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axisym_poroelasticity_face_elements.h File Reference

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class  oomph::AxisymmetricPoroelasticityTractionElement< ELEMENT >
 A class for elements that allow the imposition of an applied combined traction and pore fluid pressure in the axisym poroelasticity equations. The geometrical information can be read from the FaceGeometry<ELEMENT> class and thus, we can be generic enough without the need to have a separate equations class. More...
class  oomph::FSILinearisedAxisymPoroelasticTractionElement< POROELASTICITY_BULK_ELEMENT, NAVIER_STOKES_BULK_ELEMENT >
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 Namespace containing the zero pressure function for Darcy pressure elements.


void oomph::AxisymmetricPoroelasticityTractionElementHelper::Zero_traction_fct (const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
 Default load function (zero traction) More...
void oomph::AxisymmetricPoroelasticityTractionElementHelper::Zero_pressure_fct (const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, double &load)
 Default load function (zero pressure) More...


bool oomph::AxisymmetricPoroelasticityTractionElementHelper::Allow_gap_in_FSI = false
 Public boolean to allow gap between poro-elastic and Navier Stokes element in FSI computations. Useful in hybrid linear/nonlinear geometry runs where this will happen. More...