A real fluid-structure interaction problem: Finite Reynolds number flow in an oscillating elastic ring.

Our first "real" fluid-structure interaction problem: We study the finite-Reynolds number internal flow generated by the motion of an oscillating elastic ring and compare the results against asymptotic predictions.

//LIC// ====================================================================
//LIC// This file forms part of oomph-lib, the object-oriented,
//LIC// multi-physics finite-element library, available
//LIC// at http://www.oomph-lib.org.
//LIC// Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Matthias Heil and Andrew Hazel
//LIC// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//LIC// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//LIC// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//LIC// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//LIC// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//LIC// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//LIC// Lesser General Public License for more details.
//LIC// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//LIC// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
//LIC// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
//LIC// 02110-1301 USA.
//LIC// The authors may be contacted at oomph-lib@maths.man.ac.uk.
// Driver for 2D Navier Stokes flow interacting with an elastic ring
// Oomph-lib include files
#include "generic.h"
#include "navier_stokes.h"
#include "beam.h"
//Need to include templated meshes, so that all functions
//are instantiated for our particular element types.
#include "meshes/quarter_circle_sector_mesh.h"
#include "meshes/one_d_lagrangian_mesh.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace oomph;
/// Namespace for physical parameters
// Independent parameters:
/// Square of Womersly number (a frequency parameter)
double Alpha_sq=50.0;
/// Density ratio of the solid and the fluid
double Density_ratio=1.0;
/// External Pressure
double Pext=0.0;
/// Poisson ratio
double Nu=0.49;
/// Nondimensional thickness of the beam
double H=0.05;
/// Perturbation pressure
double Pcos=0.0;
// Dependent parameters:
/// Reynolds number
double Re;
/// Reynolds x Strouhal number
double ReSt;
/// Timescale ratio (non-dimensation density)
double Lambda_sq;
/// Stress ratio
double Q;
/// Set the parameters that are used in the code as a function
/// of the Womersley number, the density ratio and H
void set_params()
cout << "\n\n======================================================" <<std::endl;
cout << "\nSetting parameters. \n\n";
cout << "Prescribed: Square of Womersley number: Alpha_sq = "
<< Alpha_sq << std::endl;
cout << " Density ratio: Density_ratio = "
<< Density_ratio << std::endl;
cout << " Wall thickness: H = "
<< H << std::endl;
cout << " Poisson ratio: Nu = "
<< Nu << std::endl;
cout << " Pressure perturbation: Pcos = "
<< Pcos << std::endl;
cout << "\nDependent: Stress ratio: Q = "
<< Q << std::endl;
cout << " Timescale ratio: Lambda_sq = "
<< Lambda_sq << std::endl;
cout << " Reynolds number: Re = "
<< Re << std::endl;
cout << " Womersley number: ReSt = "
<< ReSt << std::endl;
cout << "\n======================================================\n\n"
/// Non-FSI load function, a constant external pressure plus
/// a (small) sinusoidal perturbation of wavenumber two.
void pcos_load(const Vector<double>& xi, const Vector<double> &x,
const Vector<double>& N, Vector<double>& load)
for(unsigned i=0;i<2;i++)
{load[i] = (Pext - Pcos*cos(2.0*xi[0]))*N[i];}
/// FSI Ring problem: a fluid-structure interaction problem in which
/// a viscous fluid bounded by an initially circular beam is set into motion
/// by a small sinusoidal perturbation of the beam (the domain boundary).
class FSIRingProblem : public Problem
/// There are very few element types that will work for this problem.
/// Rather than passing the element type as a template parameter to the
/// problem, we choose instead to use a typedef to specify the
/// particular element fluid used.
typedef AlgebraicElement<RefineableQCrouzeixRaviartElement<2> > FLUID_ELEMENT;
/// Typedef to specify the solid element used
typedef FSIHermiteBeamElement SOLID_ELEMENT;
/// Constructor: Number of elements in wall mesh, amplitude of the
/// initial wall deformation, amplitude of pcos perturbation and its duration.
FSIRingProblem(const unsigned &nelement_wall,
const double& eps_ampl, const double& pcos_initial,
const double& pcos_duration);
/// Update after solve (empty)
void actions_after_newton_solve() {}
/// Update before solve (empty)
void actions_before_newton_solve() {}
/// Update the problem specs before checking Newton
/// convergence
void actions_before_newton_convergence_check()
// Update the fluid mesh -- auxiliary update function for algebraic
// nodes automatically updates no slip condition.
