmetry_line[1];
555  }
558  /// Fill in the element's contribution to its residual vector
562  /// Output function -- forward to broken version in FiniteElement
563  /// until somebody decides what exactly they want to plot here...
564  void output(std::ostream& outfile)
565  {
566  FiniteElement::output(outfile);
567  }
569  /// Output function -- forward to broken version in FiniteElement
570  /// until somebody decides what exactly they want to plot here...
571  void output(std::ostream& outfile, const unsigned& n_plot)
572  {
573  FiniteElement::output(outfile, n_plot);
574  }
576  /// C-style output function -- forward to broken version in FiniteElement
577  /// until somebody decides what exactly they want to plot here...
578  void output(FILE* file_pt)
579  {
580  FiniteElement::output(file_pt);
581  }
583  /// C-style output function -- forward to broken version in
584  /// FiniteElement until somebody decides what exactly they want to plot
585  /// here...
586  void output(FILE* file_pt, const unsigned& n_plot)
587  {
588  FiniteElement::output(file_pt, n_plot);
589  }
591  private:
592  /// Vector to some point on the symmetry line along which the
593  /// end of the beam is sliding
596  /// Normal vector to the symmetry line along which the
597  /// end of the beam is sliding
599  };
602 } // namespace oomph
604 #endif
static char t char * s
Definition: cfortran.h:568
cstr elem_len * i
Definition: cfortran.h:603
char t
Definition: cfortran.h:568
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
void output(FILE *file_pt, const unsigned &n_plot)
C-style output function – forward to broken version in FiniteElement until somebody decides what exac...
Vector< double > Vector_to_symmetry_line
Vector to some point on the symmetry line along which the end of the beam is sliding.
void set_symmetry_line(const Vector< double > &vector_to_symmetry_line, const Vector< double > &normal_to_symmetry_line)
Broken assignment operator.
void output(std::ostream &outfile, const unsigned &n_plot)
Output function – forward to broken version in FiniteElement until somebody decides what exactly they...
ClampedSlidingHermiteBeamBoundaryConditionElement(const ClampedSlidingHermiteBeamBoundaryConditionElement &dummy)=delete
Broken copy constructor.
void output(FILE *file_pt)
C-style output function – forward to broken version in FiniteElement until somebody decides what exac...
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output function – forward to broken version in FiniteElement until somebody decides what exactly they...
Vector< double > Normal_to_symmetry_line
Normal vector to the symmetry line along which the end of the beam is sliding.
void fill_in_contribution_to_residuals(Vector< double > &residuals)
Fill in the element's contribution to its residual vector.
Broken empty constructor.
void fill_in_jacobian_from_external_interaction_by_fd(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian)
Calculate the contributions to the jacobian from all external interaction degrees of freedom (geometr...
Hermite Kirchhoff Love beam "upgraded" to a FSIWallElement (and thus, by inheritance,...
void dposition_dlagrangian_at_local_coordinate(const Vector< double > &s, DenseMatrix< double > &drdxi) const
Derivative of position vector w.r.t. the SolidFiniteElement's Lagrangian coordinates; evaluated at cu...
Constructor: Create beam element as FSIWallElement (and thus, by inheritance, a GeomObject)....
unsigned ndof_types() const
The number of "DOF types" that degrees of freedom in this element are sub-divided into: Just the soli...
void set_normal_pointing_into_fluid()
Set the normal computed by KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::get_normal(...) to point into the fluid.
Destructor: empty.
virtual void fill_in_contribution_to_jacobian(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian)
Get the Jacobian and residuals. Wrapper to generic FSI version; that catches the case when we replace...
void set_normal_pointing_out_of_fluid()
Set the normal computed by KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations::get_normal(...) to point out of the fluid.
void get_dof_numbers_for_unknowns(std::list< std::pair< unsigned long, unsigned >> &dof_lookup_list) const
Create a list of pairs for all unknowns in this element, so that the first entry in each pair contain...
void locate_zeta(const Vector< double > &zeta, GeomObject *&geom_object_pt, Vector< double > &s, const bool &use_coordinate_as_initial_guess=false)
Find the local coordinate s in this element that corresponds to the global "intrinsic" coordinate (h...
void load_vector(const unsigned &intpt, const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Get the load vector: Pass number of the integration point, Lagr. coordinate, Eulerian coordinate and ...
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////...
