The two-dimensional flow of a free surface down an inclined plane is a simple exact solution of the Navier–Stokes equations. We describe two different ways of solving the problem using either spines or a pseudo-elastic method to define the bulk mesh motion. Reassuringly, the results are the same irrespective of the method chosen.
Problem formulation
A film of incompressible viscous fluid of a given thickness flows down a plane inclined at a prescribed angle to the gravitational field.
Formulating the problem in coordinates tangential (
) and normal (
) to the plane and assuming that the flow is steady and only in the tangential direction, but independent of the tangential coordinate, reduces the momentum equations to
is the velocity component tangential to the plane and
is the fluid pressure. Note that the continuity equation is automatically satisfied.
We non-dimensionalise using the only length-scale in the problem
, choosing the viscous scale for the pressure and choosing a reference velocity scale
and the governing equations become
The dimensionless grouping
represents the ratio of gravitational forces to viscous forces and we choose to identify it as a Reynolds number
divided by a Froude number
We proceed by assuming that the flow is driven entirely by the gravitational body force and that there is no additional tangential pressure gradient. Then, integrating the tangential momentum balance twice and using the boundary conditions of no-slip at the plane (
)and that the free surface (
) is tangentially stress-free gives
Integrating the normal momentum balance and setting the reference external pressure to be zero at the free surface gives
Finally, we specify a "natural" velocity scale by setting
, corresponding to the velocity of the free-surface for a vertical film (
We shall assess the stability of the flat-film solution by applying a small, short-duration perturbation to the wall velocity and evolving the system in time. If the interface is stable, the perturbation should decay, if not it should grow. A linear stability analysis for this problem was performed by Benjamin (1957) and Yih (1963), who both found that for long waves in the absence of surface tension, the interface was unstable when
(If you read the papers you will see that the Reynolds number was defined such that the average fluid downslope velocity was one; to convert to our Reynolds number, we must multiply by 3/2.)
The figure below shows the time evolution of the interface on a slope of
for Reynolds numbers of zero (red line) and
(green line). The perturbation wavenumber is
and the interface rapidly develops waves that grow as they are convected downslope for the higher Reynolds number, but decay when
Time evolution (or static snapshot at t = 7.5) of the interface shape for Re = 0 (Red) and 4 sin(alpha) (Green).
The decay rate of the interfacial perturbation at
is slow, but can be seen in the next figure, which shows the height of the interface at the downstream end of the domain plotted against time. The domain is chosen so that it will contain three waves and the decay or growth of successive crests and troughs can be seen.
Time history of the interface position at the downstream end of the computational domain.
A note on the boundary conditions
Resolving the above analytic solution in a finite computational domain requires some thought about boundary conditions. We are only ever free to set one pressure value and setting the external pressure to zero fixes the pressure within the fluid. The boundary conditions at the plane are those of no-slip and at the free-surface the usual dynamic and kinematic conditions apply. Nonetheless, we have a number of possibilities for the boundary conditions at the "artificial" upstream and downstream computational boundaries.
- Prescribe periodic boundary conditions.
- Prescribe the velocity profile as a Dirichlet condition at both ends.
- Prescribe the appropriate hydrostatic pressure gradient and zero normal velocity.
We have chosen the last option, in which case the hydrostatic pressure gradient must be consistent with the external pressure. In other words, the pressure must be zero at the free surface (
). Changing the external pressure would correspond to changing the film thickness, so the external pressure is directly responsible for enforcing a specific volume constraint, unless
. When
there is no variation in hydrostatic pressure through the film and its thickness is not specified by the external pressure.
We must also worry about the boundary conditions on the free surface itself and we choose to impose a contact angle condition of
at the upstream end, which ensures that the film remains flat. At the downstream end, we add a line tension term that arises from use of the surface divergence theorem to integrate the contribution of the dynamic boundary condition. This term can be used to enforce contact angle conditions in a weak formulation, but here we simply add the term using the angle calculated from the current position of the free surface.
Global parameters and functions
The global parameters are the Reynolds number, the dimensionless grouping
, the angle of inclination of the slope
, the direction of the gravity vector
and the capillary number
, which only influences the dynamics.
double Alpha = 1.0*atan(1.0);
double Ca
The Capillary number.
double Alpha
Angle of incline of the slope (45 degrees)
double ReInvFr
The product of Reynolds number and inverse Froude number is set to two in this problem,...
Vector< double > G(2, 0.0)
The Vector direction of gravity, set in main()
double Re
Reynolds number, based on the average velocity within the fluid film.