/// Update the problem specs after adaptation:
void actions_after_adapt()
// The functions used to update the no slip boundary conditions
// must be set on any new nodes that have been created during the
// mesh adaptation process.
// There is no mechanism by which auxiliary update functions
// are copied to newly created nodes.
// (because, unlike boundary conditions, they don't occur exclusively
// at boundaries)
// The no-slip boundary is boundary 1 of the mesh
// Loop over the nodes on this boundary and reset the auxilliary
// node update function
unsigned n_node = Fluid_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(1);
for (unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
// (Re-)setup fsi: Work out which fluid dofs affect wall elements
// the correspondance between wall dofs and fluid elements is handled
// during the remeshing, but the "reverse" association must be done
// separately.
// We need to set up the interaction every time because the fluid element
// adjacent to a given solid element's integration point may have changed
// We pass the boundary between the fluid and solid meshes and pointers
// to the meshes. The interaction boundary is boundary 1 of the 2D
// fluid mesh.
/// Doc solution: Pass number of timestep, i (we append to tracefile
/// after every timestep but do a full doc only at certain intervals),
/// DocInfo object and tracefile
void doc_solution(const unsigned& i, DocInfo& doc_info, ofstream& trace_file);
/// Do dynamic run
void dynamic_run();
/// Setup initial condition for both domains
void set_initial_condition();
/// Setup initial condition for wall
void set_wall_initial_condition();
/// Setup initial condition for fluid
void set_fluid_initial_condition();
/// Element used for documenting displacement
SOLID_ELEMENT* Doc_displacement_elem_pt;
/// Pointer to wall mesh
OneDLagrangianMesh<SOLID_ELEMENT> *Wall_mesh_pt;
/// Pointer to fluid mesh
AlgebraicRefineableQuarterCircleSectorMesh<FLUID_ELEMENT> *Fluid_mesh_pt;
/// Pointer to geometric object that represents the undeformed wall shape
GeomObject* Undef_geom_pt;
/// Pointer to wall timestepper
Newmark<2>* Wall_time_stepper_pt;
/// Pointer to fluid timestepper
BDF<2>* Fluid_time_stepper_pt;
/// Pointer to node on coarsest mesh on which velocity is traced
Node* Veloc_trace_node_pt;
/// Amplitude of initial deformation
double Eps_ampl;
/// Initial pcos
double Pcos_initial;
/// Duration of initial pcos
double Pcos_duration;
/// Setup initial condition: When we're done here, all variables
/// represent the state at the initial time.
cout << "Setting wall ic" << std::endl;
cout << "Setting fluid ic" << std::endl;
/// Setup initial condition for fluid: Impulsive start
// Update fluid domain: Careful!!! This also applies the no slip conditions
// on all nodes on the wall! Since the wall might have moved since
// we created the mesh; we're therefore imposing a nonzero
// velocity on these nodes. Must wipe this afterwards (done
// by setting *all* velocities to zero) otherwise we get
// an impulsive start from a very bizarre initial velocity
// field! [Yes, it took me a while to figure this out...]
// Assign initial values for the velocities;
// pressures don't carry a time history and can be left alone.
//Find number of nodes in fluid mesh
unsigned n_node = Fluid_mesh_pt->nnode();
// Loop over the nodes to set initial guess everywhere
for(unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
// Loop over velocity directions: Impulsive initial start from
// zero velocity!
for(unsigned i=0;i<2;i++)
// Do an impulsive start with the assigned velocity field
/// Setup initial condition: Impulsive start either from
/// deformed or undeformed wall shape.
// Geometric object that specifies the initial conditions:
// A ring that is bucked in a 2-lobed mode
GeomObject* ic_geom_object_pt=
new PseudoBucklingRing(Eps_ampl,Global_Physical_Variables::H,2,2,
// Assign period of oscillation of the geometric object
//Set initial time (to deform wall into max. amplitude)
double time=0.25;
// Assign initial radius of the object
// Setup object that specifies the initial conditions:
SolidInitialCondition* IC_pt = new SolidInitialCondition(ic_geom_object_pt);
// Assign values of positional data of all elements on wall mesh
// so that the wall deforms into the shape specified by IC object.