Definition: fsi.h:194
void setup_fsi_wall_element(const unsigned &nlagr_solid, const unsigned &ndim_fluid)
Setup: Assign storage – pass the Eulerian dimension of the "adjacent" fluid elements and the number o...
void fluid_load_vector(const unsigned &intpt, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Get FE Jacobian by systematic finite differencing w.r.t. nodal positition Data, internal and external...
int & face_index()
Index of the face (a number that uniquely identifies the face in the element)
Definition: elements.h:4626
Constructor [this was only required explicitly from gcc 4.5.2 onwards...].
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////...
Definition: elements.h:4998
A general Finite Element class.
Definition: elements.h:1313
void set_nodal_dimension(const unsigned &nodal_dim)
Set the dimension of the nodes in the element. This will typically only be required when constructing...
Definition: elements.h:1390
virtual void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output the element data — typically the values at the nodes in a format suitable for post-processing.
Definition: elements.h:3050
Definition: geom_objects.h:101
Hermite Kirchhoff Love beam. Implements KirchhoffLoveBeamEquations using 2-node Hermite elements as t...
void output(std::ostream &outfile)
Output function.
Constructor (empty)
A class for elements that solve the equations of Kirchhoff-Love large-displacement (but linearly-elas...
Definition: beam_elements.h:94
Constructor. Set default values for all physical parameters and zero traction.
void fill_in_contribution_to_residuals(Vector< double > &residuals)
Return the residuals for the equations of Kirchhoff-Love beam theory with linear constitutive equatio...
static double Default_sigma0_value
Static default value for 2nd Piola Kirchhoff prestress.
Definition: beam_elements.h:97
void(*&)(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load) load_vector_fct_pt()
Reference to the load vector function pointer.
static void Zero_traction_fct(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Default load function (zero traction)
GeomObject * Undeformed_beam_pt
Pointer to the GeomObject that specifies the beam's undeformed midplane.
static void Unit_profile_fct(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, double &h_ratio)
Default profile function (constant thickness 'h_0')
void fill_in_contribution_to_residuals_beam(Vector< double > &residuals)
Return the residuals for the equations of Kirchhoff-Love beam theory with linear constitutive equatio...
void(* Load_vector_fct_pt)(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Pointer to load vector function: Its arguments are: Lagrangian coordinate, Eulerian coordinate,...
double *& sigma0_pt()
Return a pointer to axial prestress.
void(* Wall_profile_fct_pt)(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, double &h_ratio)
Pointer to wall profile function: Its arguments are: Lagrangian coordinate, Eulerian coordinate,...
double * Lambda_sq_pt
Pointer to Timescale ratio (non-dim. density)
void get_non_unit_tangent(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &r, Vector< double > &drds)
Get position vector to and non-unit tangent vector on wall: dr/ds.
void(*&)(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, double &h_ratio) wall_profile_fct_pt()
Reference to the wall thickness ratio profile function pointer.
static double Default_h_value
Static default value for non-dim wall thickness.
double * Sigma0_pt
Pointer to axial prestress.
const double & lambda_sq() const
Return the timescale ratio (non-dimensional density)
void get_normal(const Vector< double > &s, Vector< double > &N)
Get normal vector on wall.
static double Default_lambda_sq_value
Static default value for timescale ratio (1.0 – for natural scaling)
void wall_profile(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, double &h_ratio)
Get the wall profile: Pass Lagrangian & Eulerian coordinate and return the wall profile (not all of t...
double *& h_pt()
Return a pointer to non-dim. wall thickness.
const double & sigma0() const
Return the axial prestress.
void get_energy(double &pot_en, double &kin_en)
Get potential (strain) and kinetic energy of the element.
double *& lambda_sq_pt()
Return a pointer to timescale ratio (nondim density)
const double & h() const
Return the non-dimensional wall thickness.
GeomObject *& undeformed_beam_pt()
Return a Pointer to geometric object that specifies the beam's undeformed geometry.
double * H_pt
Pointer to wall thickness.
virtual void load_vector(const unsigned &intpt, const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Get the load vector: Pass number of integration point (dummy), Lagr. and Eulerian coordinate and norm...
virtual void fill_in_contribution_to_jacobian(Vector< double > &residuals, DenseMatrix< double > &jacobian)
Get FE jacobian and residuals (Jacobian done by finite differences)
An OomphLibError object which should be thrown when an run-time error is encountered....
SolidFaceElements combine FaceElements and SolidFiniteElements and overload various functions so they...
Definition: elements.h:4914
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Definition: elements.h:3561
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Definition: elements.h:4980
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