oomph Namespace Reference


class  VolumeConstraintElement
 A class that is used to implement the constraint that the fluid volume in a region bounded by associated FaceElements (attached, e.g., to the mesh boundaries that enclose a bubble) must take a specific value. This GeneralisedElement is used only to store the desired volume and a pointer to the (usually pressure) freedom that must be traded for the volume constraint. More...
class  VolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  LineVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  ElasticLineVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  SpineLineVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
 The one-dimensional interface elements that allow imposition of a volume constraint specialised for the case when the nodal positions of the bulk elements are adjusted using Spines. To enforce that a fluid volume has a certain volume, attach these elements to all faces of the (2D cartesian) bulk fluid elements (of type ELEMENT) that bound that region and then specify the "pressure" value that is traded for the constraint. More...
class  AxisymmetricVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  ElasticAxisymmetricVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  SpineAxisymmetricVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
 The axisymmetric (one-dimensional) interface elements that allow imposition of a volume constraint specialised for the case when the nodal positions of the bulk elements are adjusted using Spines. To enforce that a fluid volume has a certain volume, attach these elements to all faces of the (2D axisymmetric) bulk fluid elements (of type ELEMENT) that bound that region and then specify the "pressure" value that is traded for the constraint. More...
class  SurfaceVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  ElasticSurfaceVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  SpineSurfaceVolumeConstraintBoundingElement
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class  FluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Base class for elements at the boundary of free surfaces or interfaces, used typically to impose contact angle boundary conditions. The elemental dimensions are one less than those of the surface elements, or two less than those of the original bulk elements. Thus in two-dimensional and axi-symmetric problems, are points, but in three-dimensional problems, they are lines. These boundaries may be in contact with a solid surface, in which case the normal to that surface must be provided. More...
class  PointFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Specialisation of the interface boundary constraint to a point. More...
class  LineFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Specialisation of the interface boundary constraint to a line. More...
class  FluidInterfaceElement
 Base class establishing common interfaces and functions for all Navier-Stokes-like fluid interface elements. Namely, elements that represent either a free surface or an interface between two fluids that have distinct momentum-like equation for each velocity component. More...
class  LineDerivatives
 Class that establishes the surface derivative functions for LineElements. These are defined in a separate class so that they can be used by other interface equation-type classes. More...
class  AxisymmetricDerivatives
 Class that establishes the surface derivative functions for AxisymmetricInterfaceElements. These are defined in a separate class so that they can be used by other interface equation-type classes. More...
class  SurfaceDerivatives
 Class that establishes the surface derivative functions for SurfaceInterfaceElements (2D surfaces in 3D space) These are defined in a separate class so that they can be used by other interface equation-type classes. More...
class  BoundingElementType
 This policy class is used to associate specific bounding elements with specific FluidInterface elements. It must be filled in for every class that uses the SpineUpdateFluidInterface<...> or ElasticUpdateFluidInterface<....> generic template classes. Examples for our default Line, Axisymmetric and Surface types are included below. More...
class  FluidInterfaceAdditionalValues
 This policy class is used to allow additional values to be added to the nodes from new surface equations, for examples of usage see the SurfactantTransportFluidInterfaceElements. The use of this class avoids issues with calling virtual functions in constructors and avoids having a global look-up able, although it functions in much the same way. Typically, this will only be filled in by "expert users" and is only required if you want to write generic surface-element classes. Specific classes can always be overloaded on a case-by-case basis. More...
class  FluidInterfaceAdditionalValues< FluidInterfaceElement >
 Specific policy class for the FluidInterfaceElemetnts, which do not require any additional values at the nodes. More...
class  SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement
 Generic Spine node update interface template class that can be combined with a given surface equations class and surface derivative class to provide a concrete implementation of any surface element that uses spines. More...
class  SpinePointFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Spine version of the PointFluidInterfaceBoundingElement. More...
class  SpineLineFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Spine version of the LineFluidInterfaceBoundingElement. More...
class  SpineLineFluidInterfaceElement
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, LineDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  SpineAxisymmetricFluidInterfaceElement
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, AxisymmetricDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  SpineSurfaceFluidInterfaceElement
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, SurfaceDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  ElasticUpdateFluidInterfaceElement
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class  ElasticPointFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Pseudo-elasticity version of the PointFluidInterfaceBoundingElement. More...
class  ElasticLineFluidInterfaceBoundingElement
 Pseudo-elasticity version of the LineFluidInterfaceBoundingElement. More...
class  ElasticLineFluidInterfaceElement
 Specialise the elastic update template class to concrete 1D case. More...
class  BoundingElementType< ElasticUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, LineDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
 Define the BoundingElement type associated with the 1D surface element. More...
class  ElasticAxisymmetricFluidInterfaceElement
 Specialise the Elastic update case to axisymmetric equations. More...
class  BoundingElementType< ElasticUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, AxisymmetricDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  ElasticSurfaceFluidInterfaceElement
 Specialise Elastic update case to the concrete 2D case. More...
class  BoundingElementType< ElasticUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< FluidInterfaceElement, SurfaceDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement
 Generic surfactant transport equations implemented independently of the dimension and then specialised using the generic mechanisms introduce in the FluidInterfaceElements. More...
class  FluidInterfaceAdditionalValues< SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement >
 ============================================================================= This is the policy class for the surfactanttransport equations which require one additional value for the surface concentration More...
class  SpineLineSurfactantTransportInterfaceElement
 Specialise to the Line geometry. More...
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement, LineDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  SpineAxisymmetricSurfactantTransportInterfaceElement
 Specialise to the Axisymmetric geometry. More...
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement, AxisymmetricDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  ElasticAxisymmetricSurfactantTransportInterfaceElement
 Specialise to the Axisymmetric geometry. More...
class  BoundingElementType< ElasticUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement, AxisymmetricDerivatives, ELEMENT > >
class  SpineSurfaceSurfactantTransportInterfaceElement
 Specialise to surface geometry. More...
class  BoundingElementType< SpineUpdateFluidInterfaceElement< SurfactantTransportInterfaceElement, SurfaceDerivatives, ELEMENT > >