/// Document solution: Pass number of timestep, i; we append to trace file
/// at every timestep and do a full doc only after a certain number
/// of steps.
void FSIRingProblem::doc_solution(const unsigned& i,
DocInfo& doc_info, ofstream& trace_file)
// Full doc every nskip steps
unsigned nskip=1; // ADJUST
// If we at an integer multiple of nskip, full documentation.
if (i%nskip==0)
cout << "Full doc step " << doc_info.number()
<< " for time " << time_stepper_pt()->time_pt()->time() << std::endl;
//Otherwise, just output the trace file
cout << "Only trace for time "
<< time_stepper_pt()->time_pt()->time() << std::endl;
// If we are at a full documentation step, output the fluid solution
if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
//Variables used in the output file.
ofstream some_file; char filename[100];
//Construct the output filename from the doc_info number and the
//output directory
//Open the output file
/// Output the solution using 5x5 plot points
//Close the output file
//Temporary vector to give the local coordinate at which to document
//the wall displacment
Vector<double> s(1,1.0);
// Write to the trace file:
trace_file << time_pt()->time()
//Document the displacement at the end of the the chosen element
<< " " << Doc_displacement_elem_pt->interpolated_x(s,1)
<< " " << Veloc_trace_node_pt->x(0)
<< " " << Veloc_trace_node_pt->x(1)
<< " " << Veloc_trace_node_pt->value(0)
<< " " << Veloc_trace_node_pt->value(1)
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->nelement()
<< " " << ndof()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->nrefinement_overruled()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->max_error()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->min_error()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->max_permitted_error()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->min_permitted_error()
<< " " << Fluid_mesh_pt->max_keep_unrefined();
// Output the number of the corresponding full documentation
// file number (or -1 if no full doc was made)
if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled())
{trace_file << " " <<doc_info.number() << " ";}
else {trace_file << " " <<-1 << " ";}
//End the trace file
trace_file << std::endl;
// Increment counter for full doc
if (doc_info.is_doc_enabled()) {doc_info.number()++;}
/// Constructor for FSI ring problem. Pass number of wall elements
/// and length of wall (in Lagrangian coordinates) amplitude of
/// initial deformation, pcos perturbation and duration.
const double& eps_ampl, const double& pcos_initial,
const double& pcos_duration) :
Eps_ampl(eps_ampl), Pcos_initial(pcos_initial),
// Create timesteppers
// Allocate the wall timestepper and add it to the problem's vector
// of timesteppers
Wall_time_stepper_pt = new Newmark<2>;
// Allocate the fluid timestepper and add it to the problem's Vector
// of timesteppers
Fluid_time_stepper_pt = new BDF<2>;
// Create the wall mesh
// Undeformed wall is an elliptical ring
Undef_geom_pt = new Ellipse(1.0,1.0);
//Length of wall in Lagrangian coordinates
double L = 2.0*atan(1.0);
//Now create the (Lagrangian!) mesh
Wall_mesh_pt = new
// Set the boundary conditions for wall mesh (problem)
// Bottom boundary: (Boundary 0)
// No vertical displacement
// Zero slope: Pin type 1 dof for displacement direction 0
// Top boundary: (Boundary 1)
// No horizontal displacement
// Zero slope: Pin type 1 dof for displacement direction 1
// Create the fluid mesh:
// Fluid mesh is suspended from wall between the following Lagrangian
// coordinates:
double xi_lo=0.0;
double xi_hi=L;
// Fractional position of dividing line for two outer blocks in mesh
double fract_mid=0.5;
//Create a geometric object that represents the wall geometry from the
//wall mesh (one Lagrangian, two Eulerian coordinates).
MeshAsGeomObject *wall_mesh_as_geometric_object_pt
= new MeshAsGeomObject(Wall_mesh_pt);
// Build fluid mesh using the wall mesh as a geometric object
Fluid_mesh_pt = new AlgebraicRefineableQuarterCircleSectorMesh<FLUID_ELEMENT >
// Set the error estimator
Z2ErrorEstimator* error_estimator_pt=new Z2ErrorEstimator;
// Extract pointer to node at center of mesh
unsigned nnode=Fluid_mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(0)->nnode();
// Set the fluid boundary conditions
// Bottom boundary (boundary 0):
unsigned n_node = Fluid_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(0);
for (unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
// Pin vertical velocity
// Ring boundary (boundary 1):
// No slip; this also implies that the velocity needs
// to be updated in response to wall motion
unsigned n_node = Fluid_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(1);
for (unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
// Which node are we dealing with?