The hydrostatic pressure field is specified as an applied traction. At the outlet (inlet), the outer unit normal is in the positive (negative)
direction and so the required traction is given by
These tractions are specified by the two different functions
const Vector<double> &n,
Vector<double> &traction)
traction[0] =
G[1]*(1.0 - x[1]);
traction[1] = 0.0;
const Vector<double> &n,
Vector<double> &traction)
traction[0] = -
G[1]*(1.0 - x[1]);
traction[1] = 0.0;
void hydrostatic_pressure_outlet(const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &n, Vector< double > &traction)
Function that prescribes the hydrostatic pressure field at the outlet.
void hydrostatic_pressure_inlet(const double &time, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &n, Vector< double > &traction)
Function that prescribes hydrostatic pressure field at the inlet.
Note that G
[ 1
] is the component of the gravitational body force in the vertical direction, so
We must also specify the direction of the normals (directed out of the fluid) to the notional walls that form the inlet and outlet and a contact angle of
that will be used as a boundary condition on the free surface at the upstream end of the domain. In this case the normal to the inlet is in the negative x-direction and the normal to the outlet is in the positive x-direction. The actual value of the Wall_normal
vector is set in main()
Vector<double> &normal)
Vector<double> &normal)
unsigned n_dim = normal.size();
for(unsigned i=0;i<n_dim;++i) {normal[i] *= -1.0;}
double Inlet_Angle
The contact angle that is imposed at the inlet (pi)
Vector< double > Wall_normal
Direction of the wall normal vector (at the inlet)
void wall_unit_normal_outlet_fct(const Vector< double > &x, Vector< double > &normal)
Function that specified the wall unit normal at the outlet.
void wall_unit_normal_inlet_fct(const Vector< double > &x, Vector< double > &normal)
Function that specifies the wall unit normal at the inlet.
The driver code
We start by specifying the constitutive law used to define the mesh motion when pseudo-elastic deformation is used.
int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ConstitutiveLaw * Constitutive_law_pt
Constitutive law used to determine the mesh deformation.
double Nu
Pseudo-solid Poisson ratio.
Next, the type of fluid element is chosen according to specified compiler flags
#define FLUID_ELEMENT QCrouzeixRaviartElement<2>
#define FLUID_ELEMENT QTaylorHoodElement<2>
We then initialise the physical parameters, the Reynolds number and the direction of the gravitational body force, both based on the angle of inclination
We also set the direction of the notional wall normal vector.
We now create the spine version of the problem, solve the steady problem, assign initial conditions by assuming that the problem has been at the steady state for all previous times, and then evolve the system in time.
double dt = 0.1;
double Length
The length of the domain to fit the desired number of waves.
Finally, exactly the same procedure is performed for the elastic problem
PseudoSolidNodeUpdateElement<FLUID_ELEMENT,QPVDElement<2,3> >, BDF<2> >
double dt = 0.1;
The mesh classes
The base mesh class is the SimpleRectangularQuadMesh:
boundary 0 will be the wall; boundary 2 will be the free surface; and the remaining boundaries will be the inlet (3) and outlet (1). Below we shall demonstrate how to convert an existing mesh into a SpineMesh
and ElasticMesh
suitable for free-surface problems.
Creating the spine mesh
The SpineInclinedPlaneMesh
inherits from the generic SimpleRectangularQuadMesh
and adds vertical spines to the Nodes within the mesh in the constructor. Note that the resulting mesh is essentially the same as the SingleLayerSpineMesh
, but has a somewhat simpler interface.
template <class ELEMENT>
public SimpleRectangularQuadMesh<ELEMENT>,
public SpineMesh
const double &lx, const double &ly,
TimeStepper* time_stepper_pt) :
(nx,ny,lx,ly,time_stepper_pt), SpineMesh()
unsigned n_p = dynamic_cast<ELEMENT*>(finite_element_pt(0))->nnode_1d();
Spine_pt.reserve((n_p-1)*nx + 1);
Spine* new_spine_pt=0;
for(unsigned long j=0;j<nx;j++)
unsigned n_pmax = n_p-1;
if(j==nx-1) {n_pmax = n_p;}
for(unsigned l2=0;l2<n_pmax;l2++)
new_spine_pt=new Spine(1.0);
SpineNode* nod_pt=element_node_pt(j,l2);
nod_pt->spine_pt() = new_spine_pt;
nod_pt->fraction() = 0.0;
nod_pt->spine_mesh_pt() = this;
for(unsigned long i=0;i<ny;i++)
for(unsigned l1=1;l1<n_p;l1++)
SpineNode* nod_pt=element_node_pt(i*nx+j,l1*n_p+l2);
nod_pt->spine_pt() = new_spine_pt;
nod_pt->spine_mesh_pt() = this;
Create a spine mesh for the problem.