Node* node_pt=Fluid_mesh_pt->boundary_node_pt(1,n);
// Set auxiliary update function pointer
// Pin both velocities
for(unsigned i=0;i<2;i++) {node_pt->pin(i);}
// Left boundary (boundary 2):
unsigned n_node = Fluid_mesh_pt->nboundary_node(2);
for (unsigned n=0;n<n_node;n++)
// Pin horizontal velocity
// Add the submeshes and build global mesh
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Wall mesh
//Fluid mesh
// Combine all submeshes into a single Mesh
// Finish problem setup
// ---------------------------------------------------------
//Find number of elements in fluid mesh
unsigned n_element = Fluid_mesh_pt->nelement();
// Loop over the fluid elements to set up element-specific
// things that cannot be handled by constructor
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_element;e++)
// Upcast from FiniteElement to the present element
= dynamic_cast<FLUID_ELEMENT*>(Fluid_mesh_pt->element_pt(e));
//Set the Reynolds number, etc
el_pt->re_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::Re;
el_pt->re_st_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::ReSt;
// el_pt->evaluate_shape_derivs_by_chain_rule();
// el_pt->enable_always_evaluate_dresidual_dnodal_coordinates_by_fd();
// if (e==0)
// {
// el_pt->disable_always_evaluate_dresidual_dnodal_coordinates_by_fd();
// }
// else
// {
// el_pt->enable_always_evaluate_dresidual_dnodal_coordinates_by_fd();
// }
//Loop over the solid elements to set physical parameters etc.
unsigned n_wall_element = Wall_mesh_pt->nelement();
for(unsigned e=0;e<n_wall_element;e++)
//Cast to proper element type
SOLID_ELEMENT *el_pt = dynamic_cast<SOLID_ELEMENT*>(
//Set physical parameters for each element:
el_pt->h_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::H;
el_pt->lambda_sq_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::Lambda_sq;
//Function that specifies the external load Vector
el_pt->load_vector_fct_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::pcos_load;
// Function that specifies the load ratios
el_pt->q_pt() = &Global_Physical_Variables::Q;
//Assign the undeformed beam shape
el_pt->undeformed_beam_pt() = Undef_geom_pt;
// Establish control displacment: (even if no displacement control is applied
// we still want to doc the displacement at the same point)
// Choose element: (This is the last one)
Doc_displacement_elem_pt = dynamic_cast<SOLID_ELEMENT*>(
// Setup fsi: Work out which fluid dofs affect the wall elements
// the correspondance between wall dofs and fluid elements is handled
// during the remeshing, but the "reverse" association must be done
// separately.
// We pass the boundary between the fluid and solid meshes and pointers
// to the meshes. The interaction boundary is boundary 1 of the
// 2D fluid mesh.
// Do equation numbering
cout << "# of dofs " << assign_eqn_numbers() << std::endl;
/// Solver loop to perform unsteady run
// Setup documentation
/// Label for output
DocInfo doc_info;
// Output directory
// Step number
//Open a trace file
ofstream trace_file("RESLT/trace_ring.dat");
// Write header for trace file
trace_file << "VARIABLES=\"time\",\"V_c_t_r_l\"";
trace_file << ",\"x<sub>1</sub><sup>(track)</sup>\"";
trace_file << ",\"x<sub>2</sub><sup>(track)</sup>\"";
trace_file << ",\"u<sub>1</sub><sup>(track)</sup>\"";
trace_file << ",\"u<sub>2</sub><sup>(track)</sup>\"";
trace_file << ",\"N<sub>element</sub>\"";
trace_file << ",\"N<sub>dof</sub>\"";
trace_file << ",\"# of under-refined elements\"";
trace_file << ",\"max. error\"";
trace_file << ",\"min. error\"";
trace_file << ",\"max. permitted error\"";
trace_file << ",\"min. permitted error\"";
trace_file << ",\"max. permitted # of unrefined elements\"";
trace_file << ",\"doc number\"";
trace_file << std::endl;
// Initialise timestepping
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of steps
unsigned nstep=300;
// Nontrivial command line input: validation: only do three steps
if (CommandLineArgs::Argc>1)
cout << "Only doing nstep steps for validation: " << nstep << std::endl;
// Set initial timestep
double dt=0.004;
// Set initial value for dt -- also assigns weights to the timesteppers
// Set physical parameters
using namespace Global_Physical_Variables;
// Set Womersley number
Alpha_sq=100.0; // 50.0; // ADJUST
// Set density ratio
Density_ratio=10.0; // 0.0; ADJUST
// Wall thickness
// Set external pressure
/// Perturbation pressure
// Assign/doc corresponding computational parameters
// Refine uniformly and assign initial conditions
// Refine the problem uniformly
// This sets up the solution at the initial time
// Set targets for spatial adptivity
// Max. and min. error for adaptive refinement/unrefinement
// Don't allow refinement to drop under given level
// Don't allow refinement beyond given level
// Don't bother adapting the mesh if no refinement is required
// and if less than ... elements are to be merged.
// Doc refinement targets
// Do the timestepping
// Reset initial conditions after refinement for first step only
bool first=true;
//Output initial data
// {
// unsigned nel=Fluid_mesh_pt->nelement();
// for (unsigned e=0;e<nel;e++)
// {
// std::cout << "\n\nEl: " << e << std::endl << std::endl;
// FiniteElement* el_pt=Fluid_mesh_pt->finite_element_pt(e);
// unsigned n_dof=el_pt->ndof();
// Vector<double> residuals(n_dof);
// DenseDoubleMatrix jacobian(n_dof,n_dof);
// el_pt->get_jacobian(residuals,jacobian);
// }
// exit(0);
// }
// Time integration loop
for(unsigned i=1;i<=nstep;i++)
// Switch doc off during solve
// Solve
unsigned max_adapt=1;
// Now we've done the first step
// Doc solution
/// Switch off perturbation pressure
if (time_pt()->time()>Pcos_duration) {Pcos=0.0;}
/// Driver for fsi ring test problem
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Store command line arguments
// Number of elements
unsigned nelem = 13;
/// Perturbation pressure
double pcos_initial=1.0e-6; // ADJUST
/// Duration of initial pcos perturbation
double pcos_duration=0.3; // ADJUST
/// Amplitude of initial deformation
double eps_ampl=0.0; // ADJUST
//Set up the problem
FSIRingProblem problem(nelem,eps_ampl,pcos_initial,pcos_duration);
// Do parameter study
FSI Ring problem: a fluid-structure interaction problem in which a viscous fluid bounded by an initia...
double Pcos_initial
Initial pcos.
void set_initial_condition()
Setup initial condition for both domains.
AlgebraicRefineableQuarterCircleSectorMesh< FLUID_ELEMENT > * Fluid_mesh_pt
Pointer to fluid mesh.
void set_wall_initial_condition()
Setup initial condition for wall.
void doc_solution(const unsigned &i, DocInfo &doc_info, ofstream &trace_file)
Doc solution: Pass number of timestep, i (we append to tracefile after every timestep but do a full d...
FSIRingProblem(const unsigned &nelement_wall, const double &eps_ampl, const double &pcos_initial, const double &pcos_duration)
Constructor: Number of elements in wall mesh, amplitude of the initial wall deformation,...
double Pcos_duration
Duration of initial pcos.
void dynamic_run()
Do dynamic run.
void set_fluid_initial_condition()
Setup initial condition for fluid.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Driver for fsi ring test problem.
Namespace for physical parameters.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:46
double Pext
External Pressure.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:58
double Alpha_sq
Square of Womersly number (a frequency parameter)
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:52
double ReSt
Reynolds x Strouhal number.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:77
double Nu
Poisson ratio.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:61
void set_params()
Set the parameters that are used in the code as a function of the Womersley number,...
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:87
double Q
Stress ratio.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:83
double Lambda_sq
Timescale ratio (non-dimensation density)
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:80
void pcos_load(const Vector< double > &xi, const Vector< double > &x, const Vector< double > &N, Vector< double > &load)
Non-FSI load function, a constant external pressure plus a (small) sinusoidal perturbation of wavenum...
double Pcos
Perturbation pressure.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:67
double Re
Reynolds number.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:74
double Density_ratio
Density ratio of the solid and the fluid.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:55
double H
Nondimensional thickness of the beam.
Definition: fsi_osc_ring.cc:64

PDF file

A pdf version of this document is available.