SpineInclinedPlaneMesh(const unsigned &nx, const unsigned &ny, const double &lx, const double &ly, TimeStepper *time_stepper_pt)
In addition, a spine_node_update()
function must be provided that determines how the Nodes
move as functions of the Spines
virtual void spine_node_update(SpineNode* spine_node_pt)
double W = spine_node_pt->fraction();
double H = spine_node_pt->h();
spine_node_pt->x(1) = W*H;
Creating the ElasticMesh
The ElasticInclinedPlaneMesh
inherits from the SimpleRectangularQuadMesh
and the undeformed (reference) configuration is set to be the current position of the Nodes
template <class ELEMENT>
public SimpleRectangularQuadMesh<ELEMENT>,
public SolidMesh
const double &lx, const double &ly,
TimeStepper* time_stepper_pt) :
SimpleRectangularQuadMesh<ELEMENT>(nx,ny,lx,ly,time_stepper_pt), SolidMesh()
Create an Elastic mesh for the problem.
ElasticInclinedPlaneMesh(const unsigned &nx, const unsigned &ny, const double &lx, const double &ly, TimeStepper *time_stepper_pt)
Note that the specification of the ElasticMesh is much simpler than that of a SpineMesh because no decision needs to be taken about how to describe the motion using Spines.
The problem classes
The generic problem
For ease of exposition, all generic functionality is included in the InclinedPlaneProblem
class, which is templated by the bulk ELEMENT
. The class includes storage for the different sub-meshes: Bulk, the Traction elements associated with the inlet and outlet, the (free) Surface elements and the point elements associated with the ends of the interface. In addition, a string Output_prefix
is used to distinguish between the output files from different formulations.
template<class ELEMENT, class INTERFACE_ELEMENT>
Generic problem class that will form the base class for both spine and elastic mesh-updates of the pr...
Mesh * Bulk_mesh_pt
Bulk fluid mesh.
std::string Output_prefix
Prefix for output files.
Mesh * Traction_mesh_pt
Mesh for the traction elements that are added at inlet and outlet.
Mesh * Surface_mesh_pt
Mesh for the free surface elements.
Mesh * Point_mesh_pt
Mesh for the point elements at each end of the free surface.
The time-dependent perturbation is introduced in the function actions_before_implicit_timestep()
, which sets the vertical velocity on the wall (boundary 0)
void actions_before_implicit_timestep()
double time = this->time_pt()->time();
double epsilon = 0.01;
unsigned n_node = this->Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(0);
for(unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
Node* nod_pt = this->Bulk_mesh_pt->boundary_node_pt(0,n);
double value = sin(arg)*epsilon*time*exp(-time);
double K
Set the wavenumber.
The function make_traction_elements()
creates NavierStokesTractionElement
s adjacent to the mesh boundaries 3 (the inlet) and 1 (the inlet). These elements are added to the Mesh
, which is itself constructed in the function and pointers to the appropriate traction functions are assigned.
void make_traction_elements()
Traction_mesh_pt = new Mesh;
unsigned b = 3;
unsigned n_boundary_element = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_element(b);
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_boundary_element;e++)
NavierStokesTractionElement<ELEMENT> *surface_element_pt =
new NavierStokesTractionElement<ELEMENT>
surface_element_pt->traction_fct_pt() =
unsigned b=1;
unsigned n_boundary_element = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_element(b);
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_boundary_element;e++)
NavierStokesTractionElement<ELEMENT> *surface_element_pt =
new NavierStokesTractionElement<ELEMENT>
surface_element_pt->traction_fct_pt() =
The function make_free_surface_elements()
creates the appropriate INTERFACE_ELEMENTs
adjacent to the free surface (boundary 2), sets the capillary number and also creates free-surface boundary elements at the left- and right-hand ends of the interface. If these "point" elements are not included then the surface tension is not applied correctly at the edges of the domain. The contact angle is set to be the value Inlet_Angle
at the left-hand edge of the domain.
void make_free_surface_elements()
Surface_mesh_pt = new Mesh;
Point_mesh_pt = new Mesh;
unsigned b = 2;
unsigned n_boundary_element = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_element(b);
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_boundary_element;e++)
INTERFACE_ELEMENT *surface_element_pt =
surface_element_pt->ca_pt() =
FluidInterfaceBoundingElement* point_element_pt =
point_element_pt->wall_unit_normal_fct_pt() =
FluidInterfaceBoundingElement* point_element_pt =
point_element_pt->wall_unit_normal_fct_pt() =
The function complete_build()
assigns physical parameters to the fluid elements, sets the boundary conditions and assigns equation numbers.
void complete_build()
unsigned n_element = Bulk_mesh_pt->nelement();
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_element;e++)
ELEMENT *temp_pt = dynamic_cast<ELEMENT*>(Bulk_mesh_pt->element_pt(e));
temp_pt->re_st_pt() = &
bool elastic = false;
if(dynamic_cast<SolidNode*>(Bulk_mesh_pt->node_pt(0))) {elastic=true;}
unsigned n_node = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(0);
for(unsigned j=0;j<n_node;j++)
n_node = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(3);
for(unsigned j=0;j<n_node;j++)
n_node = Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(1);
for(unsigned j=0;j<n_node;j++)
std::cout << assign_eqn_numbers() << " in the main problem" << std::endl;
Note that boundary conditions for the nodal positions in the pseudo-elastic formulation are specified by testing whether the Nodes
are SolidNodes
. In this case, the Nodes
on the inlet and outlet boundaries are constrained to remain at the same horizontal position and the Nodes
on the plane wall are fixed.
The function solve_steady()
initialises the velocity of at all Nodes
to the flat-film solution, solves the steady equations and writes the solution to a file.
void solve_steady()
Solve the steady problem.
unsigned n_node = Bulk_mesh_pt->nnode();
for(unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
double y = Bulk_mesh_pt->node_pt(n)->x(1);
Alpha)*(2.0*y - y*y));
std::string filename = Output_prefix;;
ofstream file(filename.c_str());
Finally, the function timestep()
takes a number of fixed timesteps writing vertical positions and the time to a trace file and writing the complete flow field to disk after a given number of timesteps.
timestep(const double &dt, const unsigned &n_tsteps)
std::string filename = Output_prefix;
ofstream trace(filename.c_str());
int counter=0;
trace << time_pt()->time() << " "
<< Bulk_mesh_pt->boundary_node_pt(2,0)->value(1)
<< " "
<< Bulk_mesh_pt->
boundary_node_pt(2, Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(2)-1)->x(1)
<< " "
<< std::endl;
for(unsigned t=1;t<=n_tsteps;t++)
cout << std::endl;
cout << "--------------TIMESTEP " << t<< " ------------------" << std::endl;
std::ofstream file;
std::ostringstream filename;
filename << Output_prefix <<
"_step" <<
Re <<
"_" << t <<
std::ofstream file;
std::ostringstream filename;
filename << Output_prefix <<
"_interface_" <<
Re <<
"_" << t <<
trace << time_pt()->time() << " "
<< Bulk_mesh_pt->boundary_node_pt(2,0)->x(1) << " "
boundary_node_pt(2,Bulk_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(2)-1)->x(1) << " "
<< std::endl;
The spine-based formulation
The class SpineInclinedPlaneProblem
inherits from the generic InclinedPlaneProblem
class and requires only minor modification. The constructor sets the string Output_prefix
, builds a timestepper, builds the specific SpineMesh
, creates the appropriate FaceElements
, adds all sub-meshes to the Problem
, builds the global mesh and then calls InclinedPlaneProblem::complete_build()
const double &length):
this->Output_prefix = "spine";
this->add_time_stepper_pt(new TIMESTEPPER);
In a spine-based formulation, the nodal positions must be updated after every Newton step, which is achieved by overloading the function Problem::actions_before_newton_convergence_check()
void actions_before_newton_convergence_check()
We also specify a destructor to clean up memory allocated by the class.
The pseudo-solid-based formulation
The class ElasticInclinedPlaneProblem
inherits from the generic InclinedPlaneProblem
class and also requires only minor modification. The constructor sets the string Output_prefix
, builds a timestepper, builds the specific SolidMesh
, sets the constitutive law for the bulk elements, creates the appropriate FaceElements
, adds all sub-meshes to the Problem
, builds the global mesh and then calls InclinedPlaneProblem::complete_build()
const double &length) :
this->Output_prefix = "elastic";
this->add_time_stepper_pt(new TIMESTEPPER);
unsigned n_element = this->Bulk_mesh_pt->nelement();
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_element;e++)
ELEMENT *temp_pt = dynamic_cast<ELEMENT*>(
temp_pt->constitutive_law_pt() =
In a pseudo-solid formulation, it is advantageous to reset the undeformed configuration after every timestep (an updated Lagrangian formulation). Hence, the Problem::actions_after_implicit_timestep()
function is overloaded
void actions_after_implicit_timestep()
unsigned n_node = this->Bulk_mesh_pt->nnode();
for(unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
SolidNode* temp_pt =
for(unsigned j=0;j<2;j++) {temp_pt->xi(j) = temp_pt->x(j);}
We also specify a destructor to clean up memory allocated by the class.
- Confirm that the steady solution agrees with the exact solution.
- Investigate what happens when the angle is varied. What happens when the angle is set to zero? What happens when the angle is set to
- What happens if the hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions are not applied?
- How does the stability of the system to the perturbation change with angle,
? Are the results in agreement with the theoretical predictions?
- Are the results independent of the length of the domain?
- Compare the spine-based and pseudo-elastic-based formulations? What is the same and what is different? Which method do you prefer?